
why won't activision be sending out early review copies?

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Miyazaki finally shows every faggot on the game that STR > DEXfags

Isn't the 3 hour demo enough to do a review?

>purposefully delayed attacks with weapons that aren't even heavy everywhere
I thought they would stop that shit after DaS3 but I guess not.

I don't see how that's an intrinsic problem.

Real reason is probably the game is like 8 hours long and they don't want people to know.

because apex changed the game

only an idiot dev would give copies to biased media instead of letting people decide through actual gameplay


when people play it, the hype will go away

they'll find out how shit it really is

infinite stamina spamfest, parry replaced by timed blocking, instant Assassin's Creed style stealth kills, and combat basically just boils down to dodging your enemies unblockables (which are telegraphed by a massive glowing red symbol above the enemies head, ala Arkham) while you max out their posture bar for a free insta-kill. Also, you literally are just given extra lives. You can easily escape combat to heal by just zipping away using the grappling hook, and there was no real reason to actually fight most enemies as far as I could see, since the shinobi arm is only really useful against a few gimmick enemies and you can collect the Ninjutsu talismans out of combat so the enemies don't really matter anyway.

About time someone does this shit. Fuck game journalist and early copies. It's the most disrespectful thing to a consumer.

I'd take fun and aesthetically pleasing combat, even if easier, over shitty attempts to make it hard for the fanbase again like they did with 3.

Cuts down on spoilers. Activision is fucking hemorrhaging money so they're probably trying to cut costs anywhere they can. Make faggot reviewers buy a copy.

That post is dumb. People were streaming the old ass GDC demo.

Game journalists are human garbage and there is already a mountain of gameplay from actual human beings and souls fans.

He's too used to spamming dodge when he sees an enemy move even slightly.

this x100
3 was alright but the difficulty felt incredibly artificial compared to the last 2 entries and even Bloodborne
Like they wanted to do Bloodborne difficulty with a much slower and more methodical game and it just didn't work

Artificial is just your excuse for being bad at it. Git gud and no other game in the series can compare.

I liked 3 but the fans just became too good at the formula and 3's attempt to make it difficult aka have a boss hold an attack animation and try to psyche you out was bland.

>Dark Souls 3
>Much slower than BB
Did you even play it? Doubt it, considering your post is filled with buzzwords such as artificial difficulty with nothing about why you feel the difficulty is unfair other than it being slow, which is completely untrue.

Tell me, how did you go through Dark Souls 3?
What build did you use/what stat(s) did you primarily level?
What Weapon(s) did you use?

>waaaahhh its not dark souls!!
kys tranny

Attached: ds1 babies.jpg (360x360, 24K)

The speed of vials vs. estus and the regain system make BB faster.

Don't vials heal less than Estus, assuming everything is max upgraded? But yes, that's one way BB is faster which isn't related to the combat or difficulty, since you can spam roll like a monkey in Dark Souls 3 and heal with zero punishment.
I'm not saying Dark Souls 3 is just as fast as BB, but it isn't significantly slower and every enemy /is/ slower than Bloodborne to make up for that difference. You never fight enemies as fast as the hunters or the Blood Starved Beast in Dark Souls 3.

>DS2 wasn't artificial difficulty: the game

I wonder if there's a count of how many attacks in each game have a long windup for a quick follow through.

Please delet! Substandard Eurometal is no match for Nipponese steel

This shit looks even easier than Ni-oh
Fuck this souls-like genre im done

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I said that Dark Souls as a series overall is much slower paced than Bloodborne when it comes to combat.
Bloodborne emphasizes more aggressive playstyles and enemies overall attack much faster meaning you have to dodge more
I wasn't going to list every single reason in a single post I made to agree with someone
Being slow isn't the only reason I felt DS3 was unfair, that's just you putting words in my mouth.
My problem with 3 is that the most bosses and some enemies felt like they'd be a better fit in a game like Bloodborne due to their beast-like nature
Having bosses attack quickly and more ferociously goes against the slower paced and more methodical nature of Dark Souls combat and makes a bunch of different builds (that were perfectly viable in previous games) unnecessarily hard in to play in this game
Dark Souls 2 was the easiest of the 3 but I'll give you that the DLC (Especially Crown of the Old Iron King) has incredibly artificial difficulty

Attached: ds3 play time.png (240x112, 45K)

Decent criticism. I watched a lot of the gameplay demos that all those jewtubers released and lobos talking about the mechanics. What you posted is true. It's way too bare bones. Only able to equip 1 combat technique at a time is just shit.

Not only that, but 3 has just outright boss move canceling (after reading your inputs ofc). I don't like the term artificial difficulty, but that is artificial difficulty.

Journalists are faggots, more publishers need to stop giving them review copies.

it's not dark souls but it's not a good game either lmao enjoy your rehash fromcuck

I'm not crying because it's "not Dark Souls"

bloodborne wasn't Dark Souls and I loved bloodborne

I'm upset because sekiro, if it does well, basically spells the end for my favorite series, and if it doesn't do well which I personally think it won't, since its combat, at least as of the 2018 gamescom demo, is shit, and it has no multiplayer and thus no replayability outside of a possible NG+ it'll put my favorite company at risk

plus I honestly do think it's more casualized than even DS3, once people get used to the controls they'll see that

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My first run through was pure caster with no points in health and it was fun as fuck. My current runthrough is caster + dex. The game is at its best when you take advantage of everything it gives you instead of running up to R1 like a retard. Right now I'm using Friede's scything as a big damage weapon, preacher's right arm as a ranged weapon/offhand for when I need stagger or to break shields, dark hand for close combat and a random shitty shield for parrying and stopping arrows. Use every tool you have, weapon arts, any spells, everything, basically you should be constantly trying to cheese it, and only then will you meet it at the level it wants to be met.

>people are STILL screeching that it isnt dark souls

>Bloodborne 2 died for this

Truly, this is the worst timeline

This guys playing really poorly, just dashing around like its bloodborne. No ones seems to have grasped just yet how useful and almost essential the parry/block is

Combat looks a bit easier (once you get used to it), mechanics might be a bit more lenient on dying (ignoring the killing NPC stuff), one main weapon, and no online. What is there left to enjoy? Secrets and environmental storytelling?

I'm still not sure how I feel about the posture system. Seems kind of tedious.

>there was no real reason to actually fight most enemies as far as I could see
This applies to basically every action game ever made outside of ones that lock you into rooms with enemies.

Nope. Everyone who went to NY or Tokyo streamed the latest build, full game

But then you're not complaining about it being unfair, you're just complaining about it being different from Dark Souls 1 and 2. I don't see how it's a bad thing, if they had kept the same slow formula of Dark Souls, which was made even slower with Dark Souls 2 the game would have been ridiculously easy and honestly, boring. There's nothing they could have done to make bosses more challenging for veteran players, let alone interesting when it's mostly "big guy with a sword".
Bosses such as Sulyvahn, Gundyr, Gael, Abyss Watchers, Dragonslayer Armour, Dancer and the Soul of Cinder would have been incredibly boring if they were slow. There's a reason Dark Souls 3 is almost universally known as having the best bosses in the Dark Souls series, and that's because of the increased speed. Even legendary bosses such as Ornstein and Smough pale in comparison to even low-tier bosses such as Dragonslayer Armour. Besides that, we did have a beast like boss in Dark Souls 1, that being Manus.
As for builds being invalidated, any examples? I've run both slow and fast builds and have had no issues. Super heavy builds were ridiculously OP in Dark Souls 1 as you could face tank damage to an insane extent without flinching due to broken poise, the only real difference is now you have to learn to dodge and when to time your attacks. The poise was so broken that the best way to handle a certain boss was to literally wear as much armour as possible and tank their attacks.

I haven't updated my copypasta with what we've seen in the new footage, apparently there actually is a reason to fight enemies now

It's not a good one; fog walls inexplicably block your path now, and they've made walls higher so it's more difficult to just skip fights entirely, but at least they've addressed the issue, albeit in the most lazy way possible

Everyone who'd played says it's harder that any Souls and if you try to play it like a Souls game you'll get punished. Like in OP's webm just trying to dash around they enemy and attack.

Did you just admit to using a copypasta to lie about the game? I've played and all what you have said is false.

because they aren't used to the controls and ai yet

people thought bloodborne was harder than Dark Souls at first as well

it's a copypasta I made, and I'm not lying about anything. it's accurate to my experiences playing the gamescom 2018 demo.

I haven't updated it yet for the new footage that's been released and the new demo that was in London

>people thought bloodborne was harder than Dark Souls at first as well
Bloodborne is harder than Dark Souls 1 and 2, in terms of combat anyway.

So you are the Michael of Sekiro? Nice to meet you, will you disappear like he did when it comes out?

>all what you have said is false
what he said is completely true.

no, it's faster

that doesn't make it harder, you just need better reflexes

once you get the timings down, the less punishing infinite stamina will make it easier than Dark Souls and bloodborne

Not that guy, but I had to change from UGS to faster weapons for Nameless King and Sister Friede. There is simply not enough time to punish reliably on those fights, though I think the problem is less about them moving fast and more about the input reading, move canceling and delayed attacks.

Nice of you to post of video proving me right and he is a liar.

>risk of spoilers because of retarded journos
>risk of controversy because of retarded journos
>risk of bad PR because of retarded journos
>baked-in audience and streamers already generating hype for your game
>literally nothing to gain from dealing with journos who can't complete your games anyways
>everything to lose if your rollout is ruined by spoilers or controversies
Makes sense

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>Making journalists buy their games like the worthless scum they are.

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just hold out for nioh 2 baby

You do realize that no matter how many threads you make, FromSoft isn't gonna scrap Sekiro and make Dark Souls IV

So do we know how healing works in Sekiro? Is it like the estus system from Dark Souls or the Blood vials from BB? Or something completely different?

It's like Dark Souls.

none of those bosses are the ones I have a problem with (Except Gael but that's just because most of his moves are recycled from Lady Maria)
My problem is with bosses like
Wolnir (gimmick fight)
Yohrm (gimmick fight)
Lorian and Lothric (gimmick fight)
Curse Rotted Greatwood (gimmick fight)
Ancient Wyvern (Gimmick fight)
Aside from the gimmick fights these bosses, and a lot of enemies as well, fight like they should be in Bloodborne
the gimmick fights are a problem in and of themselves but for different reasons.

When it comes to builds my biggest problem has been Sorcery and Faith builds being next to useless and pure STR and Pyromancy builds putting the game (and PvP) into easy mode
Even DEX builds lack in a lot of areas
My first build was dex/str build with more focus on Dex and for Midir and Gael I had to completely change my weapons and playstyles because DEX just wasn't doing damage
For Midir I had to use exile greatsword with Blessed weapons for even a noticeable damage output
and for Gael I had to stack status effects like poison and bleed because again, they were the only things that did noticeable damage

Fromsoft hasn't made a good game since DS1 so I really don't care

Sekiro's success won't mean the end of Dark Souls because Miyazaki himself already stated that he's finished with Dark Souls. Sekiro's outcome isn't gonna change that.

>sekirofags this desperate
Those who are interested in the game will watch the video I linked, so why lie about the mechanics?

not that user, but I hate FROM and after 4 games of that boring ass souls combat I wanted something more unique.

these shitposting in these threads are making hyped

Ok that I'll give you aside from Bloodborne.

Journos are garbage anyways.

sucks that you couldn't play bloodborne

bloodborne is souls in everything but aesthetics, just way more forgiving

sekiro is far more derative and r1 spamming like a retard is the brainlet approach whereas knowing when to perfect parry and use attacks to maintain pressure while simultaneously avoiding attacks is far more engaging and efficient

on the otherhand the shitters will drop pressure by playing it like dark souls and dodge around trying to r1 spam chipping away for 5 minutes per enemy

can't wait for the first week of sekiro where Yea Forums will be filled with shitters crying about getting shit on and not understanding the mechanics because its not a ds1 clone just like they still cry because they can't git gud at ds2 and blame their shortcomings on everything but themselves


I hope this become standard, retarded liberal game "journalists" could be killed within a year and no company would feel the need to give in to leftist politics in games in order to have good reviews

steam refund policy/twitch/open beta/demos are more than enough and a way better way to have a real opinion on buying or not the game...

Calm down ben shapiro subreddit follower

You don't even have a timestamp for the video you linked.

Looks a bit too much like dark souls for my liking.
Love me some souls games but everything after DaS was too much and yes that includes bloodborne.

>needing timestamps
>spoonfeeding shitposters
Those of us that are actually interested in the game and want to discuss its mechanics will watch it in full. You're going to watch it too, right shitposter-kun?

>knowing if a game is broken unplayable garbage is anti-consumer

I'm not watching Lobos pause a video every two seconds and yammer on endlessly, you can't give me a timecode because you know it doesn't exist to support your lies.

>Still dodging away like playing soulsborne
Huge fucking mistake. Did the guy even read the fucking tutorial about posture?

>i need journos to tell me if a game is bad or not
maybe in the 1500s it was necessary but its 2019 nigger there are way better ways to research games now.

kill yourself liberal subhuman

my only problem with this game is that the main character looks lame af

They weren't allowed to show how to defeat this enemy for some reason.

first mini-boss fight 23minutes in you fucking faggot, now go kys.

>says it took him four tries to kill
So why exactly are you lying?

>if I wanted to, I could run right past him

Besides, you want to fight at least mini bosses to get prayer beads to level HP and poise.

Those are the best particle effects I've ever laid eyes on.

So 2 hours longer than Bloodborne?

You just didn't take the time to learn the combat. I died 38 times on my first playthrough, and 5 times on ng+. The whole fun of these games is mastering the combat, so I'm glad they changed it up a bit with every game.

It completely feels out of place and designed solely as a "gotcha", where you're only meant to fight enemies out of memorization and not out of instinct. Actual good actions games like DMC, Bayo, NG, don't do this because they know better.

and yet you keep buying them all and playing them
if you hate them so much why are you dedicating so much time to talking about them
move on with your life

The ability to fight on instinct in these game is available. Im sorry that you're not able to do it.

>implying dmc bayo and ng arent also all about memorization
you realize of course that mindlessly mashing dodge every time any enemy finches is the brainlet approach right? youtube celebrity level shitter gameplay. learning the enemies movesets is a big part of way these games are fun. and besides, you're just wrong. i havent played all the ng series but i know for sure that dmc and bayo have delayed attacks to catch to unaware. not as many as say ds3 but still 'some.'

>launch enemies into the air and safely spamming the same autocombos while every other enemy just flounders doing fuck all around is good gameplay
>b-but you're not playing it properly!! you're supposed to spend at least 50 hours perfecting combo strings so you can post montage videos showing off how good you can flowchart

Yeah, nah, kys tranny. Guarantee you're the kind of faggot who thinks MGR and Nier Automata are good too.

Also NG is arguably better than DMC/bayo shit and even that just comes down to flying swallow, izuna drop, and charged attacks.

>Actual good actions games like DMC, Bayo, NG, don't do this because they know better.
Absolute bullshit.

Attached: Ninja Gaiden Black.webm (640x480, 2.93M)

To make the shock for DMCucks that it's better than DmC2 even worse.

you and your essay are fucking retarded
bayonetta gives you strict timings that you learn the moment the attack comes the very first time you fight the enemies because they have specific sound cues for their attack + flashing light + can only attack while they are on screen

kys you souls babby

vroom vroom

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>a single paragraph is an essay
children arent allowed to post here, user.

>strict timings
i wouldnt call them strict in either bayo or souls cases but they are both consistent so whats the difference?

>sound cues
but souls has that too? even for the delayed attacks.

>flashing lights
gay shit. and yes, also gay when sekiro does it.

>can only attack when onscreen
well thats just a bandaid fix for what would otherwise be a shitty camera when fighting more than 1-on-1. souls also has a bad camera for multiple enemy fights but you can reposition yourself unlike in bayo.

ultimately though they play very differently they both come down to the same dodge-attack-dodge-attack pattern generally.

is racecar johnny the perfect man?

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i just finished nioh loved that game but too hard for me and while the combat in sekiro looks way easier and thats a pro for people like medciore at agmes i dont like the enemy design of this game with the new snippets every enemy have the same i dont know how to describe maybe unpilished or uninspired like dark souls 2 enemies , is tehre any confirmation this game was made with miyazaki directing and more important with the same team that did Bloodborne theres something off about how the game and emeies look

Say whatever you want about this game but that sound effect when you perfectly deflect enemy's attack makes me diamond.

>DS3fags always bitch about the game speed not matching the character speed
>refuses to use the shield as a defensive option against quick attacks because of stubborn "git gud" autism.

They already have an established fanbase
Game reviewers are ass
Game reviewers are ass AT GAMES and will probably review it TOO HARD/10
They don't owe anyone shit, you want to review the game go pick up a copy at walmart bitch

maybe it's because the way I play doesn't involve me using shields and I shouldn't be forced to change my playstyle because the game wants to be artificially difficult?
Especially when said playstyle was perfectly balanced in the previous two games?

You can't complain about artificial difficulty when you outright refuse to use one of the three pillars of the game's combat mechanics.
>perfectly balanced
fast rolling has always been broken

Further proof that Sekiro is moving in the right direction. Flexible playstyles and challenging, adaptable combat are diametrically opposed to each other.

I'm excited for Sekiro, user. I think it's going to be great
My problem with DS3 is that it made changes to the game that clearly favored one playstyle over the others when they were all equally as useful in the previous games

Was that .webm supposed to prove him right? Because it did.

vials always heal ~40% HP

I'd say they didn't nail the aesthetic completely but it's still a comfy as fuck subject matter
listen to Nujabes for a week and marathon Samurai Champloo and maybe you'll be cured

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Not sure, it's pretty strange because recent From games have gotten great reviews and Sekiro looks fucking awesome

looks fucking sweet

The dude is an absolute unit, fuck ninja shit I want to play as him.

Don't care, fuck reviewers
I'll watch gameplay footage after release and make up my own mind, thanks