Cannot wait for this game to destroy Yea Forums

Cannot wait for this game to destroy Yea Forums.

Idiotic Yea Forumstards are completely incapable of recognizing a good game. Reviews will EASILY be 90+

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Other urls found in this thread:

If history has told us anything about Naughty Dog post the Jak series, it's that we're going to get mediocre gameplay with an even more mediocre story.

>mediocre gameplay

>mediocre story
Objectively wrong. Not ND's fault you don't have the intellectual capacity to understand the complexities of the narrative.

As much as I like them, ND games are the video game equivalent of Oscar bait

thats cool, incel.

>Character has been in an adult like lesbian relationship since the age of 9


>Objectively wrong
>tomb raider clone

I wish you knew how fucking retarded you sound, maybe of you necked yourself like a good boy God could explain it to you.

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Shit bait.
It's a post apocalyptic road story that's been done a million times before and the only interesting thing The Last of Us brought to it was the cordyceps zombies.

Both non-arguments. Try articulating your points instead of slamming your fat fingers on the keys like chimps.

I mean they are though, you can attack me all you want that doesn’t make it not true

>simplified strawman that in no way actually reflects the narrative.

OK, incel.

>makes claim
>provides no argument what so ever

incels, everyone


>Last of Us
>Complex narrative
You babysit a little brat across the US then chimp out and kill the nigress and her private army THE END


correct opinion

Sorry bro but you're objectively wrong.

oh the shitstorm will be insane, j can't fucking wait

pretentious shit

I have a ps3/ps4 and still wont play that crap. It's a watered down RE title with ladder spam and INVISIBLE AI

Imagine Ashley was invisible in RE4

>proves that he doesn't understand the narrative

OK, retard.

if the quality of a game comes down to a number someone you never met assigned to it, your a fool.

>hasn't played the game
>thinks he can give any valid criticism


Man I remember when Naughty Dog had a new series with different gameplay styles for every console generation

Tell me about the nuances in narrative then please.

i've seen shitloads of content posted

the AI literally ignores your sidekick WHO CAN KILL THE ENEMY

that is retarded.

>I disagree with this person
>I can't raise a valid point to defend my view
>lol incels amiright

You just proved that you're not capable of understanding the narrative. Me explaining won't change a thing because you simply lack the intellectual capacity.

>Reviews will EASILY be 90+
Doesn't mean much when you're basically making Oscar bait shit

>the AI literally ignores your sidekick
why do you think this is?

who can stun the enemy*
very rarely too.

these criticisms are only partially valid, but are completely invalidated in the remaster.

>makes claim
>can't provide evidence
>somehow the burden of proof is on me

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>Shitposter with no backup to their opinions desperatley tries to defend their lack of opinion

Yeah man you're a fucking retard, i dont care if you enjoy a shit game, but don't come on here and tell me its high fucking art.
You sound like the faggots who watch tarkovsky films but won't explain to their friends why the film is a fucking drag.
Only difference is they have friends.


Liked the first but I’m going to give this one a wide berth.

Reviews above 90 are always paid reviews. Only trust games in the 80s.

Take it easy there Ventus

So what?
Thats like saying a film winning an Oscar is a symbol of merit

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Again, proving that you lack the intelligence required to understand the narrative. Instead of articulating yourself like a well-adjusted adult, you fly into a chimp rage and spew insults like some braindead simian. Literal caveman knee-jerk primal instincts.

And you you expect me to try and explain anything to you.

I honestly thought they died throughout the whole lifespan of the PS3 because I couldn't see a single game that looked like they made it. I kinda wish that was still the case.

My issue is that they can't move on from Uncharted/Last of us style gameplay.

I recently bought a ps4, jan 1st. I got the remaster Oh the last of us.

In game the rendering is being down only meters away, objects and people pop in before me...

Some NCPs run into walls and get stuck there, especially at the very start after the driving bit.

I haven’t gotten into it much as I just can get into the game when the immersion is constantly broken.

Also, I felt the sneaking and combat was rather... awkward.

I probably played more Detroit than I did this.

Its obviously your ps4. Nobody has these issues.

>Small girl as MC
>Tough generic strong girl
>generic survival gameplay
>"We don' use the world fun"
It honestly looks like it will be a boring game. I will wait until i see some reviews on this one.

Fuck, I’m not even joking but I suspected that...

Had no problems with Spider-Man or Detroit though.

Could this honestly be a problem with my PS4?

What words will the sony dick sucking mods filter to protect Yea Forums from criticizing this?

Yes, I cant wait. Incel

The game has the occasional AI issue, but I've never seen rendering issues or magic teleporting in any of my playthroughs, or playthroughs I've watched.

I can probably start from the beginning and record some stuff. The draw distance was that bad that it ruined all immersion.

NCPs definitely got stuck running into walls and chain mail fences...

What the hell would they even move onto?
Also I'm still mad they've gone from doing 3 games a racing spinoff then moving on to just leeching off the same style of gameplay and not even trying to change it up.

This for me is very noticeable

If this can be fixed I can play the game.

Otherwise I think it would be great, would even consider playing the original if this was only a problem in the remaster.

Would be interested tbqh. You could even ask, dare i say, r*ddit for what they think.

I think it'd be fun if we call anyone supporting the game an incel. They clearly need to play games with realistic female MCs because its the closest they can get to controlling a real woman. Then it kills off the retarderror posters invading since the word will be filtered to something stupid.

It gonna lie, I quite like reddit.

Even bought a switch 2 weeks ago...8o

>I'm 14 and this father-daughter story is deep

Do people actually play normie games? Yikes.

I would unironically rather play indie shit than a cinematic third-person console action game with stealth mechanics.

>Reviews will EASILY be 90+
Anything above 70 is trash.

I really don't know at this point. Maybe if this game gets enough backlash they could learn from their mistakes and try to make something fresh and new
But yet again this is current year industry and most people are mindless consumers

Never had this issue personally, but those who have say it only affects certain areas.

shrug desu

Son of a bitch thats an amazing idea

forgot to mention not same guy

Gears 5 on PC will be better than The Dykes of Us


TLOU has a horribly written story & characters that brainlets only think is good because of pretty graphics & good voice acting. Tons of games have a better story but don't get circlejerked nearly as much as this piece of shit

low effort post. Retard.

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Ya just mad ps4 won again and again

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>he does it again


Found this, had no idea the remaster came out in 2014...

Maybe my game hasn’t updated?

The only game I’ll really miss from Xbox, bought a ps4 but now I recently bought a switch and quite like the family friendly and relaxed games.

Why the fuck would you care about/try to prove something to Yea Forums

Nice try you schizo retard
All of those are shit except Bloodborne

Pretty sure it’s gonna break sales records like usual and have v-weebs up in arms like gow did.

Did you complete all those games?

I pretty much only like Titanfall and gtaVout of those, however, I’ve only just switch from Xbox to ps.

Only BING BING WAHOOS will dislike this game

>Implying 90+ reviews on Oscar Bait: The Video Game means anything in an industry where game journalists give more of a fuck about games that pretend to be deep, mature and nuanced than actual games
No shit it's gonna have its balls universally licked clean, did you see reception for RDR2 and that game wasn't nearly as far up its ass even with its realistic horse testicles.

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>ANOTHER non-argument
he just keeps going.

>>he does it again

> Only people who play 96 & 97 overall games will dislike generic NPC garbage
I agree

OP is a faggot.

And reminder (pic related)

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Bless the guy responding to every somewhat negative post with his sad fury.

inb4 "incel"

I fear for the future if more faggots like him take control of the industry

This thread has just been me BTFOing incels left and right

ONE TLOU CHAD vs 100 virgin incels

Hey Nintendie, watcha doin?

Nice memes

It'll be another shitty third-person corridor "shooter" with a ton of cutscenes handling any narrative forks - in other words: garbage.

There is no such thing as a good story heavy game. Anyone who puts the gameplay on a pedestal below the story, or graphics, or waifus, or politics, should automatically be discarded as a low IQ kid. And there is no exception. From JRPGs to walking simulators to shooters, they're all low quality.

That is why I'll never consider TLOU2 to be good.

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Don't you have a date with apex? or some shit tier zoomer trash game to play? GO NOW!

Really how about i bash your face in with the end of my gun?

You better not have fun while doing that. Your overlord Druckmann forbids it.

All point-and-clicks, you huge faget. And point-and-click is the most hardcore & underrated vidya genre.

only 11 out of these games are PS4 exclusives


When has Naughty Dog ever made an entertaining shooter? Jak was clunky as fuck, Uncharted was generic as fuck, and TLoU had awful pacing because muh story. You know what, that quote is dead on balls accurate: they don’t make fun games, and it shows. The SJW niggers that work there are not game developers; they’re screenwriter faggots that couldn’t break into the movie biz.

>That is why I'll never consider TLOU2 to be good
Pure cancer...!

>all point and clicks
All garbage.

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We’ve got a literal 12 year old in the thread. Nice.

I just finished the first game and didn't think it was all that special. The gunplay wasn't that great, the weapon variety was lacking, doing stealth shit got boring quick and the puzzles/ladder shit got obnoxious. Also Joel is a retard for fucking the human race because he wants to pretend Elile is his daughter.

I'm sick of seeing this little girl's face. This game is complete Jew propaganda.

>White girl
>Makes her act tough and powerful
>Encourages homosexuality

It's all feminist propaganda you retards. Feminism is evil and destroys the family unit.

thems fightin words, troll'o'vic

I know right? tell me why do you act like a child user.

Reviews were high for the first game too even though the story is the same zombie apocalypse nonsense that films have already done to death but because it's a video game suddenly it's high art.

Better then the trash you play that's for goddam sure PFFFFTTTTT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

>infection spreads from spores which is something different for once
>oh btw if you get bit you get infected too XD

I think it would better if they got infected by fucking

This game is nothing but a Leftist female power fantasy designed by a literal Zionist Jew. Stop supporting games like this and actively shit on them. Leftists cannot stand when the things they like are subject to intense ridicule.


Female power fantasy's are the worst. Look how tough they are trying to make her look in OP's pic. Lmao

I'm buying 20 copy's to piss you off now. Fuck Yea Forums LMFAO XD

Are you also going to buy over 9000 amiibos too?


Sure you aren't the incel? You need to play as a realistic female character since that's the closest you'll ever get to controlling a real woman. I mean only a pathetic incel would want to control a female and make her do things against her will.

>against her will


You’re doing things for survival.

Rape of the Dead already did that.
It's a shit game, I don't recommend it.

>making up excuses for controlling a strong independant woman
Gee man, can you be any more of an incel?
You don't even know what she wants to do. You're imposing your will on her.

This is it, we found the vaccine for all "incel" spammers. You're doing God's work

nice meme

Holy shit let me fuck ur boipussy

forgot nice meme

>implying it’s control

The objective is laid out clearly from the start. You have no choice but to do a certain thing (which charcter wants to do).

Nice mental gymnastics, incel.

Will it have multiplayer? I remember the first games multiplayer being surprisingly fun. Remember having as much fun with it as I did MGO2.

Nvm this thread is nerds arguing over shit they don't actually care about. Probably not gonna be monitoring

Good riddance idiot

And how did you know she wanted to kill those people and not just leave them be? Did she say that she wanted to kill those people? What about how she killed them? Did she give you consent to use the hammer instead of the bow? Did she say, "I want to kill this person with a knife"?
How do you know she wanted to take the path around the people she did?
Did you ask her? Did she agree and give you consent? No? Then you're controlling her.

It’s a video game lul

it's going to be one of those games that shows up in some people's GOTY lists and i'll be like haha oh yeah people actually play this dog shit jewed hollywood wannabe neil cuckmann trash, enjoy your 8 hours of cutscenes, contextual "combat", crafting molotovs and bandages and muh collapse of society

She lets you decide the finer details.

Up yours cunt.

Bro, don't be an incel.
Really, and where's your proof? Did she say you could choose the finer details? What if you let her get hit and badly injured or gets her face eaten by a clicker? Did she consent to that or are you lying so you can play out your incel power fantasy?

Where does she say the opposite? She’s strong and independant so if there was any issue she would make it known


>Tell me about the nuances in narrative then please

>Zombies bad
>People bad too
>Little lesbian good

Yes, niggerfaggot, it's a Sony cinematic experience with added lgbtp points. It will get 95+ from critics. That has nothing to do with how good the game is

This game is going to soil TLoU's legacy and damage Druckmann's career.

>my zombie video game is deep, guyz
>stop laughing

>Objectively wrong. Not ND's fault you don't have the intellectual capacity to understand the complexities of the narrative.

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Are you implying consent?
Are you seriously implying CONSENT?

imagine if this fails like captain marvel and other current sjw garbage what will tiny dick fags like you do then hide under your tumblar rocks

There are people right now that think this game will be good just because its a
>10/10 Oscar bait
I am lmaoing at your lifes


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Uncharted 4 proved that ND can make competent games with good stories without Amy Hennig. Last of us Part 2 is going to be certifiable kino on release

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Nice meme

look at him, he makes strawmen because he doesn't have a single argument. Looks like we won sonybros.

>Every thread OP is either a bait OP desperate for (you)s or shills who aren't very good at pretending to not be shills
Why don't Yea Forums posters just make more threads?

I just really care about women and this game is clearly some incel power fantasy about controlling strong women who look like real women and not your ugly blow up dolls and that's far worse because a woman should never be controlled, she should be free to make her own decisions and not need a man to guide her.

I'm looking forward to it. I enjoyed the last game, and Uncharted 4 quite a bit. Not too sure what all the outrage on Yea Forums stems from. Is it really just that Ellie's a lesbian?

Memes used to be good LMFAO!

Ellie is a strong women who don't need no man, but in the context of videogames someone has to control her to get her from point A to point B. Ellie chooses the direction we go in and we as an audience want to help her get to where she wants to be, it's not about control but everything to do with wanting to help her achieve her goals for better or worse.

She's a strong woman. She doesn't need help, especially not from an incel who just wants to control her.

nice meme

>>tomb raider clone
yikes, the last 3 tomb raider games are uncharted clones. A game can not be a tomb raider clone, only an Uncharted clone.

>brooding young vaguely-attractive lezbo = serious
>all gaming must now bow in reverence

yeah, i don't think so.


Zoom zoom!

retarded zoomer spotted !

And it will have shit gameplay just like the first game




We've already seen gameplay, it looks like shit.

it's gonna be cinematic trash. I meam the guy behind it is a jew that doesn't believe games should be fun.
Fucking gag, this shitheap is the culmination and epitome of everything wrong with the industry today.

>can't provide evidence
The whole fucking game you retard.
Only brainlets whose only read stories from pictures books found this mediocre tripe exceptional.

Is that what you call a californiesque game?

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whose the zoom?
the Zoom who can present some points or the zooms that just go zoomzoomzoomzom.

wait captaon marvel flopped?
Thanks for making my day, dude, I hate that bitch.

Goy am i surprised

can't wait for the sfm
that will at least be fun

will it be fun? that is the question

Yet another exclusive movie. Seriously who even plays these shits? Uncharted,TLOU,GoW,why are they all made into goddamn movies when the games could be 10/10s easily. But keep supporting these,theres nothing good to watch anyway so might as well watch the exclusives

here at naughtydog we don't use that word

Zoomers just zoomin here LOL

>being this new

>Being horny

This game will have 10/10 writing. Not even story, just writing.

>caring about the writing in a vidya

I do. It actually fucking matters and I guarantee your favorite game has good writing. I know the rest of the game will be a 6/10 but I will “play” it knowing that at least if I’m playing a movie game it will be a damn good movie.

>hurr durr carring about lesbian girl and walking-dead dad

If you don’t fucking like movies I get it. Honestly they should allow movie-game discussions on Yea Forums because some of the moments on TLOU were pure kino writing-wise

This game won't do shit. It's not a Yea Forums game. After making fun of it for a week nobody here but shills will bring it up, just to have 499 replies telling them how obnoxious they are.

People say they love pure gameplay and always bible thump about the gameplay, but if you ask them their favorite part of the game it will always be related to the characters, and the fiction of the world, and the story. all of which have nothing to do with the gameplay at all.

People remember the characters, they want to be with the characters and inhabit those worlds. They don't play Mario because they want to jump on enemies, it's because they want to play as Mario.

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