Tell Yoshi bedtime story now

Tell Yoshi bedtime story now

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The bagel

once up on a time there was an ugly barnacle. he was so ugly that everyone died. the end.

Once upon a time yoshi asked luigi to tell him a bedtime story on Yea Forums. So luigi pulled down his pants after a long, hard, and strenuous day of plumbing and thought he could have some revenge. Luigi shat down yoshi's mouth and yoshi started crying saying "STOP NO!!!!""

but then luigi let out a huge BRAAAAAAPPP into yoshi's freakishly large nose and yoshi smelled it all because luigi taped yoshi's mouth shut so he'd have to smell it all.

Then luigi took a used dirty toilet plunger and ripped the tape off of yoshi's mouth and started pushing the shit down yoshi's throat to make sure yoshi ate it all

then luigi took a massive piss all over yoshi's blanket and gave yoshi a kiss on the lips goodnight and went to go have anal sex with mario in the next room while yoshi had to listen the whole night and couldn't get any sleep.

Then mario developed aids after being pounded by luigi's gorilla cock and now mario is fucking dead

ok... ok... well it all started when mario, the princess and I went to dino city for a vacation...

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Niggers. End of story

I can't believe Mario is fucking dead

One day Mario woke up and decided to take a shit, because hey, he's Mario.


Luigi raped Peach and Rosalina is his child. I already called the MKPD and they wouldn't go after him because of his ties to the afterlife. He's coming here tonight to kill me. Don't worry, I've rigged this house with explosives. We'll be free from this nightmare.


Or was it the bagel?



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Today was a nice and calm day in Smash Mansion. The sun was shining through the windows and the birds were all out in the open. Yoshi was fast asleep in his bed that morning, choosing to sleep in rather than wake up. Of course he was soon startled awake by the sound of his alarm clock ringing.

"Argh, I hate that thing." said Yoshi as he press the stop button on the clock.

"Well now that I'm awake, I might as well get out of bed and freshen up."

"What's the rush baby?" asked a feminine voice.

"Not much it's just that-, hey wait, who's in bed with me?"

He turned his head to find himself staring at Samus, who was laying in bed with him.

"Hi there sexysaurus." greeted Samus flirtatiously.


"I was feeling a little in the mood, if you know what I'm saying."

"Whatever it is, I don't have time for it, I gotta go take a shower."

With that, Yoshi climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom. He then closed the door and turned on the shower. After setting it to the right temperature, Yoshi climbed in. As he washed himself from head to tail, he soon felt someone's naked arms wrap around him and their body press against his back. He looked around to see it was Samus, who had followed him into the shower.

"Uh Samus, what are you doing in the shower?" asked a confused Yoshi.

But instead of answering, Samus tried to kiss him, leaning right in for his lips, but he pushed her face away.

"Did you just try to kiss me!"

"Who else?"

"Alright, I'm getting out of here."

Pushing himself from her grip, he climbed out of the shower, dried himself off and walked out the bathroom. He then put on his signature orange shoes and left the room.



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I hope she made Lotsa spaghetti

Steph kegels. Good luck finding anything though, she nuked all her stuff from the internet.

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Those are always the most fascinating yet frustrating ones, aren't they? They show up and shake their ass and then just remove themselves from the Internet. We're just so use to the minute a girl shows a tiddy she's opening up shop online.


samus would never act like this, you better have a good explanation in the next chapter.


Welll like they say in Brooklyn

There once was a Yoshi named Yoshi. No more than a young dino, Yoshi liked to spend his days frolicking through the seemingly endless flower fields of his titularly named home, Yoshi Island. On a day not unlike any other day, with goonies flying and calling out overhead, Yoshi decided to travel very far. Farther into the field than he had ever done before. His mind only wondered what lied over the rolling expanse of multicolored flowers... assuming an end even existed. He set out into the direction of the goonies. Yoshi had always liked the goonies. He found their appearance quite amusing, and their taste delicious. As he walked over the familiar hills, admiring the butterflies and practicing is flutter jump, he looked behind him. His settlement, which lies near the edge of the forest, was miniscule. He could barely make out the shape of his own house from atop the hill. Yoshi was now as far as he had ever gone before, and he began trecking on. After walking for what felt like hours, the goonies overhead took a sharp nosedive, staying in their immaculate formation until the very end, to take a well deserved rest. Yoshi was pleased, he needed a rest too, his aching feet giving him no choice really. He sat and observed the goonies. They came in many shapes and sizes, the round, obese ones never failing to make Yoshi laugh as they struggled to walk amongst their friends. After awhile, the goonies collected themselves, reinstated their carefully optimized formation, and took off, leaving Yoshi still plopped on the ground alone. As he watched them, Yoshi began to notice something he should have noticed long before: the sky was now a dark shade of orange, and was deepening and deepening. Night was approaching. Yoshi knows better than to stay out alone at night. Night is what the Chomps like, and Yoshi knows the Chomps love the taste of Yoshies. Yoshi decided to head home. Home. Home, home, home, which way is home?

In his goonie gazing, Yoshi had lost the direction of his forest settlement. The identical expanse of flowers provided no particular reference points for Yoshi to use. The deep orange sky was now a dark shade of blue. It was now night. Yoshi's breathing quickened as his mind raced itself into a panic. How will I get home? Where will I go? What am I going to do? His view of the field darted rapidly back and forth. The chomps are out there. Where, where where? He ran spastically in an arbitrary direction, hoping and praying to see his home over the hills, though he knows he is foolish to think this due to the distance he travelled. In an almost instinctual act, he threw himself to the ground, his body huddled, and cried. Though he gasped for air between sobs, he still remained on high alert. Trembling, he squealed. The sight petrified him. The shape on the top of the large hill in front of him remained motionless. It's round silhouette unmistakable. Yoshi wanted to get up and run. Wished he had perfected his flutter jump, so that he could just flutter away. His body, however, would not allow him. His muscles were paralyzed with fear, save for the involuntary trembling. The silhouette made it's way down the hill, gaining speed on it's descent as it headed straight for Yoshi.

Yoshi closed his eyes. He knew he would not survive the ensuing events. He waited for it to be over, and hoping that it will be quick. He waited. Waited, waited waited. It should have happened by now. He hesitated to open his eyes, the fear of the uncertainty of the chomp's location running through his mind. One eye peered open. He was startled at the site. Then confused. He opened both eyes and looked at the obese goonie in front of him. The goonie let out a loud call that echoed through the night. Over the hills, answering it's call, a flock of goonies flew, and landed in front of him. Yoshi was relieved, the sight of his familiar guides calming him down slightly. Though, Yoshi said to himself, this does not solve my problem. Perhaps prompted by this statement, one goonie hopped on top of the head of another, the latter goonie taking flight and soaring around taking his friend for a ride. It then landed back into the group. Yoshi understood. Cautiously, Yoshi stepped onto the head of the goonie. Suddenly, before Yoshi even knew what was happening, he was soaring through the air. High above the clouds, Yoshi looked below at the endless field below him. the rolling hills continued in every direction. However, in one direction, Yoshi was able to see the edge of the forest, along with the faint illumination from his village. yoshi pointed in the direction, and the goonie gladly obliged. Yoshi clinged tight as the goonies nosedived down. Back home, Yoshi hopped off, and gladly thanked the goonies for their generous help. Yoshi went straight to his house, and fell fast sleep.

Let's write Yoshi a bedtime story word by word. I'll start.


more. Don't tell me that this is the end





It is. Wrote it like a year ago for a thread for shits and giggles.


im glad it didnt end in gore or sex ty user

Tell Yoshi how Yoshi rescued Yoshi, and Yoshi kidnapped Yoshi and the Princess rescued Yoshi, and Yoshi rescued Yoshi, and the Princess kidnapped Yoshi, and-





>this episode aired before most of Yea Forums was born
>there are underageb& on Yea Forums who don't recognize mama luigi



Is that Cybershell?


It's a stone, Luigi! You didn't make it!









One day, Mario woke up and decided to take a shit.


I'd like to know more

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Oh yeah? You need to hear a story? Alright then, let me tell you the tale of the green Yoshi and the deep dark pit. It all started not so long ago, when a man not unlike myself, got himself a Yoshi. However this Yoshi liked to talk and complain and that man did not like this, no sir, not one bit. So the next day ge rode his Yoshi to a deep dark pit abd upon arriving, he kicked the Yoshi into the pit. The Yoshi fell and fell until he hit the deep dark bottom. For days he waited for the man to save him, but the man never came. For you see, the man had already found a new Yoshi, a better Yoshi, one that didn't talk. So after days of painfully waiting, that green Yoshi finally died a sad lonely death, at the bottom of that deep dark pit. The end.



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epic gamer moment

Stop it user

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>Gay shit
No. get out

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Found some of her shit on camwhores


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One more final: I need you(tube poop)


sleep tight you 3 :)

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