Politicians Call For Regulation Of Steam Games Containing Violence Against Women



Hopefully Steam will just block all the bongs from using their Service.

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>caring about steam

Rance on steam never

>tfw this gets every game depicting any kind of violence against women banned, including ones with female protags
Please do it Britain.

>fictional women get banned from games
Based. No more women fucking up my video games


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Oh good it's mortal kombat and hot coffee all over again

It's okay when anyone but Sony censors.

How am I supposed to afford both my violent video game pass AND my porn pass, lads?

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>glorify violence in almost every form of fictional media
>"Violence against women is wrong! How could this happen?"
The absolute state of the west

>game made specifically about committing acts of violence on women
Holy moly I wonder who could have seen this coming.
Here come the Yea Forums certified philosophers

oi you got a loicense for those vidyo games

>some bad things happen so others should be allowed too because fuck moral standards
Can't save the whole forest but at least we can save a few trees

>On March 7th, 2019 The Courier reported that First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is now calling for regulation of games containing violence against women.
>Nicola Ferguson Sturgeon is a Scottish politician who is the current First Minister of Scotland
So literally a non-country

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Stexit now!

>WHAT?! They will NEVER come for violence next, you pornfags are just retarded comparing yourself to us, its not even the same topic
And once again the slope proves itself to be slippery
>its just one country
>its just for women
>its just a few politicians
Slip slop my dear friends, slip and slop.

Don't bully us, I dislike censorship as much as anyone else
I just don't know what to do

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>moralfags at it again
How does it feel being a waste of space?

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This is about britain though, they despise violence and want to strive in a happy utopia

Bible has violence against women in it.
Let's ban that too!

>Gamers Rise Up!
>We shall give these politicians a protest they will never forget!

How did that work out the last time again?
Oh yeah, you ruined this board and got games that were even more pozzed while making your enemies stronger
Keep it up

Gotta live by some code, even if its flawed. Probably no more flawed than yours or everyone elses in this thread

Just make all the women Muslim females.

The Brits won't dare open their fucking mouths about that.

I don't get it. What games are doing this?

>violence against women bad
>violence against men good
What the fuck is this double standard? Someone call local imam.

tfw no roka gf

Anyone who doesnt believe the slippery slope is less of a fallacy and more of an observation about reality is either willfully blind, stupid, or contributing to it

>violence against real life women good
>violence against fictional women bad

Why is Europe obsessed with babying it's citizens

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>porn pass

I didn't need this. I didn't need to know this. I didn't need to find this out. My day, my week, my year, my life is ruined. I could have at least went to bed happy tonight, maybe even until April 1st apparantley in ignorant bliss, but now I have to know and feel absolute despair and fury.

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Violence can be justified i.e. self defense, war, survival

Rape can not be justified

There's nothing immoral about raping and torturing fictional women.

I've never joined any group of ruffians, im on the blackpill. I know the imminent western globalist dystopia is slowly crawling in and there is nothing to stop it, i just find it silly when people try to deny it.

They will never learn user, just enjoy the smugness of being right and breath in that helium gas when you ha enough.


>last male on earth

Ok rape can be justified in impossible to happen scenarios

Yeah cause morality does wonders for virtual depictions of imaginary women.
>you might live to see pic related become true

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I hate your kind. It can all be justified because its a V I D E O G A M E

I don't care. Why do you think I care?

are they going to ban GTA, that'd be funny

By that logic, other immoral violent acts such as killing innocent people should be banned from games too. Yet Bethesda style games only get attention for drug use.

Pretty sure that is true in canada or australia or other 3rd wold country like that

So, video games then.

How desperate are you for clicks?

what is their response to this argument? I always see articles where someone says violence against woman is bad, but they never address the obvious counter arguments. Is there a video or something where people try to defend this asinine viewpoint?

Kek, I know ben garrison is a meme drawer. But is that really him?

Imagine living in a country where there are no real problems and politicians have to create some to look competent

alright, so i all violence in media portrayed as war, self defense or survival?

Children are highly impressionable and won't see things that way. And video games are for children.
This is the mindset of these people.


*diddles children*
*arrests parents for trying to stop their kids from being kidnapped and raped to death*
*anti-terrorist division busts down door to apprehend problematic twitter user who criticized trannies*
*releases broad daylight attempted machete murderer because he's black and therefore oppressed*

basically Sweden before we imported so many blacks we did get genuine problems

>he doesn't put all the brutal gangrape behind an "optional content patch"

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There isn't one. The discussion actually ends here.

>Buy game
>Everything beyond chapter 1 is locked behind an Adult Only patch
Chapter 1 was kino though.

Thank god im not Islamic

Banning normie games like GTA and Skyrim would be unpopular, so they don't care. They only care about moral issues that will give them votes.