Admit it Yea Forums, his “question” was kinda rude and the Asian guy didn’t deserve the humility

Admit it Yea Forums, his “question” was kinda rude and the Asian guy didn’t deserve the humility

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Such a low blow for Chang to call /ourguy/ a baldie when he isn't looking good himself.

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Doesn't matter if it was rude or not. He didn't harass anyone. He didn't curse or use inappropriate language. He expressed his (and presumably most of the people in attendance) dissatisfaction as a customer directly to the people responsible for the product and he did so with a light e-rated joke. I genuinely don't think there was any better way he could have expressed himself and I love how difficult it is for blizzard bootlickers to frame him as some sort of lunatic troll thanks to how calm and appropriate he was.

How were they not prepared for a question or a reaction like the one those people had?
Imagine if NoA came out and said "Mario is going to be exclusively on mobile from now on". Everyone would lose their shit how could have they not prepared an answer for that

People payed thousands and waited for hours to hear that the culmination of the entire event, the keynote announcing everything up and coming in Blizzards future, ended with a major franchise getting a cell phone port of a chinese mobile game with Diablo slapped on it, and that's NOT some sort of punchline to a joke? They should have known better.

>How were they not prepared for a question or a reaction like the one those people had?
because Blizzard is legitimately disconnected from their fan base and reality?

I'm glad it happened because I placed a sell order on all my Blizzard stock when it happened. Dodged a bullet and made a nice little profit.

He did, and blizzard deserves every kind of criticism considering how they've tanked their games for cash, all the expense of their base's sanity