What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Political intrigue and conspiracies replaced with browbeating the player with allegories of racism.
Square Enix being a bag of kikes
did you play the game?
Amen. We get the parallels. Please stop reminding us every 10 minutes of gameplay.
Not even that user, but yes I did, and much of the story is absolutely about that. The greater conspiracy falls flat when much of the content is about augs vs humies. All the DLC single-story content is unironically far more engaging than the main story.
The hookers looked low-tier. And I don't even mean trashy and drugged up, I mean like they put no effort into them.
Let us not forget the dumbass forced phone game multiplayer mode bullshit.
Short and deliberately made that way to double dip and sell the rest of a story as a sequel that will now never come now
Ran like shit (maybe still does, dunno) on like all but the tippy top percentage of PCs at the time
The awful preorder shit they pulled and what felt like cutting the game short for a sequel that will never happen.
Yes, I get it, apartheid is bad.
plot changed to generic SJW story that they put into every video game they get control of
The sidequest with the murder mystery at the end was the only good part of the game. I'm still mad the game got cut short for the shitty BREACH mode.
You guys know Human Revolution did this hack shit too right? How the first game was really more about more universal politics and philosophy instead of just DUDE TRANSHUMANISM LMAO and IS JUST LIKE THIS TRANSHUMAN FUTURE THING! AUGS CAN'T AFFORD NEUROPOZYNE? IT'S JUST LIKE AMERICAN HEALTHCARE! FUNDIES ARE BOMBING AUGMENTATION CLINICS? DUDE IT'S JUST LIKE ABORTION!
The game was divided
original deus ex was a 10
HR was a 8
This was a 3
It's further decline
sequel bait
Nothing. Faggots whined about meaningless DLC and some conspiracy about it being cut in half.
Man, SJWs really live rent free in your head.
Too short
This is your brain on /pol/
If you remember at the time actual SJWs were really butthurt about the "mechanical apartheid" stuff and threw a big hissy fit about appropriating the struggle of the black man or whatever for a video game until they trotted out the black lead writer for the game to shut them up.
it wasn't as good as human revolution, which wasn't as good as the original
it was still pretty good tho, i enjoyed it
>Shity preorder practices
>shity dlc practices
>shity cut the story in half so they would buy the next game practices
>no soul
>boring Praha is boring
>Augment your preorder
Never finished the game and instead planned on making another sequel so they never actually explained that Adam was a clone and is probably Simons.
>What went wrong?
Does not recognising the screenie qualify as a "wrong"...?
I didn't know Kessler was in this game.
Nothing, best game in the series.
>and is probably Simons
>>Shity preorder practices
>MD: "Guys pre-order and we'll release it a day early"
>Any other game: Guys pre order and get extra characters, and 5000 pw2 credits.
>Everyone: Well dont buy it if you don't like it
Just like the anti-capitalist of DX1 or HR.
But I guess its okay to /pol/brain it out because its 2019.
20-30 hours is just as long as HR and the first game.
Jensen sounds similar to Simons and looks like a younger version of him. The Jensen in MD is a clone that was created to hunt down Janus and is a sleeper agent. Simons is also an anomaly is that nothing is known about him and he is capable of being Nano-augmented which is rare and only he and the Denton brothers were really augmented and active as everyone else would reject the nano augs.
except what actually happened was
>hey guys if enough people pre order we'll give you this and if they don't well fuck it you ain't getting it
>oh what you want to make sure you get these things, well fork over another 90 and you can get it
>only /pol/ is annoyed by shoehorned racism analogies
What I found insane was that they were one-time items too. If you used them and then started a new game you would not get those items. If you saved over a save they were just fucking gone.
seems to fit, i never noticed
thanks user
All the opinions in the sky are enemies.
>is probably Simons
simons was supposed to have a minor role in human revolution but it got scrapped because his voice actor was unavailable due to heath reason.
So why doesn't Adam freak out if he finds his own cold augless corpse in a Versalife vault next to a bunch of wreckage from Pangea?
>if they don't well fuck it you ain't getting it
if you mean the mission it was obviously going to be sold as dlc anyway.
He wasn't though and the only evidence of one existing is an email. Things change. Writers decided to kill off Jensen and create an entirely new plotline.
too prague focused and 'felt' smaller than first even though that may not be true. nothing compared to going to china and there were no good secondary characters like pritchet or flygirl
you realize that looks worse right?
>enough of you pre order the game or you have to pay for this mission we were gonna give out for free
It wasn't an invisible war remake.
any game could give out its dlc for free any time they wanted.
Yeah this looks worse, but if anyone had a brain its obviously not.
But I guess thats what helped in the burying of this series.
Really any game that sells consumable boosts needs to die.
any game could but trying to force people into pre ordering by making a tiered system based on how many pre orders they sell is gonna make you look like a complete asshole.
>Pre-order this many games and we will release it ONE DAY EARLY!
games selling consumable boost aren't inherently bad, if they don't let it have an effect on how you receive those consumables in game. from what i recall this game sold praxis kits for real money but there were so many in game people who just played the game never felt forced to buy them.
Its pretty much the equivalent of kick starter goals.
..Did you play any of the previous videogames or did /pol/ wrap your brain this hard? You know we're all being ironic on that board... Right?
>games selling consumable boost aren't inherently bad
It absolutely is. Because otherwise there would just be cheats. You remember those? The free codes you could put in which are EXACTLY the same thing except they didn't make any money off of them? Consumable boosts are anti-consumer.
Its even more fucking galling when you get situations like Far Cry 5 which has Anti-Cheat in single-player to prevent you from cheating in resources on the PC so that if you want extra you have to buy it.
Its cheating one way or the other but it is absolutely stupid and terrible.
Don't compare the original game to HR or MD nigger. The political message of the first game is nothing like HR or MD.
if it was made in 2019 you'd be screaming COMMMMIEEE SJW all around pol. And that a fact
I actually thought the hub worlds were really good and well done. I enjoyed exploring them and picking up lore tidbits and a bunch of the sidequests too.
Story didn't have nearly enough going on. It felt sorta like another day in the life of an Interpol agent or something. Hunt down guy, you hunted down guy. Boring.
Art design was super busy. I sorta liked the realistic look but at the same time sometimes there was so much shit going on it was hard to even tell what is supposed to be interactable.
Can't remember a single thing about the music which puts it equal with Human Revolution.
>It absolutely is. Because otherwise there would just be cheats. You remember those?
in some games but taking dmcv as an example, the previous games didn't have cheats to give you more red orbs so their inclusion hasn't really taken away anything from the consumer. Hell it introduced a feature since now you can use red orbs to revive yourself which i would say was obviously added as a way to try and push people towards buying red orbs.
kickstarter goals are suppose to be things that they wouldn't be able to do unless they got the money to make it happen, i doubt it was a similar case with the pre order bonuses.
Human revolution had very melancholy electronic throbbing, it actually really helped set the tone along with the piss filter. MD has pigeons cooing
I wouldn't actually. I really do find people like you detestable. You don't even intend to talk about anything you just want to hit the points and attack the other side. This isn't even a discussion. It is you shitposting and thinking you are doing the right thing and that it is okay you for to act as you do because you are on the right side. You aren't and it isn't. I genuinely hope one day you actually look at yourself and your actions and consider just for a moment that you might be wrong.
the numbers on pre order incentive probably game them enough leeway to reelase a dlc mission for free. At least thats what they tried to get across. Like kickstrarter goals some actually need it and some are using it to bait you out of more money.
not an argument, you would be doing that. Thats is a fact and you cannot change that fact, no matter whether you think you would be doing it or not.
Everything after the first game
>Introducing a new feature to squeeze more money out of shitters is a good thing
>Being able to buy your way to victory is a good thing
>Explicitly designing games with monteization of resources in mind
I beat Let it die up to Floor 60. I know about stupid monetization of resources to force you to play a certain way or buy more of them.
At best it does nothing. At worst it causes the gameplay design to be changed for the worst as they attempt to capitalize on the monetization method.
i mean if you trust em you could say it was that way but i'm willing to bet they had it all ready to go and someone at marketing had a brilliant idea to get more pre order numbers.
What a faggot
I really is so tiresome. You are acting like the caricature you think the other side you are attacking is. You aren't even talking to me you are attacking some image of someone in your mind and their beliefs and proving that you are right. I'm a 36 year old Korean man who lives in Chicago. You know literally nothing about me and you are making all kinds of assumptions because I think certain things and so every other thing you think that is associated with must also be true.
Its just such a sad existence.
they obviously had it ready to go, but there are more things in play too. The assets and expenditure doesn't always go in and out from the same place. sometimes marketing spends too much and a mission has to be made as dlc to recuperate for projected income. Not even out of need but greed from publishers.
I'd say just this time that it may have been one to trust a little since apparently it flopped. But who knows.
All I know is that its not any worse that any other AAA pre-order shit. And it died because of the meme controversy.
that's why i said in my initial response that it's not an inherently bad thing if they don't let it have an effect on how the game plays or if they effect they do let it have like they likely did with the red orb revive in dmcv is minimal. Specially because the game isn't really a hard game and has selectable difficulties, the game isn't designed to kill you and make you spend your red orbs it's just an option you have if you do find yourself dying repeatedly.
If writing paragraphs of nothing helps you cope with being a /pol/NPC.
Then you do that buddy.
Its inherently bad because there is literally no upside to it being in the game. The best you can hope for is nothing and the worst is trying to charge $1.95 to give Mario higher jumps.
Never forget that shareholders are the cancer killing videogames
>I'd say just this time that it may have been one to trust a little since apparently it flopped. But who knows.
but they didn't know it was gonna flop, honestly coming off of DEHM they probably thought they had a sure thing since the game had such a overwhelmingly positive reception as did their mobile game which i believe released before MD
>All I know is that its not any worse that any other AAA pre-order shit. And it died because of the meme controversy.
I would say it is, i don't like pre order bonuses and do my best to not pre order any games anymore and instead get them day 1 but a company essentially holding part of the pre order bonuses hostage in an attempt to get more pre orders comes across worse than a company simply offering something for pre ordering.
I genuinely hope you have a moment of clarity and just sit and consider the possibility that you are wrong and actually start engaging with people and talking to them about what they think. You could just be a shill of some sort and this is all just wasted breath as you are paid to do this for some sort of nebulous reason. However I'm going to believe you are just a normal person. I hope you find your way and learn to actually talk to people. Making everyone who thinks differently than you an enemy is a rough path. You will never actually grow unless you engage with people who think differently than you do.
in terms of red orb revive there is an upside to it being in the game to people who might struggle with the game. Previous dmc games only had gold orbs as revive items which would limit the options someone like that has to revive in the game. i get that micro transactions have completely ruined games and they won't stop being pushed anytime soon but to just say because they exist they make the game worse is not something i can agree with. Even in MD praxis kits were purchasable but the consensus among most people i've seen is that they put so many in the game that you're never left wanting.
no gold filter
half-finished story to sell a sequel
microtransactions in a single player game and spinoff minigame thing nobody wanted which also exists only to sell microtransactions
still pushing the augs versus natruals thing as the main focus of the plot instead of more realistic conspiracy stuff
Or you know if the goal was helping people who struggle with the game just add another difficulty or another qualifier that does the same thing and isn't trying to milk them for money. There is no reason for cash to enter into that equation.
Making the main character a character whose story ended in the previous game instead of someone new.
Nobody wanted another game with adam jensen. Jensen didn't even have a reason to do anything after finding out the illuminati controlled everything.
it's a business, that's why cash entered the equation. shareholders are cancer but at the end of the day the companies making the games are still business and need to make money specially capcom who was struggling due to retarded decisions. Monetization is gonna make it's way into games and if it were as harmless as it was made in dmcv it wouldn't be a problem.
>Nobody wanted another game with adam jensen
That's also how you know virtue signalling isn't actually about any of the issues, it's just a thinly veiled way to fling shit at people to make people feel good about themselves and harvest Likes and Upvotes. People also threw hissy fits at Spike Lee and Jordan Peele and BlacKKKlansmen and Get Out for instance, both based af virtually perfect films, just "ehh somewhat problematic" for a bunch of people who in reality don't care all that much beyond how good it looks on their Fakebook.
Also EM clearly misunderstood and conflated that bs with valid criticism that this was yet again going to be the only main theme because they couldn't come up with something else despite the real world and the original game giving them plenty of material to work with.
It's a good thing people who played the original game could at least headcanon those themes going on in the background while playing HR and MD to make it a bit more interesting than it really was in between bits of exposition, both were interesting games despite the monotony of having every e-mail, readable, dialogue only being about one thing.
HR was a pile of garbage. IW has a better plot than MD and HR combined.
>Making the main character a character whose story ended in the previous game instead of someone new.
This. What other games did this and failed because of it?
>halo 4
>just cause 3 and 4
>dead rising 3 and 4
What else?
Unfinished story and a total brickwalling of content that leaves you going.... "That's it?"
Also, it's not really replayable, missions typically play pretty much the same with every playthrough. DE:HR was much less linear IIRC, or even if it wasn't, I definitely had more fun replaying it compared to DE:MD.
You realize that the story of Adam Jensen DID end right and you are playing as a sleeper agent clone right? You can literally find the original body sans Augmentations and the debris from the Hyron wreck in a vault. We didn't get another Adam Jensen game. We got an Adam Jonson game.
It isn't just unfinished. It is missing half of the game they decided to move into another game instead of finishing this one. Its half the plot which is why nothing is really resolved.
>You can literally find the original body sans Augmentations and the debris from the Hyron wreck in a vault. We didn't get another Adam Jensen game. We got an Adam Jonson game.
You still get treated like adam. He acts like adam. he's voiced by the same guy. It's like saying you don't play as sheperd in Mass Effect 2.
Shepard was a cyborg zombie but it was still Shepard. A clone is different and he acts like Adam but he doesn't have any of the same motivations. His entire purpose within the game is to find an get closer to Janus. You claim that he has no reason to act and you are right. Which is exactly why his actions make no sense unless he is of course a sleeper who is supposed to flush out Janus who is obviously fucking Rand.
then just let me play as a different character. its literally pointless and doesnt add anything
It would have had a point but the game was cut in half. Nothing came to fruition because they did not finish the game.
IW really needs a fan-made remix like New Vision (except better) to put all its strong points to good use, with 10x bigger and more intricate levels.
Who doesn't want to play a nigger in 50's america simulator?
Fucking hanzer.
Le /pol/ boogeyman
read all the posts before you mass reply brainlet
This. The game was perfectly fine.
how did he know which posts to reply to if he didn't read them, mr. idiot?
he clearly just ctrl+f'd and type "/pol/" and just replied to those
It'll happen, it'll just be after Project Avengers is finished in another two years, or so.(Who am I kidding, they're going to reboot/refresh the series again.)
I liked HR, but never ended up playing MD. Is it worth a play if I can get it for free or cheap?
Lets be fair and realize Square Enix did the game in more than the developers.
They decided not to make a pure single player sequel to HR immediately and instead went with mobile crap, online nonsense, microtransactions, pre-order bs.
The dev studio decided what """current event""" themes the game would have while the jap publisher is less apt at realizing what the game should be like for the western audiences so they just let them do whatever.
Absolutely. I enjoyed it more than HR in all honesty.
Probably yes. It's $6 for digital deluxe edition with all DLCs on PS store atm.
Are the sequels worth trying if I didn't like the original Deus Ex?
Bad pre-release press (AUGMENT MY PREORDER) and a shitty cliffhanger ending. Apartheid allegory relied too much on real world apartheid / racist imagery, slogans, signage, etc.
Game was actually pretty good though. I still think Prague was a dumb location but they made the city insanely detailed with a ridiculous amount of routes to stuff.
Depends on what you didn't like honestly.
Man, your IQ really is a two digit number.
It's worth trying HR. The gameplay is quite different and modernized.
Absolutely. MD is a bad deal at $60 but for $10 it's basically the best HR expansion pack you could ask for.
it's underrated, very enjoyable imo
Pretty much. Took everything interesting of Original Deux Ex world and story and removed it. Though Human Revolution is also guilty at that, but still was a better game.
Mankind Devided could have been interesting if it focused on European settings and illuminaty/templars, but instead it was boring 1/3rd of the game 2/3rds of which would never be released now, since no one is interested.
I wonder how much of it is voluntary.
Like do the devs know how to make stuff actually appealing if they spend most of their time being barraged by american politics on twitter and thinking about how much they want to see their wife being fucked by a black man.
The issue is, Human Revolution is essentially a carbon copy of Deus Ex. Levels design, mechanics, characters, everything. They tried to make it litterally copy paste while changing the story - but you recognize all the old things from original game, so the worse story did not weight down on it.
Mankind Devided on other hand was "new" game - which they had to make from scrap, and there was just not enough to copy (unless they copy pasted Invisible War), and without Warren Specter they cant make a "new" deus ex game.
Warren spector could make another conspiracy game if he had the will and ability but it seems he doesnt, he is responsible for invisible war after all.
>certain segment of Yea Forums wants you to think it is some sjw propaganda game
>it turned out to be a pretty decent game albeit unfinished
>now there will never be a sequel
feels bad man
We may get one, after they're done working on the Avengers game.
didn't the game bomb?
it's been a long time so they probably can't even do what they planned anymore (actors not returning etc)
Huh, you don't use "it" if the guy's still alive. Yeah, RIP.
I mean, a direct sequel is not very likely, but they did say another Deus Ex is planned. At this point it will probably just be another refresh for the series.
I don't like video games.
>game as service deus ex with loot box out the wazoo by devs of quiet man
fucking monkey's paw
You mean Sheldon Pacotti, who wrote the bulk of DX. We really need to stop attributing everything DX to Spector, he did a great job as director obviously but the game was made by dozens of incredibly talented people. Not that Pacotti's the only one capable of writing and creating a vivid DX world, but it's fairly obvious from the way EM treated DX as "yeah we're all huuuge fans of the original" that they barely even played it and it probably was like doing homework for them.
DE > MD > HR
Game play is fine. Hub is small and uninteresting. Like maybe 10 side quests which span out over 3 different states of the same hub. Day. Night (the best) and night time curfew which is fun but also restricting.
The missions are pretty linear. There are multiple ways to do things but not really. For instance some missions may have optional objectives like find a certain room, but the main mission will always be the same.
Jensen has gone from a grey character to basically a liberal SJW. He has no middle stance on things and just goes with what's on the left.
The story is atrocious. It doesn't have half the nuance of the first game. For one thing it revolves around a specific neurotoxin but they could have used any other poison and would have been successful.
There's a huge downgrade with weapons. They've added scopes which is nice, but they removed all the interesting weapon augments in the game like the explosive revolver or the assault rifle augment that shoots round corners etc. The world feels like a prequel to HR. The technology is backwards. I know people say it's meant to be that way but it feels lazy. There's no reason technology would have just stopped working. There are also less guns in this game than HR.
Now to the big issue. The game equates augmented people with being black... Or at least how blacks see themselves. You ride on the back of the bus. You get stopped by police. It's shoved down your throat at every moment. Worse still they rarely talk about why everyone hates aug's because they went zombie and killed a billion people before they were stopped. That isn't mentioned outside of deep lore. You never deal with someone who lost someone because augs murdered them. The closest you get is the psychiatrist telling you that a little girl tried to kill her before the little girl committed suicide and how she felt sorry for her. That's it. It's so rife with the black lives matter stuff it's obsessed. Nothing of the nuance from HR.
Yeah, I'd kill for a IW remake on the nu-dx engine without all the stupid consolized stuff. I wanted conspiracy and global problems, not some oppressed minority drama.
Really poor optimitation.
3fps with my AMD card
shameless sequelbait
Also, very on the nose about "look at these poor augs being discriminated against even though they did nothing wrong, shocking right?"
Besides that, great game
it was half a game
>tfw we'll never get to fuck over the illuminati and all the other smug fucks running things from the background
>tfw we'll never be able to ruin decades of their scheming by just shooting the right people
I refuse to acknowledge invisible war
It is very much worth it.
Thats no polshit, that's exactly how the game is, user.
Nah, thats how you see it.
Augs being harrased/discriminated/ghettoed is a direct consequence of actions taken by certain individuals in a conspiracy. Considering that the whole thing died with Panchea, no truth could be found about the incident. Thus the most natural response was made - section/isolate/contain augs, because sure as hell noone wants the second incident. Its a very simple, matter-of-fact thing you see.
And the closest analogy about the aug issue is this: tool being used as a murder weapon and thus being banned. Translation for you: a number of homicides is commited where murder weapon is an indistrial tool - drill, buzzsaw, cutting laser etc, resulting in mass protests and ban on usage of these (or a specific) tool.
Pol mixes up everything and tries to see in everything what they want to see. So thats how augs end up being equated to blacks. Twisted worldview, nothing more.