Make a loot based shooter

>make a loot based shooter
>make the loot pointless

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Honestly I find the fact the game lies about how much damage you’re doing more concerning than the starting gun scaling more than it should.

Ya, I was halfway through the main campaign and noticed that although the damage done by my rifle tripled from the start of the game, enemies still took the same time to die. Along with the same enemies and missions over and over again with no meaningful loot, I really wonder what the fuck they were doing during the 6 years of development

How do you fuck up that badly?

I dont even understand looter shooters. They teplay the same shit over anf ovrr hoping to g ed t lucky loot?

its not just guns

its everything

its all a lie and your hundreds of hours grinding subpar content was literally pointless

now give us the rest of your money goyim

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All loot is pointless, nothing but a set of numbers. This time they accidentally showed it.

The return of lvl 1 Frostbolt.

That's some meta storytelling about blind consumerism.

My fucking sides

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I don't think think that's 100% true. The starting missile launcher for the ranger can't kill low level shielded enemies in one hit but the higher level charge up launcher can

>Anthem players are so brain dead it took a couple of articles to tell them they were playing a shit game


>Ya, I was halfway through the main campaign and noticed that although the damage done by my rifle tripled from the start of the game, enemies still took the same time to die.
That's because they found a gameplay sweet where enemies are soaky enough to stretch out the content, but not too much so that it feels like a true slog. So as a result, they can't afford to let you kill enemies any quicker, because that would let you run through the content too fast and get bored, so they just scale enemy health exactly the same as the weapon damage scales and hope that the mere idea of getting loot will be enough to a carrot on a stick to keep you playing the same shit over and over with zero real character progression.

the genre is just MMORPG-lite + Casino slot machine + Shooter all blended into one

progression in a shooter game with casual social elements and the addiction of gambling

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>We're working on a fix.
>We're working on a fix.
>We're working on a fix.
Maybe if you spent less time screaming "YAS KWEEN" and getting noms from your nom cafe, and more time doing your fucking jobs, this wouldn't have been an issue.

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Same thing happens in R6 Siege.
It's fucking weird. Now every time I play anything with stats I have to question whether the game is lying to me, and is it intentional or not?
At least in Siege I can just shut my brain off and play the game, after all there's only so much the damage and statistics can do to save you in that game. A PvE numbers game like Anthem, though? Fuck me.

I still blame this on braindead redditors for letting them fuck them in the ass. Shit like this should never happen at all

Sounds like the open world event damage scaling is broken and applying everywhere. It's pretty common in other MMOs so level 5 newbies can fight along side lvl 100 chad thundercock. But even in those games the endgame people will still slightly outpace the low levels. The fact starter equipment is out damaging everything else means their system is completely fucked.

and you can still find ledditors being positive and telling people "not to be toxic" after being lied to over and over again

>weird. Now every time I play anything with stats I have to question whether the game is lying to me
Didn’t destiny 2 lie about some stat?

Damn bruh, that's a good riven mod.
I saw another dude selling an Opticor version of that same mod for like 180p.

Idk if I should sell my hydroid prime bp set for more plat, and frame space, or keep it for the mastery. Idc about the loot mod for Hydroid when Nekros has that built-in plus has a better kit, imo.

What's worse: this or the loot cave in Destiny?

Experience gain. It made you gain less exp the longer you stayed on but displayed it as normal exp gain.

That was even worse, wasn't it the EXP gain? It would adjust based on your playstyle and how fast/good you were and increase the gain required, presumably in order to make you want to buy boosters.

it lied about the amount of XP people were getting to earn free lootboxes so they would be subconsciously more incentivized to pay real $ for them

At least in warframe you can feel the difference between a mk braton and it prime version

6 fucking years

Only Bethesda can compete with them in the "we can't stop fucking up" department.

I can only guess that it's for the sake of looking more impressive, making you believe you're more powerful than you actually are. Seeing that you're doing 5 damage isn't as impressive as 2942734. All modern games have these subtle lies, but they're often not really found out unless the dev royally fucks it up for the players to find.

addiction and autism: the videogame

I'm certain that lot of development was cancelling, starting over and just rebooting and reworking same shit over and over again per wishes of analysts that corporate suits trust.
But still, Bioware clearly shows tons of incompetence with basic shit like this being broken.

>fuck balancing, make everything take 5-10 hits to kill and make some big numbers pop up, genius

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Yeah, true, but the main point should be that you can feel the difference between 0 hour MK Braton and someone who has spent 5 formas on theirs.

The time investment in Warframe produces tangible increases in strength that can't be achieved without that investment.

I dunno I think I'd have been more pissed if I found out the fucking starting sidearm did more damage than a 400 light hand cannon or something.

This, by far. LootCave was just a way of farming items faster, this is a fundamental fuckup