They finally acknowledged Kat

Attached: D1F5RUgUYAA_L5y.jpg (1024x1024, 170K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah and that's the last time until they want to use her for some crossover thing or as a little easter egg like Capcom does with Tron Bonne.

why is 2b not there? people only bought nier on the ps4, so it might as well be exclusive.

Those are first party Sony characters you moron

it sold almost as much on PC

Nier isn't a Playstation exclusive character like the rest.
Even Lady Maria is there.

hehe this is right. I pirated nier on pc.

Attached: 8de.jpg (1198x1200, 64K)

>le bait xd

Attached: 1538003049379.jpg (417x480, 64K)

>Everyone gets a detailed illustration with great lighting and shading
>Kat is shoved in the back and drawn as simplistic as posible
Also, who's that bitch in the front with the barefeet.

doubt. like all of 100 people bought it on PC and xbone, while it sold millions on the ps4. admit it, nier is a ps4 exclusive.

That art is fucking horrendous


Who's on the far left?

Why are they all drawn as 12 year olds?

rey from star wars

wage gape is a myth. The truth is women just work less than men do.

Attached: wage gap myth.jpg (1308x1828, 1.08M)

Freya from Boy of War.

Is lady Maria sleeping?

I fucking hate Sony so much

>Freya's feet

Attached: 1525676735923.jpg (800x450, 61K)

>Rotting corpse on the couch

What the fuck, Sony?


>Kat in the background, looking like she wasn't invited and is just showing up, no one wants her there

Sums up sony's feelings perfectly.

At least they included Kat.
I didn't think they would remember her at this point.

At least they remembered Kat and Lady Maria.

Attached: 1536101306458.jpg (550x338, 36K)

Attached: MILF of War.webm (640x640, 1.45M)

she's ded
a corpse is on that couch

define "exclusive"

where's the loli sexbot?

where fat princess?

A corpse should be left well alone.


she died fleeing to Canada

holy shit look at those flippers on freya

Attached: 1327970346378.jpg (248x239, 7K)

>no trans characters
big yikes

Who gives a fuck about Kat when Lady Maria is there?

>the brown girl is the maid that brings them snacks
how fitting for that dirty, smelly hobo

>finally decide to acknowledge your smelly underperforming waifu
>"waahhh kat is the main focus so it's shit!"
Gravitycucks are truly pathetic


In the back looking like a third wheel, they secretly hate her

>not Kos
Working moms get no respect

>internet so shit I can't even open the image
What's under/next to Kat?


a female sackboy from LBP
or Kara from Detroit

Attached: DBH chloe.jpg (1512x847, 106K)

Steamspy has the lowest end of sales figures at half a million. Also you don't know what exclusive means.

>Just a single Japanese IP
Sony is really an American company now.

Sony always wins baby!

Attached: 070.png (633x874, 56K)

there's 2
learn to count

thank god, i was annoyed when they forgot her last time

There's 1, human.

Half these girls are NPCs lmao

where's layben

what the fuck is this face

Attached: DJ0nbvH.png (191x191, 111K)

>a single Japanese IP
>1 Jap IP
>2 Jap IP
learn to count

>Kat is there
>even though Sony dumped her like a used cum rag
I am genuinely mad at the hipocrasy and audacity of it.

Attached: 1532130947313.jpg (906x802, 90K)

only 3 are npcs, the rest are playable

>Most of them are white
>Only a nigress

And people claim that Sony is SJW

Attached: 1Y5d5M8D.jpg (300x450, 22K)

Attached: Talanah.jpg (640x640, 106K)

>having a party with the crazy god
>and Lady Maria of the flammable blood
and I don't know if Nadine mellowed out in the DLC campaign for Uncharted 4 but I wouldn't have invited her either

and how exactly did they dump her by making a sequel to Gravity Rush?

can confirm you that Nadine thing, but it's not a DLC campaing, it was a full release.

That's cute.

Attached: 1501987231055.gif (250x158, 2M)

Muh servers for said sequel.

>Weekend at Maria's

they greatly toned down Nadine in Lost Legacy
she's just a normal sidekick in it
they did a better job at making her likable,
must be because Neil had nothing to do with LL, the director was another guy

Attached: Lost Legacy.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

>HE isn't celebrating international woman's day by fucking every woman he sees.
??? It's in their honor.

no one played GR2 for the side quest leader boards

Happy birthday!

Attached: cat day.png (1024x1024, 352K)

>No Carmelita
>No Lammy
>No Angelia Cross
Into the trash.

I'm sure this was drawn by the same Mm artist as last year's tweet
No other artist would bother to add the imps from Dreams

No, but they did play it for the cute costumes and fun treasure hunting.

Attached: 1531873055443.jpg (1024x1024, 72K)

seems like even Sony forgot about her

Attached: Nariko_Art.jpg (1280x960, 762K)

Sack Girl, and Atoi are also clear indictors.

You mean only 2 are NPC


Attached: my life has been dededestroyed.png (950x596, 178K)

Damn, gotta say, the artist did a decent job of making the ladies CUTE!

you faggots whine about everything
they clearly only wanted to use franchises on the PS4

Heavenly Sword had a movie in 2014. Nobody seems to remember or even knows it exists.

Nadine, Freya, Maria

Everything about that movie screamed that it was in the works for years, delayed because the game flopped, but released anyway because they spent so much on it

dumb ugly bitch with nasty feet


The acknowledged Kat like 2 years ago

Attached: C6ZQPgAWMAEqsxb.jpg (880x440, 68K)

as is canon

They were just going by how fucked up the faces were in her game.

>all of those women are awful people aside from Kat
What's the deal with Vidya women being scumbags?

>Even Lady Maria is there.
Why the fuck they hangin' around a CORPSE

literally no one calls her that

God tier feet

why is that little big planet character so fuckable

thumbnail makes her look like a leaping dog

>kat and lady maria grouped with western trash

What game do you think they're playing bros? There's 4 controllers so it's gotta be co-op or multiplayer. And who's winning?

Bloodborne really has no prominent female characters that they put a literal who that does nothing for majority of the game?


Attached: ugleh.gif (480x270, 1.85M)

I forgot all about Fetch.
Guess she's too irrelevant for Sony to include still.

how in the fuck can you consider Atoi an awful person

wrong quote

Looks worse in-game. That is an improvement

The Doll could have been used.


There's also the doll but she does nothing except serve the player. Should've gone with Eileen desu

That looks better than her ingame face, though. Most of those faces are really off model. Hell, look how at how lazy Maria looks the strategic hair hanging down over her lack of a fucking face.

get new material

>Sony doesn't aknowledge her
>Sony aknowledges her
Jesus christ what the fuck do you niggers want?

>like a sack of sand

where tf is lammy

Wow look at all those memorable characters, like...

Attached: 1519331330245.jpg (200x250, 17K)

They can't. Naughty Dog are incapable of making Jak and Daxter without making it look fucking ugly and uncanny valley as fuck. They don't understand that the series needs to have a cartoonish design not a psuedo realistic one. Also I'm pretty sure Tess, Kiera and Ashelin would trigger a number of their HR department.

Who fucking cares about a smelly hobo when LADY MARIA IS THERE

she got a nintendo switch

most of these supposed "gravity rush fans" are just console war shitposters who are furious that it's not on their platform of choice.

Ellie is such a whore.

There aren't any 4 person local multiplayer games for the PS4, what the fuck are they playing

Attached: 1552007236933.jpg (480x360, 12K)

>those two from Uncharted
>...the girl from Last of Us?


I cropped everything unimportant and worthless from the image.

Attached: The good shit.png (573x409, 514K)

Fat Princess Adventures.

Literally who



that pisses me off, like street fighter has a Roll Gasket costume for Sakura, just stop giving me false hope for more Megaman Legends games.

Based western multi-million unit sellers having fun on the couch and laughing at Kat like te irrelevant flop she is

Attached: 1532594925534.png (1053x1080, 318K)


Attached: UtawaKamen_20_10.jpg (800x450, 42K)

That’s Chloe in the back right, why is she Jewish now


They all are.

Freya, Nadine, Chloe, Aloy, Atoi, Maria, Ellie, Kara, Kat, Sackgirl
I dunno if the imps from Dreams have names or not

Attached: 6373556456.jpg (673x1024, 123K)


Lmao Aloy's hair took more time to draw than the entirety of Kat

hang on, I wasn't finished

Attached: yellafella.png (349x409, 168K)

>tfw no Toro

Attached: 1526443985519.jpg (854x670, 408K)

Little Big Planet of course

A non-exclusive? Sacrilege

Where the fuck is Princess Plump?

The God of War bitch's dress has more detail than Kat

Alloy's hair has more detail than Kat

Toro is a boy.


detail is ugliness
simplicity is perfection

Chloe is Indian
but Claudia Black does have a nose on her, no matter how much she tried to hide it in photoshop

Attached: chloe.jpg (665x1000, 55K)

>Ordered from left to right by units sold

sounds pretty good desu

some do

Literally who characters. Whats that thing behind the pirate


Why the fuck would this even be wanted by anyone? Those are the most shit games and as an adult, inviting people over for games is retarded.

>women belong in the kitchen
Based Sony

Tearaway didn't outsell Bloodborne

One of the world's best selling games as is FIFA has 4 person local multiplayer.

Well guess what Sony wants more couch coop and splitscreen games

>Sony doesn't aknowledge her
This was never a sticking point. Project harder, you console war shitposter.

>Detroit sold less than Tearaway
your joke sucks

Attached: fishingpole.png (500x501, 80K)

>Sony wants more couch coop and splitscreen games

Attached: 1548151401049.jpg (868x994, 294K)

I opened the image like five or six times and wondered why they made the O and the X overlap and none of the others before I realized they're meant to be a female symbol

She got an Nintendo and going for her glasses appointment

>Maria looks dead as fuck


Jokes on you but girls are allowed to do the soiface because they're actually girls, not boys who want to be one

>Lady Maria
BBII confirmed?

Fucking kek

says a lot about how bad she looked ingame that that face is an improvement

What movie they watching Yea Forumsros?

Ingame model seriously reminds me of Dewey from Malcom in the Middle. Wish I could unsee it when I'm playing.

Attached: Super Earth.gif (480x270, 2.1M)


Attached: he ABAP.png (332x332, 142K)

Why are women just so much better than men lads?

Attached: 97856754574.png (595x760, 416K)

They aren't. Dicks are much more aesthetic than gross fleshy wounds

Let's see how much autism knowledge I've amassed and if I can name these characters.

Uncharted:Chick Edition (Two in the back) - Never Played
God of War (Freya) - Played
Horizon: Zero Dawn (Aloy) - Played
The Last of Us (Ellie) - Never Played
Bloodborne (DLC Boss Girl) - Played
Detroit: Become Human (Guessing Kara from name on shirt) - Never Played
Gravity Rain (Flying Blonde) - Never Played

Not sure what that puppet thing is on the far right, but I think I have them correct.

>why doesn't my anime character look realistic like the other non anime characters

All correct

Attached: 1515258452479.jpg (327x464, 45K)

>Gravity Rain

Is it parasite day already?

Attached: 1550987337998.png (487x329, 154K)

>literally who
>literally who everywhere

>When you high af because Joel isn't here

Attached: ellie on the pot.png (1440x2560, 3.33M)


Attached: illust_71335038_20190210_200439.jpg (1435x992, 274K)

I just came in here to say: cute feet.

FUCK, Gravity Rush.
Look man it's not my fault Sony picked a game from a handheld 15 people own.

There are (literally, factually) well over a hundred. Just google "local co-op PS4 games list" Multiplats exist, you know?

Attached: 1541175909049.webm (770x422, 1.09M)

Attached: Helldivers.gif (480x270, 3.92M)

Which was then ported to PS4 and also got a PS4 sequel?

Attached: 1525056679786.jpg (3840x2160, 1.15M)

OK. I'm going to go play a Playstation game with a gender ambiguous character, Gran Turismo Sport.

Attached: 1533766884952.png (427x507, 287K)

Who will they use for the international men's day promotion?

everyday is international men's day you incel

God, she's so cute here!

s-sorry! i didn't know!

>They finally remembered Kat!
>Clearly not meant to be in the drawing since she's alone in the corner while all the women are together

They probably added her last second just to say PlayStation has tons of women

Do girls play Playstation, Xbone, Switch, or PC the most ? Or none of the above?

Attached: Stefanie-Joosten1.jpg (1920x1080, 374K)

Kat butt

Attached: cute butt.jpg (800x1000, 61K)

me neither

mobile games

I think it goes Nintendo>PC>PlayStation>Xbox

I based this on literally nothing

unironically mobile games, that's why the "industry" says that more women play video games than men. my mother and two sisters don't own a single console but are always on their phones playing multiple money sinks daily. it's kinda sad really, they're missing out on so much cool vidya

Wrong. I bought nier:a on PC. played nier:g on pc too


>vast majority of snoy "females" are uggo goblins

Thanks for googling their names.

All the smaller stuff are the imps from Dreams, Atoi from Tearaway, and then the one with the hood is a sackgirl

Also all you fucks should know that Kat bringing the snacks is an absolutely perfect fit for her character

Attached: 20170513_0420_635172_.jpg (1024x1024, 85K)

If they posted only cute girls then their fanbase and HR department would have severe aneurysms. Even Kat was pushing it because she doesn't look like an ugly goblin.

>happy women's day
>here's a fujo with a slit neck


Attached: goblins ain't free.png (2100x1500, 542K)

Yeah, barely. Should've had her sitting next to Lady Maria.

>4-players locally
What are they playing?

I don't know who the fuck these people are. Except maybe the Gravity Rush girl.

>in a playstation exclusive image

>not enough women so they had to add a corpse, some cardboard, a burlap sack and a robot


Ellie canonically likes (or at least wants to) fighting games

As people have posted earlier. Helldivers is a logical choice

Sony doesn't deserve their Japanese branch.

Attached: nhavr.png (584x452, 254K)

>Sony doesn't deserve to have a branch they made

It’s not Sony exclusive though

Look I think shes cute too, but even as someone who bought Deracine, a VR RTS is a hard sell

Even the Steam version is published by Playstation Mobile. Its one of their properties

>making them means they deserve them

Attached: laughing demon loli.png (793x623, 1.08M)

I hate Tealq with hair. He looks like a drug dealer.

Attached: 1544539335131.png (427x451, 290K)

>kat and the messenger
well shit

Attached: Tearaway-Unfolded-atoi-Hero-pose_1408709551.jpg (4400x4400, 2.25M)

Looks like it was drawn by one of media molecule's artists (same as last year) which explains all the LBP, Tearaway, and Dreams shit

They've acknowledged atoi in the past I think. Kinda surprised Sony actually likes Tearaway.

>all these movie games I never played
why is sony so intent on promoting these games and catering to this audience? is it just because the movie game formula is safe and its easy to market a game that looks as real as a movie?

>snoyfag defense force on the scene

>Gravity Rush


>literally what
>literally what
>Only good game that experiments with what games can be
still only 4 out of how many games represented in the image?

whens man day?

stfu you bigot

All the other days.

Attached: IFT.png (600x600, 423K)

it's everyday

fuck YAS

this is what the future looks like

fucking powerful well done sony!


Incel detected

I dont know any of this characters.


Don't blame us for having shit taste and not even trying to branch out beyond your limited taste

Attached: GRAVITY RUSH™ 2_20190303202925.png (1920x1080, 1.47M)

>lady maria and kat are the only girls in the picture that aren't ugly as sin
Why are Western devs so bad at designing attractive female characters?

Attached: 1548187648716.jpg (589x553, 53K)

bigot detected go back to /p*l/

im here EMPOWERING women

how am I "seething"? im a sony fan and im just being honest about the fact that there is only one good game in that picture

Remember, fun isnt a word they use around the studio according to some big wig there.

Being pretty is sexist.

For the Last of Us Part II, the director preferred "engaging"
by the tone and action of The Lost Legacy, and really any other Uncharted, I'm pretty sure they're all meant to be fun thrill rides

Fun makes games engaging.

He said it was a small but important distinction. You can view the phrase as stupid and pretentious as you wish, but people around here tend to forget the context of the statement.

I really like Tearaway.
It was cute and fun, and I made my Atoi very cute!

I remember the context just fine. It is pretentious, especially when there are fun games out there that outshine LoU in everything it sets out to do.

low IQ post

not even worth a wojak edit

Last of Us is mechanically one of the worst design games of the past decade. The level design is boring as fuck. The story was predictable. It was a great looking games for its generation and features some great animation work. That's about all that needs to be said about the game. It is the single most overrated game of last generation which is saying a lot.

>Last of Us is mechanically one of the worst design games of the past decade.
You probably don't play many videogames then

They made this a free theme btw. So if you want to respect whamen 24/7 then go for it

she canonically has never played a video game


I'm not seeing it in the store
Is it EU only or something?

Best Sony girl, senpai. LAYBEN! is a close second.

Attached: Ellen_Costume_Normal_artwork.jpg (143x441, 13K)

I think it's coming to US later

>in the distance away from everyone
>like someone drew the image and someone realised she wasn't in it so they had to look her up and draw her in

she has the cutest DLC costumes in that game.

oh well, I saw some free fist of the north star themes up at least

Faery Cloak a best!

Attached: fl-ellen-faery-cloak.jpg (850x930, 112K)

>footfag pandering
>actual corpse on the couch

Freya was barefoot the entire game
how else was the artist supposed to draw her here?

It literally does. they worked and made it themselves, it wasn't given to them. Making something is the literal requirement to deserving something

Le movie games isn't a valid argument and makes you sound very low iq

why isn't Lara there................




why's the X so small

Look closer

Attached: f.png (739x415, 9K)

>not SJW
Fuck off tranny.

It's all so tiresome.

Attached: 1527936974404.jpg (1571x2869, 648K)

it's Aloy's extra chromosome

>made the X smaller

you can tell women are really taking control, that's why they have to constantly broadcast how totally in control they are, and it never comes off as forced or desperate or anything!

Attached: 1543077559279.png (1280x720, 1.7M)

I'm pretty sure the only people in this entire world who gave a fuck about Elie's dead black girlfriend are the basedboys who wrote her into existence

Reminder that we respect women here on Yea Forums

> Only good & interesting Sony franchise right now is Gravity Rush
> Gets completely neglected & ignored
> Not even a good excuse for it's neglect as other Kino like Legend of Dragoon, Ape Escape & Wild Arms remains dead as well
> Ignoring that this is what all of your fanbase wants
> The Critical & Commericial failures of GR wouldn't exist if Sony just cancelled Movie shit & gave the Devs a big AAA sized budget
> Ratchet & Clank has been ruined
> Jak & Daxter is dead despite being critically beloved in the 2000s
> Insists on making generic piece of shit movies & over the shoulder open world garbage instead
> Is insistent on copying Nintendo at every turn
> Completely allientated their fanbase & JP Devs to no return with the SJW Kike censorship shit
> Moved to Tranyfornia despite all of their good IP's coming from Japan
> Disbanded Team Ico despite the fact that they are responsible for two revolutionary timeless classics
> Getting cocky again & will likely fail next Gen like the PS3 did
> Obsession with graphics which leads to their games getting delayed 4 years past their announcement
> Constant SJW politics in every game for no reason other then Press
> All they had to do is simply milk Gravity Rush, LoD, Wild Arms, God of War, Wipeout, Ape Escape, Jak, Ratchet & create new fun IP's and everyone would love them
Why are they so fucking incompotent? It baffles me how stupid Sony is, i'm convinced they are kikes that don't even like games & develop shit simply based on greed alone

what ps4 games even have local 4 player multiplayer?
everybody's golf
dragons crown

for them not to shut down the servers to the game after less than 2 years? for them to market gravity rush at ALL in the west? for them to let Kat be an icon alongside the rest aside from doodling her into their virtue signaling as an obvious afterthought

overcooked, rayman games, lovers in space or something

That's Nadine you silly cunt

Lady Maria is best girl

How is she floating without Dusty?

Attached: 1512252422134.png (1719x1717, 297K)

i'm sorry i couldn't tell because all of sony's females look exactly the fucking same. i thought that was elie and the other one.

This is why nobody listens to Gravity Rush fans, they're so embarrassingly stupid

Wild Arms was abandoned because the last few games in the series bombed commercially. They're not gonna keep funneling money into IPs when they lose money consistently.

It got revived last year as mobage :)

In the background as the butt of a joke and an afterthought. I'm unironically mad as fuck. She should be front and center.

She's eating the food like the fat bitch she is, it suits the picture


and America is basically just romping grounds for californians with a chip on their shoulder to bully into living as degenerately as they do


there's a 20 year age difference between those characters
stop being retarded,

Attached: mariachan.png (680x425, 347K)

You blind m8?

>people complaining Kat is in the back

If you had bought her game and made it a success, she would be in the spotlight. I bet you don’t even have pics of your Gravity Rush 2 copies

Attached: tfw.jpg (249x188, 6K)

Seething Snoygger

He totally fucked with the black guy over there

Attached: soyvr.jpg (253x352, 11K)

What are they playing?

We already established it's Overcooked

this has been stated many times already

"Strong Independent Female Characters(TM)" can be characterized frequently by the following things

- they can never be shown with any truly unlikeable qualities which imply they are flawed in an unflattering way
- they will never do anything controversial, unless it would only be considered controversial for challenging trad culture (heteronormativity, gender roles, etc)
- they are deliberately made less conventionally attractive, usually at the behest of some jealous harpy on the dev team who doesn't like that they have to compete for men's attention with virtual girls
- they start out strong and independent and iron-willed but still get praised by others and the plot as if they earned these qualities through their actions

Attached: 1383086813429.jpg (310x310, 33K)

FF VII Remake in the newly introduced coop mode.

Attached: horizon.png (400x373, 395K)

Fixed lads

Attached: 1552003509547-1.jpg (854x1024, 186K)

So basically something aloy isn't

Aloy is the most generic female protagonist fuckin possible

everyone compliments her constantly for being so cool and strong and important

Literally the first of the game is about her being an outcast and bullied by her peers

I agree she's generic but everyone complimenting her is justifed
I would compliment her if I was random ai 72 and she did a important task for me

You obviously never played the game

Yeah, well Kat is a fat gay mexican

Attached: 1550841367607.jpg (785x900, 91K)

yeah and then the game doesn't follow through on that at all and every NPC in the actual game acts like she's so cool and strong and noble

Once you see it...

you just KNOW

>Aloy when she's an outcast
Yeah fuck off Aloy you don't belong here
>Aloy when she starts helping people
Hey you're actually pretty cool
>Aloy when she opens the magical door they all worshipped and eventually saves their lives

Am I supposed to be mad at this or something?


reminder that the Bolsheik revolution in 1917 was started on International Women's Day

so yeah fuck communists and fuck women

she's a manly troglodyte

>all the detailed and fully visible girls are the realistic western/western inspired ones (minus the monkey thing)
>only anime looking one getting the shittiest and rushed art and is far to the right so no one would notice st first glance
Really activates my almonds...

>tfw liked Gravity Rush but the annoying and obnoxious fanbase ruined it for me

Thanks fags

Attached: 1550735752740.jpg (305x301, 10K)

What a queer fucking zoomer faggot.
>muh fanbase
>muh fanbase actually change my opinion on the game

Attached: 1544644626102.png (512x512, 318K)

No Persona 5 girl is a little odd. Wonder what that could mean...

Anime posters have no right to call anything “queer”


there is literally no fandom outside of Yea Forums whatsoever so shut the fuck up lmao

if you can't cope with the idea of a fanbase primarily centered on Yea Forums being shit, you should probably stay out of any fandom for anything Yea Forums likes.

Attached: 1526931897426.jpg (830x974, 394K)

Fuck you, I have two copies of GR (vita and remaster) and bought GR 2 day one, plus I got all the outfits and gems for kat and played raven's story

You missed the Bloodborne onahole

>giving a fuck about a fanbase of a singleplayer game

forcing oneself through the raven DLC really is the test of one's love for this series

what were they thinking

>Who's on the far left?

based user

>Freya is controlling her DualShock with magic

Holy shit it actualy happened! Did they fire the sjw rosties.

Media Molecule are a cool studio and give Japan Studio shoutouts here and there.

Where the fuck is Coco Bandicoot? This picture is objective shit, the only notable girls here are Aloy and Ellie and the rest are shit that no one knows. Could have easily included coco but oh no let's not do that

Does she count as a Snoy girl? Her game was published by them in JP

Attached: jenniferruleofrose.jpg (545x306, 37K)

i don't think sony can hear you over their 80 million consoles sold

Probably in Activisions fanart you simp

Can't wait for Chief to dab on all those Sonyroasties

Attached: halo-infinite-3840x2160-e3-2018-4k-14375.jpg (3840x2160, 2.98M)

Was gonna post this game

Attached: 1552003509547.jpg (1024x1024, 252K)


By these text in the disc we can see that is a Sony IP. Similar situation to Demons souls.

Attached: Screenshot_20190308-081748.png (1080x1920, 1.56M)

lol no

In the video they have a man called Schwartz talk about being a woman, and a bunch of wiccan feminists talk about pac man and their periods

But gurreilla games made the image

Did someone say Clock Tower?

Attached: Scissorman1.jpg (383x479, 24K)

it's only 1st party Sony girls you retard

Ride to Hell: Retribution

>couch multiplayer

Attached: 1524197058729.png (141x247, 78K)

shh, she's sleeping

Attached: 1511611142026.jpg (800x567, 69K)

>mfw Bonnie Ross makes Captain King a tranny and Xcucks lap it up

Besides maybe Cortana does Xbox have any relevant female characters?

Wrong! The Doll is DEAD!