2019...I am forgotten

2019...I am forgotten

Attached: i-super-mario-odyssey-gra-ns.jpg (432x700, 75K)

But no one will forget your friend

Attached: BOTW-Share_icon.jpg (1200x630, 238K)

Greatest game of all time

Everytime I see a shit port such as q.u.b.e 2, fimbul, kirby star allies running at a shitty framerate I remember how this game was able to pull it off.

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It will be forgotten as soon as the new Zelda comes out next year

Unironically one of the dumbest opinions you could have.

3D World was so much better. Time will go on and people will look back and say 3D World was better. 3D World will be vindicated. It will be lauded for it's tight game design and wonderful atmosphere, while people will rightfully dismiss Odyssey and it's empty boring open worlds with the chores they call "Power Moons". It'll be like when people look back and realize 64 was better than Sunshine and that Sunshine sucked dick.

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What's your greatest game of all time?

That'a because Odyssey is a forgettable, unremarkable title in the series. Pathetically short story, Korok tier main collectibles, mediocre postgame, the list goes on. Playing it just made me want to revisit 64.

It's the best game on the Switch, better than and Star Allies. I'm hoping Prime 4 is good too but who knows at this point

You guys don't shut the fuck up about it. I'm trying to forget but you keep bringing it up. LET IT FUCKING DIE IT'S TRASH.

For good reason. BotW shits all over Odyssey as a game and it's not even close.


not that user but probably Dark Souls

I don't have a specific favorite game. I just know that BOTW isn't even the best Zelda, let alone the greatest ever.

>3D World was so much better. Time will go on and people will look back and say 3D World was better.
FUCK no.
>It'll be like when people look back and realize 64 was better than Sunshine and that Sunshine sucked dick.

Why can't I play as Luigi

If it's forgotten, then why did you post about it?



It's no masterpiece.

Will Nintendo shit out an Odyssey 2?

Oi, mate same!!!

Fucking THIS, Nintendo NEEDS to release a Super Mario 3D World Deluxe

Unfortunately nobody played it and never will because the console was such a failure. Which is a shame because I also think it's a fantastic game, and maybe when the "open world" style Mario games start to become stale again people will look back and be more accepting of the more traditional design of 3D Land and World.

No Anti-aliasing no buy