This is the best Final Fantasy game of all time and possible the best tactical RPG of all time

This is the best Final Fantasy game of all time and possible the best tactical RPG of all time

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I don't know about all that but I do enjoy it very much. Dem legs on that White Mage don't hurt none either.

But that's not FF9 nor is it Disgaea OP

Which Disgaea are you referring to?

>This is the best Final Fantasy game of all time
Top 5 perhaps but V, XI, and XII: TZA are better.
>and possible the best tactical RPG of all time
It's not even the best on PSP - Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together or the Der Langrisser port beat it easily.

>best ff
>best trpg
jagged alliance 2

How does this improve on the PS2 game?
It was ambitious, had a lot of creative jobs. But it was not a good game. Difficulty depended on what skills you bought and there wasn't much tactical thought on the actual battlefield.

>start literally second actual fight
>argath walks towards the enemy and gets counterattacked
>enemy gets a turn and kills him
>game over
What the fuck I didn’t even take a turn.

Inferior to Ogre Battle and Front Mission 3.

It has a place in my heart and its a good game, but on replaying it I realized the game play is a little aged.

It needs to remastered with a modern control scheme and whatnot. You can't easily see where enemies can move without taking way more time than is needed. Once you move to a square you can't go back at all so if you made a small mistake based on terrain not being how you thought it was with the angle you're screwed etc.

Great game, just need a SMALL amount of modernization to make things go more smoothly

>Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together beat it easily
How? The way classes, skills and equipment work is fucking retarded.

Based Algus. He sensed the commoner blood you brought with you and decided to kill himself to deny those animals any claim of rescuing him..

Tactical RPGs are for fucking plebs.


This everything else is either shit or ok at best. Hard to top the golden age of missed out zoomers well have fun with apex losers LMFAO XD!

Disgaea games are horrible tactical RPGs. You just use one character and he will decimate everything because he out levels everything else.

>Heh... Nothin' personnel, kid
>If you're gonna blame someone, make it yourself, or god.

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Pretty edgy Delita say hello to your sister for me.

Honestly is it even much better than just XII? I feel like not much changes.

Magic becoming nearly completely useless in Ch4 outside of Calc doesn't help either, there really should have been something to make it more attractive. The amount of shit the physical classes can dish out in the time it takes a Summoner to get anything higher than Titan off is ridiculous.

The great debate:
PS1 or WotL (w/ fixes)?

>This is the best Final Fantasy game of all time
but that's not chocobo's dungeon 2, user.

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WoTL with fixes and the PS1 dialog patch

The LFT hack actually makes magic not shit and makes the weaker classes more fun to use.


The new translation might have complete sentences and get rid of Dycedarg's elder brother but the doofus in charge of it tried way too hard to make it his personal Game of Thrones fanfiction when Tactics was never, ever supposed to be that.

I like the psp translation better. Fits the story and setting better. Played both version about half a dozen times.

I will agree to it being the best FF, FF6 and 9 are overrated.

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It feels more like trying to ape FFXII and failing horribly

>I had lived my life the only way that I had known. But when the pillars of that life came crashing down, I did not stand and watch them fall. I turned, and walked away.

Show me a better FF protagonist

You can't

Attached: ramza.png (268x486, 215K)

Why were all the females so adorable?

Attached: FFTOnionKnightFemale.png (500x930, 383K)

PSP translation is miles better. The original is filled with run on sentences and general piss poor writing.

There is no better FF protag. Moral and principled, without acting like an obnoxious moralfag

LUCT does basically everything better though. The only bad part is the retarded crafting system, someone deserved to be fired over that.

Attached: FFT Dorter.gif (640x480, 1.16M)

>without acting like an obnoxious moralfag
He kind of does this, though. Ramza is the best protag but he is also flawed (which makes him a good character).

> Ramza Beoulve: Wiegraf! You live?
>Wiegraf Folles: I have lived for this, Ramza. How long has it been since we last met?
>Ramza Beoulve: Then you were a warrior who fought to make your dream reality. Now you are only a thrall of the Church.
>Wiegraf Folles: What troubled sleep have you known, to speak of my dreams? No matter how sweet, a dream left unrealized must fade into day. Only with power can dreams be made real! I see the truth of it now. What good, dreams, without that power? You think me a thrall? So be it! Your envenomed words succour me, for when at last you yield - as you must - their poison will consume you!
>Ramza Beolve : I pity you, Wiegraf. Even as a man of broken dreams, you might still have been remembered fondly. Your ideas lifted the people, showed them the cracks in the age-old facade of the aristocracy. You acted on your convictions, and so ennobled those actions! But what would the people think now? What would Milleuda and your fallen friends think of this barter you've struck? Dreams built on borrowed stone are defiled before they are made!
>Wiegraf Folles: What have you done that did not rely on the labours of others? From birth you have wanted for nothing! You can not know what it is to live the meager life we do. Reason may trick you to believe you do, but your heart can never know! Harsh is the world in which we live. Harsher still than you can imagine. You have neither right nor reason to pour scorn on me!