Name one (1) game that has properly implemented fights against dragons

Name one (1) game that has properly implemented fights against dragons.

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Sorry, I am going to name two: Monster Hunter, Dragon's Dogma.

based and /threadpilled


Dragon's dogma

Monster hunter and dragons dogma
>dragon actually has different attacks
>make use of their whole bodies instead of just bite+claw

The way you word it seems to imply that there is a "proper" way to put a dragon fight in a game. How about you specify the criteria for it first instead of one vague question you flaming faggot.

Any game where there is a dragon and you DONT fight it because that would be crazy.

I liked fighting the dragons on Dragon Age Inquisition, it was the only legit fun thing about that game really, but is objectively correct.

Any Fatalis fight in Monster Hunter.

The dragon has to be very big and scary. He has to be able to fly, and to frequently use that ability to his advantage, like for example terminating a fight when he realizes that he's losing but still has enough health to fly. He has to be able to cast powerful magics, and not just use his body. He has to use all his body, for example crushing you under his massive belly if you're dumb enough to walk between his legs. His fire breath shouldn't be just a fireball that he vomits out, it should be a proper spray of napalm. He should be absolutely invincible aside from his weak spot, his eyes and nostrils, the leathery parts of his wings, and the interior of his mouth. If he starts losing he should use his shapeshifting powers to transform into a perfect copy of your character to try to confuse your companions and buy some time or into a cute little girl to appeal to your humanity. When you're about to strike his weak spot, he should plead you for mercy pathetically if he can't escape. When he dies, he should just lie there majestically forever, becoming a part of the landscape.

Onyxia and Sindragosa

baldurs gate


>He has to use all his body, for example crushing you under his massive belly if you're dumb enough to walk between his legs
>he should plead you for mercy pathetically if he can't escape
>When he dies, he should just lie there majestically forever, becoming a part of the landscape
so a fight that satisfies your fetishes

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There is a fetish of mine in that post, but it's not among the bits you quoted.

Monster Hunter
Dragon's Dogma
DaS1 Kalameet, DaS2 Sinh, DaS3 Midir

Dragon's Dogma satisfies everything except your bullshit final requirements.

Just don't do it like God of War

shadow of the colossus

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Dragon's Dogma, for the umpteenth time. Dragons will attempt to fly to gain range, blast you from the sky, and even retreat.
It will even feint by pretending to fly, but then immediately slam down on you.
On the ground, it attacks with its bite, claws, wings, tail, and body.
Breath attacks depend on the dragon's element, the fire drakes do belch fire like a goddamn flamethrower.
Weak points: face, 'heart scar' (all dragons have one in DD), wings.
Breaking the wings to disable its ability to fly is an often necessary strategy.

The rest of what you said is just your personal fantasywank, which is fine, but you aint gonna see it in a videogame.

Grigori actually wanted to die, and was supposed to die, so it made perfect sense for him to not fulfill the bullshit final requirements, except perhaps the landscape bit.

obviously the inside of his mouth you vorefag

You're forgetting some things:
Dragons can use magic.
Dragons can mind control your pawns to attack you.

>Dragons can mind control your pawns to attack you
Yeah, and it's ALWAYS my fucking healer, and he's doing it three seconds after he's blasted my ass across the plains, the cunt.

Necromancer dragon best fucking dragon
>tfw you can't be assed fighting so you just fly in a circle, summoning a small army and the occasional mountain

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nobody cares bout dumb big lizards, dragons are rarely the main event. the real threat is usually a humanoid enemy

Panzer Dragoon?

Fucking Kalamet I still get PSTD flashbacks remembering the fight though probably Midir was objectively more difficult