What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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cultural marxism


forcing the player to fug ugly shits.

nobody really wanted it

He said what went wrong not what went right.

Game 1 sort of had that too, with remote villages being multiculti.

But it doesn't though?

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It was a game that had no reason to exist, supported almost entirely by the VAs using it as a means to pad out their portfolios when Critical Role gets even bigger.

>tfw I get a killer stomachache after drinking Onions
It goes away after about thirty minutes, but I still don't like it!

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CRPGs are a niche market and the fact that another CRPG came out around the same time didn't help. On top of that Obsidian can't seem to unfuck its shit without another company stepping in and telling them how to organize themselves properly.

Obsidian seems like an awful company to work with. I don't mean some random unpleasant idiot on twitter but the actual management. They've managed to get every publisher to dump them after one game, which is pretty impressive when you consider that even Paradox doesn't want to have anything to do with Obsidian any more.

>the problem was the genre and the bugs, it totally wasn't the fact that every single writer of a game filled with writing was hired because they post orange man bad on twitter every day

Multi-class and subclasses are a great idea, but balance was shaky
Armor pen design. Pretty fun to switch back and forth piercing/slashing depending on the encounters, but some fights simply have no weakness at all and high armor all around, meaning that if you dont minmax your armor pen stats on every slots of every char, you end up tickling the motherfucker
The "romance" story felt half-assed and sucked major ass, gay or not it litteraly was nothing but two lines of dialogues after a standing cap
Not a single sea monster fight when the setting simply beg for it
The difficulty used to be shit, but they fixed it by buffing POTD, it was long after release tho

Still a 9/10 in my book, atleast the "final" patched, full dlc game

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Shit characters and boring world. Dragon Age is like a thousand times better than the abysmal setting Obsidian came up with, and that's saying a lot, since Dragon Age is trite trash for the most part. Obsidian are incredibly uncreative.

That doesn't even exist, dumb lobsterposter.
>literally falling for CIA propaganda
Americans are subhuman.

Imagine thinking a game is bad because it has too many women or black people.

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>deus ex has a leftist agenda
woah must play guys this is truly epic
>any other game has a leftist agenda

>black people
yep, it's shit
I mean subjectively, ain't gonna bother with that.

Why is it a problem when you can fight and kill the black people faction?

Same dumb reason people complain about the scientist guy in Outer Worlds, you can kill him before he even opens his mouth.

I don't want blacks in vidya, unless it's sort of strategy or rpg game were they live in their own part of the world, no multiculti stuff you see in many games.

>I don't want blacks in vidya
Sounds like a personal problem to me racist LMFAO XD LOL

Well duh, I live ins eastern euro, but to bad that media is mostly produced in the west that has this obsession of making racial buffet out of their games. Even in historical games or movies.

2019 still going on LOL

I recall some hilarious bug where any kind of conversation with your companions would count as flirting and asking for sex.

Or it was a feature?

and proud

Even worse we still have people like this in today's society LOL

OH hope you die real soon or get shot by a black dude.

>black dude
Unlikely, those are very rare in my country, like 1% of population at most.

to bad...

It's the classic case of a sequel to a game that had a lot of hype but wasn't all that enjoyable to play. Loads of people bought the first one, but once they played it they did not want more of the same.

inb4 that image with "gay fish" comment

All the good devs quit and it showed.

Agreed. Boomers funded it because they wanted something to satisfy their Balder's Gate nostalgia but then found out the game isn't exactly what they hoped for. Obsidian's retarded management only saw the surprisingly high number of units sold and went ahead with the sequel, expecting to sell even more or at least the same amount of units. No boomer hype combined with the obvious flaws of the sequel probably managed to kill the series.

It's actually astounding that it's taken this long, which basically confirms he just makes those threads himself just to post that in them

It released in a broken ass state and took over half a year to get reach a proper one.

Wouldn't it be better to just have the bottle on the fucking bow?

I never understand the idea of making a game to appeal to the Balder's Gate nostalgia but making the combat different. Seems to have been done half a dozen times now. Is that really what a modern audience thinks about Balder's Gate? "Wow I love everything else about this game but I wish it had a balanced combat system to make every encounter as tedious as possible."

VAs are irrelevant to the overall production of a video game

>Pretty fun to switch back and forth piercing/slashing depending on the encounters
you enjoy brainlessly toggling between Mode A to kil Enemy A and Mode B to kill Enemy B?

I'm more bothered by people thinking that BG2 is an untouchable gem. It's one of, if not my most favorite game. But it's broken as fuck and a ton of things in it could have been done way, way better. 90% of the time when people have fond memories of BG combat, they just think of magic duels and forget how stupid the rest of the game could get.

Overstimated the average gamer's IQ

Bruh Moment

Anti corporativism isnt inherently leftist you autistic neo liberal boomer

Sure, the only good encounters are party vs party. I'm not advocating for a frame by frame remake of BG or BG2, just wondering about the thought process behind the whole endeavour of making games obviously heavily inspired by them.

>you enjoy brainlessly toggling between Mode A to kil Enemy A and Mode B to kill Enemy B?
It force you to manage your weapon set, look at weaknesses and then pick your target wisely

This is the very opposite of "brainless", without this system you just pick the biggest weapon with the biggest DPS and go to town the same way every fights

Is the game really that shit? I'm playing 1 now in preparation for 2. I like the rpg mechanics but I definitely prefer the combat in OS2. I just want something to fill the void from divinity

No. It has issues but they're greatly overstated. It's an 8/10. It's a solid game even if it's not gonna blow minds or make it to anyone's top 10 list.

I didn't think it was bad, it just felt like a real slog to get through for parts of it. I hear 2 is better in a lot of ways, I just feel like I've had all I can take after finishing the first game.

>dualclass Druid and Rogue
>teleporting stagbeast with lightining claws

I had fun

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having one mode to kill armored targets and one mode to kill unarmored targets is not an interesting decision, you just switch whenever you change targets
modal abilities in RPGs are never good

>It's an 8/10
It's a 4/10
It's an incredibly rushed game, the narrative isn't good and the gameplay isn't good, there's no reason to play it

The combat is just fine.
The story isn't great but it takes a backseat for most of the game and most of your time is spent on sidequests and exploration.

The gameplay is 10 times better than the first one
The story isnt that bad too its like ok

>The combat is just fine.
literally so easy I could let the AI do it for me on the hardest difficulty, it was a joke that it ever made it past QA

weak reply

>having one mode to kill armored targets and one mode to kill unarmored targets
Yeah that's not at all how the system work, you have 3 type of physical damage, 3 type of elemental damage and raw damage

Having to consider the weakness is a good idea in an RPG, you might not want to reward players for hurling fireballs at a fire elemental or trying to pierce a skeleton with a spear

The problem is that it's simply overdone in max difficulty+scaling
The enemy have max defense everywhere, sometimes with one minor weakness, and underpen can reduce your damage by 75%
So you end up having to minmax your party/equipment because ArPen sources are precious and not widespread at all

It's pretty bad. I preferred the first one by a mile despite all its flaws. 2 keeps the bad combat and character systems, but this time the companions and story are dreadful. It's incredibly boring.

If you haven't played the game after they did the balance changes then your opinion is completely worthless.

I'll continue playing 1 for now. But man after playing OS2, the combat really pales in comparison. Is there any other game like it that also keeps the rpg stuff


>Valians live in their own part of the world
>have their own language, sayings and idoms
>essentially Vatinian moors

I fail to see literally any problem with POE blacks, they're segregated to fantasy italian free-states shared with a bunch of dwarfs.
hell even the statbooks say the republics is 80% ocean folk 25% dwarf 4%orlan slaves and 1% miscelanous

Meadow folk got Adeyr and the eastern reach, Asian/meso-Americans have the living lands and Ximital plains.

he literally does make threads periodically to shitpost in them

This very thread is proof that god exists and loves us for the untarnished mircale that it has taken moren than 30 minutes for him to get off his autism throne to get here.

Posting best character

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Yeah, but game area you start in has a mix of them. Now one one hand it's sort in center of all other locations so maybe it makes sense for Defiance Bay city, but less so for other areas. Not to mention all the dorfs, elves and humans living together.

Poe2 is fully patched now with a turn based mode if you're wanting it to be more like Dos2.

I've just done a playthrough and its a pretty nice change of pace. Play it on Veteran or else its a little easy.
The abalities and multiclassing are pretty much the highpoints of Deadfire, some combos are just retarded strong.

You mean in Dryford?

Its a former colonial estate of Adeyr, its literally fantasy America.
The firebranding religious rebel underdog culture not tick you off? The wars against the native american elves/orlans?

Elves and white men settled it, took orlans as slaves, dwarfs had always kind of been around there like in the White march.

more than that Defiance bay is a port city, the only Valians you see are traders and merchants and the ocassional mercenary, you only see like 3 huana npcs in the entire game.

Its not really multicultural hive you think it is, just a port city in a country with a mixed history.

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The game was too broad and not specific enough. The pirate ship BS was too much and made the game feel like a mix between RPG and pirate sim.

The writing was okay. If you sided with the Royal Deadfire guys you get to kill the Queen of Neketaka and its basically like the United States bringing democracy to a foreign country.

The game also had way too many skills, sub classes and other things. It felt like more editing was needed to cut out the excessive gameplay mechanics.

thats why you play a repair focus swashbucker . armor wont mean shit.

>Took Orlans as slaves

Does this mean that Orlans are the niggers and Irish of PoE?

>hey I'm a racist

wtf kind of emotional response is that? blacks are literally subhuman, their IQs are lower, even their skull structure is vastly different to real people. they are more similar to apes, you can even see this in the more civilised and domesticated ones.

>to bad...
ah I see, you're one of them aren't you. it's OK to be different, we just dont want you in the civilised countries with the real humans, not the proto monkey people like yourself...

thry are the Irish. the wild ones are really hated.

>orlans are Irish
More like the native americans, but yeah also the irish since *not britian but with elves* took them as slaves.

>tfw polniggers say this shit but chimp out when you bring up jewish IQ tests

also >non slavic>white

some slavs btfo them with Pathfinder Kingmaker, forever exposing both PoE titles as poor written low on content uninteresting kickstarter scams they were

t. Gonna play Varnholds Lot in a bit

Get out of here Pasiofag, kingmaker is borderline unplayable and just the most bland game I've finished.

You are not fooling anyone, obsididrone. With your IQ, i doubt you`d be even past first chapter in storymode