Kotaku, Polygon and IGN are complaining that the main protagonist of Days Gone is white


>Jason: The mission you play in the open world, you actually go to her grave... So that’s the thing, I’m intrigued to see where the story’s going. And the performances are really good. I like the main character a lot, even though he’s this typical gruff triple-A white dude biker.
>even though he’s this typical gruff triple-A white dude biker.
>I’ve changed my mind about Days Gone. I used to think it was bad. Now, I’m beginning to convince myself that it’s going to be good. Maybe even better than that.


>Back at E3 2016, when Sony Bend first demonstrated its post-apocalyptic open-world survival game, I thought it was just plain silly.
>The main character, a grizzled white biker called Deacon St. John, came across as a bloviated paragon of old-school road warrior machismo.

>Days Gone makes some interesting choices that kept my play session engaging, and the sections of its story that I experienced piqued my interest enough that I was legitimately frustrated that I couldn’t continue playing at the end of the demo.


>While I’ll admit that I initially rolled my eyes at yet another Gruff White Male Protagonist™ in a grim world - especially one with such a Gruff White Male Protagonist™-ey name as Deacon St. John - I ended up getting far more invested than I’d initially expected. I shouldn’t be surprised, I suppose - this is a first-party Sony title, and Bend is no stranger to writing around well-developed characters and games with a strong narrative focus, either.

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The holy trinity of opinions not worth listening.

Deacon St. John is the most Caribbean black dude name ever.

Who gives a shit.

Oh wait, Yea Forums does because they have to be mad about exactly everything.

>Days Gone will get docked points for not being woke enough
>Yea Forums will celebrate


I feel retarded for thinking the MC was Mexican all these last dozen months or so

let this thread die
dont link articles
dont give them clicks
this is obvious marketing and bait

Personally I'm more exited to kill all the dirty foreigners in Ghost of Tsushima.
Niggers Gone doesn't look bad though, I'll probably go ahead and buy it on sale.

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>Xniggie detected

You just make yourself look stupid by not admitting the protagonist of this game looks generic as hell

But he does look boring.

what a onions opinion

You can't get more bland and boring than white people.

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>ironically defending another meh zombie game to own the libs


the game was announced years ago, why fucking complain now?
god damn, i fucking hate this world now.

The game looks like generic shit so I don’t care, is this some pseudo shilling to get /pol/tards to buy the game?

He more than likely is, his face is that of a Spaniard, so he could be Spanish or Mexican.

Tough shit. No one wants to play a nigger.

James Franco look alike biker boy is kino.

Literally every single game that I played last year and this year that had a white male protagonist was shit.

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off to discord with you

Despite their complaining of him being a fucking white male they all looked past it and enjoyed the game. I'd say either the game is surprisingly good or they're not completely irredeemable mouth breathing drooling retards

>white people aren't allowed to be protagonists anymore

what a time to be alive

Im more interested in this game than I was before I read these previews.

These pozzed sites are going to slaughter it.

So how many of these 'complaints' were written by someone who WASN'T white?

Typical white SJWs putting words in my mouth, telling me what to think. I'm black. Diversity doesn't mean anti-white, and it's not an automatic flaw if a character is white. Don't think these complaints are coming from people of color Yea Forums, do not buy into what these people are selling.

That's what I thought. I figured the original conception of the biker aspect was some residual sons of anarchy shit (other races being in biker gangs and such). And I just figured he wasn't white because as others have pointed out, we can't have white protags anymore

He's certainly no Anglo Saxon, but these fucking journo's don't know shit about ethnicities.

>Communist Jews upset that a character is white
Color me surprised

Look at those fuckin taxpayers LMAO

>linking to them
manufactured outrage culture is real and you people are its bitches.

which one is more likely?

I preordered Days Gone now

Okay, none of those really sounded like complaints to me, it sounded more like just pointing out something that is painfully relevant. I will admit, That the character does seem pretty generic, but that's not ONLY because he's white.

people who link directly to this shit deserve a bullet

Yes, it must be. based on how the thread topic is worded. none of those reviews "complained" the just pointed out how generic the main character is.

>Who gives a shit.
That was my first though, specially the fucking retard of OP linking their clickbait articles. Good job OP.

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Please, I know you guys don't like Sony and what they have been doing lately, but garbage like this from Kotaku/Polygon/IGN need to be expunged.

I'm not saying the game has to sell 10 mill, but even 3 mill would be nice to fight this kind of SJW BULLSHIT. Please, guys. Fight back!

Why are we not allowed to talk about it? Because it violates your tranny-journo-resetera pact?

Guy in blue got a switch

fpbp; this isn't even worthy of a thread

>fight this SJW bullshit

buy doing what? buying this crappy game that i have zero interest in?

Look, I don't care that they don't like the protagonist because he is white. I bought Resident Evil 2. it has white protagonists, but it's a game that I actually wanted to play. I don't exactly agree with their opinion on the matter, nor do I value anything that these reviewers say because they are all trash, but I do believe they have the right to express their opinions. regardless of how I personally feel about it.

>Kotaku, Polygon and IGN are complaining that the main protagonist of Days Gone is white

Of course they are, everyone knows that a feminine softy boy, probably a techie type, with a pompadour fade for a haircut, glossy young skin, tight pants and sick pair of nikes or adidas, who was probably a Youtuber before the zombie apocolypse, everyone knows that would make a superior protagonist.

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Indeed, look all the respectful and logical discussions we have had in this thread?

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I never herd about this game or the clickbait articles you are posting until now. Fighting the good fight you god dam retard.

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Seems more like they're praising the story for being interesting.

let's be real, that is an extremely generic character design

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how i like my action dudes, throw in a keanu look alike every now and than.

Generic white men, ughh

I prefer a Latino one

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I agree, it's time we got some red and blonde hair and blue and green eyes. Brown hair and brown eyes are so fucking tired. Where's the diversity?

>all posted on the same day
GG showed that these journalists all talk to each other. This is just a coordinated effort to bully a relatively new developer and try to influence their sales. Would bet that their is some personal beef between them in some way.

For a Sony exclusive it looks pretty good, certainly better than Spider Flop

>Story driven
>Open world
So pretty much Last of Us done right

i like you.

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when they should be complaining about it being more open world cinematic zombie bullshit. It'll be shit either way and you're a fag for posting these sites at all.

literally can't tell them apart a literal sea of mayonnaise

RE2 doesn’t count because it has a female

3 worthless media outlets talking about a worthless game.

Days Gone looks fun

do these assholes literally get together and discuss what they're all going to write? all these excerpts almost read like the same motherfucker wrote each one. they're not even trying to hide it anymore.

i ain't even a white dude.

You guys get upset over everything. It's clear all of them are saying the protagonist is the same old generic protagonist is so many other games

disagree. I just feel since these are games costing more than 10 mill to produce they can at least make their main guy interesting.

Color me surprised is a racist statement. Please leave this board and go back to /pol/.