Oh no

Oh no...

It's over bros...

I guess Kingdom Hearts 3 realy was the superior game...


Attached: kotaku dmc5.png (584x384, 356K)

Other urls found in this thread:


...superior to Final Fantasy XV that is!

Kingdom Who again?

Let me guess, he thinks the music is shit cause he can't get higher than an A style

>Drawing of some fuckin' dude in the corner of the thumbnail
Welp, can't argue with that, I guess.

just so no one else gets baited by this failure of a thread
>Devil May Cry 5 is the sort of video game where it’s impossible to think of a single moment my mom wouldn’t shake her head at as she folded laundry in the basement circa 1988. And that will never stop me from absolutely loving it.

read the article, faggots

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The headline is just retarded clcikbait to russle jimmies. He actually likes it

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>inb4 >kotaku
Either watch it and discuss it, or don't discuss it at all, you fucking tools.

>giving views, clicks, engagement or whatever to kotaku

nice try shill

>actually giving him a click

>dmckeks are in full shill mode that they're telling anons to give kotaku clicks and views

you DMCniggers are cancer

Tim Rogers is a great vidya journalist. He's literally the only worthwhile thing on that site.

Tim Rogers is literary the only good thing about Kotaku. I don't know how he works there since the dude is literary a self hating intellectual troll.

Him liking it makes it even more shameful that he'd resort to such garbage clickbait for a game series he enjoys

That fucking opening lol. This man is a fucking treasure, how the fuck does he still worj at Kotaku? Maybe its Zero Punctuation where he stays at The Escapist just because he wants to focus on hia videoa and not worry about all the marketing shit.

He is what you get when you have a full on self hating hipster that is actually smart. This "clickbait" is nothing by his standards, and he is all the better for it. He has been like this for more than a decade.

inb4 subhuman brazilian apes try to refute this with muh stylish action

He sticks with the garbage analogy. He doesn't mean it as a bad thing, he's just saying that the game is full of grody shit and proud of it. He brings up a great quote by Suda51, too.
>making a game is like taking a dump.

He literally just makes dumb op ed videos and streams weeb/niche games. I hate the shitty nu-board culture, but Tim is literally /ourguy/

So it's true, weebs who were molested as toddlers can't get enough of queendom hearts.

So better to make random assumptions based on the headlines? If you're going to shitpost about the review you could at the very least know what it fucking said.

What kind of mentality is this that you gotta like a JRPG if you don't like DMC? Still a feeling a little insecure after D.m.C. are we?

X X X X Cure X X X X X X Cure X X X X end

Stop shilling your shit articles here Tim Rogers, everyone disregarded you as a game journalist more than a decade ago move on.

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every time i look away for five seconds, a dozen more of these brown haired bespectacled "Game Guys" pop up on YT i swear

why do these people always start by relaying mundane shit from their past

every damn time

Tim Rogers is a douche and I'm not clicking anything from Kotaku, but the title is obviously a positive statement. If you've seen the Faust video it should be very clear.

Attached: OWW.png (955x451, 726K)

>that loud ass click in the beginning of the video

Attached: 10356200_45345089125127_5361858595941661965_n.jpg (328x277, 23K)

His OC looks like Gohan

>calls Dragon Quest XI the best game in the series
>praises Kingdom Hearts 3 and claims that his reviews of 1&2 were hitpieces cranked out for easy publicity
>thinks Mario 3D Land > Galaxy

why do we care what he thinks, again?


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>people have been mad about tim's vegan burrito for thirteen (13) years