>steam is down
>can't even open the client
>can't access any of the 200 games in my library
hmmm........... if steam servers went down permanently i would really be fucked...
>steam is down
>can't even open the client
>can't access any of the 200 games in my library
hmmm........... if steam servers went down permanently i would really be fucked...
Other urls found in this thread:
steam doesn't go down for long, unlike your mother
I hope you enjoyed renting games from baste gaben haha
worth the weight ᗡX
Yeah, and the titanic was claimed to be 'unsinkable'
Your mom
My sides
Huh, time to give Epic Games a chance I guess
Your dad
all it takes is someone to hack the steam servers and everyone loses all their vidya forever
Works on my machine.
You can strip out the DRM by replacing the steam dll games come with, with a hacked variant and of course most linux builds of games don't care about the steam runtime so you can just fire them up independently as god intended.
But yes, fuck the relying on other people's computers.
Mine just goes into offline and im able to play all installed games.
Yeah it's crazy why people wont just swap to epic and let their library go bye bye permanently. This is the curse of digital products.
fucking kek
>epic will never go down
Fuck off shrimp dicked Chang.
>steam servers go down
>can't play any multiplayer games anymore
Just build your own games platform, the free market works :^)
I'm using winXP and can't even run the client.
the only real answer is switching back to physical copies
It's online
feels great to know that I didn't sink countless of dollars with digital products.
Data is fragile and easily lost. I buy everything I can in 3d. A mild possible case for me is that my house burns down, meanwhile you niggas have to keep a password close to your chest, keep databanks, install pathetic protection software and look out for system failures.
Dumbass cyberfags, I bet you bought into digital banking too
yeah but video games have actual value while money is literally worthless. say goodbye to your physical cash when the economy collapses retard
You can access games that dont have always online stuff... I played Quake 1 just a while ago when I had no net.
imagine finding yo momma jokes funny. i hope you guys aren't actually adults.
>you niggas have to keep a password close to your chest, keep databanks, install pathetic protection software and look out for system failures.
what the fuck
another reason to use epic store
>haha r-retard *gets fucked in the ass by cyberjews*
Hey guys. What was that incident called where the chinese protester got ran over by some tanks. I think it was in 89. Pretty big deal, i hear the chinese are not even allowed to talk about it.
>no u
You have to go back.
by that logic he's still at top because he also has 3d games, which will most likely be more wanted during a collapse
It is less inconvenient than physical fucking.
Hi, OP. I'm sorry you got shat on.
But you can open the client and play your games in offline mode?
I hope you have proper safety measures for your stuff.
your digi money will be just as worthless then.
But I at least can wait 50 so years and sell it as an antique. You just have more ways to get fucked over with digibanking, that's the truth
>say goodbye to your physical cash when the economy collapses
Wouldn't digital money be worse off for that?
t. Epic shill who doesn't realize he too, is renting games on Epic's store
That's such a sad picture, I genuinly don't like seeing video game stuff bein thrown away or destroyed.
When I got into a non corperate game shop (not gamestop) and see a ton of old system and games, it feels like im in a mueseum
>Hey guys. What was that incident called where the chinese protester got ran over by some tanks
No such thing. The tanks stopped, he had a chat with the crew and then left.
Incidentally no one was killed in the square, all the massacring happened out of sight in back streets,
hoarder fags are pathetic
>Online servers for online game are no longer online, preventing you from going online to play online multiplayer
>buy a physical copy of a pc game
>it's just a shortcut to steam
There's no way someone shouldn't know about offline mode at this point, also if you think that >when steam shuts down everyone's going to just sit on their ass and not figure out some way to play the games then I don't know what to say.
>after 30+ years someone finally lost their collection in a fire
>"hoarder fags are pathetic"
While not a great many, I've still seen a lot of people on here complain about being vac banned or having their Steams wiped.
I'm pretty sure physical bros are still miles ahead in their investment choices.
See, you don't have to worry about this kind of thing if you buy games digitally.
based dandyposter
Why do people talk about steam when they dont even use it?
>buy physical copy
>still contains online activation and frm
Piracy is the only solution
What does steam being online have to do anything with servers not hosted by steam?
Nah, that's for cucks
wtf i hate the internet now
Last line is true but there were, more than likely, people who got ran over by tanks at other points
fuck this nigger shit steam services
I hope epic gives them a good run for their money and forces them to unfuck their 3rd world servers
>getting a non drm cucked version of the game for free is for cucks
Lmao cope
>open steamapps folder
>run game anyways
>put crack into folder if it doesn't work
>multiplayer games being taken down with steam is sad but inevitable
>solar flare wipes out electrical systems
>can't play any games anymore
This is how you realize that online services aren't the best solutions...
Once the server is down, you got NOTHING.
its selfish and niggertier
might as well start stealing food with the justification that they are massproduced and you only wanted to "test it"
>Steam is down
>Can still open client and access my installed games
You dumb fucking ape.
>I commit theft to people that make things I enjoy
>yea true chad here
Jesus just admit your a peice of shit, you don't have to hide behind it like a bitch
Why don't you ask your mom if I'm an adult
You can play games you already have installed silly.
If our Lord and Saviour Gaben has deemed us unworthy of playing games, so be it.
Why did you bother finding a backwards D for that emoticon?
>Steam goes down
>Can use offline mode to play anything I have installed
>Tencent store goes down
>Everything I bought from them is inaccessible
Based yang.
get a basement fag
I will let you in on a secret:
My food doesn't require online activation
Piracy isn't considered theft in human countries
When did Yea Forums become so faggy?
But you perfectly can in offline mode. I'm playing gmod right now.
ITT zoomers realizing how stupid digital only games are
its already back up lol
chinks btfo
Have you used steam in extended time in offline? It calls back home after like two weeks.
>but they can patch it
So can the Chinese.
Shilling for Epic store because steam is shit is like recommending circumcision to get rid of dick cheese instead of washing your dick
prove me wrong
>Steam goes offline for more than 2 weeks
Never happens, they'll figure something out if they die before the heat death of the universe
Chink launcher is currently worse and should be criticized for it, until it gets its shit together and releases stuff like user reviews, working offline mode, etc it'll be worthless
Skyrim Special Edition?
Wanna play user?
one word
Do you have the other one with pepe throwing the punches?
The only explanation is they've never actually had the problem of steam going down when they want to play a game. Kind of ironic.
report all the retarded threads like OP
literal shitposting
non-argument , admit your a selfcentered bitch and I'll stop posting.
>Epic are turbojews
It fits.
SmartSteamEmu, and yes, you can run Skyrim on it!
just download all your games and if steam ever goes down download cracks for those games
also steam has offline mode so it really doesn't matter
run it with the shortcut parameter -no-browser
>being on Yea Forums and not understanding the concept of ironic posting
please leave
Right when you started to browse, fucking mongoloid. Keep trying to justify it any way you'd like, that's what criminals do.
Lmao cuck. Keep paying for an inferior product. Your salty (you)s only make me want to turn on seeding
It does when you live in a place with limited internet access.
Why the fuck are you still using windows xp?
your mom gay XD
You fucking african.
Nah, extreme north.
>He's a snownigger
Even worse
Don't you have a blizzard to die in?
Valve is going to go bankrupt and disappear in your lifetime. So will Google. So will Apple. So will Sony. And Microsoft. And Nintendo. No company lasts forever.
Maybe if you're a zoomer with a lot left.
Since when does qbittorrent require a password?
>My Computer
>select relevant drive
>steam, steamapps, common
>select game
>dbl click .exe
Sounds like you just need to switch to console since even the most basic computer navigation is beyond your mediocre intelligence
Kongo Gumi, established in 578 AD, is the oldest, continually operating company in the world. Its headquarters are located in Osaka, Japan
If we all keep buying games then Steam will never go down and we will all keep our games forever
Disney has lasted almost a century as a successful media company, it's really not that outrageous to think others could last as well
Thanks for reminding me to claim Slime Rancher on epic store
I guess shitposts are good for something after all
Nooooo those were supposed to put my wife's son through college!
>Data is fragile
>not playing vidya in your own homemade nuclear bunker
Act 3 when
>keep databanks, install pathetic protection software and look out for system failures.
>he doesnt have his house in a huge faraday cage
lmao fag
>steam crashes
>account hacked
>account blocked
>computer infected with virus
>computer burned/stolen
>forget password
>internet dies
and that's just the tip
>Ford, Warner Bros, Disney, Du Pont...
Yeah I'm thinkan yore ratarted.
I don't get things like language options, box art and booklet, account login for access to forums and news, updates and usually credits.
I'm basically playing a shitty demo, you're lucky to have spent $60 to have access to all of that :)
>he still believes in the sun
You knkw nothing about computers, do you?
more than you retard
Nintendo has been around since they 1800s based retard
Mr. Robot taught me that would take a shit ton of effort that nobody would really care to do, unless they were a mega autist while also being capable in physical infiltration.
>Nier Automata true ending
Explain to me then how someone can "hack" steam and make everyone lose their games.
Centralization of anything is ultimately a bad idea.
What is once adopted for convenience can very quickly become an insurmountable obstacle for millions of people with a flip of a switch.
Just look at YouTube and how it went from being open and convenient to utterly kiked and totalitarian right under everyone's noses.
>not pirating all games, and archiving the installers on at least two seperate drives
enjoy your no games when steam goes down and internet gets so restricted that downloading becomes almost impossible and all torrent sites close
anything can be hacked even your phone and car and printer do you really think its impossible to bring down the steam servers? sony got its shit pushed in several times
In the heavily unlikely event that Valve goes out of business, there are already measures in place to make sure you're still able to play the vast majority of your games.
>valve cucks will defend this
>epic shills will 六四天安門事件
>gog fags will be smug about this
But at the end of the day pirates are the master race, you can pay for the game and then pirate if you are feeling ethical about it.
big facts only. bloatware launchers ruined pc gaming.