Talk about it

Talk about it.

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it's dead, jim

Combat is the best of the musou style games
Burst story is obviously well regarded
Censorship is gay but I bout the physical CE for the keychains

Is this the XSNEED thread?

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Sony killed it and dabbed on the corpse.

>censorship is gay
>supported it anyway

I want Homura to sit on my face with her big sweaty butt.

Why does she look entirely different?

Yes, I'm glad you see the deep internal conflict I had to struggle with.

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Peach Ball coming to PS4

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I bought it at launch for the bonus keychains, but haven't gotten around to playing the main campaign

>we will never get 7even
feels badman

Does she still have milkers?

>buying the PS4 game
OP is a cuck.

No Mirai no buy.

You aren't the only one based on the trophy percentages.
>mfw the Asuka vs Homura final fight music

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Who would buy it though? It was trash and the only appeal is going to be censored to all heck.

who the fuck is buying a anime tiddy ninja game that gives a single shit about it being too risque

>Go to buy DLC
>Page 3 on PSN is Estival Versus DLC
Is it in any way compatible, or is PSN trying to say something?

She always has them.

Why would anyone want Homura's butt in their face.

Imported a used but mint ps4 japanese collector box and bought the game on steam, not giving a single penny to Sony ever again.

Tried playing it but got bored because I cant read moon and the only pc I have that can run the game is at work and well... Im kinda fucked.

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>Is it in any way compatible
it literally says in the descriptions the costumes work for both renewal and EV.

Sony gives a shit, not the consumer.

>Censored on Ps4
>I don't like playing anything on PC that isn't an MMO


Bought it on steam because fuck snoy. They improved on the combat from estival and the girls are as cute as ever. I like nans new style

It isn't.

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This. Might as well put a gun to Sony's head at that point to prevent them from censoring it.

Peach Ball isn't about the intimacy mode.

>I like nans new style
Character portraits were great

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Imagine fucking Shiki

>nightwolve is still mad another fan translation group was hired to work on multiple falcom games

He shouldn't have tried to paywall an Ys fan patch and pissed off the community before xseed acquired rights to the franchise. He might have had a different future.


Different hair colour (she's a brunette but was bottled bleach blonde for years) and lack of glasses.

Also what are those two dots on her face?

Have fun being part of the problem. You just voided your right to ever complain about censorship.

Sold like shit on PC. Sold like shit on PS4.


>what are those two dots on her face?
A piercing. She also looks much slimmer than the only other thing I've seen her in. That webm people post of her in the office with the nero cutout behind her.

>You just voided your right to ever complain about censorship.
Nigga DoA6 got half of its censorship nerfed after selling more than any SK could ever dream of.

People get the anti-eyebrow area pierced? What the fuck

Also someone said she's had tuberculosis since mid last year, so any weight loss is probably down to the medication she's been taking.

Aren't these games banned or just certain parts?

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Sony made them cut the touching minigame out of the most recent release for ps4.
I wouldn't be surprised if they're a pain in the ass to get a hold of in Australia.

You can pretend to spy on a girl in the shower, but pretending to touch her is a no go.

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Chocolate Kat milk

Too dolly/unreal/plasticine/cutesy/perfected/inhuman for me. And the animation is too stiff.

Can't really care for the characters or even their bodies.

valkyrie drive 2 wen