What games make you feel like a badass after beating a level?
What games make you feel like a badass after beating a level?
DooM (2016)
>playing a video game
>felling like a badass
Certainly people doesn't actually mean it when they say that?
>being a cynical joyless piece of shit
I feel bad for you.
>You either feel like a badass or you're completely joyless
This one.
That's the whole audience of souls games.
I'll bite.
Insurgency: Sandstorm co-op.
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
There goes my NoFap. Fuck...
is English your first language?
The new XComs
I want to ejaculate all over Kuroe
Max Payne
Post more of this lewd as fuck little brown girl
Senran Kagura maybe? Musou games in general tend to do that.
Souls are the exact opposite. Winning doesn't matter. The only thing I'll give you is spamming parries in multiplayer.
>Musou games in general tend to do that.
How can you feel like a badass if your enemies act like they are made of paper and hardly attack you?
I dunno, maybe it's just that easy to fool the brain.
new dawn
>Sidemouth on a still picture
>those feet
>that perspective
Kuro is god-tier fap material, don't ruin her by posting that trash.