I want to give this series a shot. What are the definitive versions? Is Steam/Gog ok?

I want to give this series a shot. What are the definitive versions? Is Steam/Gog ok?

Attached: soul reaver.jpg (616x353, 33K)

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The PC version is a clusterfuck of bugs and shitporting issues.
Go with the Dreamcast version, that should be the best one.

For that one in particular go with Dreamcast or PS1.

Dreamcast, all the way.

What about the squeals?
And is it important to play Blood Omen, or should I just go straight to Soul Reaver?

Attached: Blood_Omen_-_Legacy_of_Kain_Coverart.png (220x208, 92K)

Blood Omen is a weird case, it's heavy in the story part, but even if you skip it, you can play the Soul Reaver games with no problem, it will be like playing a Souls game without knowing the lore.
If you are itnerested in the story and the world building(it's great, belive me), the go with Blood Omen first, then play in release order.

Regarding the other games, some of them crash alot on new PC, only Defiance works fine, so i suggest you to go with the PS2 version for both Sul reaver 2 and blood Omen 2.

You should definitely play Blood Omen 1 as it's a nice game by itself just don't try to get all the secrets. As far as versions both the PS1 and PC release have their quirks. Neither is outright better than the other, but I'd recommend PS1.
For everything else, stick with PS2 like the other user said.

Playing this game currently, after wanting it almost 20 years ago as a little kid. Saw the trailer on my Gex 3 disk and it was the most hype shit I've ever seen.


Unbeatable. Love this game.

I played through the series on Steam (except for Blood Omen, played the patched PC version) and I didn't have any problems.

Is there a mod to import the DC models/textures to the PC version?

They're very mediocre games. You'll probably have more fun reading the plot synopses online and listening to their soundtracks while you read them, because that's the part anyone really cares about anyway.

Except for the original Blood Omen which requires a patch for the cutscenes, every other game in the series works fine ( on Windows 7 at least) if you use the GoG version. Have fun!

if you like topdown action games BO 1 is a good one. It also introduces Kain and other characters that show up later, so I'd at least watch the cutscenes on yt.
also note that BO 2 is a strange beast, as its lore is in a weird place in the timelines

>every other game in the series works fine
They are palyable, but are worse version than the Dreamcast/PS2 ones, with less content(Dreamcast Soul Reaver has more music in the game, like one music for every boss, unlike the single music used for all bosses on PC), and consoles version have better graphics than the PC ones too, thanks to the bad porting.

I really wish for a Remake of blood Omen and Sopul Reaver and a Remaster of the sequels, jut to revive the series at least

Blood Omen: PS1
Soul Reaver: DC
Soul Reaver 2: PS2
Blood Omen 2: PS2
Defiance: PC


they all ran fine on pc for me with some minor fan fixes for stuff like widescreen and better controller support, but i would use the dreamcast version of sr1 because it has nice enhancements over the ps2 version - which the pc version is based on.


You could save yourself the hassle and just play all games on a PS2.

the clan tell tales of him



Soul Reaver PC version doesn't have dynamic music or something like that) and is missing a few of the tracks. Emulate PS1 or DC. The graphical changes between them did change the atmosphere if you ask me, look around for screenshots and go with that you think looks better.

You want the PC version of Blood Omen BUT the vanilla version runs slow (seemingly on purpose, even on period appropriate hardware it does this), and makes it feel sluggish and shitty. There's a version with a built in speedhack all ready to go to make it play at the PS1 version's speed (as well as fixing some other problems) and it's probably easy enough to find if you search around for "Blood Omen" on /vr/'s archive. Look for a mega link for a rar file called KAIN. The PS1 loading times are atrocious and the PC version looks better, so you definitely want to go through the trouble if you're gonna play it.

DC Soul Reaver is worse than PS1 due to all the aesthetic changes they made which ruins a lot of the feel for the game. It's not a huge issue, but it's basically the same game so you're better off with the PS1 version that maintained a more mysterious look.

t. owns both versions

skip blood omen 1 and 2 unless you're really curious about the mythos. the main-line soul reaver games are where it's at -- soul reaver 1, 2, and defiance.

This is currently on sale on psn is it worth it ?

One of the "movie" versions of BO1 on youtube should still be watched at the very least if he really wants to know the series. Although really the gameplay is no worse than the rest of the series. It's not something you're playing for the stellar gameplay.

BO2 is definitely unnecessary and only made semi-possible in the timeline by the events of Defiance, which is effectively the end of the story anyway.

You would be better offf playing shadowman 1 and then 2. They are basically better at doing legacy of kain style open world 3d action platforming of late 90ies/early oughts variety. Hell i would recomend mdk 2 as well while u are at it, Nd the alice series. Primal exists. Ok done now.

The playstation version looks pretty rough visually. If you can get it on dreamcast or pc

Blood Omen with all the fixes already installed
It should work on modern systems if you run it in compatibility mode for an older Windows