Why is the sonic fanbase so autistic?
How do we fix it or kill it?
Why is the sonic fanbase so autistic?
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there will be consequences
>Why is the sonic fanbase so autistic?
Because it's a gateway drug for furries
>How do we fix it or kill it?
Sega is already doing a fine job of it
sonic was never good. Legit dont see why it has such a large fanbase. In my neighborhood, only the weord kid had a sega genesis
Post that girl with glasses people memed was him after transition she was cute
>mfw he's a magapede kekistani now
Kys tranny
>Why is the sonic fanbase so autistic?
A cocktail of tropes that catch the eyes of the mentally disabled
>How do we fix it or kill it?
It’s beyond repair at this point.
between this kid and elliot from scrubs i don't think i've ever said "fucking" in the last 8 hours, just frick
Just to let you guys know Sammy is now 21 years old
Intentionally or not its an autist bait aesthetic.
Faces are easy to read to those on the spectrum can easily pick up what emotions are conveyed and just the right amount of "cool" and edge for the infantile near teen social outcast to admire.
Does he suck dicks?
So he’s 3 years younger than me but looks 10 years younger?
Thank you, looks like he's barely 14.
Thst image is from like 2008 you idiots
well obviously.
everyone has done it right?
Why bother? Sonic games are shit platformers.
wtf you talking bout bitch. sonic has the best fanbase. rip luke perry ;_;
they up grow so fast
I noticed because of generations.
I still looked sort of like a man at 16 tho
>they grow up* so fast
>Because it's a gateway drug of the worst kind
Man, one wrong frat party and his ass would be a sauce receptacle.
A what
>fricks kid is winning at life harder than you are.
He's gonna get buttfucked.
Kid’s an npc.
Don’t lose your shit over ever other average Joe
Sonic is a phase.
>between this kid and elliot from scrubs i don't think i've ever said "fucking" in the last 8 hours, just frick
>i don't believe i've ever said "fucking" in the last 8 hours
you fricked up, user.