>Sony and now EA are skipping E3
What's going on?
Sony and now EA are skipping E3
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And nothing of value was lost
You're gay. That's what is going on.
Are these time slots just going to be empty? Losing EA is not that big of a deal, but it would be a shame if that time slot were to be empty when someone else could fill it.
EA probably raised rental prices for booths and they're too cheap to pay up
E3 isn't as necessary as it once was and the only reason to go it specifically is to ride the wave of hype.
>EA are skipping E3
Who the fuck watched that shit? Their E3s were always boring as fuck.
Next will be Bethesda, because Todd Howard is too scared to face the fans after Fallout 76.
I don't know why EA still went when it has been ten straight years of them getting roasted. The only positive that ever came from them and E3 in centuries was the Peggle 2 jump guy.
EA has nothing to show
Sony is stupidly arrogant and think all their cinematic games can warrant their own show. Also the recent censorship bullshit
Nothing of value was lost.
Gaming is dying.
Sony again leading the games industry forward. E3 is antiquated and not needed in this day and age.
Again, Sony and their forward thinking allows them to stay ahead of the competition.
Publishers and platform makers don't need a large convention to help them broadcast their message anymore. There are robust internet platforms for them to use.
Kinda bummed over them not being there. I always watch E3 with my friends while we cum on our device screens to Discord trannies and the like, and Sony/EA's conferences were always the best parts of the stream because its so fucking funny seeing them shilling FIFA with literal who "celebrities" and then showing off autistic mobile games.
Also I was hoping to see a new obscure Death Stranding trailer that answers nothing but I guess that'll be another year too.
But Nintendo did it first.
It's now easier than ever to bypass the game journo industry. Why even bother renting a stage for a risky live performance when you can do a scripted stream where you control the message?
literally who gives a fuck anymore about that shitty company
E3 is a product of an era before the internet.
There's no reason for them to keep showing up when they can just tell people online what their plans are.
It's only ever bringing bad publicity and memes. People watch E3 to see train wrecks. If they don't have games people want to see, they are better off not going. Smart move if you ask me.
god I've been with sony since ps1 and your comment makes me want to see them just crash and burn holy shit
Congratulations, he got you
>E3 2019 will now be the greatest E3 by default
literally only Xbox holding down the line.
They're all eventually going to shift to a online format where they can show their games when they want to rather than worry about preparing live shit for E3, it's easier, more cost efficient and they have way more control over their message.
It just makes sense, not to say I aint gonna miss E3, but it's going to be replaced by things like nintendo directs and sony experience conferences and shit.
Running out of things to copy form nintendo
>Missing E3.
Sony are using this year to sort out the plan for PS5 and discuss with Rockstar and Bethesda about GTA6 and ES6. And how they can get better bonuses for it on PS5 over XB1.
They aren't going because they know they will get slaughtered if they showed their face at E3. Think about it. EA fucked over Dice, EA continues to fuck Biowares dead corpse. And now Anthem is literally killing both PS4 and XB consoles alike. EA are smart enough not to be put in the direct firing line of E3 after those fuck ups.
Video games as we know them are dying, plain and simple. New games are becoming a rarity in favor of updates/DLC for multiplayer p2w shit like Fortnite and Apex Legends. Sony is too busy trying to turn their library of games into a streaming service to all devices while EA is busy milking currently existing games by nickle and diming the player base.
2019 is shaping up to be absolutely abysmal for video games, perhaps one of the worst ever.
The shit companies that don't like talking about video games are fucking off and letting the companies that like talking about actual video games take charge.
Finally realizing live conferences are a joke
People like you is the reason I believe fanboys should be shot, holy shit this paid bait.
>literally only Xbox holding down the line.
Yeah but they will fuck up when they introduce S.A.D.E. Once they introduce the Xbox 1-S. All Digital Edition. They will fuck up. Literally everyone buys/pre orders direct at E3 themselves. Well alot of executives n shit.
lmao weren't all those Apex shills saying Titanfall 3 was coming this E3.
That won't be at E3, just Xbox Lockhart and Anaconda along with a lot of first party and third party games.
>Next will be Bethesda, because Todd Howard is too scared to face the fans after Fallout 76.
You don't think RAGE 2 will give Todd the recovery and that Sony and Microsoft are paying him. Behind everyone's back for first rights on ES6 and what ES6 along with modding for consoles will do for XB2 and PS5. You honestly don't think that?
More like something of value gained. Time.
Developers and publishers are realizing that it's a waste of time and money to show off every game at the time just to potentially get overshadowed by other games. That's why we see so much more games get announced in the weeks leading up to it to kind of get out of the way
Sony will probably be back next year to show off the PS5, but I'm not sure about after that (apparently Sony REALLY didn't like how the event was set up last year, so it will depend on if the people running it will fix it). EA are probably gone for good. They don't need conferences to show off the Sports games and the other stuff they can just save for the MS, Sony and Nintendo shows. And I can almost guarantee Bethesda won't be there because Starfield and ES6 are so far away. Ubisoft and MS will probably stay and Nintendo will probably still do the directs
>They aren't going because they know they will get slaughtered if they showed their face at E3
They haven't been showing their face at E3 for several years now, they just had their own stupid event with a conference a few days before E3.
>That won't be at E3
Nah it will. It will come up or out when they are showing the new games with someone saying "OH this game will be epic. But can only play it on SADE. Because guys.....NO DISCS." Telling Microsoft have wanted this for a very long time.
E3 isnt seen as being important by many companies now. Nintendo basically stopped doing shows at E3 a few years ago. Sony is now doing the same. E3 will be basically all Microsoft now.
>They haven't been showing their face at E3 for several years now
Yeah but now. I'm willing to bet it's also because of there out in the open fuck ups these last couple of years. And they are becoming major fucks alot faster now. EA will let Dice, Bioware and others they have claimed go and take damage for them.
Nope it's being announced next month, Microsoft knows what they're doing.
>What's going on?
These slow ass companies are starting to catch up with the times, these big trade shows aren't needed to spread information in a world that has video streaming in the palm of your hand
Please don't, we need a newer and stronger red shirt guy and I'm praying for the gods that give Claire her wonderful asshole smell so that the new red shirt guy be the one who is going to publicly rape Tod in E3 stage
What did EA even announce at E3 last year? All I remember was SPORTS and digging up the corpse of Command and Conquer just to make fun of it with a mobile game
>implying anyone can stand against Todd
You're god damn right
Looks like E3 actually has a chance at being legitimately good instead of just a cringefest.
FPBP they have consistently been shit for years because muh sports despite that demo doesn't watch E3
If they don't have anything that is at least TES6 tier, Todd will be too scared to go on stage. They're already too scared to face their fans. Just ask Pete Hines.
>Microsoft knows what they're doing.
Depends if they are throwing S.A.D.E out to fuck with Sony. Or just as extra marketing.
Videogames are dying hopefully.
They already have their cash cows being milked, why waste resources making anything new?
as much as neither of them will be missed, let's face it, E3 offers nothing to any publisher these days. Nintendo has the right idea with their directs.
The only thing E3 has been good for lately is just watching everyone fail spectacularly.
"Oh shit, we don't have any games; all we have is microtransactions. We can't make a conference with just Jedi Lost Order"
>Todd will be too scared to go on stage.
Doubt it. I recon Todd has been playing us right from the start. He wanted 76 to fuck up. So he could surprise and win back players and fans with RAGE2. Let them suck off RAGE2 while Todd again get's paid by Sony first for PS5 test on ES6 first. And then Microsoft for XB2 test on ES6. We all know once ES6 trailer, sneak peak or whatever with actual gameplay comes out. Todd will have us in his hand again.....unless he get's rid of Dragons and Giants in ES6. Then he has literally fucked himself over.
>EA skipping E3
fucking finally
their conferences were never fun to watch anyway and just made the wait for the real videogame conferences all the more excruciating
Both of these. The sad thing about this is that it’ll lessen the competitive drive between the big publishers, since they’ll be marketing primarily to fans who’ll eat whatever shit they cook up. Watching E3, you got to actively compare them. Now I bet they’ll be doing private press events and livestreams month’s apart from one another.
>E3 used to be the only way to get the word out
>Internet and streaming came around
>influencers easier way to shill games
Why pay millions for an event when you can just pay hundreds of thousands to streamers or stream your shit on the cheap
Man it's the analog stick all over again
ESA controls the Floor Price. EA is one of the groups that run the ESA.
>neither will be missed
like 70% of the hype from this event came from sony
been dead since 07
fpbp, but there's a message to be taken here about the sorry state of EA that they have nothing to show come June.
>The shit companies that don't like talking about video games are fucking off and letting the companies that like talking about actual video games take charge.
The only good news that can come from Bethesda are from ID and they'll pull their usual "fuck this shit, watch us on quakecon", so I don't really care...
I guess both my PS4 and Switch should be sold then. I'm tired of liberals so I don't pay attention to news. I never know when directs will be, and most aren't worth watching. Thanks to Nintendo going for shitty directs I haven't bought a Switch game in a while. I guess Sony will be next and all I'll ever do is emulate from here on...
I know right? Who doesn't get hyped for things like pic related and showing like 6 new games (4 multiplats, one port)
That argument would only hold water if Sony actually left E3 for any reason regarding the show itself, but they fully admitted that they aren't going because they literally have nogaemslol
and thats a good thing!
We dont have 3 hours of sports and cinematic over the shoulder action game
All the cancerous companies in gaming are fucking off. Nice.
The memes basically write themselves.
I don't care who it is, I love E3 and now it's that much shorter.
I don't think I've played an EA game in literal years, but you guys know you could just, you know, not watch the conference?
They had nothing to show because they're both hack fraud developers.
>EA skipping E3
Oh thank you Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven. I could not have heard better news today.
You could just, you know, suck my dick?
companies have complained about E3, saying that it either needs to be a fan event or a business event, not both like it's trying to be
E3 has been shit like for 3 years now and every year makes less sense. Make an own event when you want or something like that, show games when they are ready to show and that's it. Forcing yourself to have something to show is stupid and has been damaging for a lot of games.
sony and ea are skipping it for the same reason why nintendo replaced their press conference with a youtube video. the industry has finally realized that e3 is outdated in today's world. you don't need a trade expo to make announcements anymore when you can do it on social media instead. the glory days of '90s e3 are over and they're never coming back.
>You don't think RAGE 2 will give Todd the recovery and that Sony and Microsoft are paying him
Does anyone actually care about or want that game? I see it landing with a thud.
2017 and last year was all video games from Microsoft.
Nintendo makes E3 worth it all by themselves by streaming hours upon hours of gameplay from new games
>spend every year with my boys watching e3 and getting high and critiquing everything
>it keeps getting shorter and shorter
this fucking sucks bros, we loved to make fun of EA and see what sony has to show together.
e3 is a fucking disaster. Opening it to the public means they can't ship out real demos and have push out polished shit so they have to spend more dev time on a demo build than working on the game.
that's it. That's why. There's no deeper meaning, companies don't want to waste resources on demo builds, and advertising (since that's all E3 is) when they can shit out a couple youtube videos just as fine.
More like Todd Coward am i rite
Everyone says Nintendo doesn't do E3 but they still have demo booths set up, they still do a live show even if there's no live audience, and it's still the biggest direct of the year. They still do E3, just differently.
Compare Sony, who said they have no games to show so they just won't show. Or EA, who decided they're gonna do their own personal show the week before.
>2017 and last year was all video games from other publisher Microsoft paid to have shown during their presentation
ftfy, MS doesn't make jack, their presentations are always 90% multiplats.
Better than
but still, be truthful about it.
>Should we pay a bunch of money and waste a lot of time for a presence at E3, when games journalists are just going to shit all over us no matter what?
Nintendo gets more attention than anyone else at E3 I don't know what you're smoking
They have tons of floor space every year and their demo booths are packed, and they stream gameplay for days afterward.
this man is a legend
>Games journalists
>Shitting on EA
EA pulls ads, they go out of business
>Mass Effect Andromeda/Mass Effect 3
>Battlefront 1/2
The list goes on. The modern crop of games journalists are not smart enough even to chase the dollars, they just shit all over themselves and everything else.
They aren't skipping E3. They just aren't having a press conference. Turns out Nintendo was right, the gaming press is worthless and it is far more effective to get your message out by talking directly to the fans. You can just release a few youtube videos similar to Nintendo directs.
EA is instead having a booth where you can play their games at E3 and doing multiple live streams where they will show off gameplay and target gamers themselves.
Of course all the shitty game journos are going to throw a tantrum because they are the middle man and they are being cut out.
We are seeing a trend where the big publishers are starting to realize how absolutely worthless all the game journalists have become. They aren't bothering with advance copies and they aren't bothering with press conferences.
>Does anyone actually care about or want that game? I see it landing with a thud.
People who appreciate it will love it for 7 years of making it. But honestly the majority are going to use it to get to DOOM and another big one too game too. Even I will say now. It is basically a kill time game till the next big or all time favorites come out. I know it. You know it we all know it. But it's okay at the same time.
EA and Sony are trying to copy what Nintendo is doing because Nintendo is so successful with it.
At least there’s the odd indie here and there. Those and emulation make my life worth living.
a youtube video for e3 is no substitute for an actual press conference, and it won't be long before nintendo even stops doing that. i doubt e3 will even be a thing anymore ten years from now.
The titanfall bus was made because creating a custom bus was cheaper than getting a space on the floor.
made me chuckle
E3 has been becoming more and more irrelevant for years. Major devs/publishers would rather have their own shows and not share the attention.
>E3 is bullshit
>people are tired of bullshit
>they are not wasting money on the bullshit
well all have to find our bullshots somewhere else to complain about
A video presentation is not comparable to a live presentation? Really?
Even with games and actual people playing them live on camera on the floor?
EA doesn't bribe gaming journalist anymore. People tend to go to Youtubers and streamers now.
They'll fail miserably because Nintendo has its own platform and more brand recognition than everyone else combined and they can make it work. Nintendo can afford to insulate themselves, but Sony's platforms generally thrive and sell on games not made by Sony and EA is just one publisher. They individually don't have the same draw or pull Nintendo has.
>We are seeing a trend where the big publishers are starting to realize how absolutely worthless all the game journalists have become.
This is the real lesson here. "Journalists" only job nowadays is marketing, turns out that streamers do that better.
Gaming journalism in its current form has no reason to exist.
They will show Respawn's Star Wars game at SW Celebration this year. I'm pretty sure that's the only game they've got.
E3 used to be funny bad
now it's just boring
good riddance
They do, why would they stop? People still go to those sites frequently, contrary to what Yea Forums says.
I cannot see a whole lot of people watching an EA stream. People barely tuned in when they did E3. I think even the shitty PC E3 event did better than EA.
Because it's cheaper and easier to get a bunch of streamers to stream their shit games. Gaming journalist site views are going down over the years, as Youtube takes them over.
>E3 will be nothing but MS multiplats and indieshit while all the big companies save their loads for the next generation consoles
might be the first year I skip
you do realize nintendo shows third-party games during their directs, right? there's no reason why sony can't do "directs" of their own and get tons of viewers. you're not wrong about ea, though.
So Microsoft wins E3 by default? I mean, they blew the fuck out of the competition at last year's showing, so I guess everybody else is just quitting because Microsoft did such a fantastic job that the rest can't recover from that.
Why wouldn't they just do both? They're not mutually exclusive, and again millions upon millions of people still regularly read gaming news media. They can "encourage" (or bribe) streamers to say or do certain things and to stream their games, they can also "encourage" (or basically threaten to blackball) media outlets for positive coverage and reviews.
This, maybe they finally got the message that nobody wants to see their fucking spicball demo for the 5000th time in a row and then a sticky note about the one - two other games they've got coming.
Point being Sony still doesn't have the same draw. Nintendo shows third-party games but that's not the primary reason people watch. I feel like Sony just doesn't have enough of their own stuff to do that, it'll have to be mostly third-party stuff and at that point why is it all in a Sony-exclusive video in the first place?
yeah man they blew the fuck out of everyone else, I bought an xbone to play...
um... Shit. What did they release last year that wasn't also on ps4?
This year they plan to have a lot of first party since Next gen is next year for them.
There's some Jewish plot unfolding obviously.
If its more story-game crap like Phantom Dust I'll pass
If its more online-only multiplayer-only lootcrate peddling crap I'll also pass
to be fair, you're overlooking how the "direct" format would give sony a chance to show off smaller projects like the medievil remake and the china hero games that aren't "big" and "hype" enough for a traditional e3 press conference.
>E3 without sports/football players and EA "indies"
Are we finally getting a good E3?
Note how the only one's leaving are the one's who had presentations that were relentlessly mocked for being so fucking awful.
Microsoft doesn't really make story-driven shit and also, Phantom Dust isn't a story-driven narrative experience.
>Microsoft doesn't really make story-driven shit
quantum break is one of the most egregious "movie games" of this generation.
Last EA E3
>look unravel 2
>sport sport sport
>Battlefield V us gamers right
>We know you love Command&Conquer: C&C mobile!!! lmao
>Oh and anthem, preorder pls
Man I sure will miss it
That's true but it and Gears of War of one of the very few, thank god.
>Microsoft doesn't really make story-driven shit
Fun Fact. Lionhead Studios actually died in 2016. So they had them like 3 years ago and before to play, fuck or do something with.
Their audience doesn't care about those kinds of games though
So assuming this is the best we could hope for at this point, would you guys be excited with this E3 Lineup?
> Dino Crisis Reboot (Capcom) (PS4/PC) (2020)
> Resident Evil 3 Remake (Capcom) (PS4/PC) (2020)
> Dragon's Dogma 2 (Capcom) (PS4/PC) (2019)
> Parasite Eve Reboot (Square) (PS4/PC) (Q2 2020)
> Final Fantasy VIIR (Square) (PS4/PC) (2019)
> Dragon Quest IIIR (Square) (PS4/NS/PC) (Q3 2020)
> Eternal Darkness 2 (Nintendo) (NS) (Q3 2019)
> New 3D Zelda (Nintendo) (NS) (Q2 2020)
> Xenoblade Chronicles X2 (Nintendo) (NS) (Q3 2019)
> Bravely Third (Nintendo) (NS) (Q3 2019)
> Super Mario Odyssey 2 (Nintendo) (NS) (Q2 2020)
> Agnes/Sephiroth in Smash DLC (Nintendo) (NS) (Q3 2019)
Sony and EA know somethings up, MS is going to drop something absolutely revolutionary and the entire conference it's the only thing that will be talked about. Our time is soon xbros
E3 is a cringefest for investors, why do you care?
I like JRPGs, but I don't need 4 more between now and next year
>Not on Switch
>What's going on?
The world is telling you to go play outside.
It's almost like wasting money on a massive press junket is a bad thing.
Like Sony said, if E3 organizers were smart, they would just dedicate the entire event to Devolver Digital.
It won't be shown at E3 then. That, and all of those Capcom games would be on Xbox as well and probably be at their show (since Capcom knows RE and DC thrive in the West)
Parasite Eve Reboot would probably be more TGS, I bet more Japanese care about it.
>Dragon Quest IIIR
For what purpose. As a DQ fan, I wouldn't feel any hype for that, I'd rather Squenix announce DQM English mobile ports, a localization of DQ XI for 3DS and a DQX localization
>New 3D Zelda
Way too soon. With home consoles, there have been at most 2 Zelda games per console, and the 2nd one is always near the end of the console's lifespan, and the Switch still has at least 3 years.
>Agnes/Sephiroth in Smash DLC
Doubtful that Sephiroth would be announced as DLC, since that'd be two reps for a game not on any Nintendo consoles.
>EA has nothing, doesn't go
>Sony has nothing, doesn't go
>MS has nothing, wastes two hours on Funko Pops shit
>Be white
>Be one of the only 2 persons on earth able to play that instrument
>SJWs and tumblr so mad you could just go outside and hear them screech at the top of their lunges
That guy was pretty based
>Doubtful that Sephiroth would be announced as DLC, since that'd be two reps for a game not on any Nintendo consoles.
FF7 is coming out on the Switch in like 2 weeks.
They always say that shit.
Did SJWs really bitch about him? And why?
nailed it
If they showed up, they'd have to acknowledge, to some degree, their constant failure to deliver from the last year. By skipping a year, they save face, because people have such a short attention span that they'll forget about it by the time E32020 rolls around.
When you only make a game every couple of years E3 is pretty worthless.
sweaty little lies
>trying to shit up my Halo thread and now you're here
Don't you get enough of shitposting, Eric?
>Facts hurt
Kill yourself, shill.
Great, now who am I supposed to cringe at?
I guess there's still Bethesda...
>calling anyone a shill
Go back to sucking Sony's cock.
They were pissed that he didn't fit Asian representation, even though he's regarded as one of the masters within that special flute community.
I watched them to drink to. Got slammed.
Ubisoft like usual, you cringe mongoloid
Sony has effectively had the same show three years in a row.
false. plenty of us still do care about sony's niche games, and the "direct" format would also be the perfect opportunity to bring more attention to them.
Keep making excuses and damage control for Uncle Phil, you seething faggot.
Daily reminder Nintendo dropped E3 first and the direct is symbolic.
they have suckered enough people out of their money through micro-transactions they no longer Need peoples opinions through E3. They have transcended their jewery
how is this a bad thing?
>Sony literally cannot stop copying everything Nintendo does
I hope the whole company fucking dies and has to sell off its assets.
Their afraid of getting booed and Andrew Wilson maybe getting killed.
Wow, that sucks, poor guy! He got shit on over his race.
If they were afraid of getting boobed, they'd just set up speakers to pipe out the boos and replace it with cheers. I'm sure Microsoft did that at least a few times.
I'm fine with this. Maybe it'll put a couple of scumfuck journos out of a job.
Every show's footage alters the applause. Nobody is innocent.
We already know they are going to release Fifa and Battlefield '20
Hope Ubisoft follows suit, also hope both companies fucking die
the crash is finally coming. grab your emulators and popcorn boys.
I figured that. But the Microsoft ones seem to be the most obvious.
>Red shirt guy from BlizzCon inadvertently killed E3 because companies are afraid of doing Q&A now
>E3 is dying
This is Nintendo's fault for setting the precedent by being too lazy to fly to LA for once a year. Thanks a lot you sandal-wearing goldfish tenders.
Sony explained it like this kinda E3 is a little too late in the year to sell products stores and create hype for the holidays.
which makes sense with Gamestop on it's last legs and new generation of consoles incoming the industry wants to get the word out to retailers like Wal-Mart and Target earlier so everyone can put together a better and seamless console launch in 2020/21 so all the secondary market price gouging and hording doesn't go on so everyone who wants a PS5 day one can get one.
The presentations at the press conferences have themselves marketing stages for the general gaming public. Thanks to streams on twitch and other services, you don't HAVE to be a journo just to see the announcements and trailers/demos during the event; the secret-club only E3 of the past is gone because thanks to the internet, theres no point in trying to delay news to the public. Not having a presentation at E3 is understandable because the conference is run by even bigger Jews, not having your own event however is a sign that this publisher has nothing new for the upcoming year.
This has less to do with journos, they're becoming irrelevant even if there were going to be more presentations at E3 to attend.
Oh no think of the sports. What will ever do without them.
E3 is counter productive af. All it does is give people ammo when you eventually downgrade your game
There's no QA at E3 beside PC gaming show
You're all being retarded.
They are skipping E3 to host their owns events days before/after E3.
>BTFO of the entire industry 2 years in a row
How do they do it?
Sony is saving their announcements for the PS5 reveal and EA already released their most notable games of the year, Apex and Anthem. No need to overanalyze.