Why is this genre so fucking dead?
F2P garbage
>grim dawn
low budget shit and horrible art
>Lost Ark
Never Ever
>Diablo immortal
>diablo 3
shit since release and fucking dead for years

People were literally begging for diablo 4 before blizzcon searching for job posting and speculating and shit.
They commited suicide by not announcing diablo 4 like what the fuck are they are they even doing?
POE is king now a literal monopoly over the genre, that an enormous multi billions dollars company left for free served on a platter to them.

Attached: Diablo-4-Blizzard-660x347.jpg (660x347, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:


But PoE is good tho. What else do you fuckin want? More story and character interaction?
There's a shit load of math, insane gear variety and fast paced gameplay. I dont need nothing more from an arpg.

>F2P garbage
found the blizzcuck

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>They commited suicide by not announcing diablo 4 like what the fuck are they are they even doing?
they can't monetize diablo anymore. they poisoned the well with the rmah when d3 first launched instead of just doing a cosmetic shop instead, which would have actually made them more money.

Die hard fans of Diablo love only Diablo 2 and Blizzard knows this.
I am not defending them, that announcement of mobile Diablo is a fucking disaster, but deep in your heart you know that no matter how good new game is people will still shit on it "because it's not Diablo 2".

Diablo fans are worse than Sonic fanboys.

PoE sucks with how your build can become useless in a moment's notice so all your work goes down the drain.
>b-but it's fun to repeat the process 100 times!
No. And not everyone is a NEET who can dedicate 10000 hours into one game anyway.

Not OP but
>discover a fun and good build
>devs nerf it to oblivion next week
They hate fun just like Blizzard

Not OP but I didn't like PoE either. It didn't live up to all of the nonsense hype everyone gave it.

Grim Dawn is excellent, you take that back.

Nah fuck you. I play PoE, I play Grim Dawn and Diablo 3. And Torchlight and Fate and Titan Quest every half-assed mod for Diablo 2.

Feels good to enjoy video games.

>F2P garbage

its extremely generous for a f2p game. The monetisation is just QOL stuff like tabs and cosmetics/pets. They dont even sell exp boosters, the only thing you really need is a few trade tabs, some storage tabs and a currency tab. All these on sale is like $10. The only other f2p that I've played that beats it in the generosity department is warframe.

Its also very complex. What else do you want? PoE is more akin to Diablo 2 than Diablo 3 will ever be

I don't know if my brain is broken but after playing Diablo 3 I can't play any of the other games, Path of Sleep and Grim Yawn both bored me to death.

Grim Dawn is shit. Anyone who actually defends the game has brain damage.

it's not actually that good
it has neither hardcore action gameplay nor interesting dungeon crawling

seriously you just run around and mash your main attack skill and potions for most of these games

now, I'd love to play a diablo clone that actually has good combat or level design

>grim dawn
decent concept, bad implementation
>diablo III
>median xl sigma
literally a mod of a 20 year old game and still manages to be better than everything else on the market in this genre

what about warhammer chaosbane

>Why is this genre so dead
>POE is f2p trash
>When its litterally the best f2p model out there.

poe's mtx model is top tier
now they just need to work on making the game itself fun

imagine being blizzard, a multi billion company, losing your golden goose genre to an indie company in new zealand and now they make $12 million annually

Yeah, PoE is king despite being mediocre as shit.

I think a lot of it is sunken cost fallacy. No new ARPG will become the big thing because now people are too invested in their choice of game.

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>Why is this genre so fucking dead?
Because it is shit. The single character running in circles and kiting shit until it dies is lame.

Give me something more like Dungeon Siege where I'm controlling a whole party in real time with basic behavioral and formation settings, tactical pausing and micromanagement if necessary to handle the swarms of enemies that the team is capable of fighting by standing their ground rather than playing keepaway.

D3 could've been good if it didn't have the baggage of RMAH, always online and WoW graphics.

diablofans is shutting down this month as well. I think all those faggots on youtube hyping the masses with their predictions under d4 clickbait titles did a number on a lot of people who dont want to admit that they swallowed the pretty shitty bait instead of looking at what was kinda obvious years back already. D3 day one was an absolute disaster

>all those PoE fanboys
the game is fun at first until you realize it's a fucking timeattack that relies in one skill

The devs only nerf things when it becomes meta, its the goal of every developer to try and make the game more diverse.

POE's major malfunction isn't really skills being buffed or nerfed, but the fact that the entire game revolves around end game map clearing or uber elder farming, because of this AOE speed clearing is most important which is why there will always be a best build, no one is going to melee things one at a time when anyone can spam tornado shot and arc

.....and diablo 2 wasnt the same thing?

get that rose coloured glasses outta your ass

I'm still salty about Marvel Heroes

no it wasn't lmao
did you even play diablo2?

I like the PoE materia system and some encounter like the giant crab, but everything else is a let down

None of those are the main problem with D3

D3 lacked character building, they were so focused on forcing people to use the RMAH and making everything about your character revolve around items that they stripped out all the RPG elements in order to make items the only thing you care about.

And then they were really pushing the esports arena mode before the game was even released, only to shitcan it, so you had classes that were designed for a system that was never released, where your only RPG element is the stats on your gear, but the game was designed to give you zero fucking gear.

Then ROS comes out and it doesn't fix a god damn thing, all it did was remove the RMAH and make everything shit out legendaries which is the polar opposite of what was wrong with baseline D3.

Meanwhile in shit like POE people have been trying to get the 1k DPS Vaal axe for 2 years now, which is doable, but requires god rolls.

Similarly people have been farming D2 for over a decade and still haven't found a Tyreal's Might

PoE is kinda too filled with stuff now. If I want simple ARPG to play once in a while, I always find shit changed whenever I log into PoE and I can't be bothered to work out what is what.

Would you guys recommend Victor Vran or Grim Dawn or something else? I am not the person who puts 100+ hours into ARPG. One or 2 playthroughs and that's it.
Last game I played was Torchlight 2 and I didn't like it as the first one.

Imagine if they actually went through with making D4 a souls like
I'm actually hoping they do a spinoff or something in that style

Both are garbage
Play diablo 1

What if it was a spectacle fighter ala God Hand or Bayonetta?

Niether game is as popular and easy to rip off as dark souls.

Blizzard doesn't make new games, they take popular games and and make highly polished clones of them.

>F2P garbage
finally someone tells it the way it is.
this game is bloated as fuck right now.
a couple of years back it was great, but at this point its so filled with generic F2P garbage time sink content that I actually wish they'd offer for people to buy mats instaed of patting themselves on the back for being "consumer friendly"

I blame all the people who complained that POE had no endgame. they killed the game.

Good point. Shame though.

Grim Dawn is alright if you played Titan Quest and know what to expect.


should be third person but not play like the roll/stab fest that is dark souls, and the fights should be bigger and more dynamic (also in regards to monster placing)

would do wonders for atmosphere

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>spectacle fighter
>reddit terminology
fuck off

It's what TB called them, I don't really know what the 4channeler term for it is.

I'm honestly envisioning something like EDF but as an action RPG

Are the Van Helsing games any good as far as Diablo clones go?

>> 453706502

Nothing spectacular or ground breaking, but definitely not bad either.

it looks promising atleast but yea about that

is that the game with the giant insects? I think they should make it open world (but with a linear or branching quest trail) because that was basically all of diablo 2's zones anyway, except more boxed in.

Something like DS1's connected world for each act's overworld would be neat, but not easily randomizable, though they could go with how they did it in D3 and have a semi-static layout but with randomized points of interest.

OP here No it's shit
Just like Titan quest was a sleepfest slow ass boring and unbalanced mess
You can stop spamming now and let the big bois talk

>its free so its bad

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theres also chaosbane which releases on june and has a beta going on right now but it looks slow as fuck and itemization looks like complete garbage. not to mention they basically copied the way stats work from diablo 3


I did. Ages ago.
Not sure if bait, or...

don't forget Marvel Heroes, probably my favourite game in the genre, although it was stifled by "MMO" grind mechanics and F2P nonsense. the most satisfying feeling of power, speed, and the most variations of gameplay style.


Attached: Marvel_Hero-hero-2.jpg (940x528, 322K)

>Not sure if bait, or...
Or what?
I think it's a good Diablo-clone.


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I think an open world would be best, with randomized quest locations/routes and points of interest. Dungeons could have actual level design a la dark souls. I think it would be best like this, because if the levels are open and big enough then it feels no more samey than the random levels in D2, while making it handcrafted as one piece lets you make better looking terrain. Most of the variety should come from monsters, both by the different types themselves and the pack composition. And I would really like if they kept that dark celtic feel the first act had in d2.

diablo is an arpg, not a crpg

The only Diablo like that was ever good was Diablo. The sequel compromised everything cool about the game. And all the knock-offs were ugly and had shit music.

It was never a genre unto itself, it was one game with an endless string of wannabes. Like it FPS had never evolved beyond immitating DOOM.

Oh dear...

Diablo deliberately abandoned the essense of that genre during development though.

>PoE sucks with how your build can become useless in a moment's notice so all your work goes down the drain.
This was a thing in D2 too, git gud casual.

Just played through it

Weak ending but rad otherwise

torchlight 2 would be good with more depth and more variety and way more content

peak diablo 1 type gameplay for me is still dungeon siege + legends of arana

Anyone get into the Torchlight Frontiers alpha? Seems like it might be cool. Shame it's on the arc launcher though.

So by "git gud" do you mean

[_] "accept that you're being punished for experimenting, and that your game is now unreasonably hard to enjoy"

[_] "play the game one more time at do it differently"

[_] "study up before you play"

[_] "stop complaining about your toys"

or something else entirely?

Decent alternative with some really shitty and garbage things but still a solid game

>Grim Dawn
Yeah I agree

>Lost Ark
I'm literally playing the Korean Beta right now and it's definitely not even close to feeling like Diablo

>Diablo Immortal
Ching Chong Nip Nong Shong Dong

>Diablo 3
Literally fun as fuck since RoS and the current Season allows for pretty crazy memebuilds to be viable.

stop posting dumb shit any time

Is there a single game in this genre with gameplay beyond mashing one skill while spamming potions?

>Path of Eating shit

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Its not dead, PoE just holds an absolute monopoly on it now that even the most retarded Blizzdrone can no longer deny. For the simple reason of their devs realizing top down action games are very simple so adding a shit-ton of depth to character building and loot system is mandatory, otherwise people grow bored very quickly. Arpg loot systems have been creeping their way to shooters but most arpg-shooter hybrids are kinda mediocre, Borderlands 2 got the closest thanks to its gun generation system but its still far away from being perfect.

The most popular MMO right now is Dungeon Fighters Online which is a beat'em'up with an arpg loot system to it, so while PoE might have the chokehold on traditional diablo-clones, doesn't mean the best aspects of Diablo 2 can't spread into other genres.

Attached: PoE.jpg (878x1200, 160K)

Because its a trash genre?

>and that your game is now unreasonably hard to enjoy"
Vew look at this fucking casual.

in d3 you mash your rotation while picking up health globes

I love how Darkstone tried going fully polygonal even before Blizzard went "yikes!" on that idea with Diablo 2.

These guys had neither the artistic or technical skill to do waht they did, but they did it anyway. It's a fun but bizarre game, where a fish costs over 100 gold. Weird, when the player is the only one you need to balance the economics around.

Attached: darkstone_3.jpg (640x480, 46K)

What of the upcoming Warhammer Diablo-Clone?

pets are a really cool idea, i just wish the modding for torchlight 2 actually included the ability to add new content and features instead of just relabeling exiseting content

dungeon siege mods were top tier in comparison

dungeon siege also has better weapon variety and is one lone singular campaign

>thread about Diablo likes
>calls someone a casual


I miss Dark Alliance so much. If god is listening please make a 3rd game that's all I want out of this shit world.

Anyone who says Diablo 2 is unreasonably hard is a casual.

Which one? Theres plenty of mediocre W40K arpg games out there already.

The editor did allow it, but it was very complicated to add basically anything

>dungeon siege is one lone singular campaign
PoE campaign is 10 Acts long and lasts all the way up to level 68-70.

God Hand, Bayonetta, Darksiders and Wrath of Asura are planet cracker hack 'N' Slash games, a Diablo game like that would be fucking awesome.

I said Diablo-Clone, not arpg, completely different.

>Warhammer was born our of GamesWorkshop wanting their own IP after selling D&D for years

>Warcraft born out of Blizzard losing access to the Warhammer during game development, and deciding to do their own IP.

>DOTA franchise is Warcraft's illegitimate child.

>Warhammer also tries immitating all Blizzard's successes
Tolkien's family tree of descendants is a cutthroat tapestry I tell you what.

It might degenerate into a Dynasty Warriors style game where you aoe spam a bunch of dumb mobs running at you for 90% of the game though.
Not that it isn't cathartic and fun in its own way...

Divine Divinity, clunky as fuck controls and interface but the game is pretty good.

The topic was PoE.

How's RemiLore?

Doesn't change my point. Theres multiple mediocre W40K diablo-clones on Steam.

Any Warhammer Fantasy or "Age of Sigmar" settings among them though?

Blizzard has shot themselves repeatedly in the foot and it left a bad taste in everyones mouth so they are avoiding the genre

That's literally the only one coming out, your point is retarded.

You people using DW as a dirty word way too often.
It's perfectly fine game, which doing what it set up on doing too.not much smarter than diablo

Read: In PoE you get 25 respec points when you clear sidemissions during story content and by that point you have found an extra 6-10 Orb of Regrets on top of that. Way more merciful system than back in the day when D2 had no way to respec whatsoever. And nobody else but absolute casual shitstains complained about it.

Poe is good you faggot

New league tonight

>F2P garbage
>>grim dawn
>low budget shit and horrible art
>>Lost Ark
>Never Ever

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I agree that it's perfectly fine and does what it sets out to do.

wtf why is she telling that poor man to kill himself?
fucking roastie

So you actually admit that is was NOT the same as D2.

And you finally answered the question of what "git gud" meant, which was "use your orbs of regret, retard", so thank you for that.

This thread is for people who actually play video games, not casuals who talk out of their asses.

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can't mod POE like you can dungeon siege

>So you actually admit that is was NOT the same as D2.
Yeah, D2 was even more brutal and youre bitching about PoEs system like a casual.

What are those abilities? Shoot, Strong Shoot, Long Shoot, Many Shoot, Grenade? Looks boring.
Also don't tell me skills are tied to weapons like that other shitty ARPG whose name I always confuse (Van Helsing? Victor Vran?).

Does Dungeon Siege multiplayer still work?
Want to play bros?

Warhammer Chaosbenis

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It's the other way around, user.

And Diablo 1 was and is the best one. There was never a game of this type better than the first one.

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>still 50€
>32€ of dlc
>no uptodate cracked versions

I just want to try it out, damn it

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The RMAH legitimately was the worst thing in history but Diablo3 was not built on solid ground. Spells tied to weapon damage, stats were completely fucked, maps were horrible and infernal was just unfun.
The game wasnt just trash, it was money grubbing trash

Here is an Idea: How about they just do "Diablo 2" then instead of all the other garbage?

What kind of launcher is that? Is it funky? Game seems fun...

>everyone talks about how Grim Dawn is the shit
>try it
>confused by the whole "having multiple classes but not really" thing and just go back to PoE/D2

Am I retarded or is that system just weird? I did the same thing with Titan Quest.

Attached: am I retarded.png (900x900, 500K)

chinese blizzard net thingy

What is there to be confused about?

oh. dang it then.

Attached: Now what.jpg (600x449, 48K)

Having to spread my skill points out. I mean it just feels so weird when in other games it's one point and done. Feels like no matter what I do my build's gonna be stretched too thin and shitty.

Grim Dawn is improved Titan Quest. Thats what it basically is. And just like Titan Quest there are parts that are boring as fuck slogs and expansion improves the game a lot but the new content is over too quickly.

Also the expansion has a decent soundtrack: youtu.be/HwKNY_2t2RY

Attached: GrimDawnWendigo.jpg (518x456, 81K)

no, it was a rogue like originally

>spreading out skill points

You're supposed to come up with a build/specialisation, you git. Not randomly putting SP in things that have a cool looking icon.

>PoE is good

Wait, what the fuck? I never heard about this. Neat.

The left-side bar on classes is your "skill points" where you put more numbers to your stats, abilities are abilities and you don't progress through them like in Diablo 2. You can put all points on the stat meter on the left and unlock higher level skills without ever needing to touch the lower level ones if you dont want to.

Constellation system is just bonuses on top of that, you choose and pick some star symbol then you aim to complete it because it gives you a resource bonus that helps you complete better and bigger symbols.

>cleave and bf insanely powerful and meta with statsticks
>statsticks nerfs come
>Waaaah melee was naever good and will never be good again!!!
Either get yourself checked for Alzheimers or stop shitting up a discussion about the game you started playing a month ago pretending you know anything.

How about they remake D1/D2 and learn what made D1/D2 good?

>or uber elder farming,
Less than 1% of all players actually get to Uber Elder. Most players quit playing the character around red maps in level 90-92, mostly because leveling slows down so much.

OOh I guess I was doing it like D2 and thinking I need the lower leveled stuff.
I think I get it now. Might try it again eventually but the new PoE league is later today so not anytime soon.

>not posting the best track in all of Grim Dawn

>no Wolcen

Attached: Hold still.jpg (624x480, 68K)

Wake me up when it's got content.

Yeah thats how the system works, usually you pick classes according to 1-2 skills they got and then combine those said skills together from each class. Unlike in PoE, two-handed melee is broken as fuck in Grim Dawn, especially when you combine it with some AoE spellcaster build. Its a bit too easy to break Grim Dawns system in half so if you don't wish to do that, avoid both Shaman and Necromancer classes.

>lost ark
>diablo like
Literal retard.

Sleep tight

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Will literally never be released

See, that was actually an option, you were given, user. And both games are casual.

This. I have played on and off for the last 3 years and I've never even gotten to all 4 guardians because I just get extremely bored of getting garbage drops and grinding a billion maps 2 weeks into a league.

It was half-way between the two.

PoE is the best diablo game ever made.
Its better than any diablo.

There is Flare

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You might want to get your brain checked faggot
Huge yikes friend

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>open source
Neat, gonna grab the code and read through it.

Nice bait

Not one alternative given

Cause they all try to be Diablo 2 which is a clickfest rather than the superior twin-stick Champions of Norrath

Played this not too long ago, feels a bit clunky.

My man.

What I don't get is why aren't beat'em'ups with Diablo loot systems more popular in western regions? Dragons Crown was a successful game, also Dungeon Fighters Online is not only superpopular in Asia but the single most popular MMO in existence right now. Theres a huge market for Final Fight Diablos and only about couple real games in that genre (not counting shitty mobile games).

Attached: Sorceressballistics.webm (535x565, 716K)

art style is horrible idk why people like it. the animations are complete shit. If you're looking at something for hours on end at least make it look good?

But PoE is dogshit bro

old ass engine that can't handle lots of enemies
abilities are dull