What's the most wholesome game you've ever played?
What's the most wholesome game you've ever played?
beat me to it
Harvest Moon games probably.
why are zoomers obsessed with "wholesome" shit? It sounds so gay when I hear it out loud.
t. 30 year old doomer
As for the question... probably Harvest Moon 64. I expect a lot of Animal Crossing in this thread, but I've never tried any of those myself.
i like wholesome shit as well but I don't specifically go looking for it, faggot.
It's like zoomers only can enjoy things with the intent of everyone knowing
Because we want the world to return to its former glory when things were run by the white man and everybody was happy.
It's become another buzzword at this point. Much like, say, "incel" or "cuck", "wholesome" has lost all meaning.
le boomer zoomer doomer memes xD i leik nuchan xd
I've yet to play anything Rune Factory though
and yet here you are letting everyone know that you can't enjoy anything without bitching beforehand. funny how that works.
Zooms hate edgy and love cute and want every body and their fucking moms to know it yeah it's pretty gay
I didn't say I can't enjoy anything but you zoomers sure do feel the need to display everything you enjoy on your sleeve.
fucking kek
Not him but I hate hearing this rebuttal, it's the most pathetic one out there. Fucking kill yourself
literally everything about the world, and vidya by extension, is so mired in cynicism, sarcasm, and irony that straightforward wholesomeness is a godsend.
World is a rough place. It’s nice to go to things where the intentions and outcomes are completely benign
Most GTA games. I just go around shooting nigger and women npcs. Nothing more wholesome desu senpai
>just fuckin tosses the cat in the other direction
please stop announcing that you enjoy wholesome things on the internet.
Viva Pinata
i like wholesome
What? "Wholesome" hasn't been used anywhere near as much as those terms. I've barely heard it used at all. Are you thinking of "comfy?" That's entirely different
>you zoomers sure do feel the need to display everything you enjoy on your sleeve.
>goes on Yea Forums and is shocked that people are expressing their feelings
imagine being this autistic
Stardew Valley
Though Dwarf Fortress has it's wholesome moments
Fate Hollow Ataraxia. Basically mostly SoL with some serious story. Which is great because the best part of Fate is SoL.
literally no one on Yea Forums enjoys irony anymore, Doomers and Bloomers all experienced wholesome things IRL such as family picnics without internet, but announcing the desire for "wholesome" images and videos your Zoom level too hard.
Was gonna say this, but I think Animal Crossing beats it's out by a hair.
Next step of anti edge shit that has been around for a while
What the fuck are doomers and bloomers? Speak english you fucking retard.
RDR2 before Sean's death, and arguably some parts of Chapter 4 as well.
"Irony" ruined this site. Ironic shitposting literally drove Yea Forums into the ditch.
i'm not a zoomer. i was born in 1990
Show's over folks
>he says are there are several 300+ ban violence threads
I don't know what the fuck you're crusading against, but the phrase wholesome isn't nearly as common as you seem to think it is, especially on Yea Forums
30-ish here. Is "wholesome" a young-person thing around these parts? I found that I started to gravitate back toward more light-hearted stuff just by growing out of my "everything-has-to-be-super-serious" teen phase, and I've just had both in moderation since.
Yea Forums is post-post-irony. Post-irony is Nepolean Dynamite. Irony is 90s SNL
It really has become a meme term for cute things.
Wholesome itself isn't a young person thing, the word "wholesome" is a very underaged thing now.
Ham-Ham Heartbreak
No. I honestly have no idea why some anons are getting so upset over "wholesome." I've never seen it used on Yea Forums before. And the gravitation towards sincerity and non-edgy stuff is only natural now that mainstream culture has entirely embraced a dozen layers of irony and edge around everything
People like things that are nice.
It's not a buzzword. Some people may think they're using a buzzword as they're saying it.
But it's not a buzzword.
Cut your foot off by sticking it down an active garbage disposal.
I say this to you because I dislike you.
i like it when /an/ visits
I had a dog who "mothered" kittens, rabbits, and a raccoon.
In recent memory.
Snake Pass
Yoku's Island Express
i mean
none of this is vidya
wtf i hate pork now
So answer the OP question
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. It's been so long since I've played something like this that I can't recall anything more recent
Hogwash. Perfection.
Reminder that pigs are smarter than dogs.
I've seen the word around, used it myself a few times, but had no idea it was suppoedly a "lol zoomer" thing. Hell, I was using it for things I grew INTO enjoying, after all.
Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility
>Got it for Christmas when I got a Wii.
>My mom said it was recommended because I liked playing the sims.
>Looked girly and childish, but I expressed thankfulness.
>When I got to my room I slid it under my bed and played the other games that came with my Wii.
>A few days later I see it sticking out from under my bed.
>bored of my other games, I decide to pop it in for a laugh
>start game up not expecting much
>end up playing for 10 hours straight
>and every evening after that for the next few weeks
the game was fucking comfy, easy, but challenging in the way it tickled my management autism to max my crops and animals.
Id never show it to my friends but this game, and this series is probably the most wholesome game series I play.
Nihilistic depressed zoomers and happy optimistic zoomers, respectively.
Edgy AND wholesome.
fucking based
i wanna be like that guy
My aunt had a little porker like that one, he figured out on his own how to turn on the TV and change the channel. He REALLY liked QVC for some reason.
>inb4 that picture with LL
you guys ever wonder if we'd started domesticating all different types of animals so we'd have wild and domesticated rhinos running around, pet armadillo, etc
probobly journey or like... abzu
Katamari or possibly Little Big Planet. I don't play a lot of games.
Katamari Damacy
if you're gonna post here you ought to learn the lingo and buzzwords normalfag
Rune Factory
I sometimes wonder if trying to domesticate as many species as possible isn't the best way to save them
imagine having pet versions of just about any species you want
imagine how cool it would be if we could communicate with animals. No I don't mean none of that body language bullshit i mean legit talk like we talk to other people. Could literally have animal bros as friends and invite them over to play some video games.
Pigs have a better ability to abstract than even great apes. Studies were done that showed pigs were unique in their ability to draw a connection between a physical device, like a joystick, and the movement of something on a screen, like a dot. By designing a simple virtual maze, only pigs were able to consistently navigate it using a joystick, while chimps and other "smarter" animals couldn't.
tl;dr pigs are one of the only animals on earth capable of playing video games
Well america is the second largest market for vidya, so it's expected.
Considering most of the domesticated exotic specimens don't reproduce in captivity, i think it's a bad idea.
Oppai Slider 2
Why are /an/ crossover threads GOAT?
Jesus, that was close.
There's nothing wholesome about being trailer trash and plotting murder from mom's sidecar.
zoomer sounds even gayer, literally the shittiest name old people can call gen Z. just call it Gen Z, keep your greasy memespeak away from the public conscious
>Here's your controller bro
Go choke on some tide pods, zoom-zoom.
>zoom, doom, bloom
why do people speak like this nowadays. s*yboy was surprisingly less retarded than this
the 90s sucked and is over grampa lol
I think I have diabeetus.
I don't think he is talking about the meaning, but the word. Reddit and Tumblr people started overusing that word several weeks ago.
Oh shut the fuck up
Stop being an insecure faggot
>my bad I hit the paws button
Because in a world filled with insufferable cunts and people who give zero fucks about no one but themselves, it's nice to be reminded if only for a brief moment that there's a shred of humanity left in some people.
>fighting enemy encounters with maxed charisma
God I wish that was me
Bless this thread.
cute dog
Guys, my brother's father in law just died. I'm surrounded by weeping family members but I'm not crying. I mean the guy was pretty cool and we went fishing a few times with him and my brother, but I just didnt know him well enough to cry. But I feel bad for not crying? I dunno. I feel like I'm expected to cry and I feel bad for not showing a greater form of greif, but I don't want to fake it either.
either ico or okami. hard to choose.
Why cant you ask for "cute, adorable, heartwarming" things than
>Tail wags
That's definitely a half-wolf.
"Wholesomness" just sounds like some product to sell, it doesnt feel genuine at all, just a product from an organization that retards keep biting
Viva Pinata.
Except for the rampant incest. And cannibalism. But Pinatas naturally reincarnate when shattered so it isn't too bad.
No one gave a fuck about this bird until that anime desu
Because that's just semantics you faggot
They literally mean the same shit you are just being a fucking baby because you think le zoomers "stole" the word and now it's unusable. Fucking retarded.
do people unironically come here to talk about video games? every thread that's remotely about a video game is always the same. if we had the r9k bot all the "discussion" on this board would cease because its just the same 12 autists repeating their same talking points over and over again
The sheer bliss is palpable.
I hear A Hat In Time is pretty great.
>I never said they stole the word
Nice high IQ redditor, they're overusing it, to the point of annoyance
I liked them since I found about about them after playing Skyward Sword.
Is that bird dabbing?
what anime? i dont watch taiwanese propaganda
Not him, but I tend to use "wholesome" on Yea Forums instead of "cute" because the latter has kinda been poisoned by the "lel cute and funny" loli stuff.
why he do that
Because the vibration of the plastic cup feels interesting would be my guess.
Kemono Friends, the one where all the exotic animals are anime girls.
Birds go literally insane from boredom in captivity.
Age of empires 2. God, the ambient sounds of birds chirping, owls hooting and the building / unit sounds when you click them were maximum comf. Age of mythology is also wholesome.
The sound is the best part of this.
I heard some birds don't grow out of the feeding reflex that usually only young birds have because they can't swallow properly
Especially if they don't have a mate to keep them company.
he think he slick
Comfy and wholesome are two different things, user. AoE is about war. War is not wholesole.
It is definitely comfy, though.
>tfw just had a huge pork burger
Why must pigs be so cute, yet so delicious?
I didn't like that progression in the game meant certain species had to just be wiped out by newer ones to continue. I remember having the bunnies and wanted to keep them so most of my game was beating the shit out of foxes as they tried to creep in to eat the buns. I tried evolving other species but couldn't really finish it
The construction phases in those ganes are wholesome though.
>feeding reflex
Then why does that bird keep its beak shut?
He also stops before entering his box to stow it away.
Looks like textbook boredom to me.
>War is not wholesole.
It's always weird and fascinating to me how things like mating dances evolved.
>Damn, that bird dude moving like this surely must be able to produce great offspring. I wanna fuck that bird.
>Oh shit THAT bird dude can do it even better! I'm gonna fuck him.
They fucking evolve to dance. They even do shit like inventing new moves. It's crazy.
Thanks user. I didn't know about the video
Underage fags have to come up with their own memes to try and stay relevant. Reminder that anyone who uses these terms is likely under the age of 15.
do not mistake your lack of emotions for lack of grief, showing empathy for the other family members is enough for them. Listening and actually being there for them is the best thing you can do for now.
America pls leave
The feeding reflex is partly true. I figure the parrot has drank water from the cup before, he thought there was some in this one and kept shaking it with his reflex until he got tired of it.
I had a parrot who would try to feed another parrot i had and they both ended doing the reflex thing without effectively regurgitating anything.
Come to think of it, I can't remember the last game I played which didn't have any sort of violence in it.
Super Mario galaxy 2, and bowsers inside story have to be the wholesome ones with least violence ive ever played.
Tastier too
can't LBP has only been mentioned once so far, that game was pure magic
a bit skeptic about that
while it's true that pigs are more intelligent than most mammals, nothing really beats hominids in terms of intelligence
i mean orangutans reads languages, so i guess they're able to play puzzle games at least
It was very neat, but also now forgotten.
good, it doesn't need to overstay its welcome, it came, gave me everything I ever wanted, and then quietly slipped away into time, never to come about again
I wonder what that'd feel like
2019: I am still forgotten...
Attack of the Friday Monsters in case someone tries to crtl+f it :)
Unironically this. This is why I flat out stopped watching movies and why the occasional movie completely devoid of cynicism is such a breath of fresh air.
I saw this past I thought you were referring to Leon
The dates alone make this true, there is no way to describe them except wholesome.
Probably something like the very first Kirby's Dream Land.
Dog's Life on PS2. Everyone else is wrong.
>experienced wholesome things IRL such as family picnics without internet
what the fuck is wrong with your head?
>Kirby speaking
Deer are fucking shit animals.
>We don't want zombies on our lawn
ANYONE that uses any variant of this zoomer, boomer or doomer faggotry is a newfag and needs a permaban.
working with kids is great, except for the ones with adhd
"reddit" is anyone that uses the shit listed here
I'm playing Dragon Quest Builders and it has some wholesome moments, though I also feel it's lacking soul and effort in a lot of places, it's also quite the nostalgia trip.
Panthers are the best big cat.
reddit is anyone that uses "reddit" because only a redditor would know reddit is bad and thus would hate reddit and then say "reddit" when he is reminded of reddit through a comment written by a redditor, idiot
But it's so simple! All I have to do is divine from what I know of reddit. Are you the sort of reddit who would put the reddit into his own shitpost, or his enemy's? Now, a clever man would put the reddit into his own shitpost, because he would know that only a great fool would reply to his own bait. I am not a great fool, so I can clearly not call your post reddit. But you must have known I was not a great fool; you would have counted on it, so I can clearly not call my post reddit.
Theres this shit PS2 game I played as a wee babby called Graffiti Kingdom. You draw your own monsters and then use them to fight other shit. Never got a feeling quite as wholesome as drawing lumpy, autistic monsters just to make them. I rented that game for 2 and a half weeks and didn't progress in the story at all. Just made weird shit.
They can't say pure
This is why interracial is based.
>Bear and Tiger
>Allergic to every animal I've ever owned including a fucking rabbit
Yeah this was cute the first time but it got real fucking old, damn you android.
I would never put reddit in my own post nor would i put reddit into my enemy's post. Reddit is something that you will never hear from my lips, you should have read it previously in my post about redditors speaking about reddit, which in summary says only a redditor would say reddit.
are dolphins aliens?
>Almost the entire world becomes vegetarian
On one hand, talking to animals is nice, but so is tasty meat.
>s*yboy was surprisingly less retarded than this
At least I got the amusement of the idea that a enormous portion of Yea Forums irrationally avoids soya products due to a dumb meme. All you get from boomzoom are a bunch of people trying to assert dominance over age for the millionth time.
>24 yo
>girls stopped looking at me like this since (me and them) being 6 yo
nigga what happened. girls liked me in preschool
man japan streets are so fuckin clean
Tearaway on Vita
Katamari Damaci, probably.
Pokémon Lets Go or yoshi's wooly world.
The liar princess and the blind prince
Is there a clip of the full 1-1.5 hour walk somewhere? I'd like to watch it set to music
You should watch The Wild Thornberries, it's the best.
I loved Okami. Made me cry like a bitch a few times
still can't believe this shit got a 2 season cartoon/.
Deus Ex and Dishonored. Wholesomeness needs a basis in reality to ground it.
That's a nicely designed gymn that a single stray barbell can just destroy the front door and potentially roll out, floor a few pedestrians and roll into the street causing a few road accidents.