Who would you main in a Yea Forums fighting game?
Who would you main in a Yea Forums fighting game?
Newfag here, so I don’t know a single one of these memes.
Gondola or SwitchPup
I on all know wojac and he maniac with the colored rainbow socks.
/trash/. I love the weird characters.
/u/ or Yea Forums
/vr/ with /m/ as a pocket
And WT Snacks should be a secret character like Reptile or someshit.
giga nigga
If the characters were boards /jp/
Cock Monger's bite attack would be OP as fuck.
Here are the names since OP didn't post it.
this man has incredibly good taste and i agree with him
Yea Forums and /vp/
Bucky moveset(themed around smash but its all i know)
B:Spills his coffee
Up b:He gets enlightened and flys up
Side b:Throws out yomo
Down b:Dances
A:He hugs the opponent
Rapid A:Head bash
Up A:His neck stretchs upwards
Side A:GUN
Down A:uses fembuck as hammer
mentally retarded
Try and tell me /vr/ isn't the best character.
Isn't someone making a Yea Forums fighting game?
main /o/ with /k/ and /vr/ secondaries
I wouldn't play it. It's just memes. Seems kinda faggy
/vr/ has started to become seriously shit over the last few years so if this game reflected the board accurately, he'd probably be on the same tier as Yea Forums
They're not memes, they're board-tans.
Keksandra, /f/, and jaypee
Every board goes to shit when people go around talking about great it is. Look at /tg/
I remember a beat 'em up years ago called Project Hate Machine, but it fell apart and didn't get beyond a skeleton of a game.
WHO is the giantess? /s/?
t. retard. OP's clearly implying that the roster is made up of board tans, not memes.
i was in a thread where people were thinking of how to make a 2d 1-on-1 fighting game. Coming up with what the characters would be, what kind of mechanics it would have, shit like that
yotsuba or efg
Gonna have to be more specific sweetie, there must've been at least 4 of those just last year
Why is /vg/ Jotaro?
all i really remember from it is someone made a prototype that was the Yea Forums character that could walk back and forth, jump forward and back, and punch
He was originally supposed to look like Yea Forums, just with an army general's hat on. Maybe his design evolved, or the artist was just a JoJofag.
Epic fail guy.
Always go the joke character in fighting games.
Aw yes, who could forget the most infamous /moot/ and /hiro/ boards?
Please lurk for at least a few months, it's good for the board.
Yea Forums wasn't always just political rantings and wojaks, and I long for the day it goes back to that
>he doesn't remember /mt/ and /hi/
loling at your life
reminder that old Yea Forums was just modern reddit
taunt all day
I always thought board-tans were fucking stupid.
You'll have to be a little sneakier to catch me with a bait of that quality user
>/trash/ possum is part of the -tan crew
Based. I was worried the OCfags would be like "ew furries" and ignore her
No-one wants to main /d/.
I take this upon myself.
Moot, obviously. You win the battle by completely abandoning it.
I still miss him.
Would any of /mlp/'s characters be in it?
Reddit spacing is a newfag meme from like 2014 and none of the posts in that screencap are reddit spaced anyway
>eternally assblasted weeb loli
They really nailed her design.
The only one worth maining.
I don't get it. Is it because "fun" is a buzzword or is it janny flashback?
I'd main Bury lole
Excellent bait, well played.
Probably Yea Forums just because he looks cool
I really love this shit
principles over desires, always
Cool, never knew this image got colored.
If the roster isn't completely made up of board tans I'll definitely main Snacks or Spurdo
>Side A:GUN
thanks for the laugh user
I'm almost positive the "reddit spacing" garbage didn't pop up until after the elections. I don't even remember it in 2014. What I do remember from 2014 is the gamergate shit and "cuck".
Yea Forums did some damn good tan designs over the years, Trish is one of them.
what does the gun do?