Meanwhile in dungeon finder group

Meanwhile in dungeon finder group.

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck tank players

Oh man is that Stone Toss? I love those comics! They conform to my political sensitivities which i think are sorely under-represented! He tells it like it is haha

Stop spamming your shitter comics here dumbfuck
kill yourself

You got something to say pussy?

This really reminds me of Shmorky. Fucking diaperfurfag pedo shit.


t. buttblasted liberal israel shill discord tranny with an iq evaluated at or below 110

bitch did i stutter

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This is just the autistic screeching meme you fucking hack

>Seething this hard about what is probably one of his best and most accurate comics because he did one that hurt your fee fees
Footfags are scum.

I know it's brainless but playing DPS is just so FUN. I also like the class potential to playing solo.

Hahaha!! Epic! by the way, Reddit LOVES what you have to say, you'll receive many upvotes there!
By the way, don't forget to kill yourself.

Dps is the only fun thing to do
Tank is the most boring

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gotta love how even a nonpolitical edit of stonetoss gets all the lefties in heat

>All the assblasted /pol/tard replies
good job user

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Sadly when you go dungeon finder, the only guys who are not retarded are tank and healer. Most of DPS's intellectual capacity is limited to follow tank and hit random mobs.

Fuck /pol/ and fuck nazis.

>this passes for quality bait on neo-Yea Forums

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Because even invalids know DPS is where the fun is. Nobody wants to roleplay a wall, or babysit meters. But smart people know somebody's gotta do it and bite the bullet.

The discord trap master race stands against Israel.

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Nah, they are just stick with leveling builds (where most of them are DPS) because even changing spec is too hard for them, well some of them tries but it mostly ends up with them stealing items from tank/healer and sell them next week.

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>I have more problems with healers then the DPS.

I dont get it.


Oh you are on a roll you’re gonna give someone an aneurism

Stonetoss fans are so fucking embarrassing

Actual healers MMOs are either guys larping as asshole girls or very friendly guys who are so stoned they believe their heals spread happiness(THC) to party/raid.

>fuck nazis.
You bet your sweet lilly white ass I'm going to

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lucky you most dungeons i get the dps just fucking run off in 8 different directions and i have to get them all fucing back

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Not bad

this is the exact picture that every discord shill and reset era poster lost their freaking mind over stone toss

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It also doesn't make sense given how it's the communist Jew that's standing against corporations and the Zionist entity.

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None of those people behind him are as bad as stonetoss though. Lovecraft apologized, Disney wasn't that openly hateful, and Mel Gibson is an actor.

This might be even stupider than the bitcoin comic. Also does he think Mad Max was made by Mel Gibson?

What do Altright people even vote for with Republicans and the Orange Man being just as much Isreal puppets as the Liberals?

Lovecraft is also queer culture now.

This just illustrates the doublethink that exists on /pol/ as a lot of them did jump from libertarian to fascist as well as how stupid things get when you're being overly reductive with politics.

>as much

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everything you just posted is wrong

Even /pol/ shits on Trump now for crawling up Israels ass.
I slowly get the feeling we really aren't invaded by /pol/ on a daily basis but instead are getting flooded by refugees that are even to backwards for them.

/pol/ isn't one person. There's fucking everything from white nationalists to genuine communists there.

Sorry, more.

This is just rejecting horror in it's entirety.

Keep blasting them user, god bless you

For /pol/ it was a gradual process. In the other hand I say much of the bullshit here is just the product of post-gg Yea Forums being stagnant and easily manipulated by anyone complaining about SJWs.

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>these were made by a bigot
So what, Stonetoss?

Go back


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>yeah, they're bigots, but they're not THAT bad, cause I like them
The point is that you should be able to appreciate the art and the artist separately. I don't agree with the dude's politics and his political comics are cringy, but the ones that aren't are funny and I can enjoy them despite disagreeing with his personal views.

>I know my tanking isn't good enough but... but...
>I don't deserve your attention, healer-sama

>The point is that you should be able to appreciate the art and the artist separately.
Okay but Stonetoss makes shitty comics and he's a legitimately racist holocaust denier. Its a bizarre argument to make because it assumes that people will enjoy Stonetoss's material enough to excuse him being a /pol/tard - its like "well yeah I may be bigoted but don't you like my product?!"

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The guy is often funny even though he is just another alt-right shithead. So even if you are into offensive humor the ideology makes some of his arguments really dumb.

>Even /pol/ shits on Trump now for crawling up Israels ass.
Not really, /pol/ is still up Trump's ass because it triggers the libtards, man. Tons of them still think they're getting a wall.

Trying to derail video game threads is bad when /pol/ does it, but good when tranny discord does it, right?

Personally I cannot respect Neo-Nazis that at least don't acknowledge and celebrate the Holocaust.

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>Its a bizarre argument to make because it assumes that people will enjoy Stonetoss's material enough to excuse him being a /pol/tard
I'm not excusing it. Im just saying that it has no bearings on someone's enjoyment of his non-political comics, like the one the OP was edited from. The one you just posted, yeah, that's garbage from a dumb person. But the shit that has nothing to do with his shitty views can be used and enjoyed without affirmed those shitty views.

I don't share all his views no.
Just like I don't share all the views with most comic authors.
I do believe his brand of contrarianism is under-represented though in comics.

Are you genuinely upset with an edit of a strip that was originally about ass, boobs and feet because the author has politics you don't like? Or are you merely acting like you do, either for lulz or for /pol/ackian false flagging?

Why does this guy make people so mad lol

I wouldn't say just, but also

>the child consented

I fail to see the problem.

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Exactly this. If a comic is funny, it's funny. Whether or not the creator is a respectable person or not is a separate discussion.

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>I'm not excusing it. Im just saying that it has no bearings on someone's enjoyment of his non-political comics,
But that's going off the assumption that he has funny non-political comics. Which is incorrect.

If there's a funny Stonetoss comic someone is more than welcome to post it.

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Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?

there's a hint of truth in some of his comics and that bothers some people

Damn so true

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The holofaux didn't happen tho

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Is Stonetoss single?

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Whataboutism (n.) - The liberal's way of handwaving their own double standards.

What did StoneToss do that was bad? Make comics?

now that one gets a jikes from me


So he is just a moralfag.

Dumb Question Whats the guy beside the dont tread on me suppose to be?

The only threads on Yea Forums that are worth anything nowadays are the pseudo-generals about shit like Yakuza, Danganronpa, Fire Emblem, resident evil, hell, basically any japanese franchise. Those are the only threads in this cesspool that are not just 14-year olds screaming MY POLITICAL OPPONENT WEARS A FEDORA LOL KEK.

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It happened and it should happen again, only this time focus on Zionists and their puppets.

Woah bro you don't like concern trolling and pictures of Tweets with "What are some games that let me (political topic I want to discuss)?

a fascist

Some people care, some people don't, some people are hypocritical and only care one way.

I'd probably suggest lying about still being a virgin if you're trying to lose it, or at least not being upfront about it. I lost it late at 22 through online "dating" and had it up on my profile, the time it took wasn't that long really, but the conversations where I had to explain myself why I was a virgin were emotionally draining and frustrating.


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how does it feel to be the most replaceable role

why is stonetoss such an annoying incel?

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rts threads, other strategy threads, crpg threads, fps threads > Yakuza, Danganronpa, Fire Emblem, resident evil threads

This guy actually believes there are satanic cults and demons out there.

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His symbol is the Fasces. Used for Fascism among other things.
In this context it's probably fake fascism he's referring to, like alt-right or some shit.

Lovecraft didn't so much apologize as he did give context as to why he just hates everyone except the English elites.

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You look at furries and the deranged shit they draw, and tell me that demons don't exist

>it's another round of tanks and healers sucking each other off
Literally nothing more foul than tanks and healers. Always so self righteous, they truly don't realise how useless they are. I can't imagine playing a role that has no competitive side and is filled with clicky clicky taunt heal. I guess there's a reason why the wow reddit is officially 80% tank/healer.

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He made comics that imply consent ruins the lives of women, Californians should be killed, blacks are subhuman, and jokes about tranny suicide. He's in a different category than Gibson, Disney, and Lovecraft since he makes his work about his bigotry.

It's nothing compared with what's on pixiv.

And believing in literal demons is far more deranged and delusional.

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lmao this is what dps acutally believe

Gibson made a movie about how Jews killed Jesus and how the Native Americans needed to be genocided though.

The D stands for Drag queen. Which they dressed just like that when they read some books to children.

He's dumb as shit and makes comics pandering to an internet niche to get those Zyklon Ben bucks.

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I like Lovecraft but even I know that isn't true, doesn't detract from his works however.

I think the D stands for damage control.

I have met those crazy protestants online, they literally believe there are demons and satanists roaming around like in a Bible Black sequel.

We don't know he is an incel.

All we know he loves to make some lefty political groups just by exposing their hypocrisy and lack of consistency.

To truly appreciate stonetoss's genius you need to free your mind from political correctness.

man the left really can't meme can they


>3525812 INSTANT 100% HP SPELLS

>boss will instantly one shot kill you if you grab aggro for even a split second
>every mechanic around you will instantly kill you
>most complex rotation and spell priorities in the game, a single mistake or moment of hesitation results in you freefalling on the meters
>have to deal with all adds, resulting in split-target rotation management
>constantly competing on dps meters, if you don't make the cut, you're benched immediately
>if you aren't the top dps, everyone will berate you
>all mechanics are designated to range DPS and melee DPS, meaning you have to literally control the entire fight


Being a tank is like being a Twitch mod and being a healer is just utter patheticness, I would beat the shit out of any of my friends if they ever tried to play a healer in any game.

The D stands for Dobson

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That's purely subjective.

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Twitch Streamer: Tank
Twitch Mod: Healer
Twitch Viewer DPS

That's a stretch. The jews also worshipped and followed him, making them the protagonist. Jesus was a jew himself. Apocalypto wasn't about needing genocide since there were peaceful protagonists fighting against the oppressive rulers.

Not joking, I have been called demonic online by christcucks, those people are really serious.


guys, are we pro yang now or what? I need to figure out which trend to latch on and early adopt.

>Jesus was a jew himself

Spotted the Jew apologist.

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The original is funny too though. The idea of "you having sex with people aren't me means you're going to die alone and childless" is abstract revenge fantasy at it's most pathetic.

>that one time i ran uldaman as a healer
>rogue kept pulling aggro and dying because i was too busy healing tank and conserving mana
>he gets angry and flames me
>we wipe on final boss and he has a bitch fit
>i'm leader so i kick him before last boss
>he rages and whispers shit to me
>ignore lol
>other party member says he has a hunter friend who can join
>invite him and 10 minutes later we've killed the boss

No regrats

Its appropriate I guess. If I were a steadfast Christian and I saw the shit furries and trannies do I would think they are demonic. Given that I am not however I know they are just mentally ill.


>blacks are subhuman, and jokes about tranny suicide
Maybe people would stop making jokes about the tranny suicide rate if it wasn't 41% and stop making jokes about blacks if they would stop acting black lol

this month is yang, next month we're hoxhaist
everyone gets a bunker

>dungeon finder
Fuck off wrathbaby

if the communist was actually a liberal, this would be accurate
but liberals don't have symbols of their own since they stand for absolutely nothing

but seriously, the guy in that comic is based off an actual drag queen

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>and conserving mana
Back in vanilla rogues really struggled to understand this concept.
Some warriors and hunters too. Despite Hunters having their own mana.

Mages thanks to making the drinks and needing to drink themselves quite often were usually fairly patient and understood the deal.


while this is true, it's funny to call the reddit nigger election tourists "/pol/" since it annoys both /pol/ faggots and the reddits themselves

>Revelations 2:9
>and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

It's those who lie about being Jews who are the synagogue of Satan

I'm not religious but that's definitely what demons look like.

how the fuck one fucking image can derail an entire thread and trigger so many trannies?

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Is that what deadnaming is all about?
Say their true name and they get banished?

It's bizarre but I could see how a parent could see it like taking your kid to an art museum that reads to them.

Upvoted solely for quality.