
First of all this thread is not intended to discuss if Violence makes people violent in games but to discuss what makes violence acceptable in gaming while rape is unacceptable. If rape is wrong in video games why violence is alright? Games with violence should be "banned" as well? What makes one so different from another considering both are just as bad?

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's ok to kill someone but rape is bad -.-

Most men enjoy virtual murder but only a select few enjoy virtual rape, so you don't need to cater to them since it's not a big market to lose.

Because violence is simple and easy to explain to children.
Explaining sex makes people uncomfortable.
Also, all video games are for children. Games made for an adult audience is something that censor happy types can't seem to understand. And any claims that games are a serious medium for mature storytelling is just posturing.

Steam doesn't know its own rules.
Some shit with rape is fine, but this got too much coverage from the media so we will pull it from our store because the amount of money it would make us isn't worth the bad publicity.

I'm sure there's intellectual material on the subject out there, its not a new concept or unique to gaming that we are pretty ok with depictions of murder in various forms but rape still makes us very uncomfortable.

I would venture to guess that its related to rape survivors still being alive and marked as traumatized survivors for the rest of their lives vs murdered peoples who are, well, dead.

I don't think it's a very SJW move by valve, but it is very clear that only SJWs cared enough to find this game and bring it to everyone's attention to cause some good ol outrage for whatever reason.


Game was removed because it was an ugly looking, asset-flip, pile of shit. Stop lapping up manufactured controversy because "i want 2 be edgy and rape woman based kekipedo". Wouldn't surprise me if Epic Games created this as a way to make Steam attract hate from both sides, damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Also the game doesn't do anything to contextualise the rape, like most games, even ones like POSTAL where it's made clear your character is delusional, and awful.

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>I would venture to guess that its related to rape survivors still being alive and marked as traumatized survivors for the rest of their lives vs murdered peoples who are, well, dead.
I want to see this tested with a game about crippling people and not killing them

>All these retarded redditors and reseterautists getting mad over this

Bitch, if someone wants to make a game about rape or mutilating little children they have every right to do so. Just because it hurts your little pussy feelings doesn't mean they can't do it.

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>People toss a fit cuz the game is going to get released
>People toss a fit cuz the game is not going to get released
Corporations can’t win.

That's what happens when they have no conviction

>steam worth zillions
>not winning

Personally I think it's all in the name. IIRC Rape Lay got the same massive attention, and probably only because of the name. I think if a game was called "Murder all your friends and family" it might get banned too.

>"i want 2 be edgy and rape woman based kekipedo"
this is what freedom of association means to you?

They're entitled to make it, sure. I agree 100%
Steam are also entitled to decide whether it wants to put that game on its platform.

Think it's very important to remember this isn't a moral decision from steam. Like said, this game will make practically no money because, theme aside, it looks like a poorly made game. They sales generated would not have been worth the negative press it would have brought upon them.

It's not like Gillette calling out all men, their entire audience, as being rapists and bullies. That's pants-on-head retarded.

>a game was called "Murder all your friends and family"

Steam is a private company, I don't give a shit what they do, and frankly, I'm happy less asset-flip low quality shit floods the stores. Don't pretend like there's some grand moral behind you defending some low effort porn game

>expecting people to actually want to pay real cash money
>for a boner-slaying slide show of static model poses assembled by a fucking low-effort RENDEROTICA reject

Jesus fuck. Why?

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There's games where you are a snipper or a paid killer, there's games when you are any shit but if you want you can kill NPCs just for fun.
The games are full of blood, bullets and chainsaws but is just like the movies: Blow the head of someone the movie is B15, show tits while bathing, the movie is C or R-rated.
I mean sex is something more natural than violence.
If you want to kill or rape somebeoy inside a videogame it's ok, you aren't hurting anyone.
Im expecting to pirste this game to rape the devs.

They can make it, but no one has to be forced to distribute it. You know that before in stores you cannot get physical AO copies of games hence why games didn't aim for an AO rating?

>steam takes down one game literally about rape
>OOOOHHHH so you will take down games, well how about take down any game with boobs too
man fuck these people

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violence is justifiable in many situations, and since humans havnt evolved out of being predators its still pretty accepted as long as the victims arent used as props, or is part of a story.

when is rape justifiable?

This is the crux of it. Violence is almost universally undesirable. There's no need to get into the nitty-gritty about justifying violence used to prevent more extreme forms of violence and all that. You just teach your kids that violence is wrong. Sex, in comparison, is very complex. Good people want to have sex. Bad people want to have sex. Men and women want to have sex. Some women use it as a bargaining tool to get things they want. Some men spend their entire lives building themselves up just so they can get more sex. It's not just about penis and vagina, it's social cues, it's consent, it's technique, it's contraceptives.

If we're talking adults, then the problem is purely that sexualization in games almost always caters to a male demographic and uses female characters as fetish fuel rather than being actual characters. Male characters in games tend to be defined by their occupations and character, women defined by which fetish they appeal, hair color, and tit size.

rape games are edgy incel shitters

based valve shitting on them and /r9k/ BTFO

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*are used as props

>Steam is a private company
it is unlawful for private companies to discriminate against politically protected classes such as blacks and women. why do you think these laws should be applied unfairly to some but not to others?

>when is rape justifiable?
when you want to have sex with someone but they won't let you

I invite them to create whatever their heats desire, but if they seriously expect their low quality indie rape smut to see any sort of distribution beyond a Mega link, they're fucking kidding themselves on.

>Game Distribution company: We're exercising our right to not sell this on our platform.

Dude fuck off. You're literally a fucking child if you don't understand how this shit works.

>They can make it, but no one has to be forced to distribute it.
why are private companies forced to serve homosexuals, foreign invaders, and other politically protected classes of people, but not forced to serve people who want to buy or sell this sort of thing?

We wouldn’t be here today if not for rape. Cavemen raped cavewomen and Homo Sapien raped Neanderthals. Our whole modern society is built on rape. We should all kill ourself to atone for that rape.

Because one of them has a larger market. Welcome to business.

>a larger market.
you consider this to be a moral justification?

>Game Distribution company: We're exercising our right to not sell this on our platform
>laundromat: we're exercising our right not to serve homosexuals

the issue is that valve said they would allow any game that wasnt illegal
except now it's clear that they were lying and they will ban any game they dont like

of course they are allowed to do what they want, but they shouldnt have lied about it

How can one be so obsessed with this game? It wasnt even good to begin with. Is it just squeezing out controversy for the sake of it?

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It's just a game.

Probably the dev trying to drum up controversy for clicks like Hatred, but at least that was a real game with gameplay, and not an asset flip, and you could laugh at the absurd dialogue

Who? Who is forcing ALL the developers to do this? Why are you so politically motivated? If you don't like politically motivated AAA games then don't buy them. There are plenty of non-AAA games that aren't politically motivated so why not spend your time and money on those? You literally have choice and the choice you chose was to get angry over nothing.
What moral justification? There is no morality behind it, apparently it is what people want. You want it obviously because you can't stop talking about it instead of the aspects of what makes video games games.

>>Game Distribution company: We're exercising our right to not sell this on our platform.
except it was
>Game Distribution company: we have a hands off policy on content but the media mob is making a huge deal out of this so we are forced to self censor or lose money

Oh, and for the retards ones of the "politically correct" I remind you that many assholes will have tortured with pleasure in Chiller (https: //proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu / ...) and yet now they are made problem by a Simple game hype by polemic? Don't fuck

wtf this isn't Trumpkino at all.

>Steam allows rape game
>This is indefensible, please think of the children, they should get with the times and conform or else

>Steam bans rape game
>Steam is capricious and reactive, they should get with the times and conform or else

Funny how lefties become free market libertarians the moment a corporation censors something that they find ideologically problematic. Every. Single. Time.

>western female character designs


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Just like Hatred before it. The execution animations in Hatred were pretty harsh though. Everything else was so over the top I think It may have been intentional satire

it's just a shitty 3d render with text over it what the fuck is wrong with these people

This. Kids were always interested in war and being warriors/soldiers but it wouldn't be normal for a kid to roleplay as a rapist.

>nico mimi

>Who? Who is forcing ALL the developers to do this?
I just meant private companies in general. Anti-discrimination laws exist, but only for certain people with political protection. So why is it OK to interfere with private business to make them serve blacks and homosexuals, but not OK to make them serve (people who want a game like this)?

it's not about the game. it's about hypocrisy from the top down and rules being unfairly enforced against 1 side of the political spectrum.


its like the word nazi, makes their vagina tickle

They're absolutely allowed to serve their game to people - just not through steam. It's steams decision what kind of games they allow on their platform. Might be retarded, they have been hypocritical but that's how it goes.

>2 different people have 2 different opinions
woah, based 9 year old

Fucking Trumpkino post based and redpilled user

>Might be retarded, they have been hypocritical
that's the point. no one is saying they don't have a "right" to do it. just like you have a right to walk up to someone and call them a nigger faggot, but you don't, because it's wrong.

Valve can have their bank accounts shut down anytime, has nothing to do with their stance they are at the mercy of kikes, if the banks say Valve is making money off incest or rape games then shows over

I can't get over that default renpy interface. This shit was made in like a day.

I'm just glad there's one less shitty VN "game" on that worthless DRM.

I thought they Jews loved degeneracy user

>any visit to a hentai site without adblock enabled and you'll barely be able to navigate without being linked to dozens of these shady fucking clickbait games
>but one gets banned from being sold on Steam for cynical edgieness and suddenly it's like Valve just violated the Geneva Convention or something

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hope you are not making or are part of a game development team.

despite how 'shitty' the game turned out or not, they have the right to sell it, and im sure (you) are just gonna ignore it anyway.

This is YET AGAIN! another case of bullshit censorship, Rape is just as bad as violence, yet one is accepted and the other not?

The idea of murder is usually explained away in the context of the video game (i.e. these people on equal footing want to hurt you, so you hurt them first). The idea of this game is different (you are the only one with power, therefore you can exploit them BECAUSE this is a video game). If you recall, postal(?) got this same reputation for the same reason: you're exploiting your power over people who cannot fight back.

all these extraneous details are red herrings. the fact is steam said one thing, and did another, in the name of biasing against 1 ideology and favoring another. this is hypocrisy and discrimination.

Why would you want somebody's Blender project with a grain filter over it?

Banks have to comply with credit card / payment companies and they have strict guidelines.

I think the wording is the problem, Valve didn't remove the game because was a low quality troll, Valve removed because was getting too much unnecessary attention and would cause them problems.


Are you actually killing someone alive by 'lording your power' over virtual pieces of 0's and 1's? NO! OF COURSE NOT!

people have the right to do what they want with their time, and do the shit they want to do.

the only way its wrong is if the player actually goes around lording over real people and goes around raping dudes left and right, something like with violence, NO HUMAN BEING WILL EVER DO!, and if they are, they will be counted with one hand.

You first

>game about rape
>no actual gameplay with deep and nuanced rape mechanics, just a bunch of choose your adventure FMVs

>Are you actually killing someone alive by 'lording your power' over virtual pieces of 0's and 1's? NO! OF COURSE NOT!
are you actually hurting an organism that cannot feel pain by dismembering it for fun or blowing it up with firecrackers? many would say no. the reason we take such things as animal cruelty seriously, even to lower class animals that do not have the capacity to feel pain, is because of what it says about the person who would do such a thing.

What the fuck are you talking about?

ok, so you are a contrarian idiot? ok, fine.

this is why the SJWs won this war...

only a complete retard would go around killing a raping people, even more if the retard did it 'cuz he saw it in a video game'.

by your logic, everyone who played even old-ass games like Super Mario Bros, would be considered potential serial killers, just because they enjoyed stomping goombas.

whatever the SJW cabal is paying (you) to preach that wishywashy bullshit, it cant be worth it, at least not in comparison to what human freedom is actually worth.

BBBBased and dabpilled fellow Kekistani!
Helicopter rides soon!

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>this is why the SJWs won this war...
no, that would be because of the satanic cabals that have controlled this world since time immemorial.
>only a complete retard would go around killing a raping people, even more if the retard did it 'cuz he saw it in a video game'.
is you being entertained worth that price?


But user, the game doesn't even have animations of voice acting of any sort. Its 3D rendered model posing just *that* good.

>forcing a company to release something they see no commercial value in because of muh edge and muh triggered libtards is "free market libertarian"
Based retards

How come I can't find any gameplay of this anywhere

was there even a game to begin with?
something tells me there never was

>visual novel
Pick one.

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Killing someone in some circumstances is acceptable but rape is never acceptable.

You hit the nail on the head there.
Steam does know it's own rules, and the one and only rule is "How will this affect our bottom line?"

>Valve decides that any kind of game is fairgame to put on the store, regardles of rating or content.

>Valve just takes out a game cuz it has the word 'RAPE', completely contradicting their policy.

yeah, it is us that are TOTALLY in the wrong because we are edgy, and not valve for being a piece of shit company who will back the fuck out whenever the SJW gives the order.

they could be releasing a DOWNGRADE of custers revenge for the atari2600 and we would be right to be pissed off if they were to cancel it, on the grounds that ITS NOT CORRECT:

Articles like this make me wonder if shit like Rape Day was a false flag by (((journalists)))

what if you want to have sex with someone but they won't let you?

So where can I download this shit?

this shit can be done in photoshop.
why isn't there a single webm launching an executable and picking the rape in broad daylight option?

Then don't have sex with them.
Goddamn, user - have some sense of self-control.

But rape is a form of violence, an one-sided torture-like one which actually is not common at all in video games. The title alone also makes it clear that the devs are trying to pass sexual abuse as something fun to do. I personally don't triggered by this but you have to be sociopathic for not understanding what's morally wrong with it.

>Goddamn, user - have some sense of self-control.
it takes a lot of self-control to successfully rape someone

No, I'm absolutely with you that Valve broke trust there - you're free to not buy anything from them ever again. But it's not an anti-libertarian thing, they're just hypocritical cunts.

Holding a woman down isn't hard.

Rape isn't wrong.

but my dick is

A corporation's goal above all else is to turn a profit, is it not? Why the fuck would they ever compromise their bottom line to assist some zilch with their slideshow rape """game"""? Because they made some half-hearted promises that they would?

>A corporation's goal above all else is to turn a profit, is it not?
no, this is a misunderstanding propagated by naive libertarians and their free market meme. the only reason we seek money is because of control and power. money is not the only means by which power is achieved.

>articles saying valve needs to ban more games already starting

Holy shit that one conspiracy flag saying the whole game was a SJW false flag was right

Because rape is worse than murder because in rape a victim is raped when raped.

If you even have to ask a retarded question like this you seriously need to seek help

*looks at your dick*

If you say so.

ok, im seeking it. since you seem so sure, perhaps you would like to untangle this moral hypocrisy for the class?

its all paid articles from epic and tencent and the shill squad posting them here

Now chop your dick off and rename yourself Brianna Wu.

the logic is that violence is often justified (war, self defense etc) so it's ok but rape is never justified so it's not ok. this doesn't really hold water for violence enacted on innocents in games though (think GTA vs CoD). a more apt comparison be rape vs. pointless violence or torture rather than rape vs. violence in general

based, that's what that person did, i get it.


>when you're so deeply indoctrinated by mainstream media you tell others to seek help because they aren't as brainless as you

Fucking edgelords and incels. Read this:

"I used to do shows for drug dealers that wanted to clean their money up. One time I did a real good set, and these motherfuckers called me into the back room. They gave me $25,000 in cash […] I jumped on the subway and started heading towards Brooklyn at one o’clock in the morning. Never been that terrified in my life. I’d never in my life had something that somebody else would want. I thought to myself, “Jesus Christ, if motherfuckers knew much money I had in this backpack, they’d kill me for it.” Then I thought: “Holy shit, what if I had a pussy on me all the time? That’s what women are dealing with.”

Dave Chappelle

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ok, that makes sense. if only other people would understand that regardless of the content or overall quality of the game, what valve is doing is wrong and it should be fought for.

English board.

because it's purely a masculine thing, we don't want young men to have a healthy outlet for their deepest darkest desires, we want them to bottle it up so one day they snap and go on a shooting spree and the media can parade it around as proof why we should give up our guns.

>gamers get bad when a woman is included in their video games
>gamers get mad when they can't buy a game where they rape women
>gfw they get accused of sexism

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> if motherfuckers knew much money I had in this backpack, they’d kill me for it.
>women are being killed for pussy
imagine believing this. in fact the opposite is true: the entire world seeks to protect and coddle women, to our detriment.

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this is true but the only way to change it would be to decrease women's sexual value to zero which is impossible. almost all men think rape is immoral but they do it anyways because we're animals, not because they were socialized from retarded videogames to think rape is OK (though some of us are socialized to think that things like date/drunk/spouse rape are OK)

based discord tranny gives himself a filterable trip
truly galaxy brain

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They always pull this shit. Like when a bunch of retards complained about GoG using an image of Postal Dude pissing on the gravestone of journalism to announce Paradise Lost was finally being added to the site, immediately after GoG apologized, people were already going "ya know, they really should remove the game as well while they're at it".

Where can I find let's play videos of this?

>the entire world
Just the West.

Didn't know that people who enjoy rape games were a protected class.

Imagine having to live the rest of your life knowing you got drunk and an ugly guy fucked you in the ass.

>almost all men think rape is immoral but they do it anyways
also untrue.
>abstract: .03/5 women are raped; orders upon orders of magnitude lower than oft-cited statistic of 1 in 5

>killing for a piece of pussy when $25,000 in cold, hard cash could buy you many pieces of pussy and maybe a little booty hole
Way to downplay just how much mortal danger you were actually in, Dave.

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Shit I'd totally play that.

Gas me harder daddy.

steam hasn't had quality standards in a very long time. this looks like it had a lot more effort put into it than the median steam game

why aren't they, when foreign invaders & aids pathogen carrying people are?

this is what they talked about in South Park Cartoon wars, you ban 1 thing, you have to start banning everything until there's nothing left

in postal, your only actual objectives are just to go about your everyday life. only the npcs are scripted to be assholes, it is entirely up to you if you want to be one

Gamers rise up!

orders, upon orders, UPON ORDERS*
literally exaggerated to the tune of 1 THOUSAND times empirically verifiable data
mainstream feminist myth that people unfortunately are taught to believe.

not an argument

blame the christians and religion in general

i wasn't saying that a lot of men rape, i was saying that men don't think rape is moral and thus that rape is not caused by pro-rape socialization but rather biological urges

Oh fuck off, don't tell me you never played a torture H game

>the game exist

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but it's okay when devs try to pass violence and murder as something fun to do?

yeah but you better bake that fucking cake bigot.

I don't care. This will be forgotten by this weekend. Let me know when steam does somthing notable.

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Fisting is 300 bucks

> Degrees of Lewdity
> 1.2 MB

> Degrees of Lewdity (text only)
> 9.6 MB


You never had one.

They announced a hands-off policy in regards to what games get released on Steam, that was pretty notable
Just as notable is how they breached their own policy and removed a game for moral reasons

Rape is a part of humanity. We rape women when we go to war. It keeps morale up and erections down. Imagine if you had a boner in the middle of a combat situation. You'd be fucked. So before you grab some wench and fuck and rape her. It was needed just like killing. I don't get why people are so afraid of rape. It's silly.

Tbf you don’t really have one either.

You're retarded if you think companies give a shit about that stuff. All they care about it is If you have a bank account and are willing to buy it. Corporations are not your friends, they don't give a shit about politics, only money

>how they breached their own policy and removed a game for moral reasons
>a game
They're removing dozens


Fuck steam then. Still not that big of a deal. Let me know when steam takes away catalogs for saying nigger or somthing. This is litterally nothing.

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You autists keep spouting this "hands off" shit, yet you forget the part where they said they would remove troll games.

Youre just looking for an excuse to bitch about steam

It’s most likely because violence can be socially framed to be morally acceptable. Soldiers are even considered hero’s for violence under the correct circumstances.

Rape however has no circumstances where it’s positive in our society. In addition it’s seen as a disgusting crime rather than a cool one. (ie being a bank robber can be seen as cool like oceans 11 or gta but no one thinks rapists are cool)

Yeah, because being known to keep promises is worth a lot more money in the long term.
Especially when competitors are making well funded pushes for your market share.

because it is "unnecessary" and thus kinda a form of torture enacted on the weak or defeated, something many see as dishonorable

You didn't read the paper

>not playing Free Cities

This is why you can't just let them take down the tasteless games really.
It's literally a case of 'I will take this as far as you let me and once you give me the tiniest sliver of anything I know I can win, so I'll keep going forever'.
Basically the answer when talking to Zealots must always end at 'Fuck right off', because if you let them, they'll ride you like they stole you.

Free Cities truly is the best ancap simulator out there.

I want a game where I can mutilate children now

Except for the part when they didn't.

>wtf is setting new precedent: the trilogy

With a name like Rape Day they were unironically asking for it.

It was probably the only reason any attention was ever given to it, now they got a shitton of free publicity, if the game hadn't been pulled then you'd have lots of contrarians buying it just because, they might still do it. It looks like a really shitt low-effort game but it's gotten a fuckload of attention because of the controversy

You explained this in a very intelligent manner. I did not expect to find any intelligent answers on this thread. Thank you. I appreciate your contribution to this thread.

(also, i'm not op)

Discord trannies aside, since when has Yea Forums been so stock full of onions-induced manginas?

a very realistic serial killer torture simulator would also have really bad backlash so

>If we're talking adults, then the problem is purely that sexualization in games almost always caters to a male demographic and uses female characters as fetish fuel rather than being actual characters.

The problem is people are calling this a problem. Romance novels cater to an almost entirely female demographic and use male characters as schlick fuel. Male characters in romance novels are still defined by their occupation, but in this case it's the occupation with sex appeal for the female reader rather than being actual characters.

Fuck off, retard. Nobody cares.

All the popular, heavily moderated, persistent-identity forums and websites now consider Yea Forums "that place you go to shitpost."

do you think steam went down today because the rape day dev got mad and hacked the steam servers

>It's not like Gillette calling out all men, their entire audience, as being rapists and bullies.

With the decision to not sell this game on steam, it showed the following things:
>the power of gaming journalists simply because they are able to publish their opinions online
>that the controversy from said journalists will create bad PR if steam does sell the game
>that steam will swiftly toss away their own rules if they deem the sales not worth it

I also get the impression that this game wouldn't even be on their radar if it wasn't mentioned on this board. You just KNOW that some of those faggot journalists browse this board.

>"Oh boy, Steam is accepting porn games now. I will release my game called """RAPE"""" DAY there, sure wont be any problem with that

Usually I support porn game developers but that nigga is just retarded.

Why would you watch that shit?

for fun

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The UK is declaring war to Valve

Welcome to nu-Yea Forums

I know "this hill to die on" is a term overused by SJWs but there's games that have been removed that weren't garbage quickly thrown together purely for shock value. I'm more concerned about those than this piece of shit.

The precedent was already set with loli games that didn't even contain explicit content of any kind.

"Rape" is on another level with politicians. It's blood-in-the-water territory for them if they see it being posted by media.

Most enjoy it, they just can't admit it publicly.

Don't be a hypocritical faggot, if this was anime trash you would be mad as fuck like the rest of this shit board

killing can be justified depending on the situation, war games come to mind. there is no situation where rape can be perceived as necessary.

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Imagine unironically defending a """"game"""" made by a deviantart fag with a Trump avatar, who made 3D render baby gore on deviant art, and got rejected from RENDEROTICA for being "too low quality". This is the hill you are dying on. It's sad.

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Only ones mad here are Yea Forums, retard. Also, no one is preventing the devs from making the game, retard.

I'm not saying it shouldn't be banned, but why is stuff like Manhunt or Hatred allowed on it but not this? Is rape a worse crime than murder?


Also imagine being too retarded to not only navigate your browser to PornHub, but even so retarded that you don't understand why a publisher doesn't want to associate their brand with an incredibly shitty asset flip """""""game"""""" about rape looking for quick shock money.

People die when they are killed!

Steam's half-assed attempt to serve the adult market is going to destroy adult gaming altogether

It SHOULD be banned for a being a shitty blender model slide show rather than any content in it

Dev said he worked on it for 2yrs but it must have been 2 weeks and he knew what kinda shit this would stir up

Go back to your Discord tranny.

gotta own da libs

It's easy.
(((They))) wants kids to like cowadoody since that waye they can get retards to enlist to the army.
They don't gain anything from rape games so they just ban them.
So unless que get rape squads un the military rape will be worse than murder.

Rape is actually worse than death because the victim has to live with it. It's like being dead but still alive. The only thing worse than rape is racemixing because even in death you'll always be a a rootless mutt, it's an eternal curse.

t. mutt

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Both of you miss the point. Nobody thinks this game is worth shit. The game is garbage and nobody will miss it. Nobody would have bought it even if it was kept on Steam. It just establishes that Valve was full of shit when they said they wouldn't police content. Any game, even a good one, will get pulled if enough twitter checkmarks call it problematic.

You don't HAVE to live with it, if you don't feel like ever living another day, you can do that. A murder victim doesn't get the CHOICE to live with it.

well that's fucking easy to debunk:
if you are the last man alive in your tribe and all of the women refuse to have sex with you it is necessary to rape.

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This shit is part of smear campaign against Steam by competitors.

murder victim is dead so that's where the story ends. Rape victim is still alive, it's like killing someone but that person is still "alive".

>steam tries less than FUCKING GAMESTOP when it comes to managing a store
Greenlight was a mistake

If you are the last man alive and no woman will fuck you then maybe that's not your biggest problem right now.

I've been raped multiple times and I've had no long term damage. Want to know how? I stopped giving a fuck and got on with my life. Something that happened years ago has no fucking impact on your day to day life now unless you explicitly let it.

I'm just happy that this is the last time anyone will try to get a game banned on Steam because they don't like it.

But it's not like killing someone, because that person is still alive, and if the suffering from the knowledge of being raped is just too much to handle they can kill themselves. I have met rape victims that have recovered from the trauma. I have yet to meet a murder victim who has.

What percentage can a game be about rape and not get banned?

They never actually said that, though. As pointed out in the thread, they stated they would still remove garbage and troll content, like this.

good for you, seriously, but that doesn't change what I said.
> I have met rape victims that have recovered from the trauma.
because they have no choice to accept it in order to move on. Some people can't accept it. I guess you can then say that it CAN be worse than murder. it's not just psychological issues that make it worse but things like microchimerism. In any case, we all agree that they both extremely horrible things to happen to someone.

>it can be
But murder has a 100% rate of causing irreparable damage to the victim. Rape doesn't.A punch to the face isn't worse than getting hit by a train because the person who sustained the punch "Has to live with it".

comparing rape to a punch is playing down how serious it is.
>But murder has a 100% rate of causing irreparable damage to the victim
Same with rape. We just disagree on what damage is worse.

in your tribe. even if one step further ("alive" like you say) then it is still necessary so it doesn't matter if its his "biggest problem"

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If we are going to state that even if you recover from damage it is still irreparable damage, then a punch is equal to or worse than murder.
>down playing how serious it is
What makes a rape so much more serious than other forms of assault, besides the possibility of pregnancy that only applies to women?

thank god Epic is going to feature Rape Day on their storefront.

It's just more brainlet lionizing of women. Why are certain subjects allowed to be explored in media and others aren't? If they keep censoring uncomfortable themes vidya will never move past its kids toy status.

>What makes a rape so much more serious
soul theft, psychological damage, microchimerism. I'm just repeating myself now.
>If we are going to state that even if you recover from damage it is still irreparable damage
We just disagree on what damage is worse.

you haven't explained why it is necessary though

>soul theft
Sorry, is that an objective thing that happens now? Is there a reason someone mugging you doesn't also count as soul theft?
>psychological damage
Every assault causes psychological damage
Only applies to females, and only if they carry the pregnancy for a significant period of time

not him but it'd be preservation or something like that
Either way something doesn't have to be justifiable for it to be okay to portray in media
There are plenty of games that depict unjustified murder

If rape is so horrible then why do women trivialize it all the time by calling stupid shit like wolf whistling rape?

again, we just disagree on what damage is worse.
>Only applies to females
>and only if they carry the pregnancy for a significant period of time
no, just sperm does this

Because violence has long since been normalized in all forms of media, it is a Pandoras box that has been opened and can't be closed anytime soon.

The truth is violence is NOT okay, we are just desensitized to it in media is all. The same cannot be said for rape. Rape has never been a big thing in media and it hasn't been normalized yet.

The question you need to ask yourself is why do you WANT rape to be normalized in fiction? What do you think we have to gain by having more games be about raping people? We may be enjoying the thrill of violence in media but that doesn't mean that we have to keep upping the ante. There's NOTHING wrong with us as a society deciding to not go down that path.

The response to doing a bad thing (assuming violence media is bad of course) is not to do even MORE bad things

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Good job, you really kicked that strawman's ass.

>why do women trivialize
those are pieces of shit out for personal gain

>it's like killing someone but that person is still "alive".
So nothing.

>soul theft,

That's a good one there.

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Rape already IS normalized in media
in plenty of books and movies and TV shows

>we just disagree on which damage is worse
If psychological damage is all it takes to be worse than DEATH, so many things are worse than murder man. If all it takes to be worse than murder is that the victim lives for a time with psychological damage, than everything from physical assault on up is worse than murder, by the logic we are using here.

I don't see what the big deal is about rape. It's just a dick in your hole for a few minutes. It's nowhere near as bad as murder, cancer, or getting flirty eyes from a fat chick. And really, women can't be raped since the vagina is designed to accommodate cock. Only men can be raped. If a woman is penetrated anally against her will, she's just experiencing male rape, which is an excellent learning experience for her, to discover the struggles that men go through.
For women, rape isn't a big deal. It's just typical female exaggeration to get attention. They all fantasize about rape so they actually enjoy it. They just want to trade in their "victim" status for clothing and jewelry and don't want to give sex away for free. Really, the only punishment for rape should be to pay the equivalent of the going rate for whatever sex act was performed with a local prostitute of equivalent attractiveness. Since it's the same punishment, why would anyone rape a Feminist instead of a beautiful woman?
Those fat ugly feminists that scream the loudest that "no means NO," are actually hoping to limit the amount of sex the genetically gifted attractive women get. And, in so doing, hoping that some hapless male starving for sex will find himself scraping the very, very bottom of the barrel where the fat and ugly feminist will finally have the chance to scream, "YES, FUCK ME HARD."
Hey fat ugly feminists, it isn't going to work. You only really have one option. Lose the weight, learn how to use make up, and get an overhaul of your personality. In some cases you may need extensive plastic surgery to have any hope of getting my cock rammed into your ass. In some extreme cases, it is entirely hopeless and you should just give up. If you are this last case, try having sex with animals if you find you can approach them without scaring them away.

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>so many things are worse than murder man
no, just rape, racemixing, and the type of murder (torture).

I guess that's a pretty interesting argument, but that would sort of imply that certain types of violence in games are unacceptable. Sort of reminds me of the controversy of the Modern Warefare 2 mission where you shoot up an airport.

I don't have any strong feelings on it one way or the other. I would prefer a completely uncensored platform, but Steam can do what they want, it just means that I won't buy their shit as often.

Why is being beaten and humiliated not worse than murder then?

>certain types of violence in games are unacceptable
I would agree with this.

it's obvious? if you think it is not then by that logic violence can't be justified either as was written in if rape can't be necessary then violence can't be either.
you dying by the violence of others doesn't matter to the universe any more than your DNA not being carried on.

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Rape day was made by journalists to reignite the battle against steam

>The only thing worse than rape is racemixing because even in death you'll always be a a rootless mutt, it's an eternal curse.
I will never understand the hate for this nor do i give a fuck stay upset LOL

because the damage is not as bad. We are now in a "but why" loop.


Except murdered people havefriends and family and a raped can off themselves. This is always the most retarded argument.

You have yet to describe why, though. What the fuck does "Soul theft" even mean? Why is the psychological damage, which is very recoverable and people usually do recover from it, so terrible that it makes it worse than murder?

how is suicide an valid option...don't those people also have friend's and family?

Did you have a stroke? What does that have to do with anything you mentally ill tranny?

let me either beat you up or rape your asshole for an hour while i call you daddy's little slut.
if rape is not more serious than getting beat up you will have no problem with me shoving my giant cock in your ass. hell you'd prob enjoy it as guys have g-spots in their asses so you have no excuse.

If Steam removes it: They're hypocrites, their adult game policy is worthless and Yea Forumsalve fanboys got BTFO

Either way, I won.

Hail to the king, baby

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where can I see gameplay?

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your killing me here with these poor comparisons.

They are hypocritical morons with no actual convictions. I'd honestly be okay with it if they started getting free helicopter rides at this point.

How badly a beating are we talking about, because honestly I'll probably take the rape. If you're beating me for an hour, I could get seriously hurt.

>What the fuck does "Soul theft" even mean?
I suppose it's a form of pshycological damage.
>Why is the psychological damage, which is very recoverable and people usually do recover from it, so terrible that it makes it worse than murder?
I wouldn't say that alone makes it worse.

I know this is probably bait, but you missed the point by light years.
I doubt anyone on /r9k/ bought this game.

nigga what are you even talking about.
rape is pretty much only used to make the viewer feel uncomfortable you retard

Why don't you come over and I'll rape you with a flag pole no lube and see how you like it? oh just because you bleed don't mean i'll stop. I'll split your ass in half and see how you like it. i will bet 100 dollars you scream for me to stop!

Sure, and bakeries should have the right to refuse to make any cake they don't want to. I'm sure you agree.

GR8 B8 M8

Postal exists, dipshit.

Isn't that any Batman Arkham game?

This is the reason, however everyone enjoys rape, including women. It just undermines their grrrl power feminist facade to admit it.

Calm down and take your titty skittles, resetera.

Quality standards don't mean shit, look at all the RPG maker games that constantly come out in the same garbage style.
Though I wouldn't put it past someone trying to shit on valve with how often rapelay has been around and how long its been since steam decided to autogreenlight everything.
As for the rape quality is like any other Japanese sex game (sexy Beach, the academy one, etc) with a girl who mildly resists where the other ones you had to get some progress bar up on the girl. No story or context at all.

>you didn't answer how I wanted you to, it must be BAIT
Seriously, are you telling me that if the choice was some roided up cunt beating your ass for a solid hour or slipping you the D, you would take the beating? I guess the several weeks of recovery for broken bones doesn't phase you?

>everyone enjoys rape
Nope glad i'm not a sheep of society

Men are far more likely to be victims of violent crime, so Dave and you are equally retarded and detached from reality on this one.

Pretty edgy kiddo LOL XD

erasing someone from existence is not worse than rape unless they don't want to exist. if it was worse, then all rape victims would kill themselves but most do not proving it's not worse because they still fear death and want to live.

not to mention torture and mutilation is super common in games which is worse than rape too.

There's an entire torture minigame in gtav.
No one is defending the game. It's not even about the game. It's about the principle and future implications. Stop playing dumb.


Probably should not have used the word "rape" in the title, might have been enough to sneak past the outrage

>Steam-Tan says,"Hands Off"
>Valve says,"It's rape day"

Steam-Tan MUST BE SAVED!!!

How is starting a fact edgy?

Then if you are really in that much danger you do the following regardless of your genitalia:
A) Avoid shitty neighbourhoods
B) Take a baton, a knife or something that you can use to deter or harm any aggressor if necessary (also learn self defense techniques)
C) Do both A and B
Niggers gonna nig as much as rapists gonna rape, but I am sick of being lectured about the follies of less than a 10% of the males in the west and how I am a potential danger when I don't even have the courage to flirt with women I find cute.

I'm so happy steam is based as fuck stuck it to the rapefaggots YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

>rape game
>legally protected class
I guess you missed that part?

this is actually a good point. there's
"""rape""" (slap on the ass)
"rape" (she regret it the day after or she said yes because she was drunk)
rape where she was actually forced

feminists and SJW have trivialized rape to such a point that you always wonder if it was real rape when you hear about it

a good rule of thumb is that it wasnt real rape if the girl can speak easily/publicly about it

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I dont give a fuck about that, the problem is the steam hypocrisy

>I've been raped multiple times and I've had no long term damage. That's why I spend my time on a Bangaladeshi Quilting Board telling people how super strong and tough I am.

He's pointing out the glaring hypocrisy of the left. Try addressing that instead of punching a strawman.

a good rule of thumb is don't bother with women.

You could say rape day had it coming

There's no need to read too deeply into it. Most decent people can have fun pretending to be an assassin or bank robber or soldier, but would find the idea of playing as a rapist disgusting. It's as simple as that.

A game (or movie or whatever) that is a serious artistic work and has rape as a theme is fine. "lmao look at my edgy rape game literally advertised as being for sociopaths" is not.

Based and rapepilled.

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Okay you dumb cunts, you know how people force others to have sex with them? With threats of MURDER. So people would rather get raped than to get fucking killed, how is rape worse then?

This entire mess could've been avoided if Steam didn't go full retard and allow smut onto the storefront. It was only matter of time before someone put something like this on there. There's a proper place for everything, and Steam is not the place for sexual content like this. I don't know why anyone would want this shit on steam anyway, the last thing I want is to broadcast to my friends that I'm jerking off.

>however everyone enjoys rape
About 4/5.

>I've been raped multiple times and I've had no long term damage
>Want to know how?
Yea sure whatever lol
> I stopped giving a fuck and got on with my life
>Something that happened years ago has no fucking impact on your day to day life now unless you explicitly let it.

>don't take games down
>take games down

You would change your tone if i fucked you in the ass with a spiked bat for about 24 hours.

Why are you equivocating businesses refusing to serve homosexuals (a legally protected class) with steam refusing to put a rape game on it's platform?

If you can’t give a corporation a pass for denying a low quality game called “rape day” you don’t understand what nuance is

Whenever I see shit like this check if evenicle is still on steam. It has:
gang rape
monster gang rape
guro (described not in images)
last 3 are all in one scene too
Valve should just pick if they are going to allow this stuff or not. Their wishy-washy response to this left them open for more click-bait garbage articles to come up just with rape day find / replace'd with the next low effort game which doesn't deserve the attention.

hi matt, nobody cares what you think, do ou think that post ur meme-twetts here is gonna make us mad or something?

Holy fuck, good luck getting over your rape friend. It's clear you have some real progress to make in the future.

But that's murder?

Just like your mom.


This is only the beginning:


Attached: phase two.png (605x560, 311K)

what if a gril tries to rape you first?
huh? huh?!!

You can't keep somebody alive after 24 hours of anal penetration with a spiked bat.

Can't rape the willing.

I'll find a way...*fap fap fap fap fap fap*

Then it's just torture, not rape.
If you were fucking his unwilling ass with a spiked condom then it is rape, as well as torture

there's a conspiracy theory about that?
That's something I was thinking about yesterday but this is the first I've heard of this

Rape women and rape Steam.

That's some retarded ass shit. fuck politicians are out of touch.

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SJW have no brain to make all at

That's just what happens as soon as they smell blood.
It's just a matter of time until they put 1 and 1 together and figure out that $100 to upload some retarded offensive game is less than what they will earn in ad revenue from farming the outrage, too.

>Rape steam
...How does that work? i mean rape g-gaben?

By your reasoning, impaling someone through their butt is rape as well you dumb frogposter.

Just release the game at DLsite, it has no quality control whatsoever and Japs don't give a shit about moral outrages.

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Stop shilling your tabloid, Billy

It's time for a mother fuckers bedtime NOW!

Technically any forceful penetration of any kind can be a form of rape. So stabbing a guy through the chest with a sword is rape.

Sword rape is awwwwwwwriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!

>Endless mental loop holes to show that it's okay for a rape game to be released

This is why the general public believe we're scum.

>it's not okay, it hurts my feelings

Oy, if someone rapes your friend or loved one and you decide to rape their rapist as a sort of ironic revenge, is that rape justified?

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Yes...a rape for a rape LOL

Fuck normalfags.

>Stab girl through chest
>Fuck the hole
>Not only you are fucking the titpussy chestpussy but also you are doing rape^2

Murder revenge isn't justified, so no.

your idiot it's all because the left feminist scum from uk


Being larger than women is rape now, user.

Being in the same room as a women is rape now.

The general public also believes lolis are the same as pedophilia despite being just chinese cartoons.
In fact the general public tends to be kinda retarded

My feelings aren't hurt. I'm just disgusted with how pathetic you all are.

You can curse normalfags all you want. They run things. Your screaming and crying about how you want to rape people in video games is that shit that's going to get you dragged into a mental ward.

Why not? your friend gets rapist i wanna get one to!

yes and so is.
>girl saved from rapist by gay rapist who raped the rapist.

legally no. but realistically and morally it depends.

Fuck censorship
Also Rape Day should've released today since it's women's day

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Stay mad get raped LMFAO!

>it doesn't hurt my feelings, I just feel disgust when confronted with anyone who says depicting rape isn't the worst thing possible
Sounds like your feelings were hurt buddy.

Glad it's not.

> crying about how you want to rape people in video games is that shit that's going to get you dragged into a mental ward.

>getting put in an asylum for expressing your opinion

I don't live in a totalitarian cucked state.

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Guys, what if instead of letting anyone to publish directly for $100, they have pass vetting by the steam community first before being allowed on the store?

Think about it, only quality indie games that get enough positive votes by users while the shovelware stays outside.

Killing is justified most of the time. War, self defence, survival, greater good etc. That is part of the reason Hatred got so much flak. Not Important's motive wasn't noble at all. He just wanted to load up and go on a shooting spree. Even illegal killings in Hitman are justified because the target is always a bad guy and the game penalizes you otherwise. I challenge you to name a game other than Hatred where the killings by the protagonist are unjustified.

Attached: Designated school shooter room.webm (736x414, 2.71M)

>one thread not enough
So 500 more posts of "why doesn't steam want this? I'd do this instead! Ban one thing and I would ban everything! Do the same steam!" then

Where do you live?


Every game to come out since the beginning of time...do i win a cookie?

To late it's the end now lol WERE ALL GONNA GET FUCKED!

Jesus christ how claustrophobic.

Let them. It will end one way or another.

You mean greenlight?

Behind 7 proxies.

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most people dont mind seeing others get killed, and they dont mind seeing others get fucked. Its just not ok to say it publicly if have a dom fetish.

>no one enjoys rape
>no one likes incest you freak
>no one likes etc
yet all of these things are highly popular porn categories, even on mainstream sites like pornhub. the first guy was right. just no one admits to liking the stuff

This shit has been going on since November and PEOPLE ARE JUST NOW NOTICING? There's threads on Yea Forums like twice a day about new games being banned because they're in poor taste.

Fuck you people. PAY ATTENTION.

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Ba ba ba ba

>If rape is wrong in video games why violence is alright?

because most violence in video games is against enemy combatants or even if it's against innocent civilians (which is still taboo to a certain extent if it's not optional, like in MW2 or Hatred) it's still not as offensive since most people have never experienced a mass shooting, but a load more people have experienced or know someone who has experienced sexual abuse

This is fine for tornadoes, but if the goal is to stop school shooters then why not just let teachers who want, and are licensed, to carry (school administrators could even force specific training regimen or marksmanship training to allow carrying) on school grounds.

>hurr just ban guns
Fuck off, yuropoors.

I never said that please read again sheep.

also this stuff isn't real. the problem with people freking out is they're treating it like it's real. it would be bad if that was the case but we see this shit in movies and other media all the time. and it's a risky dynamic, it's for plot ect. and people find it interesting because it's not real.

Nobody is saying they can;t make games like this, but no one should be forced to distribute it.

>it's never you, but always some degenerate game about raping women or sexualizing children
top kek, faggots. top kek.

Attached: sicker than your average nigger killer.png (467x467, 128K)

>logical and correct answer
Oh user. No one is going to listen to that here.

In the states, that's just called the criminal justice system, except you can be thrown in a rape cage for any number of things people don't like.

>incels think rape is no big deal
Color me surprised.

I'm convinced that the game was specifically made to stir controversy, which is intended to force Valve into implementing more control on published content.

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>never gonna be me
It's always you, everyone is fine with killing nazis. A game about raping nazis is probably the closest a game would get to being greenlit because nazis are so universally hated by nearly everyone.

that's SJW shit. fuck people who have PTSD they can fuck off and not consume media that makes the chuck as spaz. those are the sort of people who whine on twitter about game of thrones. literally fuck off.

>hates games
>posts on Yea Forums
you need mental help.

>but a load more people have experienced or know someone who has experienced sexual abuse

that's why it's wrong? much more people have experienced relatives dying to cancer, should we stop depicting cancer in media?

Killing is never justified.


What if you kill two killers that have more than two kills between them?

Op btfo

Even if someone was about to kill you and your family slowly with a knife and you have a shotgun in your hands?


I gotta give to you Discord trannies though, you may not look the part at all, but you've learnt to mimic female behavior almost flawlessly, down to the low iq sex-related insults.

Not him, only justified if it stops more killings.

so this is what stefan molyneux does to 100 iq brainlets. wow!

This is the only sane post. This thread reminds me why I fucking hate Yea Forums (but for some reason I keep coming back)

Well you shouldnt have a gun either honestly.

Die for Israel, brother

>everyone who disagrees with me is an incel!
>everyone who disagrees with me is a discord tranny!
Such nuanced discussion, matched only by "Why don't da company sell da rape games if they sell da shooty games?"

This, unfortunately.

Do I think a game like Rape Day should even exist, let alone be something that's sold on Steam? Not really, to be honest. However, you give an inch, they will take a mile. I've heard the Rance games are actually pretty good, and they involve rape too. Should probably be on Steam, but with this precedent there's really nothing to prevent Steam from shitcanning that conceptually, and once they've shitcanned that they can keep shitcanning weeb games with any erotic content, and just keep going down the line until sexual content of any kind is not allowed.

I'd rather have to tolerate tasteless shock value crap existing than have to deal with games getting removed arbitrarily because at the end of the day it's not like I'm being forced to buy those games.

Pass on that.

>Valve allows the game

>Valve doesn't allow it

There is no winning with you people, seriously.

Lol what do those people have to do with the discussion. Thanks for proving you are a retard.

So when Nintendo and Sony do it, it's "bad". But when Microsoft and Valve do it "hey, let them do whatever they want - it's their platform!"

Total fucking hypocrisy!

>if you give me this, I'll ask for this! and you've have to give me this because you gave me that, remember?
It doesn't work like that, fuck off with your slippery slope.


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>you may not look the part at all, but you've learnt to mimic female behavior almost flawlessly, down to the low iq sex-related insults.
Despite how much has changed, one old adage still holds true to this very day: there are no girls on the internet.


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Call me /x/ but I think it's very simple.

Violence in media reinforces pro-War ideals and folds neatly into Western pro-War propaganda. Anything that makes a populous more comfortable with the idea of committing violence against an enemy is largely approved by Western culture, while rape and other sex crimes don't have any place in the modern ideal of War. That's not to say that the government/illuminati/cloud people literally contact game devs and force them to make pro-war games, just that the culture as it is today is disproportionately lax about violence while anything sex related is a minefield, and I believe that's because pro-War media is always good for war-hungry nations like the US and UK.

Yakuza. Kiryu has never killed a man.

You're right, if we let people sell rape day then they'll start selling games that are nearly outright child porn because if you give them an inch, they'll take a mile. And the biggest danger is that if we let them do that then valve will need to allow for other things to be sold that aren't even games because we allowed this to be sold. I don't want to be browsing the steam store and need to avoiding the selling of physical items like groceries because that's where we're headed if valve lets people push the boundaries on what can be sold on their platform.

I'm going to unironically buy it off their website

Illegal shit won't magically become legal over this.

>Killing someone in the most horrible way is bad
>Not killing someone with your dick is beyond the pale.

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>You're right, if we let people sell rape day then they'll start selling games that are nearly outright child porn
CP is illegal but depictions of rape aren't.

I think that was the point of the post there friend, if the "Groceries" thing didn't tip you off.

>If we're talking adults, then the problem is purely that sexualization in games almost always caters to a male demographic and uses female characters as fetish fuel rather than being actual characters. Male characters in games tend to be defined by their occupations and character, women defined by which fetish they appeal, hair color, and tit size.

There's a clear bias towards the perception of fictional male and female characters, one sex may have some treatments that will be deemed unacceptable if applied to the opposite sex, and I don't think we're getting rid of that anytime soon.
For instance, I watched a video on this recently and it made me realize something really big, about rape jokes. Aimed at men, to be more specific. The general consensus claims making rape jokes about women is highly immoral and of a very bad taste, yet there are so many instances where rape jokes toward men are used for comedic purposes, with a clear intent to tarnish the (male) victim's image, and people are supposed to laugh it off. Rape jokes aren't very well received when they make fun of women, but the masses will gladly have a chuckle at the expense of the dignity of a man (in fiction of course). I'm not trying to be a SJW here, but you either gladly accept rape jokes for both sexes or you don't, you can't give one sex special treatment just because that's how people want things to be

I know, it could put valve out of business because they'll HAVE to allow it to be hosted on their platform if they allow rape day. I don't want valve to have to host illegal things so I'm against rape day, because if we give edgy developers an inch, we must give them the full mile..

He didn't claim no one enjoys those fetishes, he claimed that not everyone does because that is obviously true.

slippery slope fallacy.
also haven't seen the other stuff that's on steam.
why can't you just say it's a horrible shovel ware game and doesn' t belong on steam.

I can almost guarantee if this game didn't have rape in the title it never would've got taken down

The funny thing is the devs are probably better off that they've attracted so much attention like this because the game itself is obviously trash

you are literally retarded. go find you carers and get away from the computer.

people are goddamn idiots
did anyone really believe that a game with rape as its CORE would be anywhere near a place other than its own site?

back to DLSite it is

No no no, if we ban rape day then we need to ban everything else that could offend people eventually, and if we allow rape day we'll need to allow child porn. Just ask user here he convinced me.

violence in the context of war can be justified by both sides agreeing to commit violence against each other, albeit with certain laws in place in order to make war more humane, rape being one of the acts condemned because it serves no purpose and both partys cannot agree to rape otherwise it wouldn't be rape. rape for the sake of procreation sounds like something straight out of unit 731, but do you think any rapist ever did it with the intention of passing on genes? and how would this change for the last man, if he is indeed considers the rest of humanity then he should also consider that perhaps women not wanting to mate with him is indicative that his DNA shouldn't be carried on

>muh slippery slope fallacy
Fuck off, if you're not brain damage and you followed the gaming industry for the last 10 years, the "slippery slope" should be fucking obvious.
In this case it's not a fallacy, and it's the real issue here.

Sorry user, my logic is flawless. It's not a slippery slope in this case, and banning everything offensive is better than the company being dissolved due to allowing CP. We can all agree that allowing some games is better than allowing none, because if we allow some games after the banning, we'll have to allow them all.

you're right user, that's why we should keep CP off valve by banning rape day.

Holy fuck you sound like one of those retards claiming free speech is bad because it gives nazis a platform.

>Also the game doesn't do anything to contextualise the rape, like most games, even ones like POSTAL where it's made clear your character is delusional, and awful.
I don't see why this should matter. It's not like children will be playing the game, and if they are that's the fault of the parent. Whether a game shows rape as being a positive or negative thing, it's not going to influence the viewer to commit it. It's not going to change their mind on the subject. They're not going to look at a woman being raped into submission and think, "Oh, it's okay I guess because she's smiling!" Well, some people will, but people who have their opinions changed that easily will be messed around with by significantly worse things.

Killing in video games isn't usually there to get you off sexually. It's kind of just a means to and end, and violent killing in video games is almost always portrayed in a negative light. Cartoonish killing is inconsequential.

user, if we give nazis a platform, we'll have to inevitably need to give them the entire political stage. Then they'll kill all of the jews and if they do that then they'll inevitably have to kill everyone too because if you give them an inch they need to take the mile. I don't make the rules here. I don't want everyone to die, do you?

Those who complain are always the minority. The game is sure shit but what else? In movies and literature, things very similar to violence are presented to convey a message, but ONLY in VIDEO GAMES, do they break the balls and say they make you a murderer.

If you don't like it, don't play it and that's it. I don't understand that of wanting to censor and erase what a screaming minority doesn't like.

I can't believe a shitty half assed porn game is going to kill steam....

If Steam removes it: They're hypocrites, their adult game policy is worthless and Yea Forumsalve fanboys got BTFO

Either way, I won.

*takes a rip off a fat stoagie*

Hail to the king, baby

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I feel like the whole purpose of this game's to be banned
>not even hiding the RAPE
>low quality slideshows for "gameplay"

Reminder that actual child porn is illegal, and so will never be on steam (and no, loli is not CP).
Reminder also that depiction of rape is not illegal so legally there's no reason to remove it from steam

If anything it sounds like the second one got them removed, Steam said they'd remove low quality troll titles. I'm sure there's at least one other game on Steam based around rape that they have yet to remove.

Of course that's the case. It looks like it was slapped together in ren'py in about a weekend or two. Just some drooling mongoloid feeding the outrage culture machine. Everyone knows the best smut games are available through patreon anyway.

Valve is hands off though user, remember? If valve is removing content aimed towards adults just because it's illegal, they'll have to start banning other things too for reasons. Not very hands off huh, almost like valve needs to curate things within reason even if they want to remain mostly hands off. That's so strange, such a foreign concept...

No, it is about the game. That, or you are so misinformed you are pathetic

No, they didn't, you lying faggot. They said they'd keep deleting low effort trash, which this is. Drink bleach. Do it. DO IT NOW

I never get tired of all these censorship threads that are made on a board that literally has rules like "I can permaban you for whatever I fucking feel like."

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In fact, there definitely is.
Literally monster girls knocking down and raping the MC in the trailer available right there on the store page. Difference is this is also actually a game (albeit an incredibly light one), so it got to stay.

On /bans I can see that somebody just got banned for a SFW video game image on Yea Forums.

This board has no right to complain about Steam.

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Damn that looks good.

Your argument literally makes no sense.
Get a brain and come back to "argue" insect.

>Steam said they'd remove low quality troll titles
why didn't they just give this reason and everyone would be happy.

suffer not the furry to live

This game was hastily put together by Tencent goons.

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Case in point.

That's a furry image. Yes, it's Toriel from Undertale, but she doesn't dress like that, which means it's just furbait. It's like how I got a 3 day ban a long while back for posting a SFW Asrielle image.

It's also a video game character and not porn. I think you kind of missed the point here.

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No, user, if anything you missed some things. Read my post over again, read it slowly this time.

not a perm but it's happened
everything is just such a mess

Attached: when a reddit mod becomes 4chan mod.png (482x100, 6K)

My argument is that even a hands-off policy needs to make certain concessions for the quality of the platform because entirely hands-off does also mean allowing illegal content. Half of what I say is just making fun you because you deserve it.

No, user, you're the one missing the point of the similar "I want to ban things I don't like" mentality. I read that you successfully labeled the image as furry, thanks, want a cookie?

I once got banned for a week for posting a SFW Rustle image. And no, it wasn't cropped porn, it was just one of the numerous totally SFW images he did. I got banned for a fucking fully clothed loli wearing a hat and smiling.

Violence can usually be justified on an ideological level to combat a 'greater evil' that also exercises violence. Pretty much "I will kill you to stop you killing", which would sound weird as "I will rape you to stop you raping".

>"Game" is literally an asset flip using the same shitty 3d engine used to make most western 3d porn games
>People butthurt about this getting kicked out of Steam

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Had that happen a few times myself for stuff that normally is just fine. Seems like there isn't anything close to a standardized approach to moderating here.

Invisible War allowed me to burn children alive. Shit was rad.

It's almost like alt-sjw outrage culture is worse than even SJW outrage culture at its peak

So obviously you didn't get the point that furry art isn't allowed. Toriel is allowed, she is a video game character. Lewd pictures of her (underwear is indeed lewd, user, not even all places of work would let you look at women in their underwear depending on the context) are not part of the game. They are just furry art. Furry art is not allowed. Thus banning Toriel in underwear is something that could be removed. Do mods ban things without reason? Absolutely. Happens all the time. Is that an example of an unreasonable ban? Not really.

Also I don't want your cookies, I'm pretty sure they're covered in drool.

>Steam literally said they'd remove low effort troll games
>They remove a low effort troll game

Again, stop arguing, you literally don't know what you are talking about, spouting the same retarded shit 8 times in the thread doesn't make it true.

So... Where can we play it then?

Imagine being such a simpleton that you can only see black and white, or in this case rape and murder, and need to assign a "numeric" value and then a priority of "what is worse/better" since abstract morality is far too difficult for these "human" zoomers fed on quick bite youtuber feeds

Oh my fucking god, I don't know how many times I can tell you that Steam and Yea Forums both ban stupid shit for arbitrary reasons before you fucking get it.

I got a permaban once for calling a mod asshurt. He even wrote a custom ban message saying how awful I was LMFAO

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I literally said that. I agreed with you on that matter in general, just not your specific example. Keep enjoying your drool cookies.

Not everyone who has been affected by violence is dead. There millions of soldiers suffering from PTSD, you Steam will plaster the latest military shooter all over its front page.

You only don't agree with the example so you don't look like a dumbass. Do you actually have a good reason that a SFW image should be banned that doesn't go into "It upsets me." territory, or isn't just some form of "The rule is already there." ?

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It's not as nuanced a subject as you think it is, friend. The biggest mistake valve made was assuming people would understand that the subtext to their hands-off policy(as with anyone with any policy) is "within reason." Autists will get mad that everything needs to be banned or nothing needs to be banned for them to be happy, but that's life for them.

>both sides agreeing to commit violence against each other
That's not how wars work. Official declaration can come months after the first combat actions, no one agrees to have their soldiers murdered, it's not a peaceful deal where presidents shake hands and say "Say, buddy old man, you kill a couple thousand and I kill a couple thousand and then that land grab will resolve itself, aye?" What kind of a fucking perception of reality is this? One side attacks and the other defends to prevent themselves from being fucking erased from history and their lands and resources claimed.

But not all games are about justifiable violence. You can play GTA and become a spree shooter

>imagine being offended at fiction
>imagine thinking fictional characters have rights or feelings
>imagine being unable to tell apart reality and fiction
The west is literally the most hypocritical sack of shit ever spawned. Commit the largest amount of sex crimes but still want to be prude about sex depiction in fictional media. I imagine having the entire anglo-sphere nuked, we'd have none of this tolerance bullshit.

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What part of "Company can't sell illegal product" do you not understand?

Things considered sex crimes in the western world are a sunday outing in some areas.

>Commit the largest amount of sex crimes
The rest of the world excluding some of Asia exists, user

They can make movies about it too but doesn't mean they will air it on national TV.

>still this fixated on an example used to lampoon slippery slope faggots
I say the subject isn't nuanced but from your responses I can see why you'd think otherwise. Trying to think critically must be tortuous for you. This would only be a serious point of contention if you're one of those slippery slope fags who think that banning rape day is step 1 to banning all potentially offensive games ever, from anyone's perspective. Or if you were one of those autists who thinks that valve can't ban any game ever(which includes illegal games by autistic standards). If you're in one of these two groups of idiots then I can see why it's a sore spot.

Why the fuck are so many of them wearing pink?

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I literally, LITERALLY wrote out why. Are you blind? Do you just not read posts? Are you that far removed from society that you think a goat lady in underwear is fully SFW, IE, 'safe for work', as in you could just pull up an image of that in an office, and your boss would be cool with it? They wouldn't. Ignoring that, everything I said complies with the rules. You are the one getting upset at the fact that your furbait art is being called out as just that. Not that there's really any point in debating with you, it's insanely obvious you don't even fully bother reading what I'm typing out given how you had to completely backtrack on your last post, and went back to trying to argue how that Toriel image was somehow appropriate for the board.

Let's just break it down for your slow brain easy-like.
Princess Peach in underwear: Probably won't get banned, or deleted. Literally had a Peach thread yesterday stay up until archive. Plenty of risque pictures of her, only outright porn images removed.
Toriel in underwear: Technically furry art, even if it's of a video game character. If it gets reported enough it'll be banned because furry art isn't allowed.
Bottom line: Is it human? Probably fine to post. Is it not? Take your chances.

If you don't understand what I'm saying even after that break down, there is literally no hope for you. Especially given what I said in previous posts.

I got banned 2 days ago for making posts in a thread making fun of china social credit for the same "replying to" reason.
Top kek.

Wow, all those words and you didn't answer my question. That's impressive.

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>which means it's just furbait
So you defend this practice because human nature is flawed and someone's going to jerk their meat?

They call what you have 'stockholm syndrome.' Look into it.

I'm sorry for your double digit IQ, user. Say hi to /utg/ for me, since I know you Asrielfuckers are still floating around.

Remember when people were saying "gay people just want equal rights, it's not like they are going into schools to make your children gay"?
Guess what, LGBQ classes/lessons are a thing now.

Where have I witnessed this before?

Seem to remember a lot of false flags and accusations of cyber-bullying ending up being hoaxes before?

Not only that but also fearing an idea so much you want to repress the simple thought of it instead of approaching it in a rational manner.
It's like going back to the middle ages.

Pretty sure that game was a false flag, a troll, or a genuine retard that needed to be suppressed by society.

I asked why it should be banned that doesn't involve what you personally think about furry and all I got is PRINCESS PEACH IS A HUMAN AND TORIEL IS A GOAT. Like, okay, thanks.

Here's an image.

Attached: 1547566102975.png (1024x1168, 356K)

Kara no shoujo 2 wasnt a troll game

Another image.

Attached: 1548145554928.jpg (1042x1928, 345K)

Surprised no one has reversed thos numbers under the image yet, kek.

Meh. I don’t care personally since it’s a fucking video game, but I think it’s because more people feel uncomfortable at the idea of being violated for another person’s pleasure than, say, someone shooting someone because they happen to be in a war.

Besides, who fucking cares if Rape Day got taken down? It looks like a piece of trash anyways and the developers are deliberately creating controversy to squeeze money out of something that wouldn’t have sold shit otherwise.

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>your boss being cool with a suggestive image of a cartoon furry character in an office setting
What offices, user, Deviantart headquarters?

I agree with that image in principle but any japanese crime statistic is suspect if you know how fucked up the japanese criminal justice system is. Honestly look into that shit, it's insane. I can't say it's better than US sanctioned rape boxes but it's still fucked up.

>I asked why it got banned
>What? You gave reasons? The reasons are because the site says it's not allowed? Uhhhh. That's not good enough. Explain reasons to me outside of the rules why it's not allowed
Apparently it doesn't matter what I say to you. If I say anything outside of the site rules, you'll argue that my reason for it being banned has nothing to do with the site rules. You're just being delusional, and there's nothing I can do to help you with that.

People care because Valve said they won't take down adult games. Either take down all adult games or don't take down any of them.

Hey guys I tend to get called a troll when I'm beating someone senseless in an argument. It's the ultimate non-reply. "Omg you're clearly just trolling now." Tell the truth about the wage gap to a feminsit, they'll call you a troll, for example.

Troll is a word with no clear definition. It is not a LEGALLY BINDING TERM. If you're happy about people pretending it is one, you're a fucking fool.

>What offices, user, Deviantart headquarters?
Not really sure what you're saying here since I said that an office wouldn't be cool with those kind of images.

>going after GuP, probably because of some fanwork porn manga she saw one time
Every time.

Attached: heh.png (54x54, 8K)

I didn't ask why it got banned you fucking idiot. I asked why it SHOULD be banned when lewder images of humans are allowed, and more importantly than that, I was asking about how people can yell at Steam when Yea Forums does the same thing. Jesus Christ man, at this point even a drool cookie is too good for you.

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no nigger

I'm saying I was retarded and misunderstood your post there when I reread it.

>he wants morality in his video games
social justice gamers rise up

where can I play Rape Day now that it is not on twitter anymore?

This, but unironically. Allowing women to be treated like anything but cattle was a mistake. I wonder which side of the world allowed them to have rights... hmmmmm.

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Furry art is not allowed. That simple. You want to post it, go to , that's what that board is for. Why you can't understand this is beyond me. Is this part of the furry victim complex?

>if you know how fucked up the japanese criminal justice system is
If you think you're saying something that hasn't been cosmically debunked, you're mistaken.
People could easily go into actual stats and stuff, but I have a different method.

Look at my image.

Look at it. That is a fucking vending machine in the middle of nowhere. If you think Japan is a violent hellhole with an legal ultra-broom and ultra-rug, I submit to you this vending machien and others like it, standing unmolested in the middle of BUMFUCK NOWHERE.

Japan is exactly as peaceful as everyone says it is. Stop spreading this stupid myth, you waterhead mongoloid retarded moron philistine idiot stupidhead fuckbutt.

Attached: king.jpg (653x1024, 225K)

>nearly outright child porn
What is nearly ouright CP?

Something either is CP or isn't CP. It's like "he was ticketed for nearly speeding" or "that man nearly raped that woman" its completely meaningless. Ban and report CP, have no idea what "Nearly CP" is, are you talking about chinese cartoon characters?

I posted the wrong image.
And to that I say whoopsy doodles.

Attached: kyushu+vending+machine+&+farmland.jpg (500x281, 38K)

And this is why I said way early on in to not just say "ITS NOT ALLOWED BECAUSE ITS NOT ALLOWED KBYE." and you just did it anyway. You can't pay attention for shit.

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This but also allow men to be raped, because I want to rape this user

I wouldn't want to violate King desu. His engine scares me.

>Stockholm Syndrome
Place for everything, and everything in its place, user. Just like I don't really care too much about HOAs. There are rules in place everywhere you go, abiding by them is just polite. Getting upset when someone calls you out or punishes you for breaking the rules is silly. I can see your argument that not allowing furry art is ridiculous, I honestly don't give a shit if furry art is posted personally, but the site rules say no, so that's that.

>Vending Machine
Did you get Hiro'd?

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>Asset flip shovelware VN that was going to sell copies purely through controversy
Not hard to call it a troll

Rape is free real estate. Nobody is immune to it.

ITT people pretend that Valve hasn't provided us with filtering tools so you can go without ever even seeing these types of games

Fuck sake, tyrants love a legal grey area you stupid clod.

>if you think japan is a violent hell-hole
Where did I say that, user? I said I agree with the image in principle, as in that Japan is less violent typically. I'm going to tell you that there is a reason why nobody breaks the law in japan, or does anything that would put them under the scrutiny of the criminal justice system there.

Is the full thing anywhere?

how can I play Rape Day now?

I want you to fight it, I like it when they squirm

Banning rape day set a precedent, making it clear that's part of their policy against troll games, particularly those like rape day.

Attached: file.png (78x82, 2K)

user. That's not how law abidance tends to work out. There are other factors at play. Many others. So many others. More than you could shake a stick at, if you were so inclined and readily equipped with a high caliber stick.

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user, the only persistent question you've had here is why the image is considered furry despite being a video game character. If you think that an image of Toriel in underwear isn't furry fapbait, literally nothing I can say will change your mind on the matter. If you DO understand she is that, then you know why she's not allowed. If you're asking why pictures of a similar quality are allowed for human characters, that was also already said. No, lewder pictures of human characters are not allowed either, because that does move into outright porn territory, and those DO get banned and removed.

Shouldn't have fixed it, it was perfect with previous image.

Attached: vending-machines-japan-13.jpg (500x281, 36K)

You're just mad I already knew you'd either say A, "It's banned because I don't like it." or B, "It's banned because it's against the rules." and you don't have any other argument. I don't even know why you bothered trying, but it felt nice to blow you the fuck out.

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