Will it be Kino?

Will it be Kino?

Attached: Sekiro_03.jpg (1920x1080, 251K)



Attached: 1550289191053.jpg (700x700, 37K)


Is it me or that looks like the exact same garden you fight gerhman in?

Attached: 1529491642095.gif (254x254, 267K)

nice joke OP but that is clearly the tachibana muneshige fight from nioh

Gehrman's arena has pretty coldblood flowers.

Attached: gehrman joins the hunt.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

It's not going to be better than Bloodborne

maybe not, but it I do think it will be a damn good game

Sekino Hype Never Dies will by far be the best game From has made yet, mark my words.

I'm not so sure of that. Gameplay already seems to be above bloodborne, the hard part will be beating the atmosphere.

>dude what if bloodborne had even less weapons?

Framerate'll be better.
More open level design too.

The feeling is meh,it's night and day literally.

games that are kino are garbage. nobody with taste wants to play cinematic trash

the figure in the back looks like its doing wiggly arms or something

what movie is that?

It will be Seikino.

Attached: tenor.png (640x604, 237K)

without a doubt

So are this location and the place you fight Muneshige in Nioh based on a real world location?

>dark souls in japan again

I don't care

>I don't care

That's very apparent, considering you've overlooked the gameplay entirely.