How's your game going user?
You are working on it still right?
How's your game going user?
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I havent even started yet.
Well it's not gonna make itself
Can't dev. Godot too awful.
Some assets from yesterday, the robo arm is kinda stubby so imma redo it.
What kinda game
How do you guys go about planning stuff out before deving?
Hire an idea guy
Every day I'm excited with ideas and I open vim and alt tab for the rest of the day. This is what purgatory feels like.
Tps, its just a project for school, nothing gonna come out of it really
I've never even heard of most of these engines
I'm working on it. RPG Maker MV is shit, i don't have any ambitions, I've been procrastinating like a pro but I made some progress.
Currently working on sprites for my first merchant. You have to buy a sword early in game but the way you buy items is all on-screen. You have variables that will keep track of what you take, and you get the chance to steal the items while the merchant is busy (his interaction will be using a RNG variable, one for what he is doing, the other for tracking if he somehow saw you or not when you leave)
Release date: Never ever
Maybe I should find a job
RPG maker gets a bad rap, I think as long as you are staying away from default sprites you can still make some cool stuff ,good luck user
Yes, hire me, I will work for relatively cheap.
I can also code a bit if you want for additional fees.
Thanks user. My art is dog shit but I'll try making something out of it
id rather be a game director rather than a dev
thankfully I know a guy who has talent in coding but no direction to focus in
Pretty badly. 3D is so time consuming unless you want to go for that meme textureless art style.
cute, i like it
Did some more placeholder art today so I could test out the image swapping stuff, i think its going alright so far
not american but some friends told me this is /too offensive/ what do you guys think?, I wanted to do KH3-esque loading screens with banter between the protagonists
Make 2d then
>is it too offensive?
I don't care but I like it, leave it as it is.
why is Godot considered bad
too barebones?
>that incel speak
It's not offensive because the guy got beaten up for this shit. In fact, you'll get more people playing your games because SJWs will bitch about it all the time but will ultimately give you attention.
Did you know the SJWs don't even play games?
Your newfaggotry is showing
i dont see a problem with that
What programs do I need to create my own fighting game with minimal input lag?
Plans for the weekend: Stealth and enemies opening doors
Oh yeah also enemies carrying lamps so they can look for you in the dark, but I'll have to see how much I can get done
given up. I have realised that my passion of gaming has been slowly dying and i can't do art or music to save my life.
I always get a prototype up then can't be fucked doing more.
very nice, pushed a cool updte yesterday
I write down a document about everything I initially want in the game and how they interact with each other. Not in too much detail because everything's subject to change later on, but just enough so I can get some idea of the structure of the game. That way I can start looking for things that are similar in function that can be extended from each other and I know 95% of the things that I need to make instead of just adding things on a whim and never feeling like there's an endgame.
If you don't care about money, just go with m.u.g.e.n
my irl work has increased so I stopped a bit now.
a month and I will be back at it
old ass video
>In the dark
Please don't fuck it up, i love games that forces you to think in the darkness or fetch a light source
You might oughta hire a britbong to program some actual banter into your loading screens
God this looks so good, god speed user
Get better friends
And if I do?
>games that forces you to think in the darkness or fetch a light source
Some parts of the environment are pitch-black, forcing you to switch to a lantern + one handed weapon. That's pretty bad for mages though (they're carrying a spellbook Hexen style), so they get a light spell.
Who /making it/ here?
I havent really started yet. I gotta learn how to code, but i've had issues learning things since i was a small child. It won't stop me though, I don't really care much for making money, i just really like making worlds and i want people to have fun experiencing them
I'll get it done one day
Anyone have any good videos on how to get loading screens to work in unreal 4
I am thinking about how to build the collision pair cache for my custom physic engine. Most people just seem to use a auto-resizing hashmap.
Godot 3.1 anytime now