Choose wisely, Yea Forums.
Mass Effect
>not rewriting them and letting them rejoin the Geth collective so they can finish their big dyson sphere which definitely won't get destroyed off-screen in the sequel
choose wisely Yea Forums
Jack might be fucking insane, but at least she isn't a Cerberus spy.
>used up junkie whore or a buck toothed clone of a man with a genetically engineered ass and daddy issues
why are you Michael Jackson?
>literal crackwhore or yvonne strahovski
>This ends now!
>absolute shell of a woman with a tremendous, yet repressed need to be accepted and loved, so much so she will give her life for you if you accept to cuddle her pain away
>Condescending man-jaw that second guesses every single one of my decisions
Who am I kidding, it's always Miranda.
> powerful biotic
> barren cunt
Real tough choice.