So is the whole concept that you're building 2D Battleship Girls? I just started playing last night and it's weird as fuck, I may drop it for GranBlue instead.
These are the best girls so far, btw
So is the whole concept that you're building 2D Battleship Girls...
>I may drop it for GranBlue instead.
bad taste
>These are the best girls
good taste
My dick got hard for Kaga immediately
>I may drop it for GranBlue instead.
You'll drop it even faster at the sheer amount of grind
I feel like I'm grinding hard already, my new ships are strong but stuck at a low level
You don't know what grind is until you are grinding for Kaga/Akagi. But once you get them you are pretty much set for the game.
I think Kaga has dropped 3 times ;_;
It’s a literal take on the fact that ships are referred to using female pronouns, yeah. I thought it was dumb as fuck myself but the grills are cute and the game itself is stupid generous with a reasonable grind and good enough gameplay, so whatever. It also got me into naval combat history which is pretty great. Was more into Air Force shit before.
Play smarter not harder. You shouldn’t have to grind levels too much. In ch2 and 3 you have to learn how to deal with suicide boats and aircraft, respectively. Once you figure it out you’re set for most of the rest of the game until like ch10. Make sure you have some decent CLs in your fleet for their great stats all around and very high anti-air. Leander retro is great also keep an eye out for Belfast, Phoenix, Helena, and Cleveland. Also make sure your equipment isn’t too shit and limit break if you get really stuck.
I got 6 Kagas before I got my one Akagi.
AL have best tsunderes.
Except for Hipper
>Best girl
I got 10 Akagis and I was yet to get a single Kaga.
I dropped the game.
Here's a handy map you can use to find out which part of the bottom of the Pacific America sent your waifu to :^)
>tfw your waifu isn't on the english servers yet
My wife Washington
the concept is that u masturbate to them
Best girl, coming through.
Wash is the coolest. The coolest EVER!
Basically, yeah
>Select all images with boats
Fuck you google
I see your Portland and raise you Kimberly, the must under-rated bote.
Ne, ne, shikikan~
This is more relevant for kancolle.
>TFW I still don't have either
10 KIDS!
>J*panese """""""Navy"""""""""""
The only thing I don't like about Azur lane is the ripoff character design style.
You can use WW2 battleships or whatever as your source/reference, don't get me wrong but my issue is that the guns/cannons on their sides look exactly like how kancolle does it (depicting the cannons as it is in irl ships). Design something else, it can be generic sci-fi shit. Because of this, the girls look like shitty deviantart OCs of kancolle.
Even the fujobait's kancolle had more originality by making them swords.
The dailies will burn you the fuck out, trust me.
I quit the game recently after i realized the dailies took over 20 mins of my time.
Pvp can be skipped but you'd be missing out on free shit
You don't really need Akagi/Kaga. They're nice to have but the event ships and medal shop ships are both good enough to breeze through everything. You only get them if either/both of them are your shipfu's.
The grind in Chink Lane is terrible because it really doesn't feel like you're getting anywhere
>tfw I ignore grinding missions and just do commissions and building ships every day
fuck obsessing over those fox sister sluts, I will find my own way
>I may drop it for GranBlue instead.
That will be the worst decision of your life. Azur Lane is the apex of gatcha games and one of the top mobile games. Not to mention
superior waifus.
The game has such a weird ass concept but it's catchy. Does anyone know how to use the 2D Live mode?
It takes less than 10 mins for me to clear the dailies though
>do a build
>feed ships in dorm
>play daily missions
>do hard mode
Then I'm pretty much done. All you need to do for dailies is the cube missions, everything else are extras you'll never really need.
I just let it sit on my desk while I play other shit
I've been ridiculously lucky with my drops, got like 3 Akagi/Kaga/whatever ships during the event.
I feel nothing for my ships, they just have no personality
I only played enough to know most of the boats. Dropped it and only fap to doujins and lewd pics now. Shit game
Only some characters have 2DL. Mostly some of the starters and certain skins that specify it.
Where's the menu for it though? I found the AR camera but not the 2DL :(