T-Tank b-bros.... please tell me this isn't true... what the fuck
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>Tanks are fucking dumb
Whoa, I am shocked
People who only play DPS really are the niggers of every community they're in.
>this is what DPScucks actually believe
Woopsie, I accidentally redirected the aggro to you and accidentaly told the healer to not save you, looks like you're outta time buddy
This. You should play every role to realize what strugless they face.
It's not.
>enrage timer
Never a factor unless mouthbreathing retard DPSers step in the bad and die in droves
Never a factor unless the tank is exceedingly incompetent
This is the only valid point, but going through a rotation should be so ingrained in your muscle memory you shouldn't need to think about it as you're doing it.
>step in to instantly die
Stay out of it. It's that simple.
>playing mmos
First, it's not true.
Second, fuck you for posting this low quality bait.
>DPSfags think they do calculations when they just like seeing HUEG NUMBAS
The best class is the class where I don't play stupid MMOs in the first place
the only time i ever tanked seriously on an mmo on of the healers would spread open her ass and pussy on skype while i fapped and send me nudes all the time, dumb slut lmao