Friendly Reminder

Friendly Reminder

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>Call someone a faggot
>Rages or calls you one back
>Call someone a faggot
>Get reported and suspended or banned
>Societal Acceptance Police come for you
>Behind a cell for a week
>Social credit goes down
>On your permanent record you have this statement you made, everywhere you apply will see it
>Account has a permanent mark of shame

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>points down

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Maybe try not being an asshole and there won’t be consequences?


the SAP is coming user, enjoy your cell for a week.


Learn new trigger words kid.


I just call people incel in games now, it's a socially acceptable virgin insult and makes people rage a lot. at least I can be as rude as I want in obscure rts netplay matches.

Attached: Tenshi_GTR.jpg (800x768, 538K)


Le Faggot nigger.

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Double faggot

I had to blacklist a server today because I said n1gg3r while people were playing with the wordfilter and got perma'd on the spot
And this was not a popular game so I'm faced with the prospect that it'll one day be the only server left
I wonder if the Reddit staff who made instabans for everything standard realize how far-reaching their decisions have been

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an insult isnt very good if you have to explain it to everyone

but you don't explain it, are you a fucking double digit iq retard?

incel is a mainstream term now

It's from a multiplat game
the message is on other platforms too you obsessed faggot

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If your can't handle handle the bants cunt then you may as well just off yourself lol



Nigger faggot

Nigger faggot

t. Weeb incel

Do people even talk in games anymore? On PC literally everyone is busy chatting with their Discord friends. On PS4 it seems like the only people with mics are those who forgot to mute the mic on their headset.


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nigger faggot

This social points thing is scary as fuck, but it's only in China as far as I know. Is it really making it's way to burger land like I've heard?


I've seen it coming for a long time. Ghosted social media in 2010 and even my Steam account is private now.
I don't care if women think i'm weird, who knows what banal and common thoughts will be illegal in 20 years. People who used Twitter 13 years ago are finding that out quick

Nit from what I've heard, wouldn't be surprised if it's pushed for in the future though.


>you see, it's like virgin!

so just say virgin you dumb nigger

Good. I heard from an old couple that uses Fox as their primary news source that some Democrat woman ads tryi t to get something signed and if it didnt work she was shutting down all air travel for 2 years.

I'm way out of the loop on this stuff but that was just retarded.

Nothing wrong with the message, edgelord.

Rent free

>all these triggered retards replying

You guys are only full of yourselves on the internet, real life you wouldn't do half of that. That's typical white "man" behaviour for you.

We're getting there. Just give them time to kill cash for good.

add me in the screencap, faggot

i've said the word nigger on youtube close to a million times, if this social credit score ever becomes a thing i'm done for.

>t. faggot

Hello Anons. I see you called someone a "faggot" I'm assuming you meant this jokingly, but I've been mulling this over in my head for several minutes and it does not sit right.

Let me please (re)iterate you on this word. Not only does it aim hatred at a large group of people that I myself and many of my friends are a part of, the word has the power to tear down and undermine a fight that we have been fighting for decades. I don't know where you stand on the issue, but I'm assuming you value your rights to equality as a citizen of this country.

You may think that this is only a word, a mere configuration of letters, but this word is the foundation that keeps LGBT people held in the depths of inequality, while men like yourself toss around hateful slurs in a joking way thinking immaturely that you are immune to hurting anyone. This is not true. Next time you throw this word out (however jokingly and privately you may thing you are using this- in this era NOTHING is ever private), think about those who have struggled for the right to feel safe in their own country.

The word "faggot" creates a hostile environment and makes many LGBT people feel unsafe around those who have enough power in society to use such words. Don't make me feel unsafe. I have a right to my safety. And although I have tremendous pride in being a mature, strong, bisexual transwoman, it really sucks when your words get in the way of my pride. Thanks for your attention.

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Fuck off kz

I support Homosexuals and gays, not faggots faggot

Nigger faggot chink spic Swede Tojo retard

If god is real he hates gays
If god is not real there's no reason to do (or not do) anything
So I can feel pretty confident in disliking gays desu

If I were elected, I would make sodomy illegal

play Legacy of Kain you dumb fucking nigger jigaboo faggot spic queer kike mongoloid mongrel jew mulatto ass-munching communist pinko hot-shot queefing motherfucker of a whore's son on an anonymous Lebanese calligraphy philosophizing platform with mucus dripping out of your cum-trodden puckered chocolate starfish

Attached: Legacy of Kain.jpg (640x480, 162K)

I'm not white you faggot

I'm looking forward to you joining the 40%


For real though, being handed an "I win" button with reporting is hilarious.
Any time someone wants to start talking shit you just bait them into saying something problematic and have them banned. Works every time and never gets old.
>mfw some idiot gets banned from video games because he was bad and called me a nigger to cope

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>sony: please act like a normal person
>Yea Forums: lol SNOY hahahaha am i rite gamers?!

This. I salt mine people on xbox live until they curse and then they get muted for 2 weeks.
its fun as fuck