Now the dust has actually settled what do we think?
Now the dust has actually settled what do we think?
Other urls found in this thread:
good game shitty remake better than 7
Best modern resident evil
nigga get you own damn brian bruh
I'll let you know when I get to it. I'm playing 3 Nemesis right now. I got 6 more games to go.
Why don't zombies die from headshots? Are you supposed to just pray they are stunned and then run past?
Better than the original
Best Resident Evil game since 4.
That being said some parts feel rushed with wasted potential, and getting locked into a cutscene whenever a zombie bites you gets annoying real fast. Other than that, it's much better than 7
We think you need to buy us all coffee and doughnuts.
10/10 no joke. One of the few games from this decade I continue to return to.
It's good it was better than expected
Didn't like some changes but liked some changes
Zombies do take alot ammo to kill but just shoot the legs
Was amazing playing it in fps
>Raccoon City
>not a single raccoon seen through the entire game
He still hasn't played it
>do Clarie B run
>2 saves
>no deaths
>no first aid sprays
>no infintate ammo weapons
>A rank
Where the fuck is my S rank?
Pretty good, just don't care for the massively varying zombie health.
At 2:30, IIRC. Only the time matters.
Why do people who only truly enjoy this and 4 think the entirety of the series needs to be judged by that survival action standard?
1, CV, and 7 might be worse at that, but they have a bigger adventure game element.
It's pretty meh
The biggest issue is that the new zombie changes were a huge letdown. They're now more dangerous to touch and too meaty to take down but incredibly easy to shoot in the leg and run past, and considering that ammo isn't scarce in any way, it's obvious this change was meant to force the players to make a choice to attract Mr. X while they're trying to move through tighter hallways. This means the actual number of zombies pales in comparison to the original (esp. in the 4th Survivor) to maintain balance, they're less satisfying to take down compared to the enemies that are more in-line with their original health and purpose, and that the changes weren't worth it because Mr. X is easy to dodge and eventually escape from.
Also Hardcore was such a letdown; the bulk of the changes are mostly in the health upgrades to enemies. Whereas Madhouse practically bumped RE7 from the 6/10 to an 8/10 with its changes, all Hardcore does is effectively remove the ability to kill enemies, which is something you typically didn't do anyways.
Great gameplay retarded story. So usual RE.
Damn just checked and it is 3hrs on standar. Missed out by 15mins.
Wait what? I thought this was a remake of 2 and Leon was young again? What game is that?
>have room and pistol ammo?
go for the head
>have pistol ammo but little room and don't need to kill it
go for the legs or just pump a couple of rounds to stumble it
>want to kill it?
use an alt weapon with more firepower
>little room and little ammo?
use a flashbang or grenade before getting grabbed to control the placement.
That's from the last CGI movie, not RE2R.
Boring game, I couldn't play it for more than an hour. I don't know why so many people like it.
t. michael
It's awesome. Looking forward to the RE3 remake.
hi redner group
just 4u
If you want to go for a headshot, you have to wait for the crosshairs to shrink to their smallest, otherwise a headshot will be either impossible or very unlikely. I think pistols have a ok-ish chance of headshots and guns that use magnum ammo have a much higher chance.
But generally you don't want to kill every zombie you see. It's more ammo efficient to just blow off one of their legs and run past them. (waiting for the crosshairs will help here too) Even if you have to come back, you can just shoot off one of their arms and run by while they're stunned.
I usually don't kill a zombie unless I know I have to run past it more than two times or there's no room to evade the crawling zombies.
It's just not your genre, no biggie
We think you're a faggot.
because then it would be too easy
Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention, but even though I didn't wait that long for the crosshairs to narrow, the bullet still seemed to visibly hit the zombie's head, sometimes their face would even show damage. But it still barely staggers them.
What's the point of making legs more vulnerable than the head?
>But it still barely staggers them.
no it still staggers reliably. most of the time within 2 shots.
>What's the point of making legs more vulnerable than the head?
head can be 1 shot kills, and puts them completely out of commission. also weapons like the shotgun are one hit kills 100% of the time to the head.
Pretty much hated it.
t. Michael
>posting about lady ghostbusters in 2019
oh my god you are so pathetic lol
t. salty shill
Does the RE2 Remake come with a KKK hood too?
Very good remake and game in general. Only thing I wanted to see more of was HUNK. I like that they included him at all, but would've loved to see more of a mini campaign regarding him escaping the labs.
>yes the remake was so good even though it lacked tons of shit but forget it it's still good cause capcom and shiet.
Says a dude in a thread about 20yo game and its de-make.
Excellent game.
The only problems are the rushed B routes and kinda poor level design after the police station.
High chance of being the goty
>michael is still seething
Just stream your suicide already and get it over with.
What Clarie B should have been (Claire x Ada)
>Claire meets Ada and doesn't start out too well.
>"FBI huh? Have you heard of STARS?"
>You mean those idiot wannabe special forces cops that got most of themselves killed off running around the forest where dozens of people died with only pistols and not even more than one radio between 10 of them? Yeah they were a joke. Why'd you ask?"
>the two bitch each other out like real women do IRL, passive aggressive to each other during the first half
>Multiple instances where one needs to save the other’s life due to lack of options and not wanting to go further alone
>Claire takes a bullet for Ada when she gets shot at by Annette
>"Why did you save me Claire, why are you still sticking around?"
>"It's how my brother raised me, Your our best chance to stop umbrella"
>I'm..I'm sure he's still alive. I'll help you find after I get my evidence, I think I might be the last agent alive here
>they eventually tolerate each other, even share jokes and observations
>Ada nabs the G virus, Claire puts her hand on her shoulder, making her think she just got found out. As she recoils
>"Is that what you needed? Lets get the hell out of here then"
>"Right, lets do this, thanks Claire"
>Annette catches up to them and shoots Ada, Claire shoots Annette out of reaction, ignorant of her reasons
>"Come on don't die here, we need to turn in that sample"
>"Don't worry about me kid, this it's probably for the best I fail here *coughs*, you can't trust my employers. (She wants to tell the truth but just can bring herself to break Claire's heart after all they went through). You know how trustworthy the feds can be... just get out of here alive and find your brother"
Never liked RE but gave ReMake a try before 2 came out. Miles better then Silent Hill. Post more Ada
Reminder that Brad did nothing wrong.
Small reticle resulting in headshots is just a myth user. Stop giving shitty advice.
There's so many problems with this post
God I fucking love Ada. She is so fucking hot.
Can't fucking decide whether to play Leon or Claire, I'm not playing it twice. I'd rather go with a cute girl if I have to see my character molested by zombies all the time but something about Claire is just not cute enough so I'm conflicted about who to choose. Leon looks extremely cool with this youthful reboot, this stylish naivety is a welcome return, that makes it so difficult. Claire just seems a bit dopey by contrast.
Tell me
>Miles better then Silent Hill
nope. RE is still top tier though.
Saying "DEmake" is like saying "Drumpf" and instantly makes everyone discard your salty opinion, you pea-brained shithead
it's a fantastic game but holy shit can you PLEASE just move to /vg/? REfans are literally /vg/ tier with their ebin waifuposting and 'in jokes'. there is nothing left to discuss other than pointless circlejerking.
>I'm not playing it twice
Play with Leon then replay with Claire using her classic costume you unlocked because it makes her way hotter than her default. If you dont want to replay as Claire even once after beating it as Leon, it's your loss. Game is not even long
Fuck off autist, add a filter if it bothers you so much
This game would be better without the fucking sewers.
Fun game and playing as Leon is always awesome. But WTF is up with these puzzles. I hate em. Every Zombie is pretty much a bullet sponge unless the RNG is feeling nice. Trying to mimic this speedrun for Hardcore S+ so I can unlock the stuff to actually start having some fun in the game.
It's hard to finish games, let alone replay them when your taste is so versatile that you like every genre and have a massive backlog.
Fuck backlogs, just play what you want and get the most you can out of it. Gaming is a hobby not a job
You should seriously consider playing an A and B scenario. Yes the story beats and campaign are very similar but you do get extra weapons, character interactions, story and areas to explore. It took be 8 hours my first campaign and then 4 hours second time round.
However, if you INSIST on only playing the campaign once then play Claire because it's easier and I think you get a better rounded story because her A campaign is cannon. No offence btw but you sound like a queer lol.
>this stylish naivety is a welcome return
uh ok...
/vg/ incarnate, look how mad you get when I call out your faggotry.
For me? It's Hunk, the best character.
>"Go Nighthawk, get out. This is war...survival is your responsibility"
Fucking love that line. Best boi.
>Sir, I will not have some half-nip bastard pointing a gun at me or my girlfriend. Put it down or there will be trouble.
What did Leon mean by this?
>he says in reply to the person defending their choice to play all the cool new shit constantly released instead of REPLAYING REmake2.
I liked.
>appreciating character design and using expressive language is queer
Then I'd rather be queer than an absolute brainlet who is so dumb they're willing to replay the same exact content for mediocre returns
I unironically enjoy how naive and by the book leon is. The way he politely asks Kendo to lower his weapon is the cutest.
genuinely seething
Brad actually saved a team. If he would landed everybody have died.
>Step aside, we need to terminate that Jewish child immediately
I'm not too sure about these Sam Raimi contributions.
Yeah this is true. Arguably Brad didn't really do anything wrong, he hung around till he was almost out of fuel waiting for someone to get in contact. If he'd left the chopper and ran towards the gunfire he'd have been dead.
I've come to enjoy characters that strive to do the "good" thing no matter what more and more over the years. leon isn't the example I'd use, and it still sounds bad on paper, but I just can't help it.
I liked how Leon was uncomfortable in this scene, but didn't feel like stopping Ada as he wanted to get laid and probably on some subconscious level he knew she was right about the child.
Played 80 hours so at least I got my money's worth but doubt I'll touch it ever again in the near future. Gunplay isn't fun and the guns sound like ass, which also makes the minigames not fun but then again they were one of the worst in any resident evil really.
there'll be time for that later, you don't have to stop playing what you're currently still into just because "look at the time, guess I gotta stop enjoying this and start trying to enjoy something else because of some arbitrary backlog rule system I made up for myself"
Solid 8/10. Not having enough space on inventory was more difficutl than the actual enemies plus the bosses where laughable, like they put them because they had to, plus charging extra for dlc like the original audio, which should have been there, all this dragged the score a bit for me.
>Leon I need you to fuck my yellow clam and create a hybrid of superior genetics
>I'll have sex with you because the teachings of mien kampf say your people are the Aryans of the east, but I cannot in good nature breed you in order to preserve the purity of both our races
I really like the multilayered levels of conflict within Leon's core values that Raimi wrote in for him.
It's good but there's still a lot of things I miss from the original
In general RE2make really made a lot of areas more samey looking and everything is so dark many of the areas in the original look bright and colorful in comparison which is a little strange but it did lend to more unique feeling areas
The cutest!
I think that Leon a qt
based retard
toy raccoons dont count
Leon was always presented as a perfect upstanding example of Aryan manhood. He refuses all Ada's advances throughout the game and even remembers to ask Sherry about her lineage, despite his injuries and fatigue.
>I've come to enjoy characters that strive to do the "good" thing no matter what more and more over the years
Because it's the personality equivalent of playing on hard mode, and that's most admirable in cases where you don't have a good enough reason to do otherwise.
So good i bought 2 copies just so i could play it at midnight, get all the Deluxe DLC and then recieve a physical copy the next day.
The game is great, also the best PC port capcom does, and I'm not a fan, the last RE I've played was RE 3 20 years ago...
No wonder Ada couldn't shoot him
Don't forget how he yells at Martinez yet covers for him on the radio for him. What a great leader.
It's a shame about things like knife damage being tied to framerate, but other than that it is a pretty decent port.
That's how you inspire loyalty as a good leader, you don't throw your underlings under the bus.
Lacks the raw action that RE6 has.
RE6 is a better RE4 game. It's weird how people are comparing this to RE4 when it's more like a combination of RE4 with the classic style.
It's refreshing to see so many femanons post on Yea Forums on a Friday morning.
Shut the fuck up you zoomer. You weren't even a fan of the games when they were being released. You just played them after they all came out already.
unless you're on a toaster or care about speedrunning, the knife and fps isn't a big deal.
I play at 144 fps, so I feel like I'm cheating when I use the knife on hardcore.
But RE4 is precisely the zoomer's fav RE style. Boomer's like the RE1/classic style more. Zoomers hated 7.
it's a mastapeece
Better than the shitty original but too short, not enough enemy types, not enough enemies in general especially when lickers are a total joke, and lazy as fuck B run
shoot both their arms and one leg of and watch it pathetically crawl towards you, waiting to be nuked to hell
i don't think anyone does that, user.
Yeah at the very least I would've liked to be able to still pause when you're bitten so I can just restart my runs. Feels extra bad when you get double teamed by some zombies and you just have to sit there and take it before resetting.
1.Remake/RE 1
2.Remake 2/ RE2
At that stage just take the fucking mask off. It's too late, it's compromised.
Based beyond belief.
It's resident evil. Rule of cool. Why is USS wearing gas masks and no MOPP suits? Also who fucking wears gas mask with red filtered lenses?
Very good, but not as good as the original.
It's hampered by some forced slow down that the original isn't, and the B scenarios are lackluster by comparison.
Still a great game, though, especially by modern AAA standards.
Red lenses on gas mask is retarded
The one that always got me was why go to all that bother and yet HAVE BARE FINGERS ON SHOW?
Everything about HUNK is retarded. Te fact he was not fucking Assasinated post Raccoon incident by either Umbrella, a competitor or the U.S Government is absurd to me.
It still protects against zombies.
Any tips for S ranking Leon HC? I either die at Adas segment or in that room in the lab where there’s two lickers. Leon HC is the last trophy I need for the plat but I wanna S rank it too so I don’t have to replay HC again because honestly I hate how spongy everything can be even though the save ribbons and limited inventory are better than what Standard offers
Great game. Has some problems though. And I feel like it would've been better if it had more development time.
Except it doesn't.
It's kinda silly that a zombie wearing body armor and a bulletproof mask itself (one that should severely limit the range of its mouth) can manage to find a soft spot in which to bite a guy wearing body armor and a gas mask
I get the feeling Capcom was surprised at the positive reaction to Remake 2.
Why would he be assassinated?
He works for Umbrella and is a fucking machine, they wouldn't kill him for no reason.
The U.S. government has no idea who he is, moreover they have no idea he was even in Raccoon City. Even more than that, having him killed would achieve, what exactly?
Realistically a lot of the character's outfits should provide decent protection from bites. Though most of them don't have much neck protection admittedly.
The original was a rehash of 1 whereas at least this one incorporates at lot of features added since then and has fancy visuals.
you mean S+?
>adas segment
run and only shoot to stumble and then run past
kill the zombies before they spawn then walk
Hunk was just a guy following orders without any real indepth knowledge of the behind the scenes stuff. No one would be that interested in him.
>no reason
His team compromised absolutely everything. That cannot go unpunished.
Ada only has one dangerous segment and that's activating the lift. There is a flashbang and a crate at the end that you can lure the zombies into and then run around the other side. If you get grabbed, use the flash and stun all the zombies nearby.
The two lickers can be ran past when first activated and then knifed to death separately when you come back from grabbing the modulator thing.
In Ada's segment there is extra ammo and a flashbang at the back of the main zombie room. The flashbang should make the segment a joke.
For the licker room, headshot all of the lying zombies with your shotgun, then just walk around the lickers. They will follow your footsteps when you walk, so you can guide them into positions that make them easy to avoid.
Oddly Jill's uniform looks like it was made specifically for neck protection. Look at that thing. The longer i think about Jill's neck and shoulder pads, the weirder it gets.
Huh, I never even thought of that. What a hunk
Claire A Leon B, the differences are minor but they act more in character at one bit later on when you do it this way and it's probably the canon one, B Scenario is also a lot faster than A no matter who you're playing as and you get a special gun and all your unlocks at an accelerated rate to hurry things along, you sound fucking weird btw
Yeah she skipped all the centre mass/torso protection that you think would be important to a SWAT member and went for shoulder/neck instead. Strange woman.
His team got punished; they got fucking wiped out. The damage is done, you don't just fucking kill a valuable asset like Hunk to prove a point. Hunk represents millions of dollars of training.
Fun game that didn't sell as much as KH3 but unlike KH3 still gets threads/spoken about. It exceeded all expectations and is fun to replay which is all I need from an RE.
>No one would be that interested in him.
Stupid question but I'll ask: is there a Mercenaries mode in this? I know there's Hunk and Tofu but wasn't sure if they had mercenaries as well (even though it doesn't really fit the survival horror aesthetic).
I played all RE's up to 5, skipped 6 and 7. Going to buy this after work today and play throughout the weekend so I'm gonna enjoy the campaigns of course but just seeing what else was unlockable
Unfinished game made by a bunch of pathetic turds. Just like this meme.
>you don't just fucking kill a valuable asset like Hunk to prove a point
Yes you do. Especially when he blows your ENTIRE operation.
birkin was already sabotaging shit and contaminating the environment before umbrella tried to deathsquad him
I mean he looked pretty fucked up, he was literally on the floor with blood leaking from his mouth. They had no orders to kill him, so I'm not sure why they would finish him off.
I don't think anyone was expecting him to be butthurt enough to turn himself into a monstrosity.
You're forgetting that the Raccoon City incident was invaluable to Umbrella as a testing ground for B.O.W.s. Raccoon City was a catastrophe for everyone except Umbrella, who actually benefited from that event.
The zombies are unique so they didn't want them killed as easily. You could slow them by slicing their arms and legs or just boarding up the room. IF you want to run and gun, you'll have nothing for Lickers. who you need to kill because they slow you down too much.
>I mean he looked pretty fucked up
Doesn't matter. Double tap.
Entire operation? They had one lab in Raccoon City, and it was run by a traitor who was going to sell them out. They recovered the virus, and got to test their BOWs as well. What 'operation' did the Raccoon City incident blow exactly?
Yes but they made themselves a scapegoat everyone else could point a finger at. Im well aware of the issues at the waste disposal plant prior to the outbreak.
>could not prevent the U.S Government from going full thermal detenation on Raccoon
>could not stop the Government going public with the information that a private company were commiting literal crimes against humanity
>even the top CEO went into hiding
The one where Umbrella was an orginization for fucking starters? Have any of you played the fucking games? Spencer went into hiding. If he is fucked, everyone else is.
>you sound fucking weird btw
>No offence btw but you sound like a queer lol.
I'd usually just put these kinds of posts down to normie dudebro reactions to anything abnormal, but this is a fucking RE thread, these are usually filled with 100 times worse waifu-salivating and such. Is it just that this new game is attracting a lot of newcomers and casuals to the series and these threads?
>Have any of you played the fucking games?
No. They watched someone else play them whilst they spammed the chat with their ebin emotes.
>Fun game that didn't sell as much as KH3 but unlike KH3 still gets threads/spoken about. It exceeded all expectations and is fun to replay which is all I need from an RE.
I think most of the sales for KH3 came from a much more mainstream demographic, if not literal parent+child households, than the sales for RE.
Currently playing through it. I just got through the bookshelves in the library and am running from Mr. X. Very exhilarating so far and a lot of fun with surround sound.
the fact HUNK lied to cover for the rookie's mistake would imply that the umbrella post-action review would not be so in-depth as to discover who the G truly was, and if for some reason he too was recording (all the other video footage of the failed mission would be lost) it would only show a brief glimpse of the monster anyway, those who were in closer contact with it didn't make it
what matters only is his objectives, and from the point of view of anyone who would be supervising him his team wasn't able to capture Birkin, who put up lethal resistance and was killed, but succeeded in recovering the sample and miraculously escaping the city before it was destroyed. doesnt take much to see why umbrella would still be pleased with him
To me personally it was great, but also underwhelming, I was expecting everything the original game offered + significantly brand new stuff, basically to it be the perfect RE game, but thats not exactly how things turned out.
8.5/10, looking forward to REmake 3 but with more grounded expectations.
Yeah, but many people argued that it was dumb for Capcom to release against it, but RE still sold really well. It also had way more lasting power than I thought it would. We're still getting daily threads on it (not just LEONNNNNNNNNN shit) and this is from Yea Forums who hates everything after a day. Other sites are still talking about it to, which is nuts for a single player remake.
>game being pretty much average horseshit.
You're lying to yourself.
Most people don't know how to score things conservatively.
dmcv has a 20 fps boost without denuvo
Not only me, but also all the other people who liked the game.
Seriously, can't you retards just move on already!?
>Survive all that shit just to get a bullet in the back of the head
Fucked up
hi there reddit
hows mom and dad
>St-stop making fun of me, you're just newfags!
He should've go for the best boy
>liking average shit.
Just because you embrace trash, doesn't mean that it's immune from being a steaming pile of shit.
>tell me what to think, bros
Yeah whatever retard, DMC5 is just fresh out of the oven, got shitpost about it to spice things up.
>trying to end the discussion with pathetic insults.
This, fuck that smug yellow cunt
Theres nothing being discussed, you're just some lone autist who missed the contrarian bandwagon, just quit it already, even Michael has moved on already, and so should you.
What a fag, stop embarrassing yourself
There is a racoon in the ofice of Irons... did you even played the claire campaing?
Daily reminder that Irons did nothing wrong.
>that part when 2 lickers give you a surprise rape in labs
Ada is a fucking psycho and Leon should recognise that in his later years. Anyone read that Manga about her origins where she kills a child and his sick mother to steal their supplies during a war she grew up in?
>beats Claire up
>steals Sherry
>kills Katherine so he can preserve her as a trophy
>is fat
He dindu nuffin, he was just trying to run an efficient police department.
While being corrupt and degenerate.
And fat.
>killing goblins is not wrong
>he protected Sherry from a psycho goblin
>killing Katherine WAS wrong
>healthy at all sizes you bigot
Leon is better, better guns and Claire looks like a retard
Game isn't worth playing twice unless you really like it because it's just the same shit over again with minor differences
Mad fatty working on a heart attack.
As much as I like Leon the game would have been just fine focusing 100% on HUNK and his team.
I dont understand the zombie bullet sponge meme. Would people want to kill zombies in 1-3 pistol head shots? Not only would that make this game absolutely trivial, but it would turn it into the generic tps everyone thought it was going to be.
God forbid you have to actually think through situations, fucking zoomers I swear.
He also kept taxes low in Raccoon City by getting Umbrella to fund the police department.
It makes sense from a gameplay perspective to keep the zombies threatening but when you shoot things in the head you expect them to die
Yeah, but T-Virus infected things rarely behave as people expect.
I think it works fine once you understand it. People expect it to be like Left4Dead where 1 headshot kills literally anything.
Takes about the same amount of shots to down a zombie in Remake1. They just made it so the fact you can freely aim to the head dosnt change this.
yes I'm sure that explanation will satisfy the people complaining about it who haven't played a Resident Evil game before
Yeah this. That approach works fine in L4D where you are constantly under attack by infected, it doesn't really work in RE games.
He definitely raped Katherine and Sherry
This. Weapons like the shotgun and the grenade launcher are in the game for a reason. If you want a zombie put down permanently, you use them.
That's no excuse to turn the game into TWD where everything has a head made of plasticine. Tough zombies are way more interesting than constant hordes of weak enemies.
He's too fat to get it up.
Finger rape
I think it would be fine if there was more indication visually that despite wrecking the flesh on their face, they're still moving. But in practice, it just looks like you either missed or the bullet sunk into the flesh and it's a very unsatisfying visual response to what is usually a good thing to try. The game doesn't make enough effort to tell you that it's just the zombies being relentless, it instead looks like you did nothing at all. Not satisfying.
The best zombies are unpredictable zombies
RE does this by making them bullet sponges, you could also do it by making more zombies, faster more erratic zombies, regenerators, etc
What else was he supposed to do? That’s how you’re supposed to talk to someone who puts a shotgun to your head and is about to kill you.
Did you think he was gonna Hartman it and get blasted?
I just finished Leon A and I have a few gripes:
1) Why the fuck was the Alligator boss fight gimped beyond belief compared to RE2 original?
2) Why was the background music so much more forgettable than the original's? The PD Hall theme is more subtle and boring, the save room themes are generic and unmemorable, etc
3) I did like the subversion of expectations (no getting attacked on the train ride to the lab) but why did it seem like I hardly ever saw William Birkin?
Remake even had lore to suggest headshots aren't instantly lethal to zombies, the implication with V-Act being that the head had to be completely destroyed to stop the transformation process. It's never been 100% clear how much of the brain the T-Virus requires to continue functioning.
He's too busy licking his fingers of grease from eating cheeseburgers.
Same reason I loved Overlord as much as I did. When the zombies in that movie just kept coming and it took so much to bring them down it made everything a lot better, the entire movie was improved by it. Don’t understand why anyone would still want conventional Romero zombies anyway.
0/10 shit game would not play again.
Nah, it's in my top 5 of all time and it's almost perfect. As a huge TPS horror fan this really hit the spot in a way that Dead Space and RE4 never did. 104 hours in and still going strong.
RE3 remake might take the more zombies approach as you're fighting on city streets for a large portion of the game. Tough zombies definitely worked better for RE2.
What's this?
tl;dr headshots don't wreck their faces enough to show you did anything at all.
if you make them bullet sponges, at least make them get progressively messy until they finally die. the gradient is too small in the game.
Not as good as seven but better than all the rest
This is more a criticism of head shots specifically though, the wound model for limbs and the torso is very detailed.
wtf are you talking about, you can blow their entire face off with the shotgun
Pretty fun tbqh.
I'm god awful at horror games so I can't bring myself to play a lot of it, it took me 3 hours to get out of the RPD building as Leon.
Maybe one day I'll get good at not being a massive shitbag and manage to play the game without alt+tabbing everytime anything minor sets my heartrate into a flurry.
">Im gonna have to ask you to lower your weapon"
He asked it the way a police officer normally would, in a calm manner. Considering he had the barrel against his skull, I'd say Leon did well to keep his cool.
The red helps with low light, you see better.
Average game like most RE games. I have not played the original 2 but this game is short af considering that Claire's campaign is just a slightly modified version of Leon's one.
Ada is the best girl.
Obnoxious discord claireniggers should be gassed.
Going at zoomers while being mad that zombies don't drop in 1 shot
Are there any signs that nemesis and jill have already visited the rpd?
How do people even like Ada? She actively schemes against Leon and just uses him to her own gains.
>Shows disinterest in Leon as soon as they meet
>Clearly doesn't want him getting in the way
>"Wah I hurt my leg, come help me Leon :(("
Fuck this chink
what was his fucking problem?
Mysterious destroyed walls in the shower/locker room for one thing.
I want more! I loved early game where ammo is so tight and every missed shot felt like the end of the World! Don't get that feel in many games
But why is there ZERO word on DLC?
I assumed mr.x needed a shower
you're mom
>This is more a criticism of head shots specifically though, the wound model for limbs and the torso is very detailed.
Which is a travesty since this is what any rational player would go for whenever they have the time to try it. And you even penalise players who are great at positioning because it will take them a long time to be desperate enough to try a body shot and then suddenly realise all this time that such shots -appear- more damaging.
>that moment you realize final G could have been avoided completely if they had just disconnected the train cars the moment they felt the rumble
I mean it's just a 5-6 hours campaign with some easy af puzzles to solve and "hit the weak spot" bosses. Both campaign reuse the same levels except for the short part with Sherry. The technical aspect of the game (graphics, engine) is fine but it's an empty shell.
Destroyed walls in the shower and busted showers. People are trying to say it was Mr. X, but I honestly don't believe it, otherwise, Marvin would have warned you about him before Leon or Claire set off to explore the police station.
who made Mr. X's clothes?
Ok but where's his zombie? did I miss him or something?
You call it empty, but every hallway, every zombie, every licker, etc are all very specifically thought out. It's a concise, tight game with zero filler. That's what I want in a vidyagame.
Ah, yes. The perfect game.
Choo choo motherfuckers.
jesus christ 6 was ugly
But then you wouldn't get to fight it. That was a pure video-game moment
I have been hating her for 21 years, user
That's Vendetta.
that's from the latest CGI movie, came out in 2017
if I would've remade RE2, I actually would've remade it
would've been incredibly different from the original, and the USS team would've played a much larger role
Plant 43s and Lickers were both hot, why did they have to cut the former and make the latter uglier looking?
Being a top secret fashion designer for Umbrella must be a sweet gig
>But then you wouldn't get to fight it. That was a pure video-game moment
True but after barely surviving all the the other stuff I'd say fuck it to whatever landed on the back of the train. I've had enough of that shit.
they didn't cut ivy, they just made them somehow dumber than they already are
honestly that entire lab section just made me want a dino crisis game REALLY bad
why do the latter have anuses?
because humans have anuses and lickers used to be humans
>wouldnt it just be easier if we ? dude ever notice how the survivors dont just like jump or go around obstacles?! lmao
zoomers who grew up with dull, creatively bankrupt ~realism~ shit aren't expected to understand video games
I have the same question about Clar
Literally irrelevant ugly goblin lmao
Leon is superior in every way not to mention Ada
Pretty good. I think this was the best result possible with a OTS camera
OTS is objectively superior to fixed for most games. RE2 just happened to be made in a time where there fixed still had unique advantages.
It's the exact same distinction as you have between 2D and 3D. 3D and OTS are superior 99% of the time.
Do you need someone to hold your hand when you go to the bathroom as well? Jesus, your generation sucks.
Does dumber mean "better in every way?"
The areas they hang out in are often covered in massive piles of shit. Where do you think that shit comes from?
>The areas they hang out in are often covered in massive piles of shit.
wait what
I think an instakill glowing weakness zombie 2 electric boogaloo is a lot dumber than a slow enemy that inconveniences you at best and poisons you
The instakill creates a real threat and forces you to give up space or aim well. It adds tension effectively. Poison is worthless when blue herbs are free as fuck, it adds nothing to the game.
>but no crimson heads
Not him but I honestly don't mind the instakill, it's their new design I dislike.
lickers ARE crimson heads, user
same point of evolution but different strains of T
the instakill is easily avoided
and honestly, ivy's old design was still a lot cooler
Not sure how else you would describe this besides "mountain of shit." Unless you think it's just coincidental that RPD keeps huge piles of mud in storage that you also find in the sterile laboratory's break room.
it doesn't really add anything to the original except for a more present mister X that not everyone might like, my biggest problem is that it's not scary at all
for some reason only evil within 2 made me fly off my seat but maybe it's because I'm more sensitive to psychological horror than goofy monsters
There is a legitimate argument for it being the best in the series.
I think you are both missing my point, the instakill is an improvement over poison, easy to avoid or not. It's still a risk.
not that user but yeah I guess that would be a pile of shit
I was wondering what that was and figured it was something cut from the game
I dont understand people who find this game hard. I suck at RE and was able to beat hardcore with A SHIT TON of ammo left over, and i killed everything.
u suck lmao
...for how long have the lickers lived there?
Because that's a lot of shit.
i just said that. I like to take my time in games. i dont speed run. plus i afk a bit.
One of the best RE games and one of the best remakes in history. It also introduced me to the woman I love.
>I killed everything
GOTY, better than the original desu.
is Umbrella, they are retarded by trade.
Why aren't the scientists on a vaccine by default? Why does removing a vial put the facility into auto destruction? Why are there next to no gas masks available, why is there no sanitary checkpoint at the very entry considering you come from a fucking sewer by default and they only have 1 despite the bigass facility and the fact that you can go from sewer to cafeteria without being forced to shower, shame we did not get to see the bathrooms.
1) get infinite knife
2) unlock framerate
Welcome to the wonderful world of warfare user
If you think thats bad. this should make you rage. The bosses are what raped me. Especially the chainsaw fight.
i think is shit
but you can like shit i'm not going to discuss why you shouldn't enjoy X game if you have that much shit taste
Slice and dice with the knife when they are down. Also slice and dice the ones that are on the ground, that you know will rise.
good game, my RE folder has exploded so that's good
This doesn't make me bad because at least you aren't talking down on others. I was just baffled by a dude with an 8 hour 51 save run calling out other people for being shit. God damn arrogant.
It was more directed at the people who call the game hard and cant beat it, even on assisted mode or normal. The people that complain about running out of ammo, etc
>51 saves
Best RE game since the REmake. Definitely the best possible way to merge pre and post RE4 gameplay, looking forward to the 3make.
>51 saves
The fuck? I didn't think there was half that many ink ribbons in the game.
>the two retarded anons that actually gave serious answers to obvious b8
I didn't like this voice actors performance. All of his line reads felt stiff and unrealistic given the situation
Hacked myself 99 ink ribbons(only thing i did. anything further would ruin the challenge). I unfortunately dont live a life that lets me sit at the computer for long periods of time sometimes. Work has priority over games. So being able to save when I need to is kinda needed.
Masterpiece. Eagerly waiting for R3make.
>actually benefited from that event.
Claire bringed a genocide crusade to Umbrella.
gets me everytime
That rule doesn't apply when there's no zombie outbreak. The man was considered dead and this was a basic retrieval mission.
No, you've got 7 more:
CV, REmake, 0, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Unless you skipped 1 and played the REmake firast, in which case you're a massive faggot.
>Hunk your mission is to get the G-Virus and Birkin if possible.
>Here you go. Couldn't retrieve Birkin, he had an eye popping out of his shoulder. Also, the city blew up behind me.
>Fantastic work Hunk! You're fired.
Has anyone figured out how to import saves on PC yet? My saves got eaten.
does he rape the loli?
Based retard
He at least got the G-virus sample
no way fag
Bruh, you lose all right to talk shit on people who have trouble on assisted. I work a 60 hour work week and I can beat the game in a little over an hour. What's your excuse?
possibly if she's dead
does he rape the bat?
what did it lack? I never played the og. This one was fucking incredible and has plenty of content to justify itself.
>pretending 1 is in any way worth playing now that REmake exists
What a garbage ass excuse. I work 10 hour shifts on weekdays and I'm on call on weekends on top of that and I can still put in time to S-Rank this baby
It is.It's a different game, with a much different feel. REmake is better overall, but you should play and appreciate both.
empty i love u but this sucks ass i couldnt even tell what song it was supposed to be
Wow, how do I git that gud?
1 is absolutely worth playing. Don't be a fag.
id love a hunk game so much, but i know they'd fuck it up somehow. The game could cover what the fuck happened between Birkin and the 4th Survivor.
They'd have to make a stone cold motherfucker though.
Crows, spiders, and a giant moth.
>rotting corpses and piles of shit everywhere
God damn, the RPD must've stunk something fierce
The epitome of average.
Good. Just good.
The fact that this is completely believable disgusts me greatly
It's a good thing the virus isn't airborne then.
Repetition and just really enjoying the game.
>The game could cover what the fuck happened between Birkin and the 4th Survivor.
What on earth could they possibly cover that wasn't already shown in the multiple games that covered the event? Birkin goes nuts, wipes Hunk's team out and knocks him out.
>2 games in a row and Capcom still get an Umbrella squad game right
I just want one to be good damn it.
Umbrella Corps should have been F2P.
What? That has nothing to do with their visual look. I don't like the way they look.
When did i say i was trying to speed run it?
zombie chan nude mod when reeee
A casual playthrough on standard takes 6 hours. You're making fun of people better at the game than you.
>Especially the chainsaw fight.
desu that one was ultra easy
NOW MARGARITE that's a different story, her boss fight is fucking annoying, why do fucking games do it, why do they have not only unnecesarily long fights (her running around and shitting nests) but for SOME REASON the devs also decided to make Margarite a fucking bulletsponge
GOTY so far
Only zoomers like dmc5 and re2 you have to go back if you like those games.
The game will be good when it costs 20$
The only lickers worth killing are the 2 that spawn in the West 1f hallway because they are nasty during tyrant chases, and the two that spawn in the labs because at that point I have so much ammo hoarded I feel like venting some skulls.
9/10 game, best modern RE but not as good as the original
Take a nap, Michael.
Cut content:
>Evolved Lickers
>Moth Boss
>Zombie Brad Vickers
>Ivies turned into humanoid green zombies
>Super Tyrant nu-Mr X isn't even fully transformed during the final boss battle (check OP picture)
>cut zapping system
>cut extreme battle mode
>cut arrange mode
>cut most of the initial city section before RPD
>cut explosive grenades type
>cut Bowgun
>Biker Leon
>Baseball cap Leon
>CowGirl Claire
other shit:
>Standard difficulty autosaves and lets you save anywhere
>No new enemy types.
>Plant monsters are just another crappy zombie reskin
>Claire looks like a mutt goblina.
>Leon doesnt look much better than chief Brian Irons.
>Over use of swearing that just makes a lot of the dialog fluffy and cheap
>Walking feels floaty
>Guns so far dont feel satisfying to shoot
>Good chunk of the city portion has been watered down and made shorter
>RE4 difficulty mechanic instead of hard/normal
>Killed atmosphere. Turned into a generic spooky flashlight corridor walker. Not every fucking room in RE2 was a dark hallway you needed a flash light for
>Some good puzzles cut for shitty dial puzzles
>Lack of music
>no fixed camera
Noo.. not my husbandooo!
>Hacked myself 99 ink ribbons(only thing i did. anything further would ruin the challenge)
>Claims to be good.
Insulation from the ceiling? get Crapcom (get it?!) on the phone for some answers XD
>thinks hes good
the state of Yea Forums
>suddenly 4 of 6 short posts in a line are talking about how the game is garbage
Why do some people seem to have such an agenda against Capcom? Like legit getting mad when they see others praising RE2 and DMC5. All day they just go around shitting on the games wherever people try to talk about them. Why do they feel so strongly about it?
Isn't another squad member that's yelling at him ? Have to rewatch the cutscene.
I loved the game.
Never understand why people called the game hard tho. The scarce ammo was exciting sure but hard?
Mr X was fun the first time through. Annoying on subsequent playthroughs. Should be able to turn him off.
Umbrella wanted the samples, Birkin was just a bonus and an expendable asset, just like everyone working for Umbrella.
They couldn't predict that he would inject himself with G. And to be fair, Raccoon was already fucked thanks to the Arklay's incident, it just accelerated the process
Why did they make Chris look retarded in RE7?
So fucking sexy.
>Mega Man 11
>Monster Hunter World
>Resident Evil 2
>Devil May Cry 5
People keep asking me if Capcom is back and I haven't really had an answer..... but yeah, I'm thinking they're back.
This actually, but wouldn't hurt for it to be a bit longer, especially the lab segment.
To be quite honest Mega Man 11 was uncalled for, a brand new X game would've been a better choice, or even Legends 3.
Pretty good game and I'm getting my ass kicked so hard that it makes me wanna quit it for good some times.
Being left without ammo with five zombies in a corridor is not what I would call exciting.
nah its shit m8
>shoot their legs
This is the fucking worst advice to a game, not only shooting the legs are harder but the chance for them to "explode" is the same as shooting in the head.
"I'm bad at vidya gaemz and need my quickturn"
Shut the fuck up, Jill Sandwich for life
He's right though, legs are just as likely to stun as the head. If you shoot 3-5 times to the same leg, you make the zombie into a crawler guaranteed. Exploding pistol headshots are much more rare