Why don't you watch IGN for vidya news?
Why don't you watch IGN for vidya news?
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Daily MILK Fix, amirite guys
Sydnee is so fucking hot
Wowee! A FEMALE! I'm in love! *pant pant* AWOOOOGA
Based, yet ultimately bluepilled.
Her tits are not that big and also has an uncanny resemblance to SMINEM.Maybe it's the ears.
Please tell me she's been blacked
because she doesnt get her tits out. why would i bother?
Why would I watch anyone when I could just look at the Yea Forums catalog and instantly see anything new being shitposted about?
>dude hot bitch with tits talking about vidya you should totally visit this site
I literally come to this place for news. IGN doesn't know how to build a website either, slow as fuck and eats up a fuckton of memory.
Advertising is against the rules
The same reason I don't ask my anus for the weather.
I remember learning english watching Naomi Kyle's Daily Fix and RayWilliamJohnson's videos on my HTC Desire.
didn't even see her face until now. i would still suck on those tatas though.
This but unironically. Yes, I am that pathetic. IGN only hires attractive women for their daily whatever videos after they realised how many views Naomi brought to their channel
That's because it's bogged down in so many ads that not even adblock can stop them all. Also, their video player is still basically unusable so whenever they have a livestream going on their front page the entire site basically stops working.
Nope, she's married to a white guy.
Jessica Chobot was before Naomi and started the trend.
>Nope, she's married to a white guy.
Well, duh, you can't get properly BLACKED if you don't have a cuck husband to prep the bull for you.
gee it's almost like hiring attractive women to bring in more business has been a practice since the fucking STONEAGE.
>Caring at all what IGN has to say, regardless of who is presenting.
>Actually getting your news from IGN.
>Actually caring about "gaming" news at all.
He was reacting to videos stolen from other channels before it was "cool". He was also a colossal faggot.
They are kinda small tho, Audrey's tits are bigger
Prepping the bull isn't real cuckolding. It's just means the husband is bisexual. Think about it this way: if a married couple invited a woman into their bed, would that be cuckolding? No, the man clearly benefits in this situation. Well, if a Bisexual man sucks another man off, then he's still benefiting. If the husband is at all involved in the sex-having, then they're just a couple of freaks.
>Naomi leaves
>Alanah leaves
>Thristy comments on Sydney during some of her E3 interviews
>She is the host now
IGN is still operating on the X-Play/G4 logic, and why it's still the biggest media site in the world.
i dont know who any of these people are and dont really care
Fucking zoomers.
she looks like she fucks black men
because IGN is an SJW website
>it's still the biggest media site in the world.
Pretty sure CBS Interactive is just using bots for clicks.
Why waste time watching some vid of some random chatter about stuff when I can just skim an article or report and get on with my life?
There are shit loads of Gundam movies
>biggest media site in the world
It's actually not anymore. It's dying and they are desperate. Have you not noticed how they keep ramping up the irrelevant clickbait and quadrupled down on sponsored content disguised as articles? Their further exploitation of their hot female employees and sad attempts at emulating Twitch streaming are their last ditch efforts. All the personalities that worked there that people liked are gone and they sterilized all their podcasts of the fun, off topic goofing around that made them the most listened to podcasts on the internet because of all the controversies in the last couple years surrounding all the male employees who got #metoo'd and the plagiarism fiasco. Now nobody even watches them anymore because they are soulless and boring. IGN probably won't be around much longer, and most sites like it aren't any better off.
Audrey is the big titty girl from Nintendo's Treehouse. This place was all over her when she appeared in E3 some years ago and not without reasons
I thought neandethals were extinct?
>watching vidya news
>vidya news
I was so in love with Chobot that I found the whole "epic for the win" thing cute.
I can't watch that video anymore
I unironically fapped to her desu.
this unironically
I would stick my dick inside her while sucking her nips and then cum all over her big tits if you catch my drift.
Is that the girl from firefly
Pretty good.
fucking kek
So, you're saying that you'll grab a chicken...
cut off its head...
stick your dick in it...
and go "AHHHH?!"
Are you telling us you're a chicken fucker, motherfucker?
Made me laugh/10
Always cracked me up that they went out of their way to find an exact copy of Chobot. She's a Chobot Robot.
fucking based
tHiS iS mY oUtFiT fOr ToDaYaYaYaYaYaYaYaYaY
>cringe, yet arousing
I thought it was her from the thumbnail too.
She's not obese. Of course she hasn't.
post more
I know that feel.
fuck, i can't unsee it now
Alanah is my gf haha!
More like Gundam boobie, heh.
basato e rossopillato
Yup, that the comments section whenever there's a female host.
>watch IGN
>Video of ugly Aussie goblin with fake tan and dyed hair showing off some nigger-tier supercar
>All the comments are about how hot she is
I wish I could go back to the days when the internet was scary and hard to use and normies stayed the fuck away from it.
she definitely knows
You have a great fucking voice.
Postal Dude posts here?
a source on this zoomer thot?
is this a collection? You know what to do user, dump em
No user, I say I want to have sex with that reporter.
Stefania ferrario and she's 25
Man vs Ape
love some sweater tits
Who dressed the guy on the left?
mac fetishists dress like mac fetishists
Holy shit dude, imagine losing your house in a fire because you're too retarded to know that Apple is garbage.
>epic for the win
Wasn't that Olivia Munn? Yes, the woman who "acted" in Predator and Newsroom.
Don't talk shit about my waifu.
It hurts anons
This. And come on, how can you take that long?
based quality post I award it 7.8/10 on the topkek-o-meter