Tell Yoshi bedtime story now
Tell Yoshi bedtime story now
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The bagel
once up on a time there was an ugly barnacle. he was so ugly that everyone died. the end.
Once upon a time yoshi asked luigi to tell him a bedtime story on Yea Forums. So luigi pulled down his pants after a long, hard, and strenuous day of plumbing and thought he could have some revenge. Luigi shat down yoshi's mouth and yoshi started crying saying "STOP NO!!!!""
but then luigi let out a huge BRAAAAAAPPP into yoshi's freakishly large nose and yoshi smelled it all because luigi taped yoshi's mouth shut so he'd have to smell it all.
Then luigi took a used dirty toilet plunger and ripped the tape off of yoshi's mouth and started pushing the shit down yoshi's throat to make sure yoshi ate it all
then luigi took a massive piss all over yoshi's blanket and gave yoshi a kiss on the lips goodnight and went to go have anal sex with mario in the next room while yoshi had to listen the whole night and couldn't get any sleep.
Then mario developed aids after being pounded by luigi's gorilla cock and now mario is fucking dead
ok... ok... well it all started when mario, the princess and I went to dino city for a vacation...
Niggers. End of story
I can't believe Mario is fucking dead
One day Mario woke up and decided to take a shit, because hey, he's Mario.