Days Gone Is One AAA-Ass Video Game

>Jason: The mission you play in the open world, you actually go to her grave... So that’s the thing, I’m intrigued to see where the story’s going. And the performances are really good. I like the main character a lot, even though he’s this typical gruff triple-A white dude biker.
>even though he’s this typical gruff triple-A white dude biker.

What did he mean by this?

Attached: days gone kotaku.jpg (882x809, 200K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>even though he’s this typical gruff triple-A white dude biker.
imagine saying this but replacing it with black dude
website would be destroyed

sounds like a genuine retard, hating AAA games because of generic protagonist instead of their focus on production value and streamlined game design

Welcome to modern game journalism.

I love my bf but i'm ashamed to admit that he's a generic good looking clean white guy. What should i do?

Suck his cock

It wouldn’t be that hard
>he was a black Hollywood stereotype
Most people wouldn’t bat an eyelash

Wow, people REALLY don't like the fact that he's white.
Why is this particular case such a problem?

>reposting kektaku gaming articles

Drop his bitch ass for a nigga with a gorilla dick.

Go fuck yourself OP

Look at all that juice!

Dump him for the BBC you know you deserve

Don't forget he is a white male.

Attached: D1FDMZqWoAMnhUi.jpg (1200x1200, 212K)

Bing white is a crime now.

Thanks to efforts by (((Disney))) and their female/minority superhero flicks doing well at the box office all the journalists are claiming that we don’t need white male heroes anymore just give us blacks and minorities in everything.

Stop giving attention to shitty clickbait you retards

>Expecting anything less from Shitaku
>Unironically linking to Shitaku

Kill yourself.


Except your switching the context to the black character being a stereotype as in a wrongful depiction and a victim

You literally could not write another black guy criminal thug or any variation that biker implies

Imagine unironically linking to kotaku. Kys faggot.

How long can you gaze at the abyss before it stares back?

why OP? why do you go to shitty website just to get mad?

>linking to kotaku
Firstly, fuck off, and secondly
>Jason Schreier
Fuck that guy.

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Fuck him in the ass and hopefully you two fags get aids

>linking directly to kotaku
Fuck off, Jason.

>actually linking to kotaku
>first posts aren't calling it out
what the fuck happened to Yea Forums?

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Weren't we bitching 10 years ago about every protag being generic white dude? There was even that image with all generic white dudes within like a 3 year period like Nathan Hale, Cole McGrath, Too Human guy, and Starkiller, off the top of my head to name a few. You fucking beta white bois with oppression complexes dying to be persecuted ruined this website, fucking kill yourselves

fuck off Jason

>I’m intrigued to see where the story’s going, And the performances are really good. I like the main character a lot

why are you guys ignoring this? why do you enjoy crying when someone brings up your race but use n*gger to talk down to any black characters

Have as many of his babies as you can, out of spite towards him of course.

Fags can't make babies

>the state of modern journalism and use of the english language
>OP linking kotaku
What did he mean by this?

Do your job, mods.
Poz him. Your kind gets off on that.

This, all those games are generic, why point out this one aspect

>tfw you realize a white man posted this

Attached: confused nigress.gif (220x171, 542K)

The complaint was mostly because we had no characters of interesting design as they'd opt for the least offensive design possible instead of going for something different like you'd see in earlier Nintendo games, whereas people like OP's article see shit like pic related and think that thus solves the blandness of boring already done character types. Though I'm sure a lot of people are taking it as a persecution nonetheless.

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