Would you play a Remastered version of smb?

Would you play a Remastered version of smb?

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Soul vs no soul

All stars already exists.

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If it’s not pic related then maybe

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That could easily be fixed by not having his hat bounce at all.

I like the floppy hat.

lmao no it looks like overdesigned garbage hipster shit.
SMB1 just werks, I bet you faggots would even remake Tetris and give the blocks plad shirts like you always do.

Remove the retarded hat flopping around and the pointless head turning for one second and it doesn't look that bad, good even.

There are so many quality changes you could make to SMB with the added memory, fixed colors, more palettes so everything isn't brown, new sprites, tilesets, etc
just compare SMB to SMB3, same hardware, different cartridge capacity
so why is the first thought "don't touch anything important, but quadruple the run cycle frames and make it look goofy as hell"

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a horrible case of overanimating things
smoother animation is always great, making everything jiggle in retarded ways for no reason isn't

because reddit is fascinated by shitty old games they watch on youtube

Can I get uhhh hat wobble?

Why do indie-zoomers think wobbling/bouncing is good for everything?

Attached: first prostate stimulation.gif (640x352, 237K)

>, I bet you faggots would even remake Tetris and give the blocks plad shirts like you always do.
Indie tetris would make a great joke game.





Might as well ask here about recommend Mario fangames. I'm currently playing Super Mario Bros X and Super Mario War.

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It's an easy way to add life to a still drawing. But not everything needs to move. A blink animation is enough for a portrait.

>give the blocks plad shirts like you always do.
Communist Russia hire this man

the samus one is the only good

I remember stuff in the hello engine being pretty good

Why bother when I'm sure someone has remade the entire game in Super Mario Maker?


This is Yea Forums homie. People on Yea Forums are discussing this right now. Don't blame reddit for something that happens here as well.

that game sucked so bad, and i say that as someone who likes indie-zoomer games

aren't there more of these?

Unironically soul vs soulless


What game? Is the prostate stimulation a real thing in the game?

I wish. Especially for the dog.

>no motion blur
I pass.

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The hat bounce makes me think of Lemmings

Forgot my pic

Attached: lemming-animated.gif (256x256, 5K)

Yea Forums IS reddit.

b-but, it's zoomer...

did someone say overdesigned garbage hipster shit

Attached: tetris.png (1200x675, 1.65M)

Superior version right here.

Attached: super-mario-all-stars-super-mario-world.jpg (936x684, 102K)

Talk about overanimating. He's not this floppy even in the 3D games.

Calarts. It's always Calarts.

Some day you'll learn what soul means, user.

>the chad minimalist vs the cucked ADHD

I remember this pixel thread months back, some were good redesigns. This is not one of them.

Wrong board, Yea Forums.

Nintendo more than any other developer understands the importance of how characters should be animated.

This. The definitive Snes game. I'm blanking out, but didn't this also include SMB2? Not the Doki Doki one

Can't wait for 500 replies on an overdone thread

Yes. Called the Lost Levels.

>face turning is only one frame and jarring
>the arm motion is stiff and awkward for a run/jog
I don't have an inherent issue with smooth animation but OP's isn't good.

Attached: foundit.png (400x168, 52K)

yes, it includes both. Japanese SMB2 and the western SMB2. It also includes an updated version of SMW, that gave Luigi his own unique sprite, instead of just having "Green Mario".

I'd never go back to any version of Mario 1 when Mario 3 and Super Mario World exist.

Whoever you are I want to punch your face until you have no teeth left then make you swallow an entire bar of dry soap until your throat is so full of soap that not even your local plumber can save your poor miserable life.

You are completely right.

I could go for a new version of Lemmings. Wackier landscapes and more visceral Lemming death effects. I think it would be fun.

Clearly someone here likes soggy small dick then

No that looks awful

>Unique Sprite
Complete with his flutter jump too


Actually I fucking would that animation looks great.

There was one a while back called No Mario's Sky where you fly your spaceship to different planets with each having a different level to play. It was pretty neat.

A lot of idle animations in other games did it, so they decided to do it

Motion blur looks awful

>retarded fucking bouncing hat

I like how most people already forgot about this thing after Tetris 99 came out

99 is better

tetris effect is tetris but with pointless effects.
99 player muliplayer is something more substantial

One's a good single player experience, the other one is a good multiplayer experience. Best of both worlds

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So smooth!


The most viewed tetris effect video on youtube is a PSVR advertisement. Pointless effects, pointless game.


No body turns their head like that and the hat bounce is fucking retarded. Had the person who made this ever worn a hat? That doesn't happen

>port a fucking SNES game to the Wii
>don't even include SMW
What were they thinking?

It was a weird era for Nintendo

Still has the out of place head turn but otherwise a million times better without the retarded jelly hat.

>What were they thinking?
"We can sell SMW separately and make way more money."

What is with the head turn? Is it supposed to be emulating Mario 3's sprite?

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someone post the castlevania one

Lemmings online when rockstar


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What does this wojak mean

>brown hair
You are confusing Yea Forums with Dobson, aren't you?

I can't keep up with your guys' memes anymore I'm sorry

No. How about just make a new 2d sprite based mario game. Lazy fucking Nintendo.

There's a group at Nintendo who want to make a new Hi-res 2D Mario using Yoichi Kotabe's art as a base similar to Wario Land Shake It

those bars aren't crunchy. always hated this meme

Get on it.

I've wanted that more than anything else Mario related
It's what they should have been doing instead of New Super Mario Bros

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What are these from?

I have no idea, I just saved it from here
If I had to guess it was for one of the 3ds mario parties

I hate myself for understanding this...

It's making fun of a fan redesign of sonic.

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End credits from Mario Party Star Rush

It's lame but why is this one in particular disliked?

because the fan redesign comes with a long video of an autist explaining why his redesign is better than normal sonic

the pretentious as fuck video that went with it

lmao ok tough guy

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it really says a lot that this wojak was considered too shitty for Yea Forums but somehow found life on Yea Forums

This , but also because it missed the point of Sonic so hard AND the fact that the sonic franchise has been largely carried by the character design.

What year is this originally from? I remember Egoraptor saying he wanted Sonic to be aerodynamic.

It's 2019. Only if:
>"64bit+" graphics
>includes lost levels
>includes special
>includes vs
>level editor
>customize almost anything about the game
basically mario maker, but tailored for SMB1

it slightly reminds me of older cartoons like looney tunes

But what about the Hersey bar and crunch?


The "upgrade" looks idiotic.

This ones tolerable.
The SMW one is fucking irredeemable trash.

Post it

how cute and funny

Sega did this too for Phantasy Star Online and F-Zero GX. It's fun.

Mating press!!!!

Basically indies are almost never professionally trained in one field and rely entirely on user-made tutorials. There's that "Animation 101" graphic you might see going around which is the main cause of it.

This is also the reason why tons of new indie games have insane screenshake and hitstop, because of that one GDC video that made the rounds.

it's been a thing since disney you seething boomer

Attached: Metroid SR388 Upgrade.gif (488x276, 160K)

>That sassy finger snapping

All Stars is fucking trash. Terrible music, the art style us boring and it controls like shit.

proper upgrade

I like american mario 2 on it, everything else sucks though

Maybe but
>floppy cock hat

How does Hershey's fit into all this?

>12 frames
Console fags everyone.