ITT: Dead Games

ITT: Dead Games

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Giger designs

I'm still mad

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I don’t think that a game can be “dead” if it’s never been released.

this shit has been shown off in trailers for almost 10 fucking years.


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>Dev refused investment and development help
What a retard

ha, this looked so cool in 2005, trailer was such bullshit looking back. I think it's alive as some early access thing but there's no way it's ever getting finished

Man, FUCK that game... i want shark-tigers or my money back... but i'm getting neither

same. the magic system looked fun.

Anyone heard of this one MMO set in the Second World War? It wasn’t WW2 Online, I think it was called “1944: Operation Overlord” or something. I remember that it was in development back in 2005 and people were accusing the developers of being scam artists. Over a decade later and the game still seemed to be in development. I also remember researching into this RPG maker called “RPG Project” back in 2003. They never really got much done.

>I think it's alive as some early access thing but there's no way it's ever getting finished
It's definitely dead. It was officially pronounced dead last year and the developer was just going to bail but then he announced it was back in development when it was about to be taken off Steam. Now the current status is that hes developing it alone and works two jobs so its basically never going to be updated but he can still scam shekels out of unsuspecting consumers by leaving it up on Steam.

It still hurts that it never even released here in the west

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it's funny, I don't even know what to type.

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remember this?

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Dont be sad that its gone. Be happy that it existed. It was a highly underrated gldsrc mod.

I wanted this game to be successful. All they had to do was release a demo with the landsharks and not fucking robots for the millionth time which put a lot of people off.

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maybe it was a good thing that it never saw the light of day

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>do I make the game I want to make or do I let publishers and investors meld it for normie mechanics that will shit out a game that is far from what I wanted to make
>fuck you either my way or no game
he is smarter than most

Tfw nobody will ever make underworld 3 at least somewhat competently

It still hurts.

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was it the "spiritual successor to vampires masquerade" or some shit?

Wait it's fucking cancelled? WHAT THE FUCK?

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fuck, i was really looking forward to this one.

more like in life support

MMO in development back when CCP still had the license. After the game got cancelled one of the devs leaked a shit load of stuff on here, including screens and the manual from the friends and family beta. Shit actually looked tight, and the guys involved showed they knew how to handle the setting.

no they actually signed a new deal and have a bigger budget
who knows what'll happen though

Thus is what I would want from an open world RPG. Image TES but with dying lights parkour and combat system.
Why does no one ever try to do a TES like game. Techland could do it.

I can't believe I was dumb enough to buy a PS4 for this. Guess I got sucked into the hype. It was the first game that really looked next-gen for me.

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oh fuck me I remember how interested I was
rest in peace

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I feel like they took too long with this game and it no longer looks interesting since we already have Alien Isolation and SOMA.

I really wouldn't be surprised if that's the direction they go if Dying Light 2 is successful with it's RPG focus. I mean they're already going for Fallout's thunder with Avellone.

Anyone remember?

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it would have been great if it released at least a year from when it was first revealed

Not the same but reminds me of Hellraid. The devs have been really quiet on it lately though.

That trailer is so fucking good

>that fucking final fantasy tactics 'successor' that was just a complete scam
apparently they still update the page; probably to avoid getting sued I assume

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I think he means shit like Kikestarter, in which case he avoided furfag taint. No furfag or AAA kikery is better than no game at all.

SOMA isn't even a good game, though.

damn this looks fun. kind of reminds me of shadow warrior 2

Oh fuck! Pretty sure I remember seeing it in an old issue of GameInformer back when I was in high school. God damn.

Light a candle.

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Vidya needs more Giger and Bazingski love.
There's also a guy I forget the name of, but he does really well done surreal scifi art for some book series. Usually depicts grotesque angelic cosmic beings.

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kind of annoying if you bring this up outside of Yea Forums you get some canned "the devs don't own you anything" response
yeah I know they don't *owe* me anything but they could not be jackasses and just announce that the game is dead instead of flat-out disappearing

Freelancer 2 fucked me up big time.

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back in 2000, this was going to be second one and even some concept art was made but it got cancelled quickly.

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Guess it really was unsung lmao

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lmao I remember when Gigantic was supposed to be the Moba to kill all mobas

And then
>win10 exclusive
>Perfect World

Where's my shaman simulator you french frog fuck REEEEEEEE??

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Man this mod had everything. When it was around I played my share of the regular free for all mode, ‘zombie’ coop, and RP servers.


also I believe the team that worked on this went on to make this and its squeal.

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What is this from? I swear to god I remember this

>I followed it from the beginning


Suffer some more.

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I remember really liking the pvp despite it's unfinished state. It was like sci-fi insurgency almost. And the way that the map lighting could shift from day to night in a matter of seconds was awesome. Promising game in a lot of ways, shame we'll never get it.

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>Dragon's dogma but with MH-esque limb-based combat and dungeon crawling

I know it's vaporware at this point, but it had so much goddamn potential

>tfw still no successor

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ill be honest, if it ever actually did come out it probably wouldn't have lived up to what they described the game to be like, but I still wish it could've happened.

Wow it's literally Dark Souls

what the fuck is that guy's face? he looks like the Rape Horse from Berserk

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they said theyll start working on it again after dying light 2, its why they left the steam page up

Any despicable zoomer wretches here? Why do you like seeing some chucklefuck's blank face so much?

Do you mean Zdzislaw Beksinski?

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I actually have faith that Witchfire will still come out, but it's also been radio silence for more than a year

Looks like a tank control dark souls

Even now it still has phenomenal lighting and fire. From what I remember it was using a bunch of volumetric effects that most games still don't bother with.

>getting banned for using the mac10

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Yeah. I'm just being an ass and forgot his proper name.

Jesus Christ he did a really great fucking job on the eyes and posture there, that's really quite fucking unnerving.

can't even buy it online.

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what did they describe it to be like? i didnt know it ever got any more info than just that they were working on it

can't even sell my dumb steam cards


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>no focus on acrobatics or party
not DD at all

It was only ever bullshot renders and proof of concept tech demos though.

Bekinski's style is pretty unique and instantly recognizable; seems like he (deservedly) spread on the internet really fast. it reminds me of something you'd see on a Tool album cover or really cool DnD book illustration
RIP and fuck those thugs that killed him

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an open worldish stealth action type thing taking place in 1970s DC during the height of the cold war with an open ended storyline iirc. you would play a CIA agent and uncover a soviet plot or something.

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but that game released. my friend had it, it was pretty fun.

>guys I pre-ordered
>guys I bought based on a trailer
>guys I bought hardware, based on a trailer of a game that isn't even out yet
>guys the salesmen sold me a lie
>how could this happen
I hate you, it's people like you that make me think that unless everybody gets raped by a jew at 8 years old, we will never stop falling for literal empty promises and lies.

Oh damn was that cancelled? Looked fantastic. Ah well.

why did they SHUT IT DOWN again?
was it the chinks?

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some shitty malware-ridden pirate blog got it taken down because they were butthurt about losing all their ad revenue

Shame a lot of the level design was a bit crap. Don't know what they were thinking with so many huge warehouse type levels.


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It had so much potential

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An Alphabet of Dinosaurs or something. I remember loving this book as a kid. The velociraptor and oviraptor were my favorites

FUCK, I spent so many hours play MA and now all I remember is the title.

Fucking EA

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Igg-games still exists, dumbass.

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The reason I don't even pay slight attention to teasers or trailers. It doesn't exist until it's released. This and Bannerlord.


>a casualty of "We want the Call of Duty audience"

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the game came out but rapidly lost its music license and had to be put down

I miss it

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it looked really good, too bad it was RIDDLED with microtransactions

I don't
It was cringe-inducing and I'm glad it died as fast as it did, despite its aggressive marketing

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Did it though

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I know the community is reviving it sorta. But I am a bit unease if it really works. As long as the full single player is intact which was the best part.

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Went to look up news about a SWAT spiritual successor called Ready or Not and it actually had its first gameplay trailer released today. It looks pretty promising.

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Oh shit I had this on pc.

shhhh, go back to the containment thread

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its a fucking money pit, they will just fall to Mission Creep like every incompetent staff with unique vision.

Kinda said it died so quickly.
It deserved better.

>Sub Rosa
>images of Dr Beverly Crusher fucking a ghost are flashing into my mind

how am I supposed to know what emotion to feel without a face cam?

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Man this game was supposed to be the next big thing, was really hyped for it

Isnt this a Russian money laundering scheme?

Looks like a bunch of speculation with no facts. Try again with some facts next time.

>really quiet
>radio silence
Devs publish new informations every week

Used an actual architect instead of a level designer. Still was a cool game, and I don't consider it "dead" because I don't think it was meant to be a franchise.

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It wasn't even close to finished though, you should read the development of the game, there is tell all article about it, it wasn't even remotely functional, they had no idea what they were doing, it was canned and restarted like 4 times.

Didn't this just get a new update or something?

Everything about this game's development so far and the cancellation of the Vita port / silence on gameplay functions just screams red flags about this and it breaks my heart to see Vanillaware fuck up so badly.

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this was only announced like a year ago.

>first shot of trailer
holy shit

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user, you're yelling at lonely kids simulating friendships


I know it'd be total ass but to revisit the world and setting is all I want before EA guts BioWare like a deer being processed.

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It was such a shame...

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>console exclusive that is not nintendo
oyy xonro

fuck i totally forgot about this one

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Remember me?

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oh god i have real bad diarhea right now

Man I loved that game so much when it came out. Added it to my steam collection just so I have it.

just let it flow user, we won't judge you

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This was the spiritual successor to Dark Messiah I always wanted.

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Yeah I remember when another user posted it a couple hours ago in this very thread.

Yamero! YAMERO!~

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Trying to remember an old ass trailer I saw maybe 15 years ago for a game which had mind blowing graphics for the time. It was a fantasy setting, first person, and I believe deathmatch/CTF type gameplay.

The trailer featured a big ass armored troll, and the player was shooting a bow, dodging the troll. I just can't remember the name. It never was released.

Maybe its working title had the word 'project' in it, I'm not sure about that. I followed it for some time, because it looked interesting and the graphics at the time were like crysis level of mind-blowing.

This was the only MMO I was ever interested in. All that can replace it now is Warframe and Destiny.

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>that time terraria almost got canned at 1.1

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What? This was fantastic.

Damn this cover looked good.

They recently showed 10 mins of gameplay i think it's real

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>Sprite sex
Who fucking cares about that shit

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Project Offset

It's a tablet srpg with WoW aesthetics now.

i don't know if vaporware counts, but does anyone remember that e3 game that looked like a fps walking simulator at first but then the protag pulled out a gun and started smoking the monster enemies
it had a weird gothic vibe and the trailer was set in a graveyard thats all i remember, i haven't heard shit about it since
if it actually released and i just never noticed then i guess its real dead

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sounds like witchfire

I never expected the second part of the game to ever release but I was hoping they'd at least release part one.

Thats the one. Holy shit, over 16 years ago.

How did they achieve those levels of graphics, bruh?

Devs literally posted an update. Its not dead

The next Dark Souls they said

fuck i just missed it, at least they're still giving updates on it
>estimated 2020 release date
that sounds like a real ball-pincher but i'll still keep hope, thanks

I was just thinking about this one. "WiLD" right?

Either the dev is dead

Or they pulled a foodfight, stored everything on one place and somehow lost it

This thing has been on my wishlist for like 5 years now

tbqh this game would fair well if it were to be remade because it's technically a battle Royale but cara. and actually let every car be driven by their respective characters. ahh i miss getting jumpscares from just being chased by dark tooth

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i still replay this every couple years


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this game had an oddly charming atmosphere for being a porn game

>Lily Bergamo
That one hurt, it got rebranded if anything. Let It Die sucked ass.

My only regret is not playing more of it before they turned off the servers

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I don't remember anything about what it was supposed to be or what it eventually became but I know I was hype at the time. I didn't even know it ever "released" until years later.

Fucking intel. Killing some great technology.

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this one really stings

In what way, retard?

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Still on my wishlist. I want my fucking DM M&M successor god damn it.

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I don't know if I want this game to have Dying Light parkour or just melee and magic on the ground. It'd be cool as fuck either way.

Supposedly this ran at 1fps in teal time and the panta rei engine became the foundation of the current resident evil engine

wtf is this

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Just because Frontier is a bunch of cunts and Lucasarts won’t ask for another

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It was basically supposed to be unreal tournament with more players. There was an alpha that I remember people saying was pretty good.

>Fuck physical games, all digital is the future. Rite guise?

>dark fantasy game announced
Wow, cool.
>somehow it has something to do with past lives and there's an AssCreed style future plot
I don't think I've ever seen a game lose me so quickly.
>tfw no telekinetic sci nazi FPS

Me too, it was one of the first games I voted for on steam greenlight.


There was going to be another one?!

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Fuck Bethesda and fuck its hostile takeover business practices.

>sequel announced in 2008
>in 2016 it's announced that it's going to be a prequel instead
Yeah, fuck Ubisoft too.

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Everytime I check it out it has moved to the next year.

Ronanhays was a faggot. I was on the forum a lot

I've been searching for a trailer that was on Cinematech/G4 from maybe 2005-2008 I cant remember. Car pulls up to a gas station in the middle of nowhere desert and theres a shootout - not much to go on but I dont think it was ever a real game.

Side note, is there a Cinematech archive?

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God i fucking hate >muhprey2 faggots so much.
I would be another mediocre shooter with empty open-world and you would never bought it in the first place, you just suddenly decided to love it because you hate bethesda. Go and play quiet man, latest groundbreaking game from human head studio, this time no one tried to take over them though.

Anyway, to add was to be a total 1:1 recreation of dday, with the option to join the large scale battle as any soldier. I didn’t think it was to be a real mmo though, but my memory was hazy.

Basically nothing came of it, and the forum manager ronanhayes was a bannhammer faggot that ended up listing off whatever little community there was short of retarded bootlickers who thought maybe the game wasn’t a scam (hint, it was)

Fuck off, Todd. I loved Prey and I love bounty hunter games; and when I heard I was getting both at the same time I was hype as fuck. Meanwhile, nobody asked for the franchise to be 'reimagined' as a System Shock ripoff.

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Was it this? Not a gas station but really similar to your description otherwise

god fucking damn it i want this game. maybe it'll be a ps5 release.

Wow, yes it totally was - thank you.

like poo in loo mirror's edge

seriously though, i love'd beyond good and evil and it really deserved a sequel

>was in highschool when this was announced
>graduated college and still not here
>no news posted in the last 3 years

maybe it's not technically dead, but fuck me.

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Michel Ancel's WiLD. It basically fell into development hell because they ran into crippling problems with their own internally-developed engine.

Development reportedly restarted from scratch at the beginning of last year and it's now a PS5 game running on the Decima engine.

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>The Ballad of Fangus Klot

It was a realgame
They released a video with all the gameplay and cutscenes
It played li


possibly the best ffa shooter ever made.

>tfw you get accused of hacking

>not even in the top 5 best players

the skill ceiling in this game was fucking insane.

shame the spiritual sequel (double action boogaloo) kind of sucks. schmung made some of the best maps for TS but I think the source engine just doesn't have the same kind of awesome jankiness that made ts great.

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>Fuck off, Todd
I knew you fags are illiterate niggers as well. Yes, Todd Howard, a dude who only runs a studio that makes TES games and TES with guns, personally came and axed your ideal cyberpunk openworld GOAT fps. Fucking moron

>avoided furfag taint
This would be easy though. Just don't include any donation tiers with "design a character" bonuses.

Was this the one with the skyscraper map, where you could freefall from the top through a glassed-in pool? Or was that Action Half-life?

Imagine being this much of a shill.

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I read they basically put the whole thing on ice to work on fucking DUST, at one point. The PS3 exclusive that was supposed to be the PERFECT FPS companion to EVE, but ended up offering almost no additional content in either game.

I wanted to hire whole squads of normies to takeover planets for me, too.

b-but there's star citizen...

IGG-Games. Avoid that place like the fucking plague. Half the games are fine uploads, but the fact that they got GoD shut down makes them a bunch of fucking cunts.


that brings back memories

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Ohhhh fuck yes. I wonder if I can get this working.

KISS-themed shooter made with the Quake engine, back when devs were using the Build/GoldSrc engines for all sorts of weird shit. This and Heavy Metal FAKK2 still take me back to a nostalgic place. RUNE, too.

Nigger, because you're braindead nigger i'll tell you again: Todd Howard runs a game development studio, he doesn't run publishing or zionmax. He doesn't axe companies or decide to reimagine IPs that arent TES or Fallout. But since you ARE a nigger you probably can't comprehend it becuase you're saw ebin reddit memes about Todd and the word "Bethesda" next to his photo so now in your mind he's responsible for a holocaust of small and innocent gamedev studios that were making literally perfect cyberpunk games you would 101% buy and they 101% wouldn't be trash.
What am i shilling for, moron? A dead game no one is selling? I'm gonna shill you A quiet Man, it's a GOAT game from GOAT studio Human Head that were fuck over by Todd Howard himself go buy their latest GOTY contender to show that asshole Todd Howard and me, an npc shill, that you would definitely buy Prey 2 and not just being outraged about nothing on the internet

>Mention FAKK2 here
>scroll down and see another user posted it.
Are you me?

People like you are background noise society only needs more of after a major war. No one want's to hear how well your 401k is doing Rodney. It's not that anyone is jealous, your life just isn't special in any way and everything you have to "teach" is just common knowledge.

Yo me and like 30 other people still play this game on the reg. Still getting updates. I'm tellin you when it gets an official steam release it'll be yuge

Basically these.

but it just got updated....

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Imagine a world where we have 1hit kill fighting games again.

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>engine devs strike again
There's simply no capable or willing persons working on this area.

Anyone have any clue what happened to this? Did the dev's politics actually kill it?

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Nah, the game is not sold anymore and the developer makes progress updates every 8 months about the hypothetical next release

Kingdom Under Fire 2. Had potential for being one of the most unique mmo games out there.

>tfw no Bushido Blade 2 at EVO

>MMO in development back when CCP still had the license
They never "had" the license. What they did was much, MUCH worse

Long story short, they wanted a license for their MMO, White wolf was more than happy to give one to them, but they also demanded that they cancel all other licenses so they could have the sole license, Incentivising VtM fans to HAVE to get it as it would be the only game on the market. WW said no. So they simply did a hostile takeover of the company and bought them

To ensure their wishes came true, they put time limits on games who already held the license (all of which where completely unrealistic), and if not met, they simply expired with no hope of renewal. They refused to license more out and to help get some of the money back that they spent on purchasing white wolf (once they noticed that most of WW's money came from selling an older version of their rulebooks and selling new campaign books), they killed the entire line of old books and put out a soft reboot of every one of the rule books (think of it like a new warhammer edition), but also stopped production and recalled all old books to make sure if anyone wanted to play it, they had to buy NEW ones written entirely by their EVE staff. The new rules where way worse, Somehow both watering down AND over complicating the entire ruleset. And in most of the fans eyes, the lore was worse than fanfiction.

What ended up happening was no one bought the new rulebooks because of how bad they where and just downloaded PDFs of the older version and continued playing it. So now CCP had this entire company whos sole existence was to create rules, expansions and adventure books who wasnt selling even 1/8th of what they where BEFORE they bought them, which also had a license that wasnt being shopped around or purchased due to them wanting to keep the license all to themselves, and it was burning through cash at an alarming rate, so they sold em off to paradox

Zoomer retard



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I was going to say I thought he just announced it too earlier but looked it up instead.

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heh your post reminded me that I installed the game like 2 weeks ago and never looked back

Sure it had nothing to do with all the tumblrinas targeting him because he mentioned he was against toxic feminism.

Fucking SJW's, man.

I have a ps4 copy, want it?

Sometimes I think I am the only one that remembers this game. It was super fun. It was Mass effect like 2 years before Mass Effect and it was supposed to be a trilogy.

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I vaguely remember seeing this either on GameTap or on a HL2:DM map that had a gamestore


The original version of this
fuck EA for killing Will Wright, that man didn't deserve to have his dreams crushed

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Hurt too much

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>half the games are fine uploads
Don't lie on the internet, user. I don't think anyone got any virus or malware from IGG-games.

God I will never understand that level of bootlicking. Gaston Lahaut has had Mordeth Episode 2 in limbo for nearly 22 years now, and the Doom community has rolled with it as a joke for 15 of those years.

I think what he means is that SOMA and Alien Isolation came out, and it probably knocked the winds out of the sails for the devs to keep working on Routine.

I still would've liked to see it, even an alpha or beta build to try.

>Side note, is there a Cinematech archive?

It still hurts, the only Kickstarter I ever cared about

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Didn't that die because the dev got v& for CP?

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I actually remember greenlighting this on steam greenlight fucking end me

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I have no idea. Honestly I just want a remastered Eternal Darkness.

I still have this mag copy stored up somwhere

So glad I randomly bought this, it's practically a Bayonetta DLC.

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That one yogscast game that had 0 talent among its development team.

what actually happened here.

Man, this game was my last two years of high school...I still miss it

Permanent hiatus

this makes me sad to think about, it was legitimately fun

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IIRC a few months ago they announced they cancelled it and moved it to a recent game. Forgot which one though

How far are we off a crash boys.

It's not happening.

I am actually bummed out about it still, in a way.
inb4 hurrr durrr OSRS BRO

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games + season passes are 100$ now, so if they don't find a new scam to tack on to that soon the market will crash soon

EA has been trying to put their sports game gambling shit into everything but it hasn't caught on

But osrs is literally what runescape was pre eoc spare for dung and summoning.


You retarded?

This game kicked off my BBW kink

and they say we aren't oppressed

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>Pirates, Vikings, and Knights 2
>Source: Dystopia

why did it have to die

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only thing that stayed was the graphics, you fucking liar. you're getting pre-eoc combat with 06 graphics, but that is literally it


Dawngate. I don't even know why I loved it so much, it was just another moba. But still

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>There's also a guy I forget the name of
Wayne Barlowe?

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Here's one of his sci-fi work, for that old Discovery special I think it was

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Wasn't that redesigned into something new? I see one porn artist doing sprite work for something similar all the time

Don't do this to me

cloud meadow

good riddance i say

i still believe

>His wife, Zofia, died in 1998; a year later, on Christmas Eve 1999, his son Tomasz (a popular radio presenter, music journalist and movie translator) committed suicide. Beksiński discovered his son's body. Unable to come to terms with his son's death, he kept an envelope "For Tomek in case I kick the bucket" pinned to his wall.

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every fucking time
>no gameplay
>just some chick with a stand for 20ish seconds

what the fuck is wrong with you tards

He's not shilling though?
yes todd memes haha but it wasn't todd's job, purview, or literally anything to do with him that did to prey what was done.

Shit on Zenimax for what Zenimax does. Know your targets, user, and gun for them.
Aiming for the wrong ones just makes you look retarded, which lets people disregard your thoughts and opinions.

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Not that I like the concept. But seeing this game just disappear after featuring ads on Evo and whatnot was kinda weird

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Company got bought out and they made a different fighting game iirc

but this game exists? how is it vaporware when I own it and the soundtrack?

>sees whole thread

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weird how this isnt on steam, it even had controller support i think.

>tfw still have my pirated copy and no one can take it from me

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they were acquired by riot, canceled the robot game, and rushed out an unfinished pos of a kickstarter game. Their current project is unknown

And apparently Anamanaguchi hates their work on the game, it quote being "our worst work". Well, fuck 'em since their work on Scott Pilgrim was their best work by far. Everything after that was just the most generic chiptune shite

doesn't stop me from playing twice a year

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To be fair, the game would've been mediocre at best. Even reading about it at the time it didn't inspire much confidence.

Speaking of...

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More chromatic aberration plz!

Only if it was made by Bioware before EA hollowed them out and laid their larvae in the corpse

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That's Action Half-Life.

I wonder who is behind these posts.

I get financial troubles, but what kind of legal issues can you get into when making an indie platformer?

An abortion is still dead cells
which funnily enough is another game that may as well be dead

Screens always look tight. Usually never amounts to anything.

Still fucking livid about this and Tabata is a hack who should never touch a FF again (and he won't by whats going on with him). Maybe Verum Rex can fix this mess

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Stealing assets/music


It's been dead for a very long time and it's not all that impressive by modern standards, but god dammit, I was looking forward to it so much.

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Was Chrome even any good?

Fuck you, the demo looked great, much better than the Bioshock-lite we got. They killed Prey 2 to slap the name on an unrelated game, there was literally no reason both couldn't have come out.

Looks so much better than the weird prequel thing with swearing monkeys we're getting.

i remember when this game actually looked pretty good for it's time.

Now it looks ugly and outdated.

Wasn't there a demo released? I could swear I remember seeing webms with that name.

>double action boogaloo kind of sucks
How? It's the most fun I've had with a shooter in years.


IGG is fine idiot, not everything is conspiracy

>Reach Out To The Truth

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im sorry but this scene looks to me like some mutant punk mexican making a hole in a wall and god emperor trump awaiting him on the other side. i cant unsee it

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He wrote the book way before the special. They made it based on his stuff. not the other way around.

oh shit has parasite in city updated?

Star Citizen is destined to repeat history and become Freelancer 2. We just need a good publisher to buy SC after it goes bankrupt.

>that thread where the devs answered questions on Yea Forums
Feels like it was yesterday...

Not in forever

wow it looks different

Coded Arms Assault
Still hope they revive it one day.
It was like mgs:vr meets ghost in the shell but as a fps.

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I will never not be mad.

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The rpg stuff in that feels not right somehow. Maybe it's just me. I also haven't played any recent update.

Its literally the same gameplay you fucking idiot, it plays the exact fucking same as it did in 2006.

Advent Rising Trilogy and the psp game

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I wish square could still release Versus XIII somehow without it being messy...

I'm more concerned that bannerlord won't improve enough on warband than I am with it never being released.

But it came out, didn't it? I'm pretty sure I played it.

At the moment i am more hyped for the potential mods that can come out of this.
From what they showed so far the modding tools look like they are going to be amazing.

am I doing this right?

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dead on arrival

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Roger Dean.

It did, but I was talking about the Battlestations series as a whole. Eidos Hungary is no more and the WWII naval combat is such a niche that there will probably never be a AA(A) game quite like it, except with somewhat less ridiculous engagement distances and ship movement. At this point, your only real options are World of Warships and eventually War Thunder, but they're both wildly different.

still the best fighting game

flash games :(

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This game is awesome but not really worth the price like Haunting Ground is.


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>Hey guys our generic shooter needs a gimmick so it'll sell, any ideas?
>How about we make all the art hideously, vomit-inducingly ugly?

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>Being gay taste man


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>Ending on a "To be continued"
Nah, fuck 'em.

not wrong, the nice blend of rimworld and DF

didn't they literally tell the publishers to fuck off, because they were trying to force so much shit on them?

Dead since 2014

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i would honestly take the money

well at least the HHS are making new rune, but I'm not terribly liking the videos shown

>there is
yep it belongs in this thread

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the deadest game, I miss it a lot

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So you bought a console based on the bullshot technical promises of what looks like fairly unremarkable lighting and volumetric effects, just basic AO, HDR, caustics and pretty ugly low-res shadows. Fuck, no wonder games are devolving to this point, I mean, not to accuse you or anything, but you're enabling this nonsense.

no, it was a game you would get with the games magazine so you would play it out of boredom
if I remember the MC was named Bolt Logan

thank you so much for the recommendation. As an artfag here the illustrations are amazing.

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1313, now we have shitty battlefront and mobile phone games

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It looked like Uncharted with lasers, it would've been shit.

literally all of AGDG

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damn wats the title?

Still have it on my 360 I remember playing this togehter with my family on a comfy december evening damn...

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>generic shooter
it's a walking sim with guns

Damn, that is very sad. Here i though that WWII had some influence on his style and creative mind.

fuck poland and fuck polish third world gyspy caravan names that nobody on the globe can read

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Agreed user. Went to see them live blind and was hugely disappointed. Their albums are also extremely bland. Fuck them.

gore ultimate soldier, the best blend between tactical shooters like counter strike and action shooters like unreal/quake

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Bushido blade 2 was horrendous. Bushido blade never should have had jumping mechanics.
Anyone remember Project Awakened? Superhero action rpg with ridiculous amount of abilities, customization and mod support. Kept remembering it but could not find the name of it until now. IIRC they lost a publisher then didn't reach their kickstarter goal.

Natural Selection 1

That's right, SOMA is great.

same. title and slingshot nades

lol my step-dad fell for this.

This shit pisses me off more than believing in the Unsung Story kickstarter all those years ago. Paid for this fucking shit too. At least give an update, god fucking damn.

I think soma is one of the best games. It's the best of it's kind.

I liked it :(

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If I remember correctly, it failed Kickstarter (because of Mighty No. 9 overshadowing it of all things), got greenlit on Steam or was about to and then that stuff went down.

Back in the Genesis/Snes era, pretty much every game had some sort of Giger reference.

damn i love this game too bad i can't play it cause my "1" key is broken and there is no keybindings. still a smol ass fanbase around it it's cool.

it nearly got canned when red/blue split

It played like low-budget CoD, but fuck me if I didn't love the customisation.

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Is that the zero-g shooter? I think I remember seeing webms of it being posted around here.

I wish I had the chance to play it

the what?
get some fucking taste and stop posting until you do

is this Drakengard spinoff?

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Yes it is, or was unfortunately... This was a fantastic game at it's time, too bad the player count dropped significantly over a short time and it died.

Ah, those were the times

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isn't american working on a new one though?

It hurts.

tried running it after posting that but it didn't even render the title screen, with compatibility modes too
it hurts user

I remember reading about a game for ps2/3, I can't remember, and it was basically this free roam game but you had these special sunglasses that let you cheat at poker games and stuff. I was hyped for it when I was younger but I forgot the name and haven't found any info on it ever since.
I remember the headline for the article in the magazine being "this is LA" or something

Dev posted on twitter again after more than 1 year of nothing.
It's weird. On one hand I want to believe he's working on it due the updates and not being able to buy the game, but on the other what the fuck is he doing.

I was excited for this too, despite it being mmo

T roasty

I remember this.
It was so clear it wasn't gonna be possible. These kind of studios look like a bunch of dudebros aiming way too high.

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Remember when this was supposed to kill TES?

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This game had no right being as fun as it really was.

The franchise too sadly.

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oh fuck
nostalgia I didn't know I had

3 was an improvement upon 2 in both story and gameplay and shadowfall/mercenary are underrated gems overshadowed by launching alongside infamous and vita exclusivity respectively.

In fact Guerilla has openly stated they plan to revisit the franchise.

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Its too late, Hytale is now all the hotness for next Minecraft successor

>As long as the full single player
It is


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the dev is a clown who wants to work alone while also being a lazy, secretive cunt. At least with Exanima you have something to play, however minuscule

I run it frequently across a couple or another of days and encountered whole 2 other players once

This would've been so much better if it dropped the entire FF aspect and was simply made into a game about cool mafia shenanigans with your bros, like it first seemed like

You are stupid, original name for Prey 2017 was supose to by Typhoon, but since Bethesda was close to losing rights for IP they had to re-use the name.
Prey 2017 has nothing to do with old Prey and is not responsible for downfall of bountyhunter Prey.

I wish they'd bring back AMano for at least one more game. If only they could finally do his designs justice, with all the modern technology. Of course, it's unlike;y he himself would want to get involved, being a big and renowned gallery artist now.

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Did you finish the game? It has HUGE fucking cliffhanger-sequel bait. But series is dead ergo dead game.

I remember I was really disappointed in Sega to find out they cancelled this game when it was something like a claimed 90% complete. Then a former Obsidian dev revealed the notion it was 90% complete is utter bullshit, Feargus is a lying piece of shit and the game was barely 30% complete and that's only if you count "barely even works" as being complete.

Do you have any news on that? Can't find anything. At least it must be something to it. Otherwise, they would have deleted the steam page.

This came out though.

No 3 wasn't. It ruined gameplay. The input lag may have improved which is good but they didn't have to go ruining the recoil to all the guns. The perks system was also dumb and half assed as was a lot of other things about the multiplayer. Second game was definitely better with way better maps. Radec also better than anything out of the third game.

However franchise has always been mishandled so poorly. It is a shame.

You mean Nomura

Not him but afair they wanted to strongarm HHS into selling themselves to bethesda
Quick google

btw yea what you said is right

>Not him but afair they wanted to strongarm HHS into selling themselves to bethesda

That's crap. The game was canned because it sucked. Human Head is not some amazing studio that everyone is desperate to acquire. They were nobodies with a crappy game that was cancelled and the higher ups at the studio just can't accept that. Do you know what game Human Head made after the cancellation of Prey? The Quiet Man. A game with a metacritic rating of 29. I don't buy for a second Prey 2 was such an amazing game that Bethesda decided to force the studio into selling. I believe Prey 2 was so crap Bethesda just cancelled the whole project and Human Head had sour grapes about that and decided to publicly slag off Bethesda knowing the publisher would never publicly respond in kind.

Wait, these aren't available to buy anymore? Why is that?

Check out the VG private server. They are autistic enough to remake actual 07 rs

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What about this

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Bruh. My heart

Yea it is a shame it never came out

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Hope Fable IV will be this beautiful

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was waiting for this one dead on arrival looked good too

>let me guess, your dream 40k game?
It was

And it was beautiful

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>0.05 bethesdabucks was deposited to your account