It's actually alive

>It's actually alive
>And it has online

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 177K)

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Wait, they're gonna do all the campaigns as well? I thought this started up as a multiplayer only game. Neat.

I wonder which will happen first, this finishing or Nordic releasing the originals on PC

I can't believe it's still alive

Something actually good happening?

Attached: 1492943624745.jpg (814x814, 139K)


Attached: Appropriate clothing.webm (1280x736, 1.42M)

I think THQ Nordic reached them in one way or another and will help them finish this. They're going to announce something in couple of days and I think this might be it.
This one is actually remaking all old games along with adding new content at least thats what they planned.

I thought these were lightgun games.

>I think THQ Nordic reached them in one way or another and will help them finish this. They're going to announce something in couple of days and I think this might be it.
I hope you're right
