*ruins your roster*
*ruins your roster*
who the fuck still buys mortal kombat games
Westerncucks who never learned how to play real fighting games
>most requested meta character
>wat da fug
too many weed
>Black man bad
>mortal kombat
was this ever a legit fighting game? i played the first couple games back in the day then lost interest. What are the mechanics like now? I dont care about the characters outside lui kang, scorpion, raiden, and sub zero
>there are people saying this design is 100 times better and more original than her X design
>looks like a random diversity check box wearing generic sci fi armor from any shit game from the past 10 years
They're both awful designs for an awful character
based boomer
>black man
What's a real fighting game with an actually active playerbase?
If you say smash ultimate I'm gonna piss in your eyes
t. ArcSoy who literally defends BabyTag 2 button fighter and DBFZ superdash
>no breasts
the fuck is wrong with these cunts
Bu-But Jax is badass :(
>I dont care about the characters outside lui kang, scorpion, raiden, and sub zero
why full nigger now she was atleast acceptable in X
smash ultimate
at least she's not that ugly although extremely boring and generic looking just like Sonya.
Wait, why did they completely change the way she looks?
>3-4 MK threads up every day for the last couple of months
>0 tekken threads
>0 SF threads
>0 DBFZ threads
Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they're not there
which one of those 4 games have an upcoming release?
Is she transgender?
>black man good
>more black man, we don't have enough
>why nobody buying our games whaaaaaaaa
What a boring design. They should have at least dropped the ipod-armor you've seen in every single action AAA game ever made.
Worked for Apex Legends
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Ed Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
people who likes shit games
"Whatcha say, you kiddo?"
This mk only has 2 black dudes, previous ones have had like 3
Jacqui is a bottom barrel nothing character. She's part of the Special Forces, the least liked faction in the franchise, and part of the Kombat Kids, the least liked part of the least liked faction. Even among the Kombat Kids, she was the least popular. I have no idea why they brought her back over much more popular characters
Wait yes I do, those characters will actually sell Season Passes
yeah only japanese devs make good anima-
she looks like a fallout character
Tekken and Soul Calibur just had DLC characters release
comparing AAA mortal Kombat with low effort fighting game retarded ass nigga
I hate how this board will complain about her redesign being more conservative when her default from x actually covered up more.
nice mad weeb
Seriously this one has maybe 2 if the leak is true
Look at the idle stances lol,the animation is so fucking bad that it looks likes it is in fast forward
fuck off already retard
Darrius should be in the game considering the Orderrealm is in
Stay mad
>blade but without vampire powers
>what’s his fatality
>uhhhhhhh he moves really fast and puts limbs in weird places
What were they thinking with over half the 3d characters?
i have street fighter 5 retard why would i be mad
We're never getting Havik back ever again, aren't we?
Imagine if whenever you play as Jax/Geras and whenever they fight each other that instead of the usual stage music M.O.P's ANTE UP starts playing as the background music.
>3D era
DLC is reserved for MK9-X and guests sorry
>3-4 shills threads every day for the last couple of months
I don't remember jacqui ever having any knockers.
Special forces are so, fucking, SHIT.
and they somehow managed to make them even more boring in this game!
>∞ Smash threads
like how generic and clichee can we get.
Its the most boring character i have ever seen.
And dont get me started on this forced strong black female meme which is infesting every game now.
sfv is absolute garbage though
Yes, okay with it as in, it doesn't matter if it's there or not. Normal people who can use their browsers to navigate their way to the porn site of their preference don't need to complain about video games not catering to their fetishes.
>its only a shill thread if I don't like it
You are aware the last game sold like 7 million copies. MK has always sold well.
A diversity hire in a video game roster is kind of unique, I gotta say.
This. Nigger females are always trash in vidya.
how do you go from this:
to op's pic?
except they sell and your racist bitching wont do anything lol
b-but SJWs or something!!
half of this board don't remember the time mk9 came out and Yea Forums was laughing at feminists getting triggered by the costumes
now Yea Forums is getting triggered by costumes because ashjkdklghg
that's a cg trailer dumbass
I'm talking about the fact that it's a pretty nice trailer with lots of gore and some rap in the background, yet the real game has some ugly tranny looking bitch for no reason. Doesn't really mix.
>totally ignore her face being totally different and her skin color going from brown to nigger
tranny begone
Maybe they just wanted to make a black character. It's lile sjws getting pissy at a white character being in this game. Also she was more popular than Kano yet he's in the game because they WANTED HIM IN
>yet the real game has some ugly tranny looking bitch for no reason
She doesn't look like a tranny. I've had the misfortune of being around actual trannies before, Jacqui looks like a goddess compared to them.
Not sure what point you're making, they're both promo media for the same game released three months apart and Jacqui would definitely have been modelled for the story cinematics three months ago so it's literally not going from this to that. They're literally two pieces of the same whole.
She is litterally the daughter of two black people user, also you faggots are complaining about T&A
She sticks out like a sore thumb to me and not because she's black.
you sound like a fucking retard
Well it's not because she looks like a tranny either, because she doesn't.
I'd unironically want to know why you think she does
White people can't design black women.
We know this already, just leave it to the Japs, they're not faggots like white guys are.
wow you sure showed him
yes i did fag
GTA is one of the highest selling franchises of all fucking time shut. The fuck. Up. You utter moron.
lol mortal kombat 11 is a disaster
>add a longtime cast memeber to the franchise back in the game
>"wtf pandering sjws! i'm tired of this nigger female trend wtf bros where are our based whites?!"
You guys are so tiresome..
Reminder that black women in media aren't allowed to be attractive
Reminds me of that gorilla Leslie whatsherface.
Her nudes were shit too (and I'm not just saying that as an anal joke).
whats the problem she looks fine
Reminder that black women dont need to be in media at all
>Smiling as she blows the opponent up
Looks fun
It's amazing how many zoomers on this board aren't aware that Mortal Kombat redesigns the characters and does something new with them in every fucking game
No, she's fucking ugly.
She literally looks like my male cousin in a wig.
is what an attractive black woman looks like.
her skin color was fine in mkx,and she was "good looking" too
give me one reason to make her blacker and uglier
Your cousin looks like he gets a lot of dick then
Also what a dumb image lol. Mortal Kombat has always used real people for the characters.
Even mk10 Jaq was better
>Your cousin looks like he gets a lot of dick then
Not really, but he is mentally disabled, so there's that.
But yea, only white people think this is anywhere near an attractive or even not-ugly black female.
Don't bother @ing me, I don't care about the opinions of white retards.
How come my scaly husband isn't in the game yet?
i dont know what men you have been looking at but you need help
so now she looks good in the game i remember the same idiots saying she was ugly
I thought Jacqui was more light skin?
Maybe you could try going outside.
That bitch literally looks like a darker version of pic related with bigger lips, only with a fucking mop on her head.
>I speak for all black people
We all know black guys don't like any black women anywhere anyway, so you're clearly biased.
>so now she looks good in the game i remember the same idiots saying she was ugly
Re-read what was posted
What are you doing proving his point?
the games literally have no more logical consistency anymore. theyre just hiring random ugly women and buff bad ass dudes to 3d scan them and thats it
Are you black?
If not, fuck off and stop replying to me, I don't care about your opinion.
no you need to stop watching tranny porn its fucking your brain up
He's busy getting swole
Apex can hold itself on its gameplay alone. Too bad of the zoomer fanbase is ditching because they need a battle pass to quench their attention spans
Can't wait to play this shit with my hot black gf who got into the series playing Jade in MK9.
Sorry Yea Forums, soon you can stop pretending to be outraged at MK11 selling millions and you can go play the next weeb fighter that regular people don't give a fuck about.
>0 mention of Mk ever besides the occasional nostalgia thread pr shitting on the recent titpes for years
>2 months ago SUDDENLY daily Mk threads multiple at once
>Almost entirely positive dicksucking too
Gee its almost li-
Pretty sad when a bald white women is still hotter then black woman with a full head of hair. Then again ethnic hair is usually unattractive to most whites since it's too masculine.
you are not helping yourself with that garbage gif retarded phone poster
Cute. Hair is pretty shit though. Should of given her dreads ponytail or something.
You mean like in MK2 where Sub-Zero was full Chinese in his ending and then in MK3 he looks completely white even though he was only supposed to be half-white according to some throway description in the Mythologies website?
Fuck off, the more these threads are posted the more you casual faggots reveal that you never played or cared about these games.
You can't even make a arguement against it aside from throwing phone poster out. So it worked it seems.
She looks like an Overwatch character
I'm buying the game once the inevitable special edition goes on sale
ok you retarded phone poster next time make better shit
>Jacqui over Smoke, Reptile, Ermac, Rain, any cyber ninja, Havik, Mileena, Stryker, Nightwolf, Sindel, Fujin, Shang Tsung, and Quan Chi.
But it's 2019, so you have to fill the black female quota. Nevermind making the black female actually look good and not generic as fuck, btw. Just gotta fill the quota, that's all.
We've got two hi-tech armored females in MK compared to over nine fucking palette swapped ninjas
>add nigger music
>the most misogynist music
>pander PC gay faggot shit
OK nigger, please.
Jokes on you I didn't make the gif. Retarded phone poster
man this salt
Imagine having less character than a bunch of palette swapped ninjas lmao
Reminder shao kahn is a character in a story and most likely very important
if you want to play as him you either have to pre order the game or cough up some cash
Yeah we got generic Jax wannabe instead of cool monster ninja
>story trailer is just a montage of MK characters shooting guns at each other
What the fuck happened to the mystical Ninja shit. Why does MK look like a gritty shooter with generic army dudes.
look at this retard
Mileena and Shang Tsung are in the game according to the leaks.
Cute how you literally get all your information from Yea Forums. I'd be surprised if you've ever played a video game.
Too much focus on johnny faggot and sonya since it's easier to write for retards.
My problem is that she looks painfully generic. Like if you told me that screenshot was from Mass Effect Andromeda or something, I'd believe you.
>you mad post
ok you going to post some more shitty gifs retard or did you run out
/pol/ is ironic right? I hope.
maybe you're just a pedo user.
>Going outside
yup they look nothing like your airbrushed PS images user. that would be a fact.
The difference is they've gone to great lengths to differentiate the ninjas. Jacqui is a NEW character and feels like one of the most generic characters in the series. Her motivation, character and design just feel like stale air. But nearly all their women are shit anyway. Kitana and Jade have better designs but they're not much better as characters.
impressive that NetherRealm almost made 1 decent animation.
>palette swapped ninjas
They haven't been palette swapped since like UMK3 or MK4. All of them in MK9 and MKX had different looks, themes, and movesets.
Also, MK ninjas are classic and are always gonna be cooler and look cooler than generic sci-fi armor wearing women. You got an ice ninja, fire ninja, reptilian acid ninja, water ninja, shadow ninja, telekinesis ninja. Then on the other hand you have, white military bitch with high-tech gear, and black military bitch with high-tech gear. Jacqui and Cassie look like they could fit into any space or sci-fi game. MK ninjas don't have that problem. Not to mention everyone loves the MK ninjas. It's all anyone talks about character-wise.
Says the guy who wasted his time making a webm to respond to a shitpost
>Using Cammy as an example of good animation after her joke of an air throw
Interesting. I thought there'd be a good chance Mileena would be out of this game. Really hoping Shang makes a return, though. Which leak was this?
That's not kotal khan
the weeb posting his trash again
No one complained about Jax, you can literally tell who's unfamiliar with MK and starting shit for no reason. Every Mortal Kombat game changed the designs, no matter how small or big the change. this is no different.
>S-she was mixed
Fuck off. I'm not even big on MK but I played it enough back in the day to know how much the designs changed with each game.
>its only ok when i do it
you are some sad fuckers
this every game changes how every character looks
It was basically the same leak that had the entire roster. It said Mileena, Shang and Shinnok are all unlockable in the story mode.
You went out of your way to post serious evidence to a 3 second shitpost. Pure cringe that you keep replying.
Because that never happened before, right? Fuck off and go play the games. Maybe you'll have fun.
>tranny characters
>nudity gone
>nigger music
Wonder who the target audience of this game is?
she looks cool
get out of here you salty fool you posted a garbage gif of some cherry picked trash now you are mad about it
Feel free to swing by /vg/ or Vince's Twitter to see more people thirsty for the battle pass.
Oh I recognize this guy. He's probably the most autistic MK fanboy. Don't bother trying to reason with him.
Nope just black
how mad are you right now go get more gifs i want to see them
This. Feels like Jacqui doesn't really have a "thing" like other characters do. She just has gauntlets that shoot. At least give her one of the infinitely superior looks in pic related. I'd easily take bottom right, top middle, or top right.
>Add Jax's boring ass daughter
>Jax has yet to be announced
What the fuck is this shit? All the kombat kids except for maybe Cassie were trash. Why have Jacqui but not Jax? Jax is a fun character, Jacqui is boring and generic.
Jax never looked like shit is the problem. Jacqui just seems uninspired. Jax goes in a more Johnny direction of being over the top. Even in his more serious MKX incarnation he's still fucking Carl Weather's, hammy and wears an American flag around his robo arms. I know you see the difference from Jacqui
man you are one mad faggot
Were people actually not expecting this bitch to get in after the Cassie announcement? I will say however, is that she looks totally different from her previous design, to the point where its not the same character, You don't just magically acquire a much darker complexion and facial structure as you go younger adult to young adult.
Blame it on the climate today. The 90's were a different time. I give you credit for pointing out an actual tidbit vs. HURR DARK SKIN DELET
I thought you fags said MK fixed the female faces. Jacqui looks fucking shit
I truthfully don't think much of Yea Forums would mind if she was a good character. Tanya has her fans thought admittedly she doesn't look very black. And again admittedly people shit on black women pretty hard where characters like Jax and other macho black dudes are enjoyed. But I guess I'd point to a character like Storm from MvC, Elena from SF and pic related from NMH. Elena might be ambiguous and NMH a little over the top but Storm is relatively well liked and doesn't get much blacker.
This looks extremely painful.
for you
The kombat kids would be more welcome if they stood out more personality wise. That's why people prefer Cassie over everyone else. Kuck Jin, Taqucito, and Jacktowin are way too stale and feel like something out of a saturday morning kids kartoon instead of MK.
You made one and wasted time
Devs just need to stop making black people look like baboons and use artistic freedom to make them look better. It's not that people don't like black characters, they just don't like ugly characters. Another good one is raven from tekken.
How is Elena ambiguous? Isn't she the princess of some African tribe?
The biggest shame was Takeda not being more of a combination between Scorpion and Kenshi. Huge missed opportunity
I can't even imagine why someone would be mad about replying to a shill with a gif.
Y'know, something's been bothering me about the new SF characters, and that's that they don't have any silly future tech like their parents
Why doesn't Cassie have something like Sonya's rings? Why doesn't Jacqui have anything like Jax's energy things he throws or his ground pound things?
It makes it feel like SF has either gone down in quality or that they're keeping the really high tech shit from the kids for no reason. I mean, Cassie has that drone at least, but still
I like Jin, but I was hoping for more archery stuff like GA in Injustice.
You do know that there are different black people in the world with different facial structures, right? I repeat, don't pull that mixed shit, not every black person is a black American.
She is, her features are the result of the SF artstyle, not her racial makeup.
we haven't seen gameplay of her yet dumbass and the only image we have of her is the op pick
She was fun as fuck to play in X desu
That'd be too easy, though
Obviously I wouldn't mind him sharing some stuff or putting a new spin on both of their powers, but I really liked the direction they went in with the whips
That and the fact that he's the closest thing we're ever going to get to Cyber Scorpion
Physically she doesn't look like she's an African princess
>You do know that there are different black people in the world with different facial structures, right?
Whatever man, I don't give a shit. Devs can tick off their black woman check box if they want, just stop fucking making them ugly and generic like this shit. Simple as.
I think he's arguing that some of her features don't really point to her being black, let alone a native African princess. I think some of her more recent art has been getting a little better at that though. If it's even a problem, you can only stretch your chosen aesthetic so far before you begin to make characters that do not fit your art style.
Are you seriously convinced that she might have any energy shit like Jax when she already has guns? Are you retarded?
Concession accepted.
She looks like a Indian to me
Hey guys, I would like to announce that I am a dumb stupid motherfucking moronic faggot, I am a fan of MK and I come on here and willingly click on MK threads knowing goddamn well it's a shit show every single time, I am going to do it again and again too.
>I don't give a shit
>just stop fucking making them ugly and generic
You obviously give some shit. If you didn't, you wouldn't care.
What puzzles me about character design in the west is that unrealistic beauty standards are permitted for everyone but black girls. Cassie and Sonya look like Stacys still. The edenians are gorgeous. Jacqui looks like a lump
I don't like MK because it feels awkward to press a button to block on an arcade stick.
What puzzles me about character design in the west is that unrealistic beauty standards are permitted for everyone but black girls. Cassie and Sonya look like Stacys still. The edenians are gorgeous. Jacqui looks like a lump
Nobody since they alientaed the last of their player base by changing it to Muslim Combat.
>The edenians are gorgeous.
Jade looks even worse than Jacqui.
>jax based
>black jax not based
Explain yourselves
>has white hair, fair skin anf doesn't have any african facial features
>uses south american martial art
>not ambiguous.
I'm as far right leaning as they come, and even I can see it, you dolt.
shes black nobody expects her to be cute
now skarlet WAS cute in mk9 so she being a ugly lesbian now its terrible
Probably the hair. Her entire tribe has this silvery wavy/straight hair.
There is actually not one black man in apex.
>fair skin
Not fair skin. Light skin nigga.
Objectively wrong
Looking pretty african there.
At least Jade hides her face
They're sort of in this weird rut where they can't make attractive black girls because that would probably be paying into "white beauty standards" to do. Or, at least that is what they would say.
>skarlet WAS cute in mk9
How the fuck could you tell? She had her mask on, obscuring about half of her face. If you took it off, she'd look just as ugly as any other MK9 girl
Her hair was cuter in 9
Mileena is the only girl that has ever looked good because she is the only one that can hide the incredibly masculine jaw lines
>skarlet WAS cute in mk9
no she had sonya's face you fool
Why does that one look the part but the other doesn't? They have the same facial features except the light is revealing them a bit more.
Not trying to be accusatory or anything I'm just curious.
>hide her masculine jawlines
Gee I wonder why
Black = big lips
That is true
Pixie cut isn't too bad either. Glad it's not entirely cut
What a wide face, goddamn
Would smash
he is known in fgg as the nrsnigger, his autism is unquenchable
>ywn wipe up Mileena's drool
Jobbed for the last time
your image is retarded also that tekken character doesn't look like an "attractive black woman" it looks like a generic tekken anime girl with a darker skin tone than usual and dreadlocks.
Its hilarious that you say Japanese diversity is based on "reality" when all 3 of those girls are photoshopped to all hell and the white girl VERY obviously has plastic surgery especially to her lips.
What you mean by "real diversity" is "im okay with it if it makes my dick hard". Kill yourself waifufag.
That gets at though where other races are designed based off their peaks attractiveness in the media but nobody is making their black women look like Lupita Nyongo, Nia Long or Angela Basset. They look like some average black girl at your high school.
>it looks like a generic tekken anime girl with a darker skin tone than usual and dreadlocks.
Reminder that white people will be extinct in 100 years and the world will finally be rid of your stupidity.
Shame I won't be around to enjoy it.
>using that confirmed shit automated tool
wow a robot could color pick that the pixels were dark. imagine being this fucking retarded.
Can't wait for that extinction.
Them being ugly has nothing to do with it imo take Amanda Waller for example,she's a black fat woman but she's also a convincing villian that thinks whatever she does no matter how fucked up is for the betterment of society.
"And the award for least played character goes to....!"
The west tries too hard to mimic realism despite copying movie presentations too often. Seems like makeup is too unrealistic for them
I wonder how actual black people feel about the fact that the people speaking for them want their depictions to be exclusively ugly in the name of realism
Everyone who thinks it's a race this is retarded. Switch Cassie and Jacqui's personalities and Jacqui immediately becomes cooler and Cassie boring. Then you just have to fix the shit hairstyle.
>Takeda that right
>Will probably not show up but fucking Jacqui and Cassie will
>Reptile has been picked less times than DLC characters
Just cut him already lol
I find it fucking annoying.
It's okay to have a white chick in a game who's a 9 or a 10/10 and doesn't look like a weird fat hobgoblin with fetal alcohol syndrome like most modern white women but we can't have a cute black girl because "MUH REALISM"?
It's fucking stupid, and it shows how cancerous all these REALISM faggots are.
I don't give a fuck about what women in real life look like, I'm playing a fucking game with a god damn lighting god in it, fuck outta here with this dumb "R-REALISM" shit.
I've talked to don't like ugly bitches. They like the same women that post giant ass pics on instagram. Too bad no western dev would dare sexualize women that way.
Exactly. Pretty much all it is. Maybe do something about the mass effect armor, too, and you're good to go.
Who the fuck said Jacqui was ugly? You racists did that by implying it with these posts, not me. Hilarious. I said she didn't look like a real black woman. She looked like an anime character colored brown. You are applying "beautiful" to mean "face looks like a plastic surgeon'ed up white 17 year old girl, or an anime girl".
Except Master Raven literally looks like a black woman.
Sorry you get triggered by makeup like every other white faggot nowadays, no one else gives a fuck.
>try to make attractive women
>they all look hideous
>try to make an ugly monster girl
>she ends up being the most attractive
Mileena got cut from 11 because they can't figure out how to make her uglier than the other characters.
You can make someone attractive without using anime as your base reaction retard.
I don't know by what standard we're judging her "blackness" by. Let's consider two points. The first being the introduction of foreign blood into the black pool. For African Americans especially, African Americans who self-identify as fully black having two black parents can have anywhere from a 7% to 24% Caucasian admixture. Now, we have no idea where her family is from so she might not be north american but I think it's okay to assume that she is.
The second being the amount of different expressions of African phenotype across the continent and its diaspora. if we are to assume that Master Raven doesn't descend from the slaves brought over by the Atlantic slave trade, then the only other possible explanation of her appearance is that she comes from Africa itself. There (used to be much more but still) is a pretty great amount of features expressed by peoples on the African continent. The Khoisan people are definitely black but they look different from the Bantu and their descendants that we are used to seeing. There's also East Africans who don't look exactly like the Bantu either.
My point is that there are many different kinds of expressions of features that you would consider to be black. Pic related is the average faces of African Americans by gender.
Thanks for posting proving my point that Master Raven looks nothing like that.
haha wow average black girl is actually cuter than jaqui, what a blunder
At least post some of the ACTUAL qts in that game, user
Personally I find west African girls to be much qt'er than African American girls.
Kek, she's even darker than that.
Maybe you should try actually playing the game she's from.
Just like every other woman.
No one gives a fuck.
>its just Lili's face model but they made the skin darker and called it a new character
thanks for continuing to prove my point.
>This is the shit white guys find attractive
She looks like Viola Davis with a bad haircut. Seriously what is that hairstyle.
I don't think you really got my point. I'm saying that different kinds of visual expressions of black exist. Is it the lighting that's not doing for you? The angle? Here is the same model in a Street Fighter mod.
Good she'd look like shit if she did
Go outside for once, holy shit.
You're such an obvious basement dweller.
Old hibana is shit. New hibana is bae. But Dokkabae is the new hotness
Why does everything have to have Mass Effect armor? I blame Bioware for beginning this braindead design trend, and Blizzard for perpetuating it with Overwatch.
We'll never have good looking sci-fi armor again, it's forever going to be this dumb space-age not-kevlar shit until someone comes up with something even worse.
>you're a basement dweller because you said Master Raven doesn't look like an average black woman
>here is a picture of women from countries hundreds and even thousands of miles apart from each other to prove you are a basement dweller for some reason
Who's this bitch she actually looks rad af. They should cyber up jaqui more. She's already a more serious version of her father so her going all in on cybernetic enhancements could present an interesting angle. Where Jax has robo arms by necessity by Jacqui internalizes that and becomes obsessed with cybernetic enhancement. Not to the degree of Cyrax and Sektor but maybe she'd use that for inspiration towards something like your pic.
I think she's cute.
The point is that the character doesn't NEED to look like your average African American you dumbfuck.
And Master Raven looks closer to your average West African woman than your average West African woman looks to your average African American woman.
Same way every fantasy game had WoW armor a few years ago.
But yes, I can't ever tell the games apart. It's always arbitrary lines in a white synthetic material and maybe some straps of base colors.
God damn, they're really trying to shill this character
>Remove Takeda and Kung Jin
>Remove all Cyborgs AGAIN just to give her more tech shit
>Still leave Jax in the game who honestly plays better
is Yea Forums really offended at the mere sight of black characters in modern games or are they just meme posting
Fighting games have always had multiple black characters
>this n word gets in over reptile or havik
No you dumb fucking retard. People are mad that she looks generic and ugly. Stupid fucking tranny, learn to read or get the fuck out.
Gotta get those indians to play
I don't think anybody's had a problem with black characters in fighters before. Jacqui just isn't a particularly great character in design or actual character. People fucking adore Deejay, Balrog and Dudley in SF. TJ in KI. Raven in Tekken. And yeah Jax in MK. Tbh it seems like devs are afraid to take a black girl over the top in a way they don't mind hamming up male black characters.
No, fuck you. The problem is that Jacqui is fucking boring when we have Special Ops characters already. Jax is fucking great.
guess who the most popular sf newcomer is retard
Don't worry, Bethesda is here to save us!
That looks so wonky what the fuck.
Offended by bad designs yes. Then again, black people aren't creating these characters and Hollywood can only make black chicks sassy, sexy, or pallette swaps of white women.
More people played her online than Reptile
Yeah because tourneyfaggots knew she had an exploit for easy wins. Why the fuck do you think Sonicfox the sick furry played her? She wasn't patched until late in the game's cycle
Yeah I think we know why too
She looked painfully generic in MKX. At least she looks more like her dad in this.
Mostly due to spamming her full auto shit. She was very scrub friendly.
>I wanted either Reptile or Jacqui to get in
>Jacqui gets in
I'm okay with this. Going to miss Reptile, he's my husbando.
Master Raven, and I agree.
Pretty sure hes a lock for dlc.
I miss Killer Instinct
Even after the patch hombre, she constantly switched with Goro and Reptile stayed under her completely. Even Ferra/Torr had more plays.
I hope so.
lmao vro thats not why people are complaining about this ugly ass monkey hahaha you stupid nigger
Same. I still play it sometimes on PC but it hurts
Yeah because fewer people were playing by that time
Give us stryker for mk11
they can't even animate a fucking dab
I'd say replace Jacqui or even Erron with Stryker. Beat cop was fun
Gosh that neck and jaw line.new Jac is such a improvement
Never say never.
What if they just straight up made Stryker Robocop?
It's done quickly
Gotta keep that "normal cop" shtick
Anyone else think Erron looks kind of retarded? Like his mask looks like something you'd pick up at Party City.
Yfw Frost is actually bald by default and you have to equip her alt skin to get her hair back
it's the next logical step
>Looks like Maxine Shaw from Living Single
You know what, im wrong. That actually looks exactly how a white girl with a black girl friend would do a dab.
She returned so she can die.
I don't get it, are those braids or dreadlocks?
It looks like the stiff props you could slap on created wrestlers in the Smackdown vs. RAW games
Isn't that right before she gets CHINKED?
>She was very scrub friendly.
Nigga so was reptile, the fuck you talking about.
She looks very slav.
I'm more annoyed at the fact they keep adding kids of the original cast but still keep the parents even though the moveset is conparable or a mix if both parents are present in the game. Talk about uninspired and trying to cater to older fans at the same time. Just kill of cage, sonya, jax, etc if you want their kids but I know they never will.
Carl Wheezer when?
It really pisses me off because then what is the point of them if they're not gonna replace their parents? Let's not forget half of them aren't even in the game, and the stupid 25 year gap happened just for these characters to reach maturity
>Takeda was almost this
>We got some nignog girl instead and they made him some milquetoast dude.
Imagine the shitstorm that would've happened if they made Fem!Takeda and Jacqui lesbians
People don't care if the lesbians are hot. It's when they're ugly lesbians people give a shit.
There are no attractive blacks
I think they deliberately make them ugly so people wont make sfw porn of them
>b-but user look at this other shitty animation!
what the fuck is this supposed to prove? This animations fucking sucks too.
Cassie still got a shit ton made. While a few artists used MKX mileena and Kitana, most just kept using MK9 models since the new ones were worse for SFM
I'm not mad that she's black, but its the fact that she has the most lame moveset ever. I know shes actually really good in MKX but for fuck sake,in a series known for each character having their own unique "thing" to them, in a game where one character uses blood as a weapon, I just fucking HATE seeing bland ass "human with guns" characters. Scorpion, Subzero, fuckign Noob saibot all have their own feel to them, but i fucking hate all of the lame ass human characters. Includes Liu Kang, Sonya blade, Johnny cage, Stryker, or just any other plain human character. Plain ass human characters are shit. And don't even get me started on how fucking BORING kano is i've fucking always HATED KANO since MK3. bald cyborg dude SNOOOOORE.
Practically ever Jacqui defender says dumb shit like "WELL THEN CASSIE AND SONYA ARE REDUNDANT THEN!" or similar dumb shit when people bring up valid criticisms about her. Like fuck, who gives a shit about Jax's daughter? Her gimmick is weak, her costume is something out of Fortnite, and her personality is just a muted version of Cassies
that shotgun gauntlet variation was fucking nice
>Black people
>People that don't play fighting games
>People that only play the most absolute mainstream games like FIFA and Fortnite
What's her gimmick exactly at least her dad has those cool metal arms and is one of the OGs
she just needs to be interesting and not be 'has gun hands and yellow fever' the character
giving her the cyborg movesets would be something, even if it's fucking over the cyborgs
her new hair is nice at least
Will Kano's son be playable in this one?
I wasn't saying that her design was good. At. All. i fuckin hate her and all the other lame ass human characters. Special Forces is by far the shittest thing in MK. She looked bad in MKX and she looks bad in this one too. She just doesn't look as bad. She legit looks like a prefab, default character model in MKX. at leasst they made her have somewhat of a slightly more unique face. Still generic as FUCK but at least its somewhat of an improvement. Would much much rather have cyrax, sektor, smoke, Rain, Human smoke, Fujin, or literally ANY other character that actually feels like an MK character.
>no smoke
>no stryker
>no ermac
Fuck MK.
See this is what I'm trying to figure out myself, because it feels like a lot of Jacqui advocates are just too afraid to admit they just wanted a black girl character on the roster. Which is fine, but for fuck sake give her SOMETHING that makes her stand out. Blow her legs off and give her robo legs, give her a portal gun, or make her a demolitions expert, ANYTHING. As of right now, all Jacqui has going for her is "Daughter of Jax" and "Slightly less sassy version of Cassie"
Mortal kombat has better lore then street fighter
Fight me faggot
>will have to wait for DLC to get back some of these characters
>one of them will probably be shafted for Sareena or whoever
Mortal Kombat fans. Been playing MK since back in the day on my genesis. I even stuck around with the 3D shit games. I enjoy the universe and story ( most games the 3d era had shit story). Just hate this soulless character, devoid of anything special or interesting. Fucking Mokap has more soul than this bland cunt
Right? It looks like the mask doesn't really fit him right. I was gonna say it literally looks like someone tried to recreate Erron in a game with a character creation system like Soul Caliber or some WWE game.
Why do they refuse to bring back the cyborgs?
I'm getting the vibe that Boon hates them now. Probably has something to do with animating x ray attacks
That's not even what ME armor looks like though. There's more segmented plates in that one chest piece than half of Shepard's armor in 2.
>I think they deliberately make them ugly so people wont make sfw porn of them
Nah, they do it because they bought into the Anita "realistic women" propaganda, by their own admission. Cassie was uglier, they changed her and Sony after all the backlash.
Triborg is in XL
I don't think they want half the roster to be palette swaps of Ninjas and Cyborgs, there's far too many of them.
>Black girl is hideous
>White girl looks good
Just seems to be based on reality
Boon and friends did all the sexualization in 3D era when Midway owned them. I think WB got scared after MK9 and told them to change directions.
I think he's talking about Andromeda's armor, which does have that problem. But the trend didn't start with Mass Effect anyway, it started with MCU Iron Man.
The ninjas are no longer palette swaps and neither are the cyborgs. Just look at Ermac, he doesn’t look like a ninja at all anymore.
With the number of times this has come up, I would think you'd have a better response by now.
He has a point though. Triborg felt like an eye rolling obligation to fans smashing 3 characters into one trying to get them to shut up asking for one of them
This entire series was built on palette swapping, and it was great
>things that never happened
I'll buy it just for Cassie.
You chumps should just stamp "please troll my clueless ass" on your forheads.
What is it about concept art that always makes it look way cooler than the final product? I know you need to factor things in like readability and animations but I would take any of these designs over what we got.
>Pad the original roster with a bunch of useless characters
>Hold fan favorite characters hostage under a paywall
You know this is their key strategy for all games now
>keeping Jacqui in, a character that no one even remotely liked, with a boring moveset instead of TAKEDAAA
Fuck you, Boone. You better believe I'm skipping this trash heap, i wish i hadn't bought MKX to support this garbage.
They were in the last game.
>Hold fan favorite characters hostage under a paywall
so like dead or alive
So like smash bros 4
>tfw maining black girls in every fighting game just to trigger incel poltards
god it feels so good
DOA is giving you 2 characters for $100!
All of MK11 dlc probably won't cost that much. That is some major Jew tactics from DOA devs.
>Few things I wanted for this game were for devorah and Jacqui to come back since they are like the 2 characters I found fun to play in X
>everyones upset that they are in
My life is a special brand of hell
Hell you get to troll people online while playing them. You are living the dream.
>when you want to get this game to play dress-up with the roster
Anyone else crazy like me?
The only time I had "fun" trolling someone with my choices are playing lucky chloe in Tekken 7 and that was ruined when Jeondding showed that she wasn't terrible in torny.
*fixes your roster*
>libtard fighter v
Holy shit did you come from r/kappa?
Plenty of hispanics eat this shit up too.
>Care about the story in a fighting game
Witness the power of onions
Witness the power of filters
>dick sucking
Everyone has been complaining about the characters in every thread, as they should be doing.
>blurry and out of focus
Totally legit.
Meanwhile, at the actual statistics:
>conservative whites are one of the few groups that will survive hispanic invasion.
>white liberals are by far the most virginal group
>for some reason journalists organize a hit piece to frame right-wing people as virgin losers
Really activates the almonds.
It is, tho
The characters shown here matched up with the ones in the latest trailer
What's with all the blacked out sections? Are they DLC or unlockable characters?
And why is Noob greyed out with the other 2 characters?
>no ermac
>no reptile
>no rain
>no cyborgs
Yeah no thanks.
Unfinished build, that leak happened like a week ago, everything they posted was real.
Since they're going back in time wouldn't Noob just be evil Sub-Zero before Scorpion killed him? It kind of looks like they're going pre-MK9 so he could be 2 characters.
Here's your new fighter.
low effort my ass that shit was shilled left and right with a big budget
me on the right
You mean like the originals, where they literally got nobodies for the characters
A corresponding leak that matched up with this one said there were 2 (3?) secret characters, being Shang Tsung, Shinnok, and Mileena. The rest were said to be DLC
Not every character is going to be a past version, it was implied in MKX that Noob was still around.
wtf, that was never the case
I want to boner the moner
Doesn't take into account that liberals skew younger and conservatives older meaning those in child rearing age are more likely to be conservative
Is it much better to have palette swaps of 'bland military girl'?
It is controlled by age. If it wasn't the gap would be even more extreme.
>reptile isn't a base roster character
Literal. Fucking. Trash.
Wtf, looks like fortnite
Reptile has had the lowest pick rate in both 9 and X you dumb troglodyte
Why doesn't frost have hair?
That doesn't make the character less popular. Reptile is the third most recognizable ninja, he just plays weird in mkx and mk9 so people don't pick him.
thats not frost, thats the new villain lady
No, it's Frost.
>that doesn't mean they're not popular
That has to be the most fucking stupid thing I've heard today, no wait all week
Cyrax is yellow, though.
'All black people look the same' The Character
It's 2019, nigger you know why.
How? Pick is not good to determine the characters popularity.
The gameplay of mk characters change a lot from game to game, even if they get similar moves from their previous versions. People will drop the character if they don't feel comfortable with the gameplay, and reptile did play a little weird in mk9 and mkx compared to other more begginer friendly characters.
That doesn't make the character less popular, Reptile popularity has been established for decades now, you can't deny hes is one of the most recognizable characters in mortal kombat. Pick rate means nothing to the mainstream audience.
Like how many people actually pick Dahlsim and how many of them recognize him? two completely different numbers.
Beauty is unrealistic.
How many people pick Dhalsim and how many people recognize him as a character are two different numbers
What's the roster so far haven't been keeping track? Is Takeda in? Definitely the best kombat kid
Either 1, because it's a customization option or 2, it's because she's with Kronika, who is also bald
>Shao Kahn rules outworld
>women all fight half naked
>Kotal Kahn rules outworld
>women are wearing cloths again while he is mostly naked
what does this mean
>all these salty Capkiddies that Neatherrealm Studios is gonna take their entire playerbase next month.
Get dabbed on weebs
Shaw Kahn was a chad, koal Kahn is int Canmore femdom
Actually I don’t. Is hair problematic now?
Well I do think that is against Sonya's character to go full supermodel. Especially since she's characterized as being so much into her career that she became a deadbeat mom that sees her daughter as just another soldier.
It’s the whole low IQ thing.
Black women don't appeal much to gaming demographics. Not even the female gamers like them.
>westerner get exposed for having ever-lowering standards
>hamster starts spinning wheel in his head
>"I need to find a way to rationally justify this after-the-fact"
Quintessentially western.
retarded normies
>rise of caricatures and tokens because of social justice
Do these 'woke' idiots realize how racist they're being?
What a solid justification. I mean, she's just a deadbeat mom, and so into her career and stuff.
Therefore she can't have heroic proportions. And since she doesn't have heroic proportions the fact that she can even fight men with the arm thickness of a street pole starts to look retarded. But I guess she's just so much of a badass deadbeat mom that she has mental strength and stuff. She's a strong woman; "strong" having a mental meaning.
she isnt fair skin she is brown
she always had full lips
capoeira was created by african slaves it originated in africa .
african americans aren't fucking BANTU. They are west african, bantus are central african and spread south. Also i can find more phenotypic and genetic diversity in Nigeria alone than in china or west europe. 300 ethnic groups alone.
I love Mileena
Both of the female child characters are pretty shitty, their gimmicks are "our dad but 'better'" while the male child characters are actually unique and interesting
Deadbeat mom by 90's cheesy sci fi movie standard. She shouldn't have the glitter and ho' outfits of the space alien interdemensional ninja niggas, but she still should be a super fit, sexy as fuck murder machine, like pretty much every single other character in the cast, male and female.
Nani? She looked more like a man back in X
A good Mileena design is the only way I will buy 11.
Actually it originated in Brazil
I agree with everything else you said
>assuming this is about vidya
probably lobbying for the new movie user
>no taven or daegon
im more pissed about this than the nigger
I'm actually glad they kept Erron Black
Her face is way better than in the last game. I'm surprised.
Armageddon was kino
Garbage taste
Fuck you. Whats your favorite MK game so I can call it shit??
old jade use to be cute
tanya in X was cute
ugly black girls are ugly, her skin color doesnt matter
Think there gonna be costume mods for this? Can there be costume Mods on this? I notice that Injustice 2 didn't have any, is it because its really difficult/impossible to do so?
>moloch, zombie liu kang, evil raiden
my man
>MKX jacqui had an attractive face, straight hair and normal american voice
>MK11 jacqui is changed to have west-african features, dreads and speaks ebonics
just why?
UMK3. Please reconfirm your garbage taste if you would like.
I understood this reference
MK2 is the only real answer to this question. The run mechanic is CANCER.
fuck you retard I'm gonna have so much fun
The western world truly has fallen into a shaft of cultural suicide, lmao. I'm moving China
He's right through you could lighten her skin and she'd look little different to other asian tekken characters.
The fact your entire argument is that neverrealm purposefully Jacqui is ugly makes it seem like you you've barely even seen many black women in your life.
*enhances and diversifies your roster*
They made her a fucking mutt?
>that nose
>that lips
Eww, the worst of the KK personality wise is now she the worst in looks too.
Lmao imagine being a black woman. Literal bottom of the desirability totem pole.
At least black men are allowed to be ugly since they're men
This tbqh.
Imagine being the worst race and the worst gender at the same time. LMAO.
Being black wahmen truly is a nightmare.
>"Worst personality-wise"
Uh that would be maddam Cassandra Cage
That's a mighty long way of saying 'ruins', son.
You don't need to make shit up to make friends m8. He was far from the least picked in 9.
And X? /:^)
>no rain
It hurts bros.
So you're proving the point of the anti social terrorists.