One copy of Kirby Airride please

One copy of Kirby Airride please.

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Sir, that game has been out of print for 16 years. Did you just wake up from a coma?

No, I've been stuck with the gamecube because I don't want to buy a shitch.

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Then I'm sorry but I can't help you. Might I suggest trying internet auction sites.

Or Goodwill.

Dude, we've been telling you to leave for hours. You don't work here. We're calling the cops.

That will be 9.95 sir.

I played this with some buddies last month and it.. still holds up as a fun Racing game?

I mean, it's pretty much Battle Royale as you increase Stats/Change Vehicles and then you race with whatever you got. Some maps do better with some stuff, sometimes you get fucked. But it's still a solid game.

Almost suprised this hasnt been remastered and put on Switch yet.

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i'm here to collect my copy of splatoon 1. here is a hundred dollar bill. you may donate the change to your nearest charitable cause. if you do not subscribe to any charitable causes i have a helpful index of local centers with whom you may wish to form an affiliation at your discretion my good sir.

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O-One c-c-copy of Witcher 3 p-please. Sold out? Oh no... mother won't like that...

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What do you mean you don't have a girlfriend, user? I met my beautiful wife on Maplestory.

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Hey Eric the janitor, go back to clean that dirty floor and stop acting like a seller or i'll fire you.
Sorry sir, there's only splatoon 2, maybe you can try on internet.
Excuse me for a second.
ERIC, clean this mess right now.
Sorry sir, no gamecube games here.
Also, what is this snitch? Are you refering to the ps4?
Sure sir, one copy of witcher 3 is coming.
do you want the dlcs with it? those are for free today.

Yes, Sekiro is my most anticipated game. How could you tell?

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Somebody has been watching Youtube

>one copy of Zero no Kiseki please. Dont worry, I know it is jap only

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>Dont worry, I know it is jap only

>Yes I am an avid fan of the Xenoblade Chronicles 2. How could you tell?

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i fucking love these threads

>one copy of Gravity Rush 2 please

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>(((Kirby))) Airride

Based and mythrapilled

>I'm here to collect my copy of super smash brothers ultimate for nintendo switch. me and my friends are going to play it this friday night, it's a party game afterall.

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 250K)

>My favorite shooter, you ask? Why, Gotham City Imposters of course.

Attached: p-2-are-veiny-arms-really-a-sign-1515506402.jpg (1600x1018, 198K)

>South Park used this in a montage of jewdom but removed it later
damn shame.

>yes, I'm here for my special order Dragon Ball Z Bukokai Tenkaichi 3

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My nibba