Name a better race in Wow than Pandaren

Name a better race in Wow than Pandaren

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Goblin. Wow that was super hard. Dwarves too

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Yeah more gfs

Wow I've never played WOW. Wow, I can't believe your MOM let you even play WOW.

All of them except Worgen.

Goblins are shit


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>tfw Goblins went from explosive crazed techies to greedy Jewish guido’s

How did they fuck them up so badly, I loved their old, crazy, high pitched voices.

Fuck, I wonder how they’ll fuck yo future established races.

humans, dwarves, gnomes, elves, orcs, trolls, tauren, undead, draenei, goblins, worgen, furbolgs, gnolls, quilboar, elementals, sha, void creatures, naga, ethereals, ogres, arrakoa, tuskar, vrykul, and vulpera

oh, and dragons


post arrakoas

based birb

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Draenei are one of the best thing about the Warcraft setting, and I've never even touched WoW.

I cannot, they are the best.

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Draenei are great but the community surrounding them is cancer. Only gay dudes like male Draenei and closeted gays constantly enforce that retarded futa horsecock meme with female Draenei. Doesn’t help people who play female Draenei are terrible human beings on par with Elf niggers.

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Gob Squad in Cataclysm
>Hey kid, guess you can tag along. We're gonna fight through an army of Twilight's Hammer and bust down the walls of Grim Batol with just the 5 of us. Frankly, it's an unfair fight, for them, so you are kinda irrelevant but whatever, let's go. We're a highly specialized, incredibly well oiled mercenary machine that will get the job done.
Gob Squad in BfA

Everything involving Gallywix is enforced by money memes and OMG

God forbid we actually get any cool or interesting Goblin characters. I guess that new Gnome fucker from before the storm could turn into something, but hell, even Gazlowe feels all but forgotten.

Apparently all he's getting is a short questline to confirm he's still alive and give you a pet. His parts in the novel were actually my favorite.
It was just interesting because he's moving away from a lot of those terrible tropes we are forced to endure with literally every other goblin.
He doesn't hate gnomes just on principle, he doesn't just wanna make bombs or weapons of mass destruction, he just loves science for the sake of science, he's not in it for the money but to get a chance to get back with his old lab partner, and he sees Azerite for what it could really be used for, he's just stuck in a shitty world because the boss of his boss doesn't give a shit about anything that isn't a WMD. Even though that creates a massive plot hole as literally NO ONE, not even the fucking NIGHT ELVES use it to grow anything or cultivate life.

Even Gallywix was better in the novel. He liked what the two were doing with Azerite. All the shit they did would've been highly profitable as well as useful for everyone involved. Sylvanas was just being a massive cunt, so his hands were tied, too.

Yeah, I’m really disappointed in WoW’s overall story telling. We should be getting what the books are telling in game, in some form. Instead, they leave out massive plot holes and points of interest in game, try to get people to buy the books and then a patch or two later finally shoe horn in a crumb to follow what feels like some inconsistent story.

They’ve really dropped the RPG elements in WoW, both in gameplay and story telling. I hate it.

Fuck those books, they're part of the problem

Trolls, because they are the only race which has some form of originality. Everything else is either a Tolkien, DND or Warhammer rip off.
I'm a sucker for High Elves, especially evil ones. So Belfs get a big thumbs up from me.
Humans. Top tier racials and armor always looks best on them.
Night Elves win fuckability. Hooves and horse cocks are not sexy so sorry Draenei.

This. Its because of books we had Warlords of Draenor and a poor closure to the Emerald Dream saga.

>Books try and act like a Bible for all of WoW's lore
>Shit has already gotten retconned and rewritten
All of WoW's writers need to be fired.

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Don't mind me, just waiting for someone to start dumping porn.


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New writers are either all GRILLS or SJWs thirsty for Short dyed hair approval
Same shit happened with Steven Universe, Adventure Time, and nearly happened to Regular Show
And lets not forget the schizophrenic life LoL has to live now

Literally any other.


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>nearly happened to Regular Show
It did, somewhat. Mordecai got completely fucked over in end and they denied him getting with Margaret because the writers said he was toxic masculinity. Cut the dude some fucking slack.

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generic and cringy beyond belief

>implying 1 dimensional race wide stereotypes is exclusive to goblins
pretty much every single race bar humans is almost always enitrely characterized around 1 stupid stereotype.
lol voodoo spirits
lol i hate everything
literally just native americans
beer lol
tech midgets lol
muh nature/muh elune
muh light
>lf draenei
muh light but more
food and karate lol

Honestly aside from humans and MAYBE belfs it feels like every single person from each of these races somehow manages to fall into the same generic stereotypical cardboard cutout personality, just to varying extremes. You never get a Orc that doesnt bitch about honor, or is brutish in some way. You never get an undead that doesn't hate everything. You never get a gnome that isnt a quirky genius or somewhat mechanically inclined.

cringy and generic beyond belief

>You never get a Orc that doesnt bitch about honor, or is brutish in some way.
This is why Mag'har shadow priests are top tier. Same for Orc warlocks.

Blame it on shitty writers that fail to be creative by any means, not the races in general. A lot of those races had lore that was just completely forgotten about after a certain point to make them 1-dimensional for the sake of being able to cheese it by writing lazily. Everything has to be black and white now, despite Blizzard trying so hard to push this "morally grey" bullshit.

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Wakfu/Dofus did pandas better anyway

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it isnt a meme