DMC5 TV Spot

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0/10 the background song isn't devil trigger

>no gameplay


Ok, that was fun.

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Reminds me of the old japanese commercial for dmc1.

Gameplay doesn't work for game ads on TV. Normies don't care. They want something easily digestible.

tbqh this is a top tier ad. It gets to the core of DMC [Being Stylish] without getting bogged down in too much of an attempt to explain the whole idea of a Stylish Action game.

>MS pays money for advertising rights
>PS4 and Steam versions still outsell Xbone version
Why do they keep doing this for multiplat games?


japanese commercials are weird like this

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>tbqh this is a top tier ad.
no the ad is utter shit
why would a DMC ad feature a bunch of normalfags doing normalfag things

because Microsoft for some reason thinks that games will make them money, literally, Phil said that the xbox division has more of a focus on making money from the games themselves rather than moving hardware.

They're thinking ahead. They're building their brand for Xbox Scarlet. Basically, you now associate DMC with Xbox more than you did before. This will help MS in subtle ways when you're making a next gen console purchase decision.

That's fine.

You guys would love if it was in japanise

Because its for tv.

replace the music with Nuclear and you'd have commercial kino

>why would a DMC ad feature a bunch of normalfags doing normalfag things
Because that's a funny juxtaposition with the cuhrazy things they end up doing.

Jesus user.

I couldn't finish watching it
I really tried but I was gonna break my teeth if I continued

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nah, most of the commercials are actually just this: I also just realized the daughter in the ad is named Haruka, that's a nice touch

>the guy that made this commercial is the same guy that made this

dare i say based?

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>building their brand with games that people will buy on other platforms
Makes sense when youre trying to go 3rd party.

this is fucking dumb
did they hire someone from the 80s to make this

Do they really think the people who still watch TV are going to buy the game because they saw this ad?
Fucking cringe
The marketing for DMC5 has been absolute garbage too, fucking emojis and BADASS XD DEMON SLAYING

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Again, it's a long game plan. They're trying to build up to dominate next gen.

No fun allowed. Games are for gamers only, am I right?

Thats some top tier satire. Cant wait to see all the other brainlets call it based.

that's never worked, people are still going to stick with the devices they already know, someone with a PS4 is more likely going to get a PS5 than the next Xbox.

So they are just pissing away money. Thanks for the clarification.

I actually wonder how things will work out during the next generation. I can already see them both boasting about having hyper-realistic graphics and everything but we're already at a point where graphics might barely change per generation. I still believe MS is doing the smart move with the Xbox Game Pass being a proper rental service without the streaming bullshit several companies are trying to push and ultimately will fail, but other than that, what does Sony have other than the cinematic experience they've been shoving through everyone's throats since the PS3?

calm down buddy, its just a 30 sec commercial

Watched a couple more times.
I think its good.

I will be marketing your game

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It was alright Mike Diva has done better.

>People are triggered by this
Holy fuck you guys are babies.

That was fine, very 90s feel.

>MAGA shit

nope, go back to /pol/

but this is the best video game commercial:

Kek, it's like the jap DMC1 commercial.

It's not MAGA shit. It's actually condemning Trump. The video includes Trump being elected "World President" and other shit like him with a big swastika doing a nazi salute. It ends with him launching nukes and blowing up the earth.

>It's not MAGA shit

nice try /pol/

Ignore the facts if you want champ. It's literally saying Trump will end the world.

>All those crazy japanese commercials Rueben Langdon did

its 30 seconds you melodramatic faggot

its amusing enough. i want to fug that house mom

Me as the black guy

That was fine. Reminds me of the good old days.

Oh great, it's this trope again


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Fucking perfect.

>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

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based and redpilled

This is a good ad.

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