The controversy wouldn't be NEARLY as bad as it is now if they didn't put the word "rape" in the title

The controversy wouldn't be NEARLY as bad as it is now if they didn't put the word "rape" in the title.

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>The same people that say games DONT cause violence and those who believe that they do are retards, want this game taken off of steam

what sort of retard would call their game "day"?

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It's suppose to reference the "Rape Day" most schools have once in a year.

100% believe this game was a plant by someone, maybe Epic, and the real game doesn't even exist.

its talking about rape day in school dumbass

Nor would the attention to the product.

>Rape Day in school

I just want basic quality control for trash

id imagine its possibly talking about "Rape Day" in the public school systems

You are all retarded for playing into this non-issue just like retsrded journalists, no matter what you believe. Under no circumstances should it be surprising that a game called "Rape Day" with the content it has is taken off of steam

Fuck I'm old. Glad we didn't have that. I'd spring a teenage boner for sure.

R-rape day in school?...

It's like a week before Penis Inspection Day and a month before Pregnancy Test Day.

Well you had me going for a moment there.

No shit Sherlock?
The name is the entire reason.
If "rape" was just mentioned in the tags I doubt Steam would care.

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sorry wut?

you know what i'd like to see.
a simple executable showing rape day game existed and wasn't just some fag messing about on steam.

It happens around the same time as Penis Inspection Day. Do you Amerifats not have that?

its just a shitty edgy vn, move on

I wouldn't be surprised if it was just some retarded journalist stirring up clickbait.

>A game that had to remove a baby murder scene and advertised necrophilia got removed

Why are we still talking about this? Water wet

>american "education"

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The only person in this thread who leaves the house is this person.

>implying he didn't do it on purpose for free marketing

it's a reference to "Rapelay"

He did it on purpose in order to intentionally generate controversy.

You mean you want to play it you sick bastard.

They could just call it "Dub-con Day" like all of those faggot /weg/ devs on Patreon who don't have the balls to say their game has rape.

>A recent analysis of 20 studies over the last 30 years indicates that between 31% and 57% of women have rape fantasies, and these fantasies are frequent or preferred in 9% to 17% of women. Considering that many people are ashamed to report rape fantasies, these stats are most likely lowball figures.

What if I told you this game was actually FOR women?

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>"Chad loves me so much he can't help himself" is the same as a fat disgusting NEET forcing himself on me at gunpoint

women who have rape fantasies dont wanna be raped by the bald corpseskin uggo you play as in this game
they want to fantasize about a romance novel bodice ripper situation where they can just be lazy and have really good sex with a gorgeous guy without having to bother asking for it

i've never seen any actual screenshots since now, is this the same nutcase that made all those shitty xbox live titty games? because it looks like the same fucking models and the "cutscene" composition is identical

women asking for it makes 'em feel like whores which most still can't get off to, so they get off on the idea of having that choice conveniently taken away from them, so they are not responsible.

I'd have done the same if i was in Valve's position desu, the game looks like unfappable trash that isn't worth expending economic capital for

so how do you buy this game

if the creator was actually clever they would have called it something else and got to sell a few copies before using a different email to send it to Polygon claiming:
>Look at valve selling this rape game to everyone!
Making a much bigger mountain out of this mole hill.

Those who complain are always the minority. The game is sure shit but what else? In movies and literature, things very similar to violence are presented to convey a message, but ONLY in VIDEO GAMES, do they break the balls and say they make you a murderer.

If you don't like it, don't play it and that's it. I don't understand that of wanting to censor and erase what a screaming minority doesn't like.


Nothing makes sense, you could make a game with a zombie literally eating the brain out of a little girl and nobody would care but if he does it while having a boner it's suddenly a problem

it's just a nickname for penis inspection day

Or better yet, an 8cucker who did it to force steam to review their porn rules so that 8ch can finally complete "operation black ink"
Not like journos would know programing anyway

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you can still sell it on your own market in the usa, valve always has the right to not have to sell anything
it's not in violation to preclude its steam release
that's the thing, there's always this american entitlement that a publisher must be available for you but people's book writings get turned down by publishers all the time and that's somehow not a raise of concern for you guys who probably can't read anyway

>Literal rape game with murdering babies
Give it up redanon.

oh you.

Reminder, you can have 500 rapes, as long as there's context.

Same. Too on the nose. Not even a seed by an SJW either; could just be someone wanting to see how much they can get away with on Steam. If someone *really* wanted a game like this on Steam, I think they'd be more subtle (no matter how much of a lost art it's become)

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Why not make the main character black and call it *APE DAY?

most blatant false flag i've ever seen

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Where might I download said game besides Steam?

There are many other games I would remove before this one if we are talking about quality.

>There was not a single post about this game until journalists started calling for it to be banned
>Meaning even Yea Forums didn't know the game existed

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But that's wrong you cross siting nigger, threads on Yea Forums and 8ch literally popped up the MOMENT the steam notice was posted.

I really like this image

>women who have rape fantasies dont wanna be raped
But men who have rape fantasies do want to rape.

>Posts about this game didn't show up on Yea Forums until journalists started asking for it to be banned from life
>UK Politicians for some reason are picking up on this game when they've never given a fuck either

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>"""Rape""" Day
Never understood you babies. You and your parents knew what to expect when they enrolled you in public school. If you didn't want to get fucked, then you could've just stopped attending and gone to trade school or something.

we weren't talking about male fantasies, reread the conversation

How come videogames get so little respect as an art form? You have Lars Von Trier who just released one id the most fucked up films of the year and no ine in the mainstream really cares.

You think? There's shit like Boarding College on the store and nobody gives off a fucking peep. Never mind the plethora of those hentai puzzles cropping all the time since last year. It's a fact that some, if not all, use illustrations from artists without their permission. But no, let's focus on the "game" with the obvious trigger word instead.

If this board had repeating numbers enabled, your post would explain where your local school is.

I'm clearly making an analogy to show that womans fantasies are allowed to be kept that but as soon as a man has one it is assumed to be brought into reality.

>Basically one of those goblin-tier 3D games you download off f95 or wherever
>Only you pay money for it and advertise to all of steam you're playing it
If you're going to sell porn on your digital platform I don't see the point in discriminating what is and isn't allowed as long as no actual laws are violated.

Feels like when Hatred came out and everyone gave a mediocre game WAY more attention than it deserved just because it dialed the edge up to 11.

>game about rape is only offensive because it has rape in the title

I've never heard of the guy and after looking him up, I've never heard of his movies either.

Frankly yeah. Let's not pretend society has ever function under a strict sensible logic. If it wasn't for the name probably no one would have cared.

If Steam removes it: They're hypocrites, their adult game policy is worthless and Yea Forumsalve fanboys got BTFO

Either way, I won.

*takes a rip off a fat stoagie*

Hail to the king, baby

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He should have titled it something like "Slappy Jim's Funtime Jamboree". It would have been hilarious to see news articles and screeds of text decrying the evil of Slappy Jim and his heinous funtime jamboree.

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And no ones ever heard of this studio until the media jumped on it. Because videogames are judged by a different measurement.

Imagine my surprise when I played Bight Trap and their was nothing remotly objectionable about it.

Videogames get the short end in everything, they aren't even held to false advertising laws.

Yea Forums constantly flip-flops on what video games will and won't do.

Violent crime and rape rates are still lower than any time in history and so people who are losers are making up thoughtcrimes so they can seek rent. It's all about money for losers.

Seriously missed opportunity.

Hatred is a game. it has an executable file which is the bare minimum to qualify for steam.
Rape Day literally had nothing beyond a few images that can be done in photoshop. that alone would get it removed as "trolling" if the dev has nothing to show by the planned release day.

new mediums always get shit on because people are insecure and short sighted.


Nice line of dialogue there what a edgy shitty game LMFAO XD!

Fuck user you might be a genius.

You think so, genius? It's almost like the whole point of the game was to generate controversy.

>The controversy wouldn't be NEARLY as bad as it is now if they didn't put the word "rape" in the title.
This is absolutely correct. For example Illusion made a game called RapeLay where you could molest women on a train and rape them, and it got so much attention and controversy that British parliament petitioned the Japanese government and Japan eventually banned sale and distribution of the game even in Japan.

Fast forward a few years and Illusion releases Artificial Academy 2 which gives you the option to make an adult character rape grade school children. Not a single word of protest or even controversy. Literally none.

I thought it was a reference to the game RapeLay

>video games aren’t universally viewed as art, at least not yet
>video games still have this ”think of the children” stigma over them, meaning that it is assumed that if a video game exists, it has been made on the assumption that it will be played by kids too, but the same people think that there can be movies that are aimed only at adults
>video games have the player as an active actor, in contrast to movies having viewer as a passive observer - it’s a stupid argument in the sense that choosing to view a disturbing movie is in reality an act on itself, but this makes video games suspectible to ”think how sick it is that there’s a videogame X where the player does thing Y” headlines
>also remember that movies had to go through the exact same fight for decades and decades before reaching their current status
At least some of those points will certainly fade away with time.

This You're an uggo basement dwelling idiot, no girl wants you.

They want Chad and his 6 pack and thundercock to throw her on the bed and fuck her brains out, that is their 'rape'.

because videogames are not art
fuck off you insecure dumbass who wants validation for playing games

>You're an uggo basement dwelling idiot, no girl wants you.
So mad.
>They want Chad and his 6 pack and thundercock to throw her on the bed and fuck her brains out, that is their 'rape'.
Fine with me women are morons lol

we have our penises circumcised so there isn't need for any barbaric penis inspections.

But they are tho. You just can't deny it when shit like Suda's Flower, Sun and Rain exist.