Nier Automata:

Nier Automata:
4 years using 85 employees. People only remember because of 2B ass. No story, meme nihilistic dialogue, awful camera and cheap itunes gregorian chant soundred. End result worse than Dynasty Warriors games.
>1 billion sales and 350 thousand porn discussion per day
Left Alive:
Front Mission meets Metal Gear Solid, pure gameplay, decen cinematics, good mech combat and awesome music
>35k copies sold
Why are gamers so dumb?

Other urls found in this thread:

One of them has soul. And you're thinking about ****ing 2b right now, aren't you?

What's with European leftists and their undying support for israel

It's so embarrassing

I didn't care for Automata and I think Left Alive looks like shit. Like PS2 shovel ware level of shit. 35k is an already generous number.

Jews always defeat degenerate pagans

>stops supporting their cause as soon as they try to do it in isreal
really makes ya think

Most of the European far left support the palestinians though. The American government and media used to be the worst offender in supporting Israel, when European governments and news have been a little more open to showing both sides of the conflict.

>I want good graphics!
>Overwatch total play: 850hours
God is watching your hypocrisy

No money man wants the orthodox jews or the israeli right-wing on their ass.

Shut up you female incel.

The graphics in Overwatch are bad?

I mean, the characters are awful, but the game's visuals are pretty fucking tight.


I'm just saying that there is basically no pro israel left in America, while in Europe these living contradictions actually exist.

user, you can't use incel as an insult against someone else.

>but the game's visuals are pretty fucking tight.
The worst kind of lie is the lie you actually believe it

shut up incel

>I'm just saying that there is basically no pro israel left in America

Not sure about that. Jewish run media still try to paint the exact opposite picture, at least.

85 employees. Is that much for a product in the gaming industry? Sounds very little.

It doesn't work like that.

this feels like ACFag posting.

get some sex incel

Why don't you go ahead and play Left Alive and let the rest of the world play what they want?
Oh, you didn't buy it either? Well that figures.

Maybe I'm basing my view of "Europe" too much on Germany specifically

Also what's wrong with Czechia that their government likes israel so much

Shoot, man. I don't play Overwatch, but most shooters look a hell of a lot worse. I'm struggling to think of something better art directed, in fact.

Unless by "graphics" you only talk about shit like photo-realism, framerate, and polycount.

say whatever you want but I'd rather live in Tel Aviv than in Los Angeles or (God forbid) western europe

so what's the deal with Left Alive?
is literally all I've heard about it. didn't even know it came out

Attached: 1547694920461.gif (652x562, 626K)

Quick someone come over and fuck my butt so no one can bully me for being an incel. This plan is foolproof.

t. Someone whose entire view of Western Europe is based on black pigeon YouTube videos

See, that's contradictory, user.
It suggests that you play along with the self-centered crybabies that would label themselves incels.

It's a term that exists because some people think it's everyone else's fault that nobody will have sex with them. Calling someone else an incel would suggest you take away any responsibility they would hold for their situation.

Words of an incel

>No story, meme nihilistic dialogue, awful camera and cheap itunes gregorian chant soundred. End result worse than Dynasty Warriors games.
you didnt play it did you

>LGBT parade in Tel Aviv: 1 day per year
>LGBT parades in San Francisco/Western europe: 365 days/year
I mean it is not difficult to understand

Haha, good luck with that, user.

>The American government and media used to be the worst offender in supporting Israel
Not for long

Attached: 1551992351507.png (626x875, 540K)

Just trying to be informative here, so you can look slightly less inconsistent in the future, should you desire.

because it isnt like a zombie movie like OP wants. Automata had a story and only the dumbest person would think other wise.

Who is behind this post?

All leftists I know of are against Israel. Not per se pro-palestinian but definately against Israel.

>Implying the dem establishment isn't gonna neuter her completely

To the centrist libs that make up the democratic party elite, minorities like her are only worth keeping around if they shut the fuck up and toe the party line

I live in Germany and every leftist I've spoken to here has thought I was anti-Semitic, while nearly all of my leftist friends in America are wholly on the side of the Palestinians

>All leftists I know of are against Israel
Most I've met are pro-Israel, then again I live near Miami

lol even front mission evolved is better than left alive and that game has zombie wanzers

If anything Germany is the exception. The French left is way more anti-Israel for example.

>Talking shit about Nier's music
Okay, now I know this is bait.

Are you conflating leftists with liberals?

The german left in support of "israel" is mostly ther german feminists in support of israeli women, as I see it.

Czechia probably supports Israel just because they don't want the jews back. It ain't their issue and they don't want it to be.

Yeah that's what I thought was going on - Germany was specifically the one place nor to look for people who support Palestine.

In most of Europe, the liberals represent the right.

>Front Mission meets Metal Gear Solid

I heard it was more Metal Gear Solid but plays liked a shitty verison of TLoU.

and if the Mech combat is good, WHY DO NO ONE BRING IT UP?

Dunno. I agree that Overwatch is very well polished, but I don't personally find it appealing. There are much worse looking games that are much more interesting to look at.

Im talking about people running across the full spectrum of the left wing (college commies to bernie bros to gibsmedat negro liberals), not to mention the center and right.

Judging by the way you talk about it, I'm pretty sure you mostly talked to liberals


Attached: 2braaaaap.jpg (900x914, 130K)

Thank you, my dear.