Should video games be regulated to reduce sexual violence against women?
Should video games be regulated to reduce sexual violence against women?
complain about hollyjew instead you dumb bitch, they have tons of rape scenes
>Desk Plant Studio
who the fuck are these devs? why can't I find anything on them?
this seems shady
it's very convenient that this game shows up at the exact time as the porn ban happens
Yes, I say ban women from appearing in games, that way they can't be raped.
This is Valve's fault for not having a stricter separation between adult games and everything else (the stuff for children in the eyes of the public)
This is why videogames will never stop being shit
I agree as long as we remove it from books and TV too. No game of thrones allowed.
>not a whisper about simulated murder in a thousand different video games
>cry bloody murder when not-real people are depicted as being raped
I don't understand this kind of hypocrisy. It's entertainment. If you aren't entertained by it, feel free to not purchase it.
I think it's just one guy. I can't remember what other game he made, but it's something I've seen on Steam before. I can't find anything on what the other game was but I remember reading it in an article last week when this whole story came to light.
Women should banned from playing video games and everything in life, because it creates situations like this and produce feminist incels like the retards that will angilly reply to this post
Adult only is opt in though and doesn't show without being logged in to an opt in account?
and ban women from real life so they cant be raped there either
fuck off and go get raped by a muslim
>sexual violence against fake characters isn't alright
>but the UK government is full of actual pedophiles and rapists
>since they've never cared about physical violence it shows that they think that murder and torture is alright
Damn shame your mother wasn't banned
Rape is literally the only reason I play games anymore. Not even porn mods, if there’s no rape, I don’t want it.
fuck britbongs and fuck towelheads
just go on pòrnhub or something
Not good enough. It's on the same storefront alongside everything else and doesn't do enough to differentiate it's presentation from content for minors
Violence is ok because it's funny. Ha ha, he ripped that guy's face off, so silly
rape in books GOOD
rape in movies GOOD
rape in games BAD
To do what? Play video games? Lookie here, chump. This isn't my sort of game in the first place. I don't dig on VNs or edgy /weg/ gobbo shit. But this game still has a right to exist alongside AAA games where you stab people in the throat and listen to them gurgle their last breaths. To turn a blind eye to that kind of extravagant violence and focus your attention on make believe women suffering like they need to be protected is insane. These journalists are only talking about this for clicks.
>rape in games GOOD
Think of the children user.
It's only on the same storefront if you've opted into adult content. Games also now list the mature content they contain in their descriptions. Furthermore, if you can't differentiate a game for adults from games for minors when they have titles like "Rape Day", you've got bigger problems to deal with.
She sounds like she celebrates Yom Kippur
And nothing ever came of it
the end
Opting in which is simply a matter of checking a box. How is that supposed to stop minors?
+18 in movies GOOD
+18 in games BAD
My 4 year kid wants 2 play GTA V and the goverment must take action so my son cant get raped by games
This is just another excuse to control free speech. Not defending Rape Day, don't get me wrong, but politicians are pretty fucking slimy and this is there in.
>sexual violence should never be allowed
>regular violence is ok though.
Good post.
It's also amusing to me how fictional women have their rights fervently defended, while no one gives a shit about actual women, whether it be sexual assault in the third (first) world, or mass market pornography, the core of which is about preying on stupid pretty girls.
How does any age gate on the internet stop minors? Hint: They don't.
If you really don't want minors playing such games, parents should be more actively involved in their kids purchases. You'd have to be pretty fucking blind to miss something like "Rape Day" in your child's shopping cart when they beg to use your credit card to buy games.
Steam has every right to not host Rape Day on its storefront and the UK government has no right to prevent Rape Day from being available to the public.
Whats the difference in games and "games"?
That doesn't mean they should
Seems to be like...
Muslims dont want competence
>member of parliament
>in an authoritarian country that routinely bans shit and has just regulated porn
>hurr irrelevant who cares
You told us to "ignore them" and the result is pic related
They don't but people seem to like to pretend they do. The more important issue is that the adult games are listed alongside the rest of the games instead of being pushed to a separate storefront. The way it is makes it seem like adult games and the rest of the stuff are both being marketed to the same audience since they're all grouped together
I dunno what rock you're living under that would lead you to believe anything you've said is true but you should really reconsider
They are being marketed to the same audience though, that audience being adults who use Steam. You don't see those games on the store unless you've opted in to seeing them.
I don't believe in censorship in any form.
post yfw bongs need a LOICENSE to play vidya
Why aren't they doing anything about the REAL-LIFE rapes of women in third world countries, or perhaps the rapes of first world women at the hands of third world men?
Actually the devs don't have any right to make it either since it's literally illegal you fucking stupid incel.
Minors are allowed to use steam as well and the opt-in setting is not age-gated. And in the minds of the people that want games censored they think that only children play games. Adults having access to games isn't even a concern for them
Why would they? 2D women are more important.
yeah but why does it always need to be a fucking twitter crop?
I don't have a problem with titillating content in games, and don't think it should be regulated, people who want to buy it should be able to, if there's a market for it, let it be sold.
That said 'Rape Day' is now effort garbage transparently designed to stir controversy and make money on the backs of brain-dead conservatives scared to death of the SJW boogie man who will piss away their measly earnings on anything they feel owns the libs and it should be regarded as such. Get it the fuck off of steam. Steam should have SOME level of quality control for fucks sake.
So why doesn't she do anything about the rape gangs roaming her cities?
Some should have asked her "Did you play it? Did you enjoy it? Did it bring out those deep-seated instinctual desires to be dominated by a man, you fucking harlot?"
>"I-I didn't play it"
We know.
this bitch posts like 200 tweets per day and let's not even talk about the retweets. She probably already forgot about it.
Oh, please, Valve has been banning shit based on 'poor taste' for about 2 years now. You fucking normies just didn't pay attention until this one even though Yea Forums is constantly talking about it.
Heal thyself, doctor. Substantiate thine claims.
murder's cool tho
who do you think should be dealt with first?
>violent sharia rape gangs literally patrolling the streets committing actual rape who would violently resist if confronted?
>some harmless people making images using their computers and are law abiding citizens who wouldn't dare put up a fight?
God I hope so, once things start to roll on the government side of gaming censorship then maybe the games industry will fight back.
Ok, Rape Day was a false flag for sure. Cant even find anything about the devs, and this just so happens to come around the time of a UK porn ban? And all the media attention and click bait, with blue checkmarks talking about it? This was a concerted effort for sure.
she even gets into fights on twitter with random accounts and when losing the argument she proceeds to mock the other person's amount of followers like if that meant shit.
Maybe it has to be a Twitter crop because, you know, there's a lot of actually important people on Twitter who make statements on Twitter. One thing is the random crops of some stupid SJW's, I'll give you that, but you choose the one twitter post from a fucking government official to go "hurr who cares it's a twitter post from literally who."
No, ban women instead
no, but third world immigration should be regulated to reduce sexual violence against women.
The games industry is super cucked though, they won't give a shit until they can't sell the same three games over and over again and it affects their bottom line
Read the thread. Accounting for normies' perceptions and their ignorance is important because they're the ones with the power to push for regulation
you don't look at rape day and say "what a sincere attempt to make a good video game"
This is the only post that matters. It's very clear people only talk about games because it's hip right now. I've seen plenty of shit that has rape in it in both books and movies. Nobody cares because it doesn't get them attention from saving it's bad.
Who gives a shit just don't make rape not difficult
People see statements like these and think they are pro censorship. Saying "games like this shouldn't be made" is like saying "you shouldn't say that" or "you shouldn't tell people you shouldn't make certain kinds of games".
you're right we should also ban murder
They ARE pro censorship.
Good fuck off rapefaggot.
>Should video games be regulated
>Pay porn license
>download some oriental smutty game
>policemen bang on your door with an arrest warrant
Rape and sexual violence are at the core of many games played by consenting adults and teens behind closed doors. What difference does it make if the fictional version is on store shelves? Hollywood has proven no one really gives a fuck. People just like beating down gamers for their own amusement.
i dont get why you guys don't like censorship since you love whatever worked for Germany in the 40s
Rape a bitch make her suchs dich fuch her right in the pusy until they cry yes rise up up choke them out and fuck their but its time fore women ots to pay for being bitches involuntaey incel pride
WE. DON'T. WANT. REGULATION. Holy shit, you fucking liberals and your desire to control everyone around you is insane.
Books and movies are things that adults regularly consume. Video games are targeted because the majority think they're still just for kids and as such you shouldn't allow anything that is inappropriate for kids.
>but violence
Society has decided that violence is a-ok for kids for some reason
this is fucking rapelay all over again
What about regular violence.
Rapelay was an actual game. This thing is some Daz3D Ren'py dumpster fire shock-bait money-grab. Rapelay is MUCH better than whatever this thing is.
I support two forms of government: either me as a dictator, or complete anarchism. This is the only logical position.
Fight back, bro.
Lib seriously don't realize how Tyrannical they are.
I've raped every woman in Cyradiil when I modded Oblivion.
Ask me anything.
They're looking for a wedge to get the ball rolling dude.
>and the opt-in setting is not age-gated
It's as age-gated as it can be without some draconian bullshit requiring an ID or some shit.
Just how fucking far should a company go to "protect the kids"? It's not their fucking responsibility if a kid lies on the date of birth prompt
So you're saying it's censorship, just the cowardly, subversive kind.
we should regulate women to reduce sexual anger instead
You're misunderstanding me.
Having a separate storefront would probably help. It's a branding issue.
Yes absolutely. I think if games offend women for any reason then its not okay and the game should be censored and removed from any platform. Games have been sexist for a really long time, and the complaints are just from incels so it's to be expected.
Not in core gameplay nobody cares.
slippery slope
this is what you get for stopping from doing something simply because it triggers you despite not harming you in any way, shape or form
How? Kids could still access the other storefront
The game shouldn't be made? I agree. On principle, should someone be able to make the game? Yes.
what mod is this?
Kill your self fucker
Wrong answer. You better get a license for those games.
Why should i care about what a third world country like the UK does? lmao
Remember when they had the meltdown on Rule of Rose as well?
i can't take the UK seriously after those hilarious Pokemon memes.
But it would give the perception that it's not meant for kids which is all that matters. Something like Steam as the general audience brand/store and Haze (or something) for the adult brand/store
because steam isn't going to just say goodbye to a large userbase
so whatever they do over there
steam does to you anywhere else
Some of you fags are being dishonest when you say "lel why aren't they mad about general violence and murder in vidya it's total hypocrisy". It's not. Dozens of groups have also historically taken issue with games that bordered on sadistic or included torture scenes. Condemned got shit for it, GTAV got shit for it, you all saw what happened around Hatred. The general public doesn't like games that allow you to revel in inflicting lasting psychological/emotional trauma or prolonged, torturous pain on other individuals no matter how fictional. Quick-and-easy death and murder is largely seen as more acceptable, especially if the game frames you as a hero fighting against the big bad or doing it for some greater good (as one might do in war).
Normies don't give a fuck either way. Busybody politicians who want to control more shit would be going after them regardless
Simply a matter of region locking the games to mudslimes.
the milf is the best, damn haven't played that shit in almost 10 years
Yeah that's why all our games feature no blood and robots for enemies
>and make money on the backs of brain-dead conservatives scared to death of the SJW boogie man
Substitute "conservative" with "edgey teen" and you'd be right
if you think any actual conservative would be okay with this you're a fucking idiot. Conservatives were for banning violent and porn games, and some still are
Hyperweapon mod.
Rance go home and rape yourself faggot.
>The rape in this game is bad
>But Game of Thrones is fine.
The largest userbase on Steam is the US.
The UK is relatively tiny.
So you're saying they shouldn't say that. You are pro censorship too by these standards.
You're going to find a way to make it just that. With family and friends and especially at work we censor ourselves. If everyone treated the world like Yea Forums it would be even more chaotic. We'd be worse off, so we censor ourselves and be more civil.
>So you're saying they shouldn't say that. You are pro censorship too by these standards
Why are Brits such fucking pussies?
You clearly don't know what censorship means, you ESL moron.
>So you're saying they shouldn't say that. You are pro censorship too by these standards.
You are profoundly retarded
Homosexuality should be outlawed.
It's not surprising that literal autists like yourself don't understand context.
For quite some time the highest rated episode in television history was an episode where a child is killed onscreen by a rapist (with rape that was depicted onscreen).
But video games are for children so that's a big no no. We're really back in the 90's now and we're going to be getting shit from both sides of the political aisle.
>game sells even more copies because of the attention
The smartest thing Valve could have done was let them release the game unimpeded. It would've got a bit of buzz and then fizzled into obscurity because it genuinely looks like trash.
I hope Steam blocks all bongs.
>>in an authoritarian country that routinely bans shit and has just regulated porn
Speak for yourself.
>Context is what makes rape okay now
So if I make a game that is nothing but context, it's okay? Good to know.
I think given enough time and effort video games could gain the perception of being a broad medium for every demographic like with books and movies and other art forms if it can be proven that there is an audience for adults only games that are marketed only at adults and away from the general audience games. Right now we mostly have games that pretend to be mature but still hold back instead of pushing the line to become something only only appropriate for adult audiences.
What we really need though is for the ESRB to give ultra violent console games AO ratings instead of caving in and giving M ratings so that publishers like Sony can market games like The Last of Us 2 to children
Yea, it's okay for a man to rape an underaged girl, take her as his wife, impregnate her, and own her so wholly that she contemplates killing herself after he dies, because he "loved" her.
Do you even know what context means?
He stated that they were pro-censorship and you were so eager for a 'gotcha' moment that you vomited a complete non sequitur
Criticizing an idea or a position, pointing out that somebody is 'pro-censorship' isn't the same as calling for that idea to be censored
Or, as other posters have more succinctly put it, you are retarded
They can say what they want.
What I'm proposing is that nobody fucking listen to them.
No incel, it's not okay, and it's not presented as being okay. You're literally autistic.
Don't worry. Our girl will oust her in the next election.
>Imagine fucking up so badly that Scotland actually votes Conservative
Do YOU? You literally just said that context is what makes rape fine.
I do not believe that.
Video games do not encourage violence (of any kind) unless the person viewing them is misguided, which rarely happens. I have played a ton of very violent and disturbing/disgusting games and I have never done anything bad.
Video games should have more rape in them. I want to rape Princess Peach in my Mario games. I want to rape Hylian girls in my Zelda games, and I want to rape female trainers in my Pokemon games.
Heh, I owned you kid, get over it and go be a faggot SJw on trannyera
>You know how you choose not to scream "NIGGER" in the supermarket? Well, that's basically the same as the government telling you what you're allowed to say.
>all these non-responses
>Get a hard on from the idea of killing my moral,political and ideological enemies.
>Jack off to the idea of mercilessly slaughtering tyrants both left and right and cum buckets
Where do I fit in your moral tyrant world views?
This whole is stupid thing about the game, yes it was deliberate, but stop giving it
In fallout I dismember female enemies and masturbate to their bloody torso
So why did you ignore all the actual responses there, Nigel?
So why aren't there politicians looking to get it banned then?
That's because your statement is a non sequitur, you fucking moron. You are a two-year-old making baby noises, and then complaining when no one takes you seriously.
I would also pretend to be a troll if I posted something so embarrassingly stupid.
>once again the UK and mainland Eurocucks will ruin everything
it's such bs that international companies have to follow their backwards laws so we still have to pay for their retardation. They're the reason social media sites ban for "hate speech"
The context in which it is presented is what makes rape in media acceptable to the masses, retard.
I was just trying to make him look even more stupid. I should have been more subtle.
If they're calling for an idea to be censored, you're calling for their idea to be censored.
That's a good response.
That's a bad response.
Not, because they're art, as per Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association.
Yes, so a game with nothing but context can have nothing but rape, according to you.
Shut the fuck up faggot go rape your cunt mother half breed nigger!
A valiant effort, but I don't think he needs the help
Unfortunately the OP is the UK, not the US.
You do know context is a noun right?
Except he provided context, which you deemed unacceptable, and then proclaimed it acceptable in the very next post, you no brain nigger monkey.
>You're opposed to censorship? So what you're saying is you're pro-censorship.
lol these people are so fucked.
Horrible violence is ok, but not secual violence. Rape and sexual violence is ok againast men, but not women. All those are fine in EVERY OTHER TYPE OF MEDIUM but not games.
What's a worse sin? Rape or murder?
Please don't rape the fictional women.
Rape real children instead, the Hollywood way.
Congratulations ESL, you know a modicum of English. Since you seem to have your textbook open, you'll find that I have not used the word "context" incorrectly. A game with nothing but context can have rape, according to you.
I really hate the paranoia politics that surround erotic media, allowing opponents to erase any distinction between reality and fiction.
both are equal
Fuck off they are. Murder is infinitely worse
It's funny how euros turned out to be the true SJW cucks
I must have missed that because all I saw was a terrible game of thrones analogy. Game of thrones does provide what most would consider an acceptable backdrop for a rape scene. A zombie apocalypse where the character rapes for the lulz is not going to be considered acceptable by the masses. You can reeeee all you want but that's just the way it works.
Murder always got a worse sentence than rape.
actually the United Kingdom has no bill of rights.
There is no document prohibiting the UK government from banning wrong think. It's one of the inspirations of 1984 that George Orwell noticed war time banning of books by the UK government for wrong think.
So unlike the USA the UK can ban games for any reason whatsoever, its not unconstitutional.
The guys that don't play video games are a hundred times worse to me than the ones that do. [Spoiler] Video games keep y'all docile.[/spoiler]
We need to get a movement going.
Get game developers of weeb games and non-weeb games to completely cut off the UK.
Same with TV shows, books, movies, etc, etc.
The UK deserves no form of entertainment.
We could call it Operation Bongdrop.
A lot of white men shouting out there opinions when it isnt even their place. Women should decide if the game should exist or not since it effects them the most. Obviously as white men the game makes you feel empowered and in control, while females everyday have to live in fear of being raped and killed by white men. So please, shut the fuck up for once and listen what females say and go along with it.
Britain is the reason why the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights exists.
But the game was rejected from Steam anyway.
>Think of the children user.
Oh, I am.
Nobody cares what a cunt thinks go to the kitchen and fuck off.
this, rape day looks like the shittiest rape "game" you could make alongside all those other garbage 3D VNs.
>there opinions
Sick bro sick LOL
>nothing but context
It's hard to believe you actually know what the word means when this is the only way you're able to use it. Context isn't some measurable asset that makes rape okay when there's a certain amount of it, that's stupid and you're a retard.
Give me blood. I don't care about sex or rape or whatever dumb shit you're talking about, just give me more blood
Fuck women, glory to the Patriarchy! Glory to MANkind!
>ESL's tiny little brain is exploding right now
If a (noun) is full of nothing but (noun) than it is okay according to you.
Your both faggots get a room!
Rape is boring. It's like the most pedestrian fantasy in consensual relationships and the most trite, low-hanging shock content when it's in media.
SJWs, incels and degenerates alike all need to step up. Let's make a game about zoophilia instead, or something.
You don't understand English, yet you're trying to argue high level English semantics.
Stop before you humiliate yourself further.
But you can't be raped if everyone is enjoying virtual rape now can you? So you can instead of living in fear, live in security and happiness with no fear because men are busy with something else. You have nothing to lose by allowing rape in games as it isn't real so there're no victims AND would be rapists are playing vidya instead of raping and killing real women, in fact you'd never have to see them or these incels you claim to hate so much. Why would you be against such a net gain for yourself??
>raped and killed by white men
*looks up FBI statistics*
>Rape is boring
I'm afraid I don't have hot gay sex with incels who don't know the meaning of a two syllable word.
stay upset LOL
It seems odd that only tabloids are discussing it properly despite the fact this seems to really be happening.
OH nice meme
Yes user, the definition of context is high level English. Holy shit you faggots are fucking retarded.
In a very indirect way yes. However keep in mind that you are talking about the 1600s and 1700s. I am talking about today, 300 years later, the UK still does not have a bill of rights. That means if Parliament passes a bill banning Japanese video games for encouraging violence against women and children. The British courts have no power to rule it unconstitutional because there is no constitutional. There is no check on Parliaments power except voters and the queen.
REMINDER: 500 rapes in a game is okay, as long as there's context. So wait, that means Rape Day is okay....
What did you dumb niggers think woild happen?
Pushing a rape game into the limelight. You faggots are your own worst enemy. Your trolling the libs is just gonna result in heavier regulation. Was your epic troll worth it?
Stupid fucks like you guys will inevitably bring more regulation into gaming with your tantrums.
I like.
Wasn't there a goat-fucking game mocking Islam?
>I've been to the swimming pool, so I'm ready to sail across the Atlantic
dis is how dum u sound
No, I'm aware of what you're saying, I'm just pointing out that that bullshit is exactly the reason why the United States even exists in the first place.
>Pushing a rape game into the limelight
Nobody even knew it existed until journalists started making blogs about it.
Dumb fucking meme zoomer.
If only we could ban incels from life.
Nice meme
>not good enough
by opting in you agree to be shown adult content. it is entirely on you.
opting in and then complaining about it makes you a fucking idiot.
Shhh, it's time to hush, incel.
>Not even Yea Forums knew about Rape Day before the journalists were blogging about it calling for it to be banned
Dumb fucking meme zoomer lol
It's not Yea Forums's fault that journalists and ResetEra pushed the game into the limelight to complain about it
>UK bans games with violence against women
>games can't have females in them
>people bitch about sexist "male only" vidya
I really hope companies just start boycotting the UK at this point.
this game was on the "spotlight" for like 3 days
this whole thing is just one huge false flag
And they say video games don't make people violent.
>le incel boogyman
Better check under your bed, the incels are coming for you!
>For some reason politicians in the UK as well have picked up on the game
>Despite never giving a shit about any other type of game like this
It does, but rightfully calling them idiots won't stop them
Nice meme
Rape shouldn't be allowed in videogames because it gets me too horny and I can't focus on the game.
is my dick a noodle?
Just imagine that cute girl from work comes over your pad , yall talking and you trying to make moves, than all of a sudden she glances at your vidya collection and sees Rape Day . Lol like wtf is wrong with you incels.
Obsessed, seething, cringe and bluepilled.
What the fuck is it with Britbongs and always fucking shit up for the rest of us? Its like they want us to invade or something?
>this whole thing is just one huge false flag
i'm more inclined to believe this than some retard making it thinking he could make a good fetish game
leftists are mentally deranged
>Having Steam open at work
All this shit over a low effort VN with 3D stills. Incredible. Absolutely fucking incredible.
cringe and incelpilled
Women should be regulated to reduce sexual violence against women.
The best prevention for getting hit is not starting shit! =)
>literally who dev with no history makes "extreme rape and sexual violence simulator"
>somehow it ends up getting through the steam mods even though they have blocked other games for far less
>just a shitty vn made in a day with stock assets that were either free or very cheap
>within a day every single major news outlet is writing articles about how valve is hosting hardcore rape content and how they need to do more to regulate content
>journos also calling for legal legislation to regulate video game content
really makes you think, gets my almonds activated.
based and redpilled.
You know now that I think about it. It's fucking lazy and there are plenty of better games with rape out there also way better VNs. The girls look ugly and some of them look kinda tumblr-y. It seems suspect at the very least because this is low grade shit if we're talking porn games.
Last chick I had around at my place had a massive rape fetish. She used to complain that she couldn't play too much Vermintide because she'd get too distracted by thinking about the skaven plowing her
Remind me again, why aren't we pushing the Muslims to just exterminate the British like the vermin that they are?
This is because of the narrative pushed that rape is "worse" than murder because it traumatizes the victim for life instead of ending their life. Notice how this focuses on the typical self-centered female view of the world, focusing only on the effect on the individual and not how the loss of a family member or a loved one ripples through a family or community.
Allegedly this is going to be a april fools joke
If Steam removes it: They're hypocrites, their adult game policy is worthless and Yea Forumsalve fanboys got BTFO
Either way, I won.
Hail to the king, baby
What a dumb cunt LOL and they say women are equal NOT EVEN CLOSE!
Soon, brother! Soon!
Of course. Our greatest allies in gaming will handle it.
>A game called rape day is not clearly trolling
user could you stop being retarded for one goddamned minute
Forgot to add i have yet to be distracted sexually because i'm to busy playing the fucking game.
>If Steam removes it
Already happened
Really showing your victim complex with this post, bro.
they're retarded if they think mass reporting AAA games that generate most of the revenue for the platform will get them banned.
There are far worse lazy cashgrabs out there, and some are still sold on steam. The only thing suspect is that this is not the first (game with explicit rape) on steam, and then there is the disproportionate amount of coverage this one game got.
Suggests tabloids are the only news sources that aren't in the pocket of the government.
It's just copypasta.
Aren't we rehashing the same exact outrage and arguments from years ago with Rape Lay?
>raped to death at age 18
Isn't that a bit old to be getting raped to death?
If you're looking at getting raped to death you should aim to do it while you're still in middle school, while you've still got many years of rapeability still left in you. Putting it off until you're that old is asking to have complications during the death.
Of course they jumped on it--they couldn't have asked for a better foot in the door. The game is literally called Rape Day. That's a pretty serious handicap to anybody who wants to argue against it being censored on the grounds of free speech or artistic expression.
Of course, this isn't really about womens' rights or even Rape Day itself. It's about setting a precedent. It won't stop here, but people will keep rolling their eyes at talk of the slippery slope until we finally hit the bottom.
Same, my ex really liked rape play. I don't think anybody really enjoys actual rape, but rough sex is a-ok for every woman that doesn't have vaginismus.
>while females everyday have to live in fear of being raped and killed by white men.
black men*
I'm not saying it's the worst and laziest but for something that lazy to be focused on is suspect.
>implying British votes do anything
It's a representative monarchy under the guise of democracy.
>middle school
good taste user
lol they would definitely ban mods or mod communities if they could
I hope they go after sexualization of children as well. And also fake rape porn and those barely legal teen porn where they're 18 but don't look 18.
>Can make films about rape, featuring literal onscreen rape
>Can write books about rape
>Can physically rape people's ears with shitty music
>Can't make a fucking video game about rape
These mods help promote toxic masculinity so I can understand the need to.
>but gruesome Mortal Kombat fatalities in gory detail are fine
stupid feminist bitch.
Princess maker clone
You're a single jewish woman with a mixed-race baby boy who is half bantu. Over the course of 22 years, you have to pimp him out for money (starting at age 2), and make sure he gets all the right grooming, pills, and physical coercion so that he grows up as an effeminate sissy crossdresser (or else you won't earn enough money from pimping him out). He commits suicide on his 23rd birthday and you're ranked by how strongly he has influenced society, with the top tier goal being to become the #1 role model for children everywhere on Facebook, Youtube and Twitch and inspiring an entire generation of transgender children.
>talks about dumb memes
>uses the boomer-zoomer paradigm
I hate my fucking country. Someone needs to nuke livingston, do us a favour kim jong cmon.
Frankly, just get rid of all our fucking mps for us, they're all retarded without exception
Not a single one of them understands their job to represent their constituents, and every single one of them completely ignores it and just goes on their own retarded crusades based on their own feelings and personal views. Fuck them all. Take my life but you will never take my freedom and all that ya bunch of cunts
That's because games aren't art, just electronic toys.
No because Rape Day tried to get on steam.
>Television shows are allowed to depict and show rape
>Movies are allowed to depict and show rape
>Literature is allowed to depict and describe rape
>Videogames are not allowed to depict or show rape because......?
You’re a fucking retard if you can’t the difference between actively participating in simulated rape and watching something that contains rape. Bet you’re a nasty pedo too.
Games are interactive.
literally raping polygons
>opt in isn't good enough
shut the fuck up you absolute cretin. people like you are the reason the government can get away with dense shit like banning porn sites because all the parental tools and opt in requirements in the world aren't enough for you brainlets. fuckoff, go start your own country so the rest of us can be free of you dumb faggots and live in peace with freedoms
Oh gosh no I hope she doesn't see my ropes and my paddle, she might get some idea of what kinks I'm into!
How is participating in simulated murder just fine then?
>voyeurism isn't real
uh oh, cucks btfo
But simulated murder is fine because?
The porn I'd shit went through? Can't say I'm surprised but I am disappointed.
Hi @PandasAndGaming I know youre lurking in this fucking thread
>How is that supposed to stop minors?
Literally not their job nor their problem. Astonishingly enough, children are the responsibility of their parents, for which steam literally has parental controls that can be set up, pcs, browsers, anti viruses, all literally have parental controls.
God bless those lads at AllTheFallen, they make good content. Even if they're even more insecure than a Yea Forums "healer" thread.
They do they, adult games will only show up if you opt in.
Because it's not meant for sexual pleasure.
As a bong i can safely say the SNP and Scottish Parliament hold no relevance whatsoever
>their job to represent their constituents, and every single one of them completely ignores it and just goes on their own retarded crusades
Your constituents also ignore their responsibilities and go on their own retarded crusades. In this, they represent your people quite well.
Because you're a stupid incel and literally no one cares about your rape fetish or your desire to touch little boys dicks.
God, I thought you were serious, thanks for just baiting.
Yeah man funny how nobody sees the problem with the most popular videogame genre (shooters) which literally glorifies shooting, killing, and violence towards people? Haha
>not being a pedo
It's like you WANT to make reddit and neogaf feel comfortable posting here.
Yeah sure, anything to dab on Gamers (TM) more. Heard the game was shit anyways, don't give a shit game press, even if its bait for you controversy jolly collectors
Let this die out like hatred
No media fictional content should be censored, legally, as long as it was created legally. That being said, it is up to a platform whether or not they want to host such content, and because it is acceptable doesnt make it not morally reprehensible.
But no media shouldnt exist just because it is outrageous. If it was created legally, its existence shouldnt be criminalized, especially fictional.
Prove it
Allowing the British to continue breeding was a mistake.
Yeah, I understand it's problematic.
I honestly expected some of my other hobbies to be free from this everything must be politically correct campaign, I mean, how can musical notes even be problematic, but it seems I was wrong.
Someone make a gay rape simulator as a social experiment. Bet you $10 they praise the shit out of it.
>Isn't that a bit old to be getting raped to death?
>Everybody enjoys sex no matter what
You lost LOL
So it's because the west is full of prudes? Gotcha.
>ancient history
Your useless degree at work.
The Sistine Chapel RT reviews weren't bought by Disney.
Controlling your children is toxic. A woman shouldn't -have- to do that, it's a massive chore and it's unfair how women have this burden of childraising that men do not.
Can't the government do it for us?
Just gonna play double's advocate here and point out that all the anons making comparison to rape and books and movies are making moot points.
This game is purely about rape. Books and movies may contain rape but aren't solely focused on it.
Game set for the match.
Shooting enemy combatants is something were raised to be perfectly okay with. Raping hot chicks for no reason not so much. The only people who can't see the difference are autistic incels like yourself.
What are you talking about. For an mp to literally do their job correctly, they would have to poll their constituency on every decision and every thing they wanted to try and push.
They do not do this. I can guarantee you if you polled the people of livingston, most of them wouldn't know what steam is, nor would they give a flying fuck.
Constituents get to have their own personal opinions on whatever they want, they're not in a position of elected power to do shit about them that the majority of people don't agree with, it's not remotely the same as an elected official m8.
Yea Forums says it all the time.
The government literally said nothing.
I'm sure you thought that would be funny but I didn't read past the first ten words or so, sorry.
Why does that matter?
If the government stepped in and said “you can’t make or sell Rape Day”, that would be a problem.
Valve, an independent, PRIVATE media distribution corporation, is perfectly within its rights when it chooses not to sell something.
Well they're clearly getting away with abusing their position and the population aren't doing shit, so what's the next step?
..She says as she returns to reading fifty shades of grey for the 11th time.
It is, I laughed. Glad you enjoyed it too :)
Being private is an excuse for censorship, but it shouldn't be. Private companies, if they act as a host for mutually willing person to person communications, should be restricted from interfering with said communications.
The thread is about the government stepping in to prohibit violence against women in games you illiterate retard.
Do you know what plutocracy is?
If he doesn't find a single platform for pc publishing, and they all say the same thing, he could sue them all on the ground they are in cahoots against free speech.
Women are super insecure about 2D women being far better than them.
It’s starts out with games like Rape Day, then it turns into any attractive women in a game being censored. And they will use the excuse of “fighting against perverts and the alt-right” every foot they go down on the slippery slope
>Private companies
Sounds like everybody is getting RAPED in Private companies no wonder nobody talks about them.
giving away our freedoms willingly, one at a time
in a perfect world, we'd just get a "we already did this in the 90's, fuck off"
THIS is why there will be a backlash against SJWs.
Because they no longer go after just nerd material. They even go after what normies like.
They hold a monopoly in the digital game market. I dont care that they are a private business, they need to uphold freedom of speech. Our founding fathers never imagined a world where big corporations held more power than governments, if they did they would have protected freedom of speech from all aspects.
She's literally an elected government official petitioning the government to step in and do shit. Are you high?
Then as men we fight back by putting women in there place or KILLING THEM!
But private companies are LEGALLY not allowed to broke any of the admandmants of the constitution.
Valve already removed it anyway. So problem solved right? Why are politicians still trying to make this an issue when the issue was already solved?
You can hop on GTA V right now and bludgeon an innocent woman to death with a hammer. Who gives a shit.
If they are a monopoly they should be broken up.
I don't think they qualify as one, since there are plenty of other ways to distribute digital games.
You can do that to any gender in that game lol
Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson literally fucking wrote about the dangers of banks overtaking governments.
Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson would roll over in there graves if they saw modern America.
when is the LGBTQ+ holocaust happening
Yeah but who WOULDN'T roll over in their grave? Adams?
they would be jailed for antisemitism lmao.
fucking mutts deserve everything they get.
>Proved my point
Modern America folks LOL
I would for lulz
>fucking mutts deserve everything they get.
Geez so much hate for nothing you would be a perfect nazi.
>UK bans naughty video games
>lol stupid Americans
Nazis are not a religion of hate. They are a religion about love for your country and your people, and about making sure your people work for the benefit of each-other and each-others' children rather than for foreign subversive elements, such as bankers (jews), communists (jews), or those pushing for transgenderism and child prostitution (jews).
He's not wrong. Most things would be solved without a race war: you only need to exterminate self-hating individuals.
Hate for nothing ok guys LOL
how is that fenc-erm i mean wall coming along, magafriend?
do our israel friends enjoy the 38 billion dollars package?
Hot as fuck. God bless illusion
National Socialism isn't a religion.
The game was pretty much going to be made no matter what. Dev in question just tried to test the limits of Valve's "we're a hands off approach."
And well, there is a limit. Honestly, said limit is fine. Rape for the sake of rape is weird and you'd have to be really twisted to want to actively play that game. Let's just be objective about it for once. It doesn't really matter if this is real life or fiction, this is a slippery slope that you don't want to go down.
Anyways. THAT SAID. The twitter chick is completely wrong and should be ignored. Her standards are ridiculous and basically amount to censorship. On that note, its worth noting that Valve isn't censoring the game. They're simply saying "this game is TOO extreme for even our standards of allowing a fairly open market. Therefore, we won't allow you to sell it here. Feel free to sell it anywhere else that will allow it."
I don't see anything wrong with this at the end of the day. There's nothing stopping the Dev from selling it on his own page, with sales done in cryptomemes. No reason for Valve to be the middleman here. Hell, it would be smarter for the Dev to do this so that he retains 100% of the sales instead of only 70%.
I approve.
This would also solve the issue of misguided individuals who blame "loneliness" for their problems.
Sure it is, it has moral principles as applied to a group! That's a religion.
kill yourself games need to have the same rights as movies meaning if someone wants to make "a serbian film" the game he should be allowed to do it and the consumer will decide and bury it not some insane sjw tranny or a power hunger censorship happe goverment.
roasty getting toasty :^)
Nothing should be off limits in art.
>and literally no one cares about your rape fetish or your desire to touch little boys dicks.
That's simply not true, else there'd be no "controversy"
I'm 100% sure this game is a product of one of the glow in the dark alphabet soup agencies. Specifically to create an outrage like this one, and therefore, create even more ridiculous regulations, as if the government doesn't already have too much of a stranglehold on our lives as it is.
If women get my games regulated, I can only hope a mass wave of sexual violence against them is the response.
Let's get this shit started:
>The United Kuckdom
>it has moral principles as applied to a group!
That's just morality, it has nothing to do with religion. I feel like you're pulling a Ken. M
>fucking mutts deserve everything they get.
>Killing people because of racemixing
>Simply because you hate them
>No other reason just because i hate you please die now
So what now were all blood mutts? this is plain retarded so we from hating the color of someones skin to blood now? god dam society is doomed to fail soon. I hope you all kill each other HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Your employer has more of a stranglehold on your life than the government.
Except incels and anything incels enjoy. Incels should all be shot.
No Fuck off and die.
>Game of thrones is a universally acclaimed series that tens of millions of people watch and are anticipating watching the final season despite the numerous rape scenes/plot lines
>No one bats an eye
>A single shitty game has rape for clickbait purposes
>"All of gaming must be regulated now!"
Honestly the gaming industry needs to learn to just not give a shit what people think anymore. Too many things are considered taboo and forbidden in the games industry, that are perfectly fine in other mediums
"Rape Day" has no website
neither does the game designer
no game footage online...
is this "game" anything but a contrived and fraudulent attempt at controversy?
Sexual violence is honestly the only way to put a lot of modern western women in their goddamn place.
I'm sure plenty of incels enjoy drinking water. Should we ban water?
It's because what's done for sexual pleasure could shape sexual behavior. The science still isn't clear and it's hard to defend taking that risk for rape games.
Incels are a myth. If a dude can scrape together a hundred bucks, he's not an incel.
>"Rape Day" has no website
At least put some effort into your shitposting user
I almost agree due to the fact i know like 90% of trannies became trannies because they were incels, so instead of never getting the girlfriend they decided to become the girlfriend.
I don't use Twitter. But could someone Tweet her about how Brits use separate PSN/etc. accounts and imports to get games that were banned in the UK since they're not illegal to own.
I need a good lol!
>get pissed steam "allows everything"
>make a VN about rape thats comically over the top
this kike operation is really something. just cause they have no control over Valve.
>muh incel boogeymen are out to get me!!!!
Incels don’t exist you absolute retard, every man who doesn’t have a gf will always be a volcel.
Incels only drink mountain dew and chocolate milk you dumb incel.
>the greatest trick the incels ever pulled was convincing the world they didn't exist
Nice try, incel.
>The science still isn't clear and it's hard to defend taking that risk for rape games.
But the same could be said for violence?
Most trannies are just fags that either can't cope with the idea of being a fag or are fags that want more victim points.
The mod and HIP have some issues and the faggots over at LL have fucked with a setting somewhere and thus you can't rape anyone under 16 anymore. Used to it was 14 and rarely younger people would attempt to seduce you after an event. I dunno what they've changed, I can't find it in configuration.
But you're living proof that incels are very real and very stupid.
>t.incel fishing for an explanation of how to not be an incel for $100
(You) kill yourself loser, although I don’t have to tell you that because you’re a tranny that will eventually do it anyway.
The UK does not have the first amendment.
They could create their own distribution platform.
Valve does not hold a monopoly.
UK, who gives a fuck.
Any other retards want to step up?
If you're only paying $100 to not be an incel, you're going to end up with something much harder to get rid of than your virginity.
>muh incels
>muh trannies
Thanks for shitting up the board even more, you fucking pricks
Thanks, that was like two (you)s for the price of one.
>UK, who gives a fuck.
All of us who actually live here you absolute fucking mongoloid.
Why did it target only women? Why were you playing as a big, tough guy that can't be denied no matter what? What does the guy you play as talk down to only women? It's not about "should we have rape in video games?" it's "should we have a game that immerses you into a power fantasy revolved around abusing weak women and nothing else?"
I've played plenty of hentai VNs. Sometimes for the story and sometimes for the fap. Some of these had violent rape in it. But these scenes weren't for enjoyment. Typically they were bad endings or alternate routes made to make you feel uncomfortable. "Rape Day" wasn't designed to make you feel uncomfortable playing it (although the sane probably won't be able to go through all of it without feeling a little bad) it's made to appeal to the type of people who derive enjoyment from these types of scenes.
Buttblasted incel detected.
does anything out someone as a tourist more than using the word "incel"? you realize we all call each other Yea Forumsirgins here right?
I'm an incel, I enjoyed your post. Bare thine neck.
This is stupid, and the same kind of logic that people try to use to blame media for violence and other bad behavior. Here's a hint: If you're so mentally fucked that you'd do a thing in the first place, no media or lack thereof is going to change that. That type of person would eventually find an excuse to do what they were always predisposed to doing.
; ^ )
>rape and murder in real life by immigrants
>I sleep
>video games featuring violence or rape
>should we have a game that immerses you into a power fantasy revolved around abusing weak women and nothing else?
Why not?
yeah it's retarded
It's just the new go-to meme insult like cuck and soiboy before it
Yeah well maybe you should get your government to make freedom of speech a fucking protected right bongtard.
But it’s always female on numale.
Did anyone do this?
Dude, that hundo isn't necessarily for a prostitute. I've gotten into normal girl-next-door type's pants more than a few times on less than that, and I'm average looking as fuck.
>stop playing game I don't like
Literally Yea Forums
It’s called Sharia you Zionist owned Western pigs.
>Paying for sex from not a prostitute
The fuck is wrong with you?
I said it in the post. It won't gives actual enjoyment to the type of people who want that experience. And don't say it's "stress relieve". Anyone who could get stress relief from that shit is likely a deranged incel.
>let me watch this mainstream movie with tons of sexual violence and rape, A++, great movie, would watch again
Ignore the idiots.
Nah, cuck and soiboy are pussified men.
Incel implies the man can't get a girl. I've been here since 2005, if I can get a wife ANY OF YOUR FAGGOTS CAN.
That being said I'm a high test American and I like the idea of the game rape day. I'm sure its barely a game but so is bad rats and that's on steam.
Sounds like you're fresh of the banana boat there, newfag. No one says that anymore.
So you just want a specific group of people you don't like to be miserable and discriminated against. That's pretty incel of you, they hate women and want them to be miserable too.
Its actually kindof bizzarre that only just now people are discovering that there are porn games, which have been around for decades for purchase and open disuccsion. Like, think about that, It makes me wonder if they know that R34 exists.
This whole debacle is bullshit outrage culture, noone actually gives a fuck about some no-mark game that noone will play and noone would fucking give one single shit about if it wasnt blown up like this, normally this sort of dumb crap would just slip into obscurity immediately, now because people are "outraged" its probably sold a fucking ton and gained relevance. The absolute state of the journalism.
Oh yeah I loved the rape scenes in wonder woman too. Dumbass.
No because unlike violence, this is meant to give sexual pleasure which is more intense and is treated differently scientifically and morally.
Everyone pays for sex. The question is how and how much
Well. I understand. What I don't get it's why the government should ban it. Promoting thoughtcrime it's quite dangerous.
I'm just saying it's being used as a generic insult. Besides I don't want a wife. I'm a volcel.
>Sounds like you're fresh of the banana boat there, newfag. No one says that anymore.
>No one says that anymore
That implies he was here long enough to know it was said at one point you fucking retard.
>It'S nOt CeNsOrShIp UnLeSs tHe GoVeRnMeNt GeT iNvOlVeD
So is it finally censorship now?
But user I can’t just ignore it like an adult I have to scream, bitch and get anything I don’t like banned
T. Feminist cunts
I fucking hate them so much
No, if anything they should be completely unregulated, with ratings reduced to an optional suggestion rather than a restriction. But that would require people to curate things themselves instead of expecting everyone else to do the work for them.
Yeah but if you're literally trading money for sex directly you might as well give it to someone who does it for a living.
But the violence is supposed to give entertainment?
This is regulation, not censorship.
It's a literal no one.
It's the same thing.
>“These are quote-unquote video games, and they’re forced down our throats under the guise of protected speech,” says Bevin. “It’s garbage. It’s the same as pornography. They have desensitized people to the value of human life, to the dignity of women, to the dignity of human decency.”
The reason they won't have a second storefront for adult games is because Paypal would then refuse to do business on that storefront.
Titties BAD.
Exploding bodies, people being torn to pieces, and watching a girl get her throat torn out by an infected human GOOD.
>Live in a country where censorship by government isn’t illegal
>Agent of government wants to practice censorship against something she doesn’t like
Are you dense? The fuck did you expect?
This hell most woman’s romance novels has more rape scene than lines of dialogue
Nice try newfag.
Sexual pleasure is different than just entertainment.
>not a whisper about simulated murder
Did ya miss the past 20 years, dumbdumb?
Calm down, incel.
>movies can depict rape and make rape jokes
>video games cannot
>>violent sharia rape gangs literally patrolling the streets committing actual rape who would violently resist if confronted?
holy fuck you are so detached from reality
I hate this idea, you, and want you dead.
So, is simulated rape porn ban-worthy?
Stop spreading this Paypal lie, Paypal has no control over Valve or any major corporation and would never stop business for this reason.
Movies are just as homogenised now too. A film with nothing but rape scenes would cause an even greater uproar.
I said nothing about the government in my post. If people don't want to support something, don't allow others to advertise it in a public space. Communities have the power to do this. Actually, it's because of the government we get into these situations. It's not like you can force someone to take something down with a petition signed by a significant amount of people. if the person is acting within the law they can stand here and keep leaving it up. Of course I know this can backfire, that's the excuse for why we need laws because people can't be trusted to govern themselves. I just don't think that's necessarily true.
Why is this a thread again?
stop posting this shit the game is 0/10 house party tier sex game
stop making so many threads for this shitty topic
no one cares
lol, can't stop modders