What am I in for Yea Forums? I've never played a single pic related...

What am I in for Yea Forums? I've never played a single pic related. I've heard their good and they seem funny/charming with cool concepts for battle and what not.

Attached: pa.212472.2.jpg (1500x1500, 320K)

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Well, if you play 5 first, and go backwards to 3, at least you'll play it from worst to best in the series.

Why don't you play it and find out instead posting on Yea Forums nigger?

Persona games are mostly social sim games with standard JRPG dungeon fare attached to it. Each game picks a theme rooted in human psychology and revolves around it, with the final boss being an embodiment of whatever theme it is the game is standing against. It's easy to misunderstand the story if you don't keep this in mind. Everything in the game flows from its overarching theme, and since the game is mostly social sim a common complaint is that most games' "plot" is either slow or non-existent for most of the game, so don't go into a Persona game expecting a grand riveting game-spanning story.

Also while Persona games are definitely more casual than SMT games, they will expect you to take full advantage of the game's mechanics. Keep gaining and fusing personas, use buffs and debuffs regularly even against normal enemies, and don't be afraid to abuse ailments and insta-kill skills. During the social sim part, never spend a single segment doing nothing productive unless you're forced to.

Also play Golden on the Vita instead of vanilla.

thanks for the response Yea Forumsro i appreciate it. and i dont own a vita, this sounds like fun though.

Once you're satisfied with your response get out of here or you're going to get spoiled


One last thing: while it is possible to 100% the game in your first run (barring maybe two or three things locked to NG+), the game is meant to be played in a minimum of two runs. So feel free to fuck around on your first run (while still keeping to the "never spend a single segment doing nothing productive unless you're forced to" part), then use NG+ to take care of anything you missed, as well as challenge yourself on a higher difficulty.

can you elaborate or are you just that narcissistic?

how long to complete an average playthrough you think?

oh and remember that Adachi is the killer and the gas station attendant is the mastermind. Have fun!

>Not playing 1 or 2
>3 is the best