Yea Forums does own The Best Controller Ever Created™, right?

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I never use it cause it's kinda mediocre after you've used it for awhile

fuck off shill

does sony understand how much money they would make if they made a $30 version of this.

Yes, but that isn't it.

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The DS4 is horrendously ambitious

>Started out as a concept purely for the Destiny franchise
>Has VR support
>Has Playstation Move features
>Has an extension port
>Has Gyro
>Has a goddamn touchpad for some reason

Made the price skyrocket for this monstrosity. Still love the DS4 despite all the useless feautres

yes, i own a xbox one controller

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Sega Saturn

That's not as good as that Sunset Orange or the Anniversary Edition.

Oh, you mean the switch pro controller? Not yet

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*pic unrelated*

I like DS4 more than DS1-3, but xbone has the best controller this gen

It's good, but Xbone is plug&play on PC so there.

>asymmetrical analogue sticks

the DS3 was better

Good luck trying to play fighting games on any Xbox controller. I love the 360 controller but lets face it, the DS4 is damn near perfect except for the shit analog sticks. With rubber thumb covers it's perfect. Plus I don't like how the Xbone triggers feel "clicky" instead of smooth.

They'd get more money off me if they did. Owning 4 is just a pipedream since I would use them maybe a couple times a year, if I had to spend 90-120$ instead of of 240$ I'd buy 3 more instantly.

Why is this same thread up twice?

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That's not the copper colourway.

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Not with that crummy d-pad

>Deadzones the size of Africa

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The switch pro and xbox one controller is so much better for games that require the use of both analogue sticks, because you have a firmer grip with your left hand. So most of ps4's library would be better played on that controller.
The dpad is also trash.

Ds4 is also plug in and play. It's what I use on pc.

I still feel like that the touchpad is completely useless, not to mention the massive battery drain below it. I also miss select-button and share-button is completely useless. I still prefer DS2 or DS3 to this one. Only issue with DS3 was the dumb trigger design.

xbone is better, fuck the DS4 and it's gay stick placement, made for little chink hands

Yes. Love translucent tech.