Her name is Olivia Colomar, she is from Dorado, Mexico.
Say something nice to her!
Her name is Olivia Colomar, she is from Dorado, Mexico.
Say something nice to her!
que bonita
what does she have a grandma's name?
Build the wall
Overwatch is racist because they purposely include characters just to virtue signal look everybody it's a nonwhite character... again...
Blizzard DOES NOT care about social justice.
They are dicks like most companies are.
I wanna fuck her big round underrated ass
God bless Iberians
She looks like she fucks white guys
Hola bonita!
Based conquistadors knew how to handle their women
Pro tip, ALL women, literally 100% of them, want to be treated like this.
She's beautiful.
Made for Caucasian cock.
stop playing this awful fucking game if you haven't already
only complete fucking retards and women play it
do you notice all the "witty" player names
they rebuy the game multiple times since it costs as much as changing the battlenet name
they buy this garbage game 10 times
they're sick in the fucking head
don't be a fucking blizzdrone
My second favorite girl
yes internet stranger
I'll play whatever you say
dont ever bump these gay fucking threads again
Stop playing overwatch.
Jack off to it's porn with me instead.
Reminder that she is 30.
Cute 30 year old
nothing like a mature mommy gf to love and take care of you
Can confirm latinas crave white guys. I could easily repopulate South America if I visited.
Isn't Mercy like 50? Obviously not an issue in the Overwatch world.
37 or something
Yeah, but in game dialogue implies mercy has done something fucky to look that young.
Just saying that she is 30, and therefore needs you to convince her to settle down.
is it just me or does this read like someone who is trying hard to assure his friend that hes good at sex
"yeah i raped her but i raped her SO good that she fell in love with me"
best butt in the game
Absolutely based guineas
I love my perfect wife Olivia!
I've never played it. I jack off to the hot half of the female cast, and not even that often.
Absolutely my favorite Overwatch character and waifu. Shes so fun to play and piss people off with. How many of you actually hated her from her reveal?
there is no place in mexico called dorado
I read it more as the girl knew how to work a dick, not that she was in love with him.
I hate how I can't seem to actually do damage with her.
it would be better if they dont explain the joke in the first panel
Never had an issue with her, personally.
I get it
I love her so much it hurts.
I didn't think I'd fall as hard as I have, going off of just the leaked concept art.
All we know about the first trips to America was written years after the fact and border on fan fiction. I'm not saying that they should be disregard historically, but they are all embellished and probably took elements from other travel tales (both fiction and otherwise).
So yeah, he was probably trying to assure his friend he raped her so good that she fell in love with him.
Olivia isn't a grandma's name. Now, if we were looking at an Ethel, Agnes, Edith, Gloria, Gertrude, Gladys, Shirley, Rose... then yeah, grandma names.
>minorities lookin good when they have white facial features
who woulda thought
Imagine an alien showing up that resembles your people but is still very different looking. Takes you aboard his ship which your people don't build anything like that and takes you to a room where he takes off his advanced alien outerware that doesn't resemble the likes of anything your people have only to reveal a throbbing, twitching cock.
Must have been a little weird.
Dios es español indeed
In the year 2070 or whenever the fuck overwatch takes place 30 is the new 18 because of medical advancements and augments.
Love? That's faggot shit. That was never mentioned or hinted at. That's your own headcannon
Do you honestly think they would be shocked by clothes and big boats?
idk about shocked, but they probably didn't understand them at first. In columbus' own writings he expresses that the natives didn't know what a sword was and would grab them by the blade, cutting themselves because of their ignorance.
It doesn't seem that farfetched to think they would also be confounded by ships (not boats) and clothes.
I am sure if I went around a college campus with a bit of sharp obsidian in a box and offered it to people they would cut themselves too. There is a difference between the unknown and the unusual, and humans adapt pretty quick.
I cut myself with obsidian when I was a kid. That shit can be extremely sharp. I didn't cry, because I didn't even feel anything.
Im gonna sound like a huge fag but Blizzard literally made my ideal girl in Sombra
Correct, you're a fag.
I really suck with her and I wish I was better. I always place myself in bad situations and end up killing myself and I also suck at aiming so I can't kill the enemy fast enough to be effective. I end up being a useless support disabler which is definitely not playing to her potential. Oh well, I still think she's cute.
She is literally perfect
stop hackign its illigaln..
It's a mexican grandma name.
Shes my wife
Who is this cutie?
>the ass squeeze
I said Im gonna sound like a fag doesnt mean I am one
If being in love with her makes me fag then I'm a fag. I don't care about anything but her.
She is a cutie patootie and I love her snarky attitude
>Kills Tracer and mocks her "Cheers love" line
>latinas crave white guys
You should get latinas then. Get a cute petite 18yo. Why would you want a heavy white one with broad shoulders like a linebacker and a masculine jaw like clark kent.
It's the little details that make something exquisite
I'm honestly surprised at her design/figure. I thought she would have been curvier, at Pharah levels or perhaps Mei levels. Mei is bae and all, of course.
No, a mexican grandma game is like Ascencion, Lourdes, Cleotilda, Genoveva, Luciana (who they call Chana)
>that pic
that vid completely drained me when I first saw it
I want to drain myself inside of her until we start a family.
i think i'll be watching it again later tonight. nothing like a good cumshot for my waifu
Shes surprisingly curvy. probably 2nd behind Mei
imagine having your finger right in there as she clenches
latina thickness
I like playing her but she's one of the more cringy characters and that's saying something considering we're talking about overwatch.
now i wanna see sombra as the 30-year-old boomer meme
>tfw Dominican
>tfw descended from Spanish pirate rapists
If it makes you feel any better, every Dominican I've ever met has been a cool dude. Knew a guy in community college that was built like a brick shithouse and liked to talk about FLCL.
Should be thankful you have any spanish rape pirate blood in you at all and you aren't full indios/nigger.
Be happy you are not a fucking puerto rican piece of shit literal island monkey.
Also most mixed latin americans descend from Spanish rapists, the only exceptions being the non-mestizo European ones and the immigrants like chinese and japanese etc.
Why is Paris featured in Overwatch but they couldn't name drop a real Mexican city had to come up with the bullshit "Dorado" shit. Now tell me why is that shit allowed?
go back to your board user
I'd rather imagine cumming as deep inside of her as possible while she leglocks me and calls me papi
No idea but apparently Overwatch is set in the future
Dorado reminds me of Taxco Guerrero but more modern
Cause the idiots based Dorado after an Italian town. Not a Mexicam one