it baffles my mind why people enjoy watching other people play video games AND use their money to donate to them. what is wrong with you people? having a surrogate friend who's only interaction with you is saying your name when you donate is not healthy.
It baffles my mind why people enjoy watching other people play video games AND use their money to donate to them...
I'll get called a boomer, but I'll ask because I really don't understand it. I get watching Twitch streamers if there's a gimmick to it like a live translation of a game that never got a Western release or a speedrun or whatever, but if it's just unremarkable gameplay with some unfunny rando playing, why bother? Is it just a friend simulator for lonely losers?
Hey it's that chick from that porn webm!
I mean.
said weeb that probably has a waifu
>fucks the ugly jew looking one and not the actually cute one
what did he mean by this
I wonder how the schizophrenic Eurasian spammer who floods Yea Forums with BLACKED porno feels about watching a white chick get nailed by an Asian dude.
My name is EurasianTyger I make shitty off-topic threads on Yea Forums because I'm a pathetic halfbreed from Reddit that looks like a gook Russian do u rike my webms
Zoomer here. I'm afraid you answered your own question. We can assume a good portion of twitch viewers (or even more generally, gamers) are introverted -- having a safety net platform like Twitch exists fills the bare minimum subconscious need for communication with other people, which is why you have retards donating tons just to have their favorite streamer read off a sentence. I don't really care, it's their money, but man is it wasteful.
Personally, I see no need for twitch if you aren't using it to watch shit like EVO or speedruns, as you stated.
Arent the people who spam that just trannys, blacks, and cucks...
I don't know why you guys like to pretend that this eurasian guy is omnipotent enough to do this.
It's a (literal) schizophrenic sex offender named Tenda Lung-Spencer who's behind most of it. He's also the guy who spams all the SPH fetish shit.
Look him up, he got found out a few years ago.
Who is this and is there more
There's a whole subreddit that does it he's just their figurehead
I don't know but it's piss easy to find. I don't know why you retards who ask for sauce like
Don't just start googling terms immediately. I'm sure if you looked up something like
>Redhead streamer fucked by Asian boyfriend
You'd find it
Well he got in your head enough to think it is him. Which means he won and your just reaching very far to cope...
How am I supposed to know that the feminine guy is fucking the girl in the video below?
There's a vast amount of people out there with mental illnesses, severe depression, anxiety, addictive personalities, etc. that get sucked into this shit. Don't try to understand it, they're mentally ill losers, and you most likely aren't. I used to have a friend that is this type of person. Watches Twitch thots all day, donates, and spends the remainder of his money on gacha mobile shit. He's also 33 and lives with his parents. He has a job, he works full time, and if you met him on the streets you would think he's normal, but he has a hardcore addiction to ridiculous gacha shit and gets obsessive with women. He has had nothing but terrible real life relationships because he gets overly obsessive with them. He isn't bad looking, he's actually a well built guy. He's just a mentally unstable, addictive, obsessive loser that is awful with women, so now his escape is watching them on the internet and giving them money. It's pathetic.
He's going that slow yet she's turned on that much?
That’s sad. You should have helped him
Trust me, I tried. So did other friends of mine. I have a close group of friends who have known each other over 15 years. We all tried to help him. Before this there were other things, like getting involved in pyramid schemes. We tried to help him every day telling him it was bullshit and he got defensive and would say things, "I just wish my friends would support me." Years have gone on and he hasn't changed, just replaces one thing with another. Most of us no longer live in the same city together, but all of us still communicate online and play games together, except him. He just won't get on to play or talk, even though we have tried. It sucks but it's been this way for years and most of us moved on. I am still in contact with his brother, I speak with him almost daily, and he basically gives me updates on him. Sorry for my blog.
she has a fat girl pussy
was she formerly obese?
Only thing that would ever help someone like that is hitting the reset button with some psychedelics or ketamine unfortunately.
>female “””gamers”””
Or just political faggots like (You)
the thumbnail reminded me of dan the man