WoW Team Removes Portals in 8.1.5

>Playerbase pre 8.1.5 - "Inconvenience made the game feel like a world!!!"
>Playerbase post 8.1.5 - "REEE OUR PORTALS!!!"
Make up your minds you stupid fucks. Justify yourself If a few shortcuts to transmog dungeons upsets you and you're looking forward to Classic.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Live players aren’t the people who hate what LFR, scaling and sharding did to the game. Live players are the broke rained saps who will continue to play just to see numbers go up.

>implying it's the same playerbase at this point

>retailfags upset about losing a conveniance in nu-wow
>wow wtf classic cucks?
Are you actually retarded?

>retailfags aren't the classic audience
They have to be. All the smarter players already play on private servers.

I don't see it as a bad change. Then again I played on a private server for roleplaying where the majority of all travel was done via walking. Everywhere.

Honestly portals aren’t nearly as cancer as LFR, LFD, the current gearing system and a few other mechanics.

I don't understand how people can think LFR and LFD did anything to the game besides remove a fake social layer. Begging for groups isn't a social action. It's a pathetic power trip for group organizers at best.

Wait wait wait wait wait..... You mean to tell me... Hold on... You're telling me that BFA, B. F. A., Made by a white collar defense attorney from Washington DC, has a stupid feature in it? Get the fuck out of here.

Have fun talk make friends while you wait, then struggle and desu k and strategize on how to accomplish a goal, add to friends list for future.


Wait around hub for queue to pop, run dungeon without saying a word, kick the lowest DPS or healer as a scapegoat if the boss doesn’t go down and wait for a replacement. Everyone has DBM and automates the fights anyway

Mods and LFG are shit and should die

t. faggot

>Still blaming Ion
Everyone blamed ghostcrawler for being the sole idiot responsible on class balance in Cata/MoP. In reality he had more to do with the LFD system.
Ion was a raid designer in MoP. Most of his impact is still on the raid side. He's just a mouthpiece for overarching design. Yes, he's shit at it. Yes, he's a scummy lawyer. But he's also far more limited on decisions than people think.
The real asshole is pic:
>Shotcaller for 3DO
>Handpicked by Jay Wilson to fuck up D3 after he left the team
>Rewarded for it by becoming EP of WoW to bring all those """great""" D3 features to WoW

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>still playing this game
You have noone to blame but yourself.


Go bitch about it on /vg/, where they actually play this waste of 15/m

Have fun talk make friends while you wait,
Literally never happened
t. Naxx top 40 raider
Nice argument retard.

It was till 2008. It went to shit with WoLK but I have fond memories of BC, way more than vanilla.

feels good being a mage.

Can’t wait classic bros

It's not LFR killing the game. It's M+
>Tryhards gating progression for ez carries
>Gear goalposts keep moving with (((Seasons))) resetting ilvl rewards
>Rehashing the same content over and over, encouraging people to group up and waste time on tedious content they have slim-to-no hope of completing for barely better rewards
>Zero reason to do it if you actually do care about meaningful content and the journey, rather than the theme park based treadmill gear grind
LFR is a saint compared to M+. In LFR I will at least socialize while bored. In M+, if I'm typing it's to yell at someone or them at me, and then we never speak/group together again.

>crying about gatekeping
fuck off zoomer

I mean this is the same blizzard that thinks flying is a bad thing, it's retarded

portal farms are lame, but the real issue is blizzard has no credibility to be making qol changes since all their flight/scaling/timegating shenanigans

I wish they'd remove all the fucking portal, so mages had more value to the game.

Thank you based blizzard, now that I have to alt tab through 2 loading screens and 3 flight paths to get where I want I can finally truly enjoy the game.

I wish they'd remove mounts and flight paths too so I could RP walk there, that'd be even more engaging.

The thing is most of the people who are left still playing wow are the pve carebears with no self awareness who want everything handed to them and dont want to have to deal with player interaction or rpg mechanics in their "mmo" game. Any change blizzard makes to make the game into more of an rpg or MMO will be met with static from the only gorup stupid enough to be satisfied with current wow enough to actually pay for it. Blizzard is in a tough spot right now with WoW.

>unless you have the challenge portals you won't have access to northern ek as alliance
they cucked them hard

it's astonishing to me that it's 2019 and people are still playing World of Warcraft. It was time to move on nine years ago.

DBM is fine, the RL calls everything anyway

And here I thought people raid because it's fun

also when you have to actually walk to the dungeon its more of an adventure. More so on pvp servers. On pve servers i dont know because im not a pussy faggot bitch so i never played one.

>everyone have the same opinion

>Classic coming out soon
>Make retail more like classic
What's his grand scheme?

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>still playing wow
Why hurt yourself so much?

its only fun when you are learning the isntance and no guide exists

But that's entirely consistent you retard. The people reee'ing about this are the ones who don't want vanilla and actually like current wow.

in order to raid top level, you have to run M+ constantly to keep your ilvl up or you'll get outpaced by turbo autists and lose your spot

M+ is trash unfun content that i dont want to have to deal with to raid

>All the smarter players already play on private servers.
And all those players will play an official vanilla server over any private server, because official servers wont randomly close down, content will not be bugged to shit, and nobody will be able to buy favors or items from the owners.

what is his name again?

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>Literally never happened
You're a lying faggot. Everyone that raided was in a guild, they had friends they made within that guild, they spoke to them during raids in whispers or private channels, they had fun trying to blow each other up as the bomb at geddon and shit.
Then factor in all the shit that happens outside of the instance, opposite faction raid groups there who attack you and mind control you into lava and shit.
Interaction and fun, who would have known, is actually a thing.

if they play at all, blizzard missed the hype by 5 years, just like the warcraft movie missed by 10 years

I still play WoW and I welcome this. Then again I almost exclusively RP so anything that makes the world feel more alive is a bonus.

Blizzard's "Fuck you, we're doing it anyway" attitude is amazing.

Don't you need to weekly cap some shit or other anyway

exactly which portals are they removing?

>thinking flying isn't a bad thing

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desu I would absolutely pay or a game where other players are just bots and not have to deal with their screaming babies on Discord or "brb 420 smoke le weed everyday bro lol break", or needing at least 9 faggot cunts to see the "real" content of the game

You play alliance, right?

Hey guys, looking forward to seeing you this summer. We're going to be praised by critics and players.

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This, retailfags seriously underestimate how many play on private servers cause they don't have any choice.
Yeah some people play on them cause they're free, but most of those people are on servers with later expansions, people who want to play for free don't go out of their way to play on the oldest version of the game.

Private servers are ass even when they're halfway decent, they can shut down at any time, the owners are often corrupt,, mechanics are not accurate, and in general it would be nice to have a ping below 200 cause every damn pserver is hosted on the other side of the planet.

Also, a number of vanilla pserver owners have stated that they're going to shut down when classic launches.
Cause at the end of the day, they just wanted to play vanilla wow.

Both, mostly Horde though.

I know right, based chads.

>You think you do but you don't.

Imagine having this attitude and then deciding "yes, mmos are precisely the genre for me!" rather than the genres that exist that aren't the complete opposite of what you want. Jesus christ the brain damage must be maximum

As a former WoW fan I never got that into Final Fantasy 14 because the quests are so boring. I could never make it past the huge slog of filler quests between ARR and Heavansward

Finally reaching Heavansward after starting on this Amazon Prime deal made me realize this game is doing with its expacs what I miss about old WoW expansions. The new stuff feels significant, the zones fit together and the way the music themes each area and changes instrumentation depending on your location shows a level of ambition that seems gone from WoW. Not to mention the melancholic music reminds me a lot of expoloring Northrend for the first time

>Private servers
Enjoy your shit-tier GMs that will let gold sellers go untouched at best or generating gold themselves at worst.
Enjoy your poor recreation of vanilla scripts.
Enjoy your chinks
Private servers are awful.


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I refuse to buy this shit unless they give back class variety. Removing cross class skills was fucking retarded, and YoshiP straight up admits that role actions were a horrible mistake seeing as they now let every job equip all actions at once.

Nah, I'm just not that 14 year old with all the time in the world back when Vanilla launched. Now I just want to get shit done and people are more of an obstacle rather than helpful.
And there's no other single player "RPG" game on the market that fulfills that role as well as WoW.

You can talk to npc in portal room to go to outlands and you can talk to npc in old dala to go to caverns of time. Its no problem

yeah, all those choices you had that significantly affected gameplay



it's astonishing to me that it's 2019 and people are still posting on '4channel'. It was time to move on nine years ago.

being able to switch between 16 different jobs on one character is your variety.

Isn't that every Themepark design MMO in existence including WoW. Excluding the story, you have to spend hundreds of hours grinding shit fetch quests just to get to the good combat.

Ya m8, I'd like even a shell of the sub-job system in XI. Better something like that then "HERES 12 CDS WITH ONLY 4 THAT ARE RELEVANT AND MUST BE USED EVERY TIME THEYRE OFF CD"
>Can't switch during combat
>Can't even switch while in an instance
wew great variety there

While role actions were dumb, I can't imagine any reality where you would believe cross class skills gave you variety. They were basically extra grind for essential skills.

Yes, my bard's use of Peloton is what makes him a top player

That’s because you never played without it.

But it's an mmo. The genre is not about "getting shit done". The genre is at its core about wasting your time but meeting and playing with other people whilst doing it.

Not really. Even then, the solution wouldn't be to throw the baby out with the bathwater, but to make more skills cross-class.

>alt tabbing while riding a bird on rails from point A from point B is """gameplay"""

Just pay a fucking mage, nigga.

people tried a lot fuckin harder when there was no LFR/LFG. If you were bad you got noticed for being bad, and you basically had to reroll or move servers. Also, you actually made friends with players that you moved through content with, and guilds formed a bond of necessity. It wasnt fake in the least.

Flying was acceptable in TBC, because they actually made areas designed around it.
It should have been permanently removed or relegated to areas with it in mind for future expansions.

you must be the same kind of person who doesn't enjoy sailing in Wind Waker

>Can't even switch while in an instance
Can do it in pvp, maps, and eureka.

>Can't switch during combat
Please look forward to a special surprise in Shadowbringers.

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I'm not subbed to WoW or FFXIV currently. but yeah you only grasp the actual game when you reach the end of it. first time i also took my time to do the filler quest between ARR and Heavensward. Stormblood feels much the same as Heavensward but you will probably enjoy it.

yes. I too lament the day where LFD came out and I was no longer able to leverage my role as a healer/tank to get into groups that disliked me personally but needed me to come because they needed a healer. this made me feel like I could be a jerk to anyone I wanted and no one could fight back, as I was THE healer!

Some were, shit like provoke, stoneskin, quelling strikes, b4b and internal release

People got completely blacklisted if they did shit like ninja looting or got busted for loot collusion.

A lot of people here complain about people never chatting in-game anymore. How many of you play FFXIV? Because after leaving WoW in Cataclysm for that same reason, then years later playing XIV for half a year, and then trying out BFA, I don't know how anyone can think XIV is acceptable. Nobody even uses the zone chatting and there's not even a cross-city shitposting chat channel. Linkshells are retarded because they're invite-only garbage and you may as well use Discord if you want exclusive chats with your friends.

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>Nobody even uses the zone chatting and there's not even a cross-city shitposting chat channel
ever tried using novice network? it's FFXIVs world chat. there's hundreds of people talking in there on some servers.

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get dabbed on retailnigger subhumans
classic is going to shit down your fucking throats. open wide.

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nah eat my dick, there's good ways and bad ways to do public transport
zeppelins are the good way, alliance ships and flight paths are the bad way
I'd much rather have portals than the latter 2

Or in the real world, people simply lost patience, called you a fag and fucked off, knowing that healers and tanks were nowhere near as rare as they tried to make out, and most could be played by a notably intelligent chimp.

The NN is fucking idiotic. Some mentors go on insane power trips. Mention DPS numbers? Kicked because parsing is against the ToS.

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xiv is garbage being a clone of wow after it was garbage

>alliance ships and flight paths are the bad way


Make up a raider linkshell yourself. dont invite garbage.

you can kick the mentors out too you know or just not play on a shitty server.

i have been in too many blown onyxia raids where the tank/sub tanks totally blew everything to acknowledge this to be true, and I stopped playing in wrath.

This is somewhat true, and they cost so much that casual players (ie 99% of players) wouldn't be able to afford them until after they had reached the level cap anyway.
But they opened pandora's box with it, there was no way they were going to introduce wotlk and not have literally every player expecting access to flying when they already put it in the game, especially with the astronomical price of the fast flying mount.

literally nope. chronic ninja looter and still got regular invites.

>not play on a shitty server

Name one good server. It's not like I was playing on Balmung, Mateus, or Gilgamesh.

>Corpse camp someone in open world PVP on Classic WoW
>Get suspended by GMs for playing in a toxic style

It's not 2004 anymore.


People who complain about portals, flying etc don't play retail.

Funny enough this is a big reason why eureka is so popular despite everyone acknowledging that it's shit.

in the real world you can sit and wait, or you can advertise that you need a healer. LFD just did that automatically

secondly, I know that was the case as I was that little shit in FFXI. I played white mage and actually put effort into it, learned dynamis pulls, bought my own noble's tunic and erase/raise 3. I was a powerhungry little shithead. the real issue is when that jackass actually is competent.

For those of you on Unicorn from 2003 to 2008, I'm very sorry

I wonder if they've removed the spit and slap emotes, or even dance? can't dance on an enemy's corpse, that would be toxic.

Based user.

That's where my main is. A new player wanted to know what tank job has high DPS. Some guy got into a debate with me, saying PLD was best while I said WAR was best. Some guy agreed with me using parse numbers and the PLD guy kicked him. Then there was a kick train for "invalid kick reasons". Exodus might not be Tranny Central but it's got a few strays.

>muh sekrit klub
can't wait until the Classic raid elite deny you and you're right back here bitching about it.

I only ever had that issue in dungeons, because you’re less likely to abandon a group halfway through when someone acts like a fag, and getting a replacement was irritating.
In raids, unless the tank/healer was the GM’s buttbuddy, which itself was an entirely different issue worthy of quitting for, My guilds tended to have reserves on standby for that precise reason. People get remarkably less uppity when the raid leader starts asking if any tanks or healers are hypothetically open for a last minute spot

I'm bad at PvP, but good to know I guess.
If class switching during combat becomes a thing in ShB I'll eat my own cum and post it in /vg/

I don't get it, having all the portals in one place seems like a good idea so why remove it?

>defending redridge
These days in private servers you'll get told to stop whining and quest somewhere else if you so much as mention a lvl 60 camping the FP. Fuck classic and fuck the community.

I honestly don't really care exactly who's shit design it is. Half of the problem is Ion getting on stream and telling people that grinding artifact power is content. He makes himself very easy to hate.

Meanwhile Zandalari Troll Paladins are finally coming playable in 8.1.5.

Finally is the keyword because it's been 205 since expansion launch and the mentioned allied race still hasn't been unlockable.

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Why make a portal hub when the mage class can already make portals to capital cities for people to use?
Are nu-WoW players really so anti-social that they're scared of asking a mage for a port?

No, an MMO should be as good in the journey as the destination, or at least find a good balance between those 2.

what's your mains name?

You fail to realize what an MMO is about.

>LFD just did that automatically
you're a brainlet. it did it automatically which believe it or not, impacted the rest of the game. a) cross server, your reputation doesn't matter and your actions don't matter b) notoriety or presence on your server, people learned who others were in the community, lots knew each other, lots knew of people by name they weren't even friends with, creating a sense of community c) instead of learning things it made it just a scenario of kicking people because they weren't people, they were just a means to an end that might as well be bots. don't dare make a mistake, don't dare play a different way from what a dude wants or expects, you just kick and auto refill with no problems, don't even have to wait for the person to get there they just teleport in.
fuck off with that shit like it somehow didn't massively affect the game

>sit and wait
Nope. When someone continuously acted like a primadonna bitch and tried using the healer/tank card, I just ninja pulled and teleported out, knowing the rest of the group would be happy for an excuse to quit since nobody could be bothered to get a replacement. Thus, the bitch in question would think twice before assuming he was irreplaceable. This is instead of leaving and getting a new group, then being replaced and enabling them, or booting him in the knowledge that he’ll near instantly find a new group, thus learning nothing.

Sucked to be the other people, but that’s the price.

because they’re extended loading screens

to be fair it's even worse in WoW
At least in XIV the story takes you through most of the dungeons and trials, and starting at lvl 30 these are already more complex and engaging than anything WoW has to offer until m+5

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>I honestly don't really care exactly who's shit design it is.
You should. If enough people complain, the shareholders start to notice and demand that person be removed.

The great thing about mid pop servers is that people build reputations through mentors and sprouts and people will remember shit like that and end up kicking/blacklisting them in the future.

have you tried, oh i don't know, actually talking to people during them? astonishingly, it's very possible and the point of the game.

>use flr
>act like a dick
>can repeat it ad nauseum
>have to use chat to find a group on your server
>act like a dick
>get reputation and no other group will want you

Yeah, it removed the need to play properly and not be a dickhead since it didn't matter if you ruin the run or not. You will never see the guys in your group again and can just continue.

There is something very wrong with the way your brains works, and you may want to consult a medical professional to recommend you a combination of treatment and medication to deal with it.

i thought the point was to hide and mind control people off the side

>tfw 23 at launch

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Your understanding of what an MMO is about is archaic and flawed.

Fuck the huge rep grind they added for allied races. I bought the expac for those and I am not doing 3 months of fucking wq's on both factions just so I can unlock every allied race.

>use flr
>act like a dick
>get kicked out of the group
that's how it actually works. sorry, sweetie. still no point to make.

Ah yes, not standing in the bright orange circle. Very complex. Very deep.

I like that FFXIV still has that sense of reputation between players on servers. Just by seeing their name you already know what they're all about.

>Aurion Pax - mentor that goes above and beyond for new players
>Viewing Cutscene - big memester that should never be taken literally
>Zhuge Ke - runs a lalafell pimp ring

the first time i did deadmines after launch with rl friends the game had me for years

So you wanted everything to just be handed to you?

I cancelled my sub and I might go play on a private server. Blizzard has made it very clear how they feel about player feedback when they hired a ratfuck lawyer to defend random drop legendaries for all of Legion.

>Ghostcrawler said in a League Reddit AMA his biggest regret was LFR
That's how you know he did far more for WoW than he should have. Backpedaling on your feature because someone called you mean names on the internet is a true hallmark of professional integrity.

imagine getting hired as a corporate attorney and being handed that folder

>and starting at lvl 30 these are already more complex and engaging than anything WoW has to offer

The problem is they artificially hamstring you with absolute dogshit job design before you get into the higher levels and when I get level synced to a level 30 dungeon I wanna fucking tear my eyes out because of how boring jobs are before 60+

Could be the most engaging mechanics ever invented but it doesn't matter if all I'm doing is spamming literally 3 buttons on a shitty 2.5 second GCD with nothing to weave.

Trying to prove to his boss Mr. YouThinkYouDoButYouDon't, that he was right all along for goodboy points, while also trying to set the game back literally 15 years.

Quads speak the truth. During Classic and TBC if you were a raider or a PvPer you knew so many players of both factions because you were always bumping into one another. In later expansions I barely remember my guildmates.

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I wonder if Hogger or the welcome bears will claim the highest body count in classic.
What patch did they remove elite status from the defias wizards outside moonbrook?

>instantly research for a new group to fuck up
Yeah, sweatie, keep on dreaming.

>Mr. YouThinkYouDoButYouDon't, that he was right all along
He is right. Current wow is dogshit, but old wow is some slightly less offensive shit.

I grinded up all the Legion ones before BFA dropped but fuck BFA and it's WQ's. It's a shit expansion.

See, the thing about LFD and LFR is that it's a trickle-down effect. On the surface it's a good change, your group doesn't automatically explode if someone leaves your BRD run partway through. But then it starts to effect player behavior, makes them more introverted. This in turn begins to affect various areas of the game.

hogger was easy, the fucking defias web guys along the water, the final boss of deadmines, and gnomeregan always were littered with corpses

>the real mmo experience is a series of menus that i click till i get dropped in an instanced experience with a bunch of players i will never meet again so i can run stale content
t. brainlet

If I see you, I'll wave.

>Get kicked again
Oh, honey. you're just grasping now. Bless you, poor thing.

LFR should've been removed after flex was added in MoP

The problem is that the sort of turboidiot that still plays WoW loves LFD and LFR, and will defend it to the death. The idea that content exists that is beyond them on a 1 hour a week schedule is anathema to them.

>These days in private servers you'll get told to stop whining and quest somewhere else if you so much as mention a lvl 60 camping the FP.

I always respond to these calls with my 60 Orc Rogue.

Hogger was easy, but he had a high bodycount of people who happened to wander into him by accident.

They were never elite, they just did that amount of damage with a somehwat low healthbar with high runspeed, cnain aggoring more of their clones and HUH ing you to fiery death

Defias wizards at moonbrook will claim the most.

They're literal rape-demons that come in packs.

>They were never elite
Could have sworn they were once.
Have I entered the berenstein universe?

>content will not be bugged to shit
Now that's a bold claim, remember that back then they hid unfinished content behind "bugs" like the last phases of C'Thun thanks to tentacles spawning where they shouldn't.

The current community loves their convenience features (flying, portal, LFR) and will resist having them taken away. Flex will never be as easy as LFR, thus they will never allow it.

I actually haven't played in months and hadn't really planned to until SHB unless a friend of mine wants to play

Nigga it is a fucking waste of time trying to defend Redridge on servers like LH. It is literally 24/7 camping by Horde. Alliance would have to bring in like 15 people for it to be any sort of meaningful defense that would deter ganking for longer than five minutes.

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It depresses me how easily it could have all been saved.
If they'd kept the noticeboard system of TBC and restricted flying mounts to certain areas they could have been fine.

>playing retail in 2019
Embrassing, blizzshills just continue lapping up whatever shit actiblizzard shits out

>flying mounts to certain areas they could have been fine
They kinda did this with isle of quel'danas, timeless isle and isle of thunder.

I don't know why they stopped making them, PvP on those islands was always really fun.

No one has ever been able to defend this domino effect mentality outside of a facile. I hear stupid shit like "instant gratification immediately results in less reliance on a social structure for reward" but it's never correctly, and factually applied to the activities associated.
>Oh god LFR killed raiding
It clearly hasn't. It clearly made the people who want to socialize stay in their raids for that. It just made people who won't socialize period consider the content, and those on the fence approach the content in a way they want to, hence playing the game longer than they would have if asked to socialize.
The belief that forcing people to do something they don't want to is beneficial to the MMO ecosystem requires a peer reviewed study that successfully claims that fact. Without that, there is no argument.

Is there an equivalent for the Horde?

I literally only played a mage for the portals. Stop acting like people ever enjoyed 20 minute walks between zones

It's more accurate to say
>LFR killed the prestige of raiding
but even that isn't exactly true. It'd be better to say
>LFR is a symptom of what killed the prestige of raiding, which is the ever ballooning number of difficulties for the sake of a never ending hamster wheel for 90% of raiders

> bla bla bla bla
Using menus to enter instanced zones kills the fantasy of a consistent world. This fantasy is the central MMO concept.

>>Oh god LFR killed raiding
It helps when you actually understand what you're trying to argue against.
The problem was always the reduction of the server community, which was an inherent issue with allowing people to not socialise and to play with people they'll likely never meet again, as contrasted with people they could and likely would interact with on a regular basis.

Not really. Hillsbrad is the closest, but it's an actual contested leveling zone (vs Redridge which is a contested Alliance zone) so people will show up to fight back.

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it's still amazing how WoW got the tightest MMO combat around, even with GCD changes. Why nobody can top them?

Most games tend to just give you new races with expansion purchase, yes.

People who "won't socialize period" are a small amount of outsiders, when LFR was added it really hurt the 10man normal mode pubs lots of people who did them switched to being LFR raiders.

>The belief that forcing people to do something they don't want to is beneficial to the MMO ecosystem requires a peer reviewed study that successfully claims that fact.
If you actually played the older generation of MMOs and played the newer ones you would know it's a fact.

LFR killed guilds and permanent pugs, which pretty much were guilds.

This shit is irredeemable at this point. It's only to make grinding for Azerite more time consuming to pad out the no content they have. Same reason they made leveling take longer. Not harder, longer. Because of the Allied race cosmetics "reward."

three words: "time played metric"
when you lose the trust of your audience, they'll bitch at everything you do. and besides, why the fuck are they focusing on portals when class design is in the dumpster.

Has it really killed the prestige of raiding when the difficulties suit that need? if the never ending hamster wheel wasn't approved of, no one who wanted said prestige would participate in them.
That's the very definition of facile.
>reduction of the server community
Do you have proof LFR resulted in this? Proof that this reduction wasn't an organic dropoff of the playerbase, or some other outcome? Proof LFR isn't just a scapegoat for any of these?

Crossroads and Sepulcher would've been the potential equivalents if they weren't within Horde territory. Redridge is the only sub lvl 20 zone in the game that is contested for some reason.

semi off topic. What makes the Zandalari racials so powerful?

>why the fuck are they focusing on portals when class design is in the dumpster.
Because they learned people will sub regardless of how shit the core experience is. Now it's all about stringing them along as long as they can. The longer you stay in the game, the more money/gold you spend to flatten the economy curve.

It killed almost everything outside hardcore guilds and external friend groups. Raids were the last bastion of server interaction and LFR killed them
Most elite quests were removed and artifacts/easy dungeon loot made killing even clumped up mobs easy. no need to group up
Dungeon finder

LFR is brought up so often not because it was the worst part, but because it was the final and most obvious blow

>Why nobody can top them?
WoW has had years of polishing. Every new MMO that comes out is a buggy mess with a rushed launch.

>Appeal to casuals by making content more accessible and easier/quicker to do
>Normal players clear through the content quickly
>Devs realize their mistake and instead of making the majority of content take more time they throw in some huge boring grind for 1 item to appease hardcore players
This shit happens way too often

Your refusal to understand what is apparent to all is not a merit.

People that still play this game, what the fuck is wrong with you?

sunk cost fallacy

>having to fly over the barrens for 5 mins in making the world feel more alive

this argument would have weight if there was no flying as it stands all it does is add an extra 5 mins of autorun afking.

>Has it really killed the prestige of raiding when the difficulties suit that need?

Uh, yes? Raiding used to be more exclusive. The more exclusive something is, the more prestigious it is. You could argue that Mythic is still prestigious, but it's literally a waste of time to do unless you want harder content.
I killed Sargeras, so did you. Only difference is it only took me a hour long run in LFR vs three weeks on Mythic.

Your refusal to admit your opinion could be wrong in absence of facts is why your take on my merits holds no value.

pretty muchalso fantasy facebook service at this point

I don't get why they even try doing this again. Retail went full fucking retard a long time ago and there's not a lick of immersion left to be found in the entire game. Just roll with the threadmill weekly loot instant gratification simulator you've perfected for all these years instead of trying to backpedal with these changes and try finding footing in an inexistant middle-ground. How can they be so fucking disconnected with the entire playerbase? They have years of development behind them and they still do these inane mistakes even the most brainded faggot wouldn't commit. It's actually baffling.

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Even without flying you can pretty much afk auto run down a road.

unfortunately true, i can deal with some scripts not working but investing the time in a server that will inevitably go up in smoke when some GM corruption/profiteering comes to light is the only reason why i'm going to give blizzard shekels for classic.

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I don't get why travel needs to be inconvenient in WoW, the open world is literal trash with no worthwhile content. The only MMO with meaningful travel in 2019 is OSRS.
FFXIV has teleports everywhere, Guild Wars 2 has teleports everywhere, it makes no difference and just saves time. Travel time only matters if something can happen during travel and nothing happens with WoW.

Ghostcrawler is also the guy who gave us dual spec, cata/mop talents, and heroic modes.

He also homoginized all the classes into being the same.

>play classic
>level 60
>ask if anyone in guild wants to stratholme
>like 5 faggots speak up
>everyone reaches dungeon and start pulling
>notice tank is a faggot with shit gear and healer is struggling to keep him up against one mob
>"dude, are you geared for this? you are spiking hard"
>"huh? yeah, this is only strat. we'll be fine"
>end up wiping a minute later
>run back and wipe again
>"dude, I don't think you are geared for this."
>wipe again
>healer leaves group and quit guild
>tank calls him a noob
>tank ask over guild if any other healers want to come join

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Are you implying that even half of the people who were here 9 years ago are the same ones here today?

Your belief that a fact is not a fact unless it can be proven according to your arbitrary standards shows a true lack of intellectual rigor.

Archeage has the best transport system of any MMO, gliders were really fun, boat travel was fun and portals weren't super cheap so you'd rather walk some places.

Too bad the rest of the game is shit.

>Raiding used to be more exclusive
We're not talking about exclusivity, though. We're talking about prestige, and it still matters if you can earn an Ahead of the Curve achievement on Mythic.
>You could argue that Mythic is still prestigious, but
But in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, it's a methodology applied directly to hardcore raiding after several expansions of testing that affirms it works for the majority. Being this is an MMO and the majority opinion holds the greatest weight, your opinions on the values of exclusivity and mythic difficulty being inverse functions of prestige are inherently invalid.

>200 replies for a "trash game", "dead game", etc.

You guys are really a bunch of addicted nerds

this is the most polite and well worded shitflinging i've seen all day

all the places with portals that got removed now take an average of 1 minute longer to get to compared to before there were portals. It doesn't actually do anything for making the world feel alive, it's just Blizzard pushing random inconveniences for no reason

those tools didn't fuck the game perse, I agree
the community was already on route to turning into shit right before lfr and lfd, I would even argue how having something like that on vanilla/release would have not affected the experience that much
I'm going to have so much fun witnessing the wow classic trainwreck, when pretend-oldfags finally realize it was the people and the time what made the experience, and not the lack of qol tools or inconvenience

cite said fact(s) in any of your posts. best of luck.

there are caster defias elites that patrol in vanilla moonbrook i believe, but the normal casters aren't elites.

dying is part of the experience. anyone that quits over a few deaths in strat doesn't deserve classic.

For someone who hasn't played WoW since WotLK: Were portals just basically a faster flightpath?

>the majority opinion holds the greatest weight

The majority of WoW's players have quit. What now faggot?

>an achievement is prestigious
Is this the mind set of people who still play WoW? Is my Winterveil 2009 achievement suddenly prestigious?

>post something you have unfalsifiable standards for
>claim victory when people see through it
I got bored of this one over a decade ago

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I would heal dungeons as shadow and blame the tanks if anything went wrong.

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Basically. The only people who really give a shit are the ones who obsessively run old content for mounts/transmog.

>It just made people who won't socialize period consider the content, and those on the fence approach the content in a way they want to
They shouldn't be doing the content period. The game should be full of content they can do. It is not, because they said "EVERYONE CAN RAID LOL" and now the only content they have is raids.

As you should. Dungeons weren't difficult enough to warrant a talent build if you had even remotely decent gear.

>playing druid on elysium
>leveling feral but i have a healing set for instances
>never respec because i'm a poorfag, obviously
>there's this one romanian tank named Killer or some generic shit like that
>guy talks shit to literally EVERYONE in general all the time, sometimes maintains level parity with me so i see him everywhere
>he's the best sub lvl 60 tank though, this guy chain pulls correctly and doesn't give a fuck
>retard dps always talking shit, he shoots it right back and they always stfu
>"hey, minhee, nice heals"
>mfw i turned into Killer's little healslut
>always destroying instances with this crazy romanian
>the vanilla experience

Attached: minhee.jpg (2240x3360, 2.08M)

>Ask naysayers to defend their point
>They can't
>"Oh geez I'm SO bored with this!"
Your notion of defeat is accepted.

I wouldn't say transport in AA was fun but the journey was "fun" as it actually had a risk, you could lose significant cargo if you were killed during voyages and shit. None of that is present in WoW.
GW2 would probably be the most fun for me, with the interesting mounts and gliders. FFXIV is the least fun since the movement system is complete garbage.

1) Game of the MMO genre are defined by their consistent shared world experience.
2) Replacing interactions in that world for menu based interactions and instanced content make that world poorer, and are thus contrary to good game design.

>female on Yea Forums
post feet

>Is this the mind set of people who still play WoW
Apparently yes since they keep doing it and it's still one of the top 7 highest grossing games of the year.

>Post your opinion and state ZERO facts to back it up
>Argue that everyone else is wrong because they don't have some scientific study on niche video game psychology
Based retard

>implying i'm a female you retard
my character name was minhee

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Walking walking, or running?
Did people camp at night along the road?
How many players were on this server?

>They shouldn't be doing the content period.
You're not the content lead. You don't get to decide that.
The content leads of preceding MMOs thought that was the way to go as well. Their games are all dead now.

post feet

>tries to twist the point into a pissing match where people vie for the last word and hope the other side gets bored, or at least forgets that the point is deliberately unfalsifiable
>on an anonymous image board
Keep going through the shitposter checklist. I'll give you the (you)s you crave

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post boipucci

i'm a 6'5 210 pound hairy dude... you guys are crazy. i just like kpop

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It isn't a bad change, but it also isn't consistent with the design of the game. Blizzard seems to pull these decisions out of a hat.

>LFR killed the game. Full stop.
>deliberately unfalsifiable
It either did or didn't you gigantic retard. The poster asked for proof. You presented none. You lost.

Get a EPL to write whatever point you just tried to make for you then post again.

an epl*

Are you going to try and say that AOTC Mythic isn't prestigious because it can be verified in chat with a link that shows the date the player completed it? Just to blindly be against achievements?

>What is a vernacular noun

Is this much of the world really sheep?

Good, fuck so many portals, fuck Heirlooms, fuck all this nu shit that makes the game a speedway to endgame and makes early game unfun twink fests.

Yes I use them, because I am gonna use the while we have them but I would get rid of them in a heartbeat.

>Working on my preraid BiS on my druid
>Got my feral set from leveling including a wardens staff courtesy of generic furbolg #3905
>3/4 of groups I offer to tank are very rude about me being a druid
>1/4 that I go with go perfectly fine because lmao preraid content
>Nobody notices im 2/3rds into resto 1/3 into feral
Cant wait to spend that first month at 40+ surrounded by retards that drank the tier list koolaid

>Their games are all dead now.
So is wow :^)
This is the part where you desperately try to argue that dropping from 12m+ to 1m subs is totally not any kind of death, and that the game being played by what amount to bots is just fine.

Mmos should have very different types of content for everyone, and almost nobody in the game should do all forms of content.

>pretends to take hyperbole at face value and then pretends to be someone else so people assume the retarded poster is separate from the one making the original attempt to make an unfalsifiable claim
that one's just sad.

Did nobody in this thread read the actual article/what's going on with portals?

Blizzard is only removing portals from other cities so they can place fucking all of them in SW/Org. They aren't making it "more like Classic", just moving portals from several locations to a singular one.

This is literally making the game MORE convenient, not less.

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I asked my PhD girlfriend if she agreed with my posts so far. As she did, my posts are now peer-reviewed and have thus have become fact.

cool. but blizzard has zero fucking spine and will never keep this change. The wrathbabies will have their way eventually

Date of completion is irrelevant cause AOTC are removed after the patch.

And no an achievement isn't prestigious. You can literally buy an AOTC achieve.

>Kill asshole corpse camper
>He reports you on five free accounts
>His friends and guildies report you
How often will this happen?

the only one pretending here is you over having an actual point to make.

phonetically an EPL is correct you retard, we don't share a colloquial vernacular

i loved that story idk why

That's not how peer reviews work outside your communal trade school. Sorry.

No fuck you, the game has been streamlined for over 10 years, you can't just take out one quality of life change & act like the game has somehow gone back to it's roots

Remove LFR/LFD, titanforging, flying mounts & bring back skill trees & unique classes, then maybe we can talk

Ill report back after an afternoon of fucking up STV and let you know

They finally realized that trivializing the game is bad for the game's health in the long term.
I'm actually, really, unironically shocked.

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Prove it

You pretended to take hyperbole at face value for the sake of arguing a technicality that got seen through instantly.
Just stop.

>we don't share a colloquial vernacular
your problem. not mine.

I'll field this as I am literally someone who would be angry about portal loss were my sub active (it isn't) and I'm literally someone looking forward to Classic. Classic and live are two different games. Live is a game about logging in, quickly getting to where you need to go, doing it, then either logging off, or porting to some old content to farm mounts/pets/transmog/cosmetics. They are trying to slow down the cosmetic farming to keep people paying and playing longer; it's just an inconvenience and a big one considering the game has been balanced around fast travel for a decade. Meanwhile in Classic, fast travel is really just your Hearthstone, and a thing mages can do. The game is neither balanced around fast travel, nor is it even needed, as you aren't going out to the middle of no where to farm cosmetics all the time.

I am sorry that you do not understand you are being mocked.

They aren't even really making a big change. At most they are adding an extra 5-10 minutes of flying for people.

At least XIV has mechanics that can wipe a level 30 group if they don't understand what's going on. WoW instances can be bruteforced all the way until you get to very endgame

I say this as a 15 year WoW veteran, XIV currently does everything that WoW does but better (minus pvp)

>they aren't changing anything
>adding an extra 5-10 minutes

for what purpose? so it better fits the 'grand scheme' theory?

They ever explain Slyvanas bring War Chief and Vol’jin being a Loa?

No it isn't they are removing portals to other places so that you have to go to them and then go to another and then another to get actually where you want to go nigger.
wheres the wrymest portal?
Whertes the khareazan portal?
Wheres the dalaran portal?
Where the canvers of time portal?
Yeah shut the fuck up nigger
>inb4 just go to shatthrath!!!

Actual smart person here, dropped private servers the second Classic was announced.

>Game must be at peak subs to be considered alive
Not him but people have been saying WoW has been dead/dying since BC. You're retarded
>It lost subs so it's dead
As long as it's still getting content, it isnt dead. Fucking EverQuest still gets patches. Also does player count = good? If so, man, Fortnite was the best game in the world for a bit. Oops I guess that's Apex now.
Yes, ignore all the bot account bans because your point is that fragile.
>Almost nobody in the game should do all forms
But that's exactly what's happening. You can't equate LFR to even Normal versions of the raid. There are players who don't get to see a Mythic10 key because they aren't good enough. Everything you're crowing about already exists-by YOUR definition the game is achieving prestige or whatever you're whining about in order to inflate your retarded epeen.

Which mechanics would those be by the way? I had "brute forced" brayflox the other day when a tank refused to move the dragon at the end.

Do you even know what you're arguing against at this point?
The argument is people create faciles around QoL changes like "LFR killed raiding", and fail to present a factual argument.
In this case, you assert "no, that's actually true".
The poster argues it's not without proof and gestures for some to prove that statement wrong.
You then offer none, and fall back on logical fallacy that it's an unfalsifiable argument.
It's blatantly not. It's a binary supposition. A yes or no in the face of direct evidence.
You offered none, and hence lost the argument.
No further (You)s will be awarded, though I will take your bumps as payment for my time.

Back in my day we had to hunt down a mage, negotiate a price, and use one of his portals. That created a piece of something called a "community".

not him, but you can't brute force the first boss of Qarn

Also, Aiatar's regen was cut by 3/4 in the super nerf back in HW. He used to heal to full in about 15 seconds

Ion "I only got this job because I was Tigole's vanilla raiding buddy" Hazzacheeseburger has been trying to drag the game back to vanilla monotony since he was made a lead.

Are you fucking retarded. I said the players are equivalent of bots because there's NO INTERACTION REQUIRED.
And no, fuck off with your idiocy. "hurr durr yeah they run the same thing with the same enemies but if the stats are different then it's not the same content". It's the same content you dense nigger. What happens in real mmos, and old wow for that matter, is that people had various avenues of content to do that weren't the exact same shit with the exact same playstyle and some shuffled numbers. The reason nobody who actually likes mmos plays wow anymore is precisely because everything they have done has been the opposite of that whilst at the same time removing every social aspect that should be a requirement for mmos.
Piss off retard

I'm sorry you're too autistic to tell when someone makes a mockery out of a failed attempt at it.

I see. I am willing to concede, the doom thing is unavoidable. And I struggle to think of anything similar in wow up to a similar level.

>You then offer none, and fall back on logical fallacy that it's an unfalsifiable argument.
You were literally spoonfed facts at but have refused to engage in the discussion, instead demanding a formal rigor in the proceedings that is not typical of imageboard culture. This is poor form and shows a lack of desire to engage in true discussion.

stonetalon mountains is one of the places where horde goes 15-25 and ally goes there 25-30 or just pass by to desolase and kill some low lvls on the way

Attempting to use autism as a perjorative is a new low a series of refusals to engage in honest debate. Re-evaluate yourself.

those are opinions

Eh, BFS is shit anyways. I resigned and bought it because no other game quite captures healing as well as wow (been meaning to try FFXIV but I hear leveling healers sucks) and I was craving it.

Honestly at least leveling with Warmode on is still somewhat fun. Now if only they removed Heirlooms I would actually fully enjoy it.

If it wanted Pvp with streamlined stats I would play League, which I do, but I do not want that in WoW.

Sunken Temple of Qarn has a couple mechanics that can't be bruteforced. The doom mechanic will 100% kill you unless:
1. Someone in the group tells you how to do it
2. You watch a guide
3. You solve it by pure accident or trial and error

This is a level 35 dungeon. Simple yes, but WoW doesn't have anything like this until you're at least running M+

>ion was based all this time
Did not see that coming.
>vanilla monotony
I think i have a video of you dude.

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How to fix wow:
>Merge the FUCK out of low pop realms
>LFR gone
>LFD gone
>Sharding gone
>Phasing gone
>Cross realm zoning gone
Bonus round:
>No welfare legendary/artifact gear
>Titanforging gone
>Total number of drops from raid bosses decreased
>Bonus rolls gone
>Master loot restored

Back in your day there were not quests that send you to the far corners of the world for a simple deli very because there are supposed to be portals.

Making classes interesting again should be number 1 on that list.

>have to beg your group to give you something

That's just how they've become.
The problem is people who play MMOs start to do so for vanity and not for the sake of having a social team experience.
It's not about having fun with friends, it's about fantasies of getting attention for being "the best" or whatever gay shit; which tends to start after your first pvp experience getting your shit kicked in which will then dictate your lust for revenge motivation for playing the game "because YOU'RE NOT BETTER THAN ME REEEE!"

Because people got competitive, PVE elements that didn't actually further their status in the game didn't matter. Leveling in most games became an "inevitability" even if the last couple of levels were a bone breaking grind, people didn't want something that everyone else was destined to get by just by playing the game. Endgame content already was a treadmill to keep people who rushed to it entertained, but also gave purpose for grinding dungeons and raids which just naturally created a filtering effect where through RNG and being with the right guild you'd achieve "status" that "mattered".

So this essentially pushed more PVE endgame content, which became the focus as those like Blizzard realized that people wanted everything about the game to be shoved at a level cap and then delivered via seasonal patches.

The better solution to this problem is to make non-instanced PVE concepts like exploring a more challenging feature that may just actually filter out some shittier players so competitive autists don't feel like everything is just a slog to get to "the game". But this is honestly wishful thinking, guides and wikis and meta faggotry will always ruin shit because people get mad that other people are stronger than them.

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I am done with you. You will continue to move the goalposts to prevent having to honestly engage in the discussion at hand.

I actually wouldn't even mind a lfg tool, as long as it doesn't teleport the whole fucking group right into the dungeon and also gives bonus xp and rewards.
There was a private server that I played on, don't remember which one though might've been kronos, that had a lfg tool like I described but to use it you had to talk to an innkeeper in a city. I thought that was a pretty solid system, not sure how many people actually used it though

this entitled instant gratification mentality ruined WoW, seriously fuck you, go play Fortnite if you don't have time to play an MMO

>remove RPG elements that were tedious but existed to immerse you (class-specific professions, regents, weapon skills, etc.)
>but also remove welcome conveniences that came alongside that (fast traveling)

It's almost like... Blizzard is fucking incompetent

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I love how everyone scapegoats fucking Ion as if he is the problem.

This is the guy who was a very good raidleader in Vanilla and BC and wants the game to be actually good again, but he only has so much power.

Stop shooting the only people on your side idiots.

this. The portal changes make the game less convenient (by forcing you to go to Org or SW to do ANYTHING) and more soulless (by removing "fun" portals like Dalaran Crater) at the same time

Roasties, every time.

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Not if you're playing mmos, lol. It clearly doesn't.

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Yea Forums what are you playing in Classic?

Never played Vanilla but in excited, I am a PvP based player and am thinking a Night elf Hunter, what do you recommend though? What professions should I take? I think me and my friend are going to each take Herbalism and then I take Alchemy and him Enchanting and we just swap herbs when needed as we make things we need for each other, does that sound like a good idea?

He's definitely a scapegoat, but placing a boomer in charge of WoW is exactly what's killing it.
Vanilla and BC were exceptionally flawed experiences. People give J Allen shit for trying to improve on that, but it's what people wanted. It's the reason WOTLK had the highest player numbers.
Ever since they tried to recapture BC, the game has been in a downward spiral. Blizzard HATES the badge system, and yet it was when they had the most success and adoption.

>blizzard makes the game harder/more boring and the excuse is that they want to recapture the old WoW feeling but when people ask for fun things from old WoW they just say that it's in the past and people need to move on

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why would blizzard attempt to appease classicfags with retail when they get to play classic in a few months and the sub is shared? makes no sense

even if you agree with the idea of lfr the implementation was pure cancer for the first two years, they didn't know how to balance it, one shithead could chain pull bosses and couldn't be vote kicked, loot trading, etc. it was the perfect example of what a disaster wow had become

BFA subs are in free fall and Ion has been ordered to appease the classicucks at ALL costs.

>doesnt even get the quote right

>We need to remove flying to improve the game's quality of life
>"How about making more quality content that works alongside flying without gimping the convenience of travel?"
>OY VEYYYYYY GOYIM do you want free gametime as well!?!?!?

back in your day you were allowed to talk to other people. you literally get banned in nu-wow for disagreeing with someone if you seem "disrespectful". Better walk on eggshells or some tranny with rainbow hair will ban you for making other players feel bad despite you not using any swears or anything with a racial tone.

if not that then you will get banned when 5 random people you have never talked to decide to all spam report you at once because you are taking their guildies node.

Blizzards corpse rotted away a long time ago.

Ion makes himself very easy to hate by doing "community outreach" which is him arguing against concerns voiced by the community. A prime example of this is the stance he publicly voiced on the implementation of world ilevel scaling without it being documented in a patch note.

>Making classes interesting again should be number 1 on that list.
I agree that the core gameplay design needs a complete overhaul, but that's a much deeper and more complex problem to solve. All of my changes are straightforward and easy to implement. I would prefer they take their time to get classes and gear right.

>have to beg your group to give you something
What an incredibly ignorant perspective. Imbeciles like you are the reason this game is dying.

This, Classes are so boring compared to Vanilla, no uniqueness

new worgen models when

The only fun i can get from WoW nowadays is making 1-2k euro at the start of every new addon by selling shitty items to powergaymers for millions of gold and then selling gold to retards for real money.

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Is it even reasonable to level in retail currently? If it takes over 24 hours played-time to hit level cap, then your time would be better spent working a 3$ an hour job and just purchasing levelcap for 60$ by far.
This is a big reason i'm looking forward to classic, but I could easily see them putting in a store and killing the game for many players

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this, Blizzard does it over and over again
>players ask for [thing]
>Blizzard implements mechanic that's superficially similar to [thing] but not actually what people wanted
>everyone hates it
>Blizzard declares that players don't actually know what they want so player feedback is worthless

Just fucking hop on your 310% flying mount, it takes like 2 minutes to fly from winterspring to silithus

This is exactly what i was thinking, well said

Just make the game an RPG again.

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Just seens the server list for the first time in years. Are pvp serverss not a thing anymore? Or can't you choose them in the free trial?

Imagine playing theme park MMOs like WoW and FFXIV in 2019

No, leveling is fucking boring, although I do get some joy out of ganking level 40s on my twinked-out level 20 in warmode.

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No, the reason the game is dying is because of bad designers. Giving a fair loot distribution is not going to kill the game.

Why not just make millions a day flipping the market?

>Paying for vanilla
>Actual smart person
good joke

Darkshore to Gadgetzan was 15 minutes, and flight paths are faster than 310. Going as the crow flies doesn't cut that much off

This is a non issue to me as all of my characters are engineers

what games do you play

furry containment-mmo when?
>haha lets turn a fantasy genre game into a game about literal fucking kung-fuu panda bears
unironically kill yourselves

They removed them in favour of a toggle that players can switch in faction capitals.

I said worgen not pandas you illiterate retard

Walking walking. If you had a group, yeah some did. Some formed an entire guild based around their camp and had a base built up. Several hundred at some point but consistently 30-50 during its peak.

I like your pic.
>Get a bunch of friends and guildies and we trave to IF airstrip.
>Make an awesome dance party, some guy brought booze, it was awesome.
>Suddenly a GM shows up, does some /y emote, reprimands everyone for using bugs and ports the whole raid in front of IF, but in the air.
>Everyone falls to their death.
>Guild chat goes bonkers, everyone scared we're gonna get banned.
>One last /y from Gm: Your souls will be an acceptable sacrifice for your sins

Man, vanilla was a magical place.

wow... it's like.... let me think... it's almost like... wait for it....

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I wish they would add more zeppelins and boats.

they were simply lying about flying, it was broken all over draenor especially the garrison so they conveniently started to care about immersion at that point as an excuse, right idea wrong reason

>muh furry boogeyman
Blizzard's upper management have been furries from the start.

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>develop game towards casual shitters
>hardcore people leave years
>make change towards more hardcore audience
>suprised casuals players who remained complain
couldn't be dumber

>Can we at least make Classes unique again?
>Fuck you

I saw this exact joke in a Warner Bros. cartoon from like 1940. Must everything be the furry boogeyman?

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really? it was the funniest and most bizarre thing to me when i came back years after vanilla to find instant-queue raids and dungeons with teleport and all. people wouldn't even try or communicate in the dungeons or raids. it's like a completely different game with those "features"

>I'll eat my own cum
i already do this.

To be honest, Blizzard hated all those features and refused to use them in interesting ways since Vanilla. They might as well remove professions, since they have not done anything interesting with them in literal years.

you're absolutely correct, Aviana's Feather (the only way to fly in early wod) would cause you to fall through the world for months after release. They just didn't want to finish the models.

Plus just look at BFA's map, it's full of inaccessible mountains which makes content look way bigger than it is.

>Should I make them work to earn their gear? No.
>Should I make them take a long ass flight to get to their quests? Yes.
based blizzard

I liked inviting people on high warlord pvp grinds to groups, summoning them, and pulling and killing civilian npcs and setting his progress back 10 months.

Fuck, you could really mess with people back then.

Blizzard could remove every static portal in the game and it wouldn't do a single thing to "restore server communities" or whatever the fuck their excuse is. It's impossible for server communities to exist as long as sharding means you'll never see the same player twice if they're not in your guild

the only wow private servers that will have any staying power once vanilla comes out are going to be the big ones that have a stable population and the other servers are gonna be the highly modded ones where you can choose your own skills talents classes races (human shaman with divine intervention)

m+ is one of the few redeemable qualities of BFA, you fucking mongoloid.

Honestly at this point I am beginning to suspect the WoW isn't so much asleep at the wheel as they are actively fighting over the wheel.

>Inconvenience made the game feel like a world!!!
No, using the world made it feel like a world. All they did was make my walk to some mog run somewhere take an extra 5 minutes. If they want to make the world feel like a world maybe come up with a reason why I would want to go back to the world instead of letting 99% of the content be in 6 zones that require 0 travel through the rest of the game to traverse

There was an exploit in vanilla that involved mindcontrolling and opposite faction player and having them kill the battleground faction npcs. This could drop their rep below neutral and leave them unable to use that battleground.

>Muh inconvenience
They fucking removed portals that were there since TBC and pretty much necessary unless you want to travel around half the continent to reach stuff like Caverns of Time.
And at the time nobody except some stupid RPlers asked for.
Lets be honest, it's just to boost the average play time and timegate even more since you will be forced to fly across half the world to finish a quest or do a xmog run.
People complain about shitty expeditions - let's remove portals, that totally sounds logical for no reason but making people spend more time in game

M+ was good in Legion, but the MDI killed it. BFA M+ is designed to be an e-sport, not a game, and the dungeons reflect that

>rehashing dungeons is redeemable!
and it's redeemable because_________?

>diablo 3 trash

I'm sure they will use this as a snarky "We thought you wanted to experience the world" excuse.

dungeons are every bit as quality as in legion and not much more different in terms of linearity, in fact there's some considerably better open-pathed dungeons

you're a dumb casual faggot if you think that's the purpose of m+, kill yourself and i hope youre unsubbed


>lets restore the ''world'' aspect to resurrect our once tight communities
>but lets keep sharding which allows players to be indistinguishable from NPC's
blizzniggers are clearly trolling at this point

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>unless you want to travel around half the continent to reach stuff like Caverns of Time

Just take the Uldum portal you fucking mongoloid.

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>dungeons are every bit as quality as in legion
they're worse in pretty much all respects because Blizzard thinks every dungeon should be a boring trash grind for le ebic e sports

As a priest, can you level as anything other than a shadow spec in retail? I miss flinging holy fires around, but damage as holy is incredibly bad

What if this marks the departure from sharding technology, not just in Classic but retail as well?

that doesn't make any sense because they're implementing the portal change as a band-aid to fix the problems sharding created

>ad hominems
ok. so m+ is a reshashed old content treadmill just like i said. thanks.

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I mean yeah that'd be great, but they won't do it. They clearly spent a lot of money on this technology and will pretend the problems CRZ fixes are comparable to the problems it causes

What if they're doing that to force more interaction from players and this is the first of many steps? At some point they might ditch shards completely.

WoW still seems to be 5he best game on the market for being a healer. Lots of moms assume healers want to one button spam or assume no one wants to heal at all.

>LFR gone
>LFD gone
this shit can stay but only within its own real. no crz

The whole game is just a massive skinner box anymore with shit like TF and gem slots and what not.

>You DO want your BiS right goyim? Gotta stay competitive!
>Make sure to run your daily Warfront/IslandExpedition/LFR/Mythic+/etc
>What's that? Your new item didn't TF?
>Try again tomorrow schlomo!
>Don't forget to renew your sub.

But thats exactly what Legion was?

Court of Stars was literally just waddling around for trash

Even with BFA's shit can we at least agree that BFA Demo Lock is fun af? Ive always wanted to summon a literal army of demons and now I can, name any other game where you can summon a BOSS (Prince Malchezzar ) in game

>bring all those """great""" D3 features to WoW
D3 features(rifts aka m+, wqs instead of hub quests, sure, they are repeatitive, but not as repeatitive as fucking same 10 quests all over again for a month until you hit exalted and bever see them again) is the best thing that happened with wow in a long time.

Game as in MMO

8.2.5 confirmed.

rifts work in d3 because they're randomized and procedural. the dungeons in wow are static. that's exactly why they DON'T work.

wqs are garbage chores in d3 people are forced to do for mats and specific uniques. then they never touch them again.

wotlk style faction rotation dailies were far better and less repetitive than d3 wqs. They're trying to shove round pegs into square holes by combining the designs of two very different games.

> some considerably better open-pathed dungeons
Eye of azshara is fucking trash

no, we absolutely cannot.

I realize this isn't a way to measure sub numbers, but you can round it and clearly see it's the lowest point in wow's history. My point being retailfags and your fuck-awful opinions literally mean nothing, you're playing a game in which no one plays/played

Attached: census.png (1108x709, 260K)

And travel for 5 minutes instead of being right there on spot. And it all adds up for blizzjews. Are you retarded?

based square enix

>kung-fuu panda bears
Warcraft did it first you brianlet, Warcraft 3 had pandaren.

This, getting a BiS is practically impossible to aim for now, its all rng

BFA has a host of problems, Demonology is not one of them. Your argument against it is "people are not playing the game so everything in the game must be bad"

What about Gladiator Stance in WoD? That was fun as fuck and it was during fucking WoD.

Most of the zones from the previous expansions are irrelevant anyways, there is no reason to go there besides transmog or mount runs

But it's still dumb as fuck to remove the old portals for no real reason (we got a half-assed answer from a CM by basically shitting on everyone in the thread about how he thought they wanted the world to feel bigger)

why are there so many hunters and druids
>blood elves supposed to be rare and beleaguered, on the edge of extinction
>literally 69% of the horde population is BE


The fact that you think the game needs enforced loot policing is part of the problem too. The solution to ninja looting is to remove anonymity so everybody knows not to group with that asshole ever again, not to remove autonomy because people are scared of conflicts or crying about drops going to someone that deserves it more than they do.

How can YOU help? By taking a census of your own server using the CensusPlus UI Mod and submitting the data here! The more data we get, the more accurate and current this display becomes!

>200 hours of quests
I wish this was ironic. After how shitty the HS expansion was and after like 40 hours still grinding thru quests I gave up. Who thought locking dungeons behind an overplayed story was a great idea? God Squeenix has become so fucking retarded. If I resubbed I'd have like two expansions or maybe three to go thru now. How many hundreds of shitty voice acting and gay story would I have to suffer through? No thanks.

The only retard here is you since you apparently still play WoW. If five minutes busts your balls maybe its time to quit playing a game you clearly don't enjoy.

People have been running the same heroics throughout the expac since forever, is M+ not an improvement over dungeons progressively becoming zergfests?

master loot and 'loot council' guilds are absolute garbage tier and have been ever since they were thought of.
>GM and his circlejerk of butt buddies
>they will only ever funnel gear to themselves or those who suck their cocks

>people still unironically use warcraft census over realmpop
>despite the fact that the census is reliant on people using their addon, and it only snapshots people who were online at the time of the polling

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>loot council sucks

i've been a raid leader for both styles, and DKP drummed up more drama than loot council

>Restore the world
>Get on your flying mount
>Fly up and aim in the rough direction of the destination
>Turn on autorun and alttab
Such a great addition, the world will surely feel more alive

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>it's another "let's combine two groups of people together who have differing opinions just because they play the same game" episode
I hate reruns.

I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf.

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Classic and Modern players are no different at the end of the day, their money will both go to the same place.

Yes, because sitting on a flying taxi instead is much more compelling gameplay than being able to fly there yourself.

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I'd have respect for RP servers if they implemented lore-friendly demographic proportions.


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I'd have respect for doomposters if they didn't use a shitty site that relies on an add-on nobody uses

I'm not saying the numbers are good but Realmpoop's numbers are far more accurate

No, it's not, and I never said it was, but just like flying somewhere, it doesn't involve any active gameplay. If they designed zones that you'd actually somehow you'd have to navigate them in an interesting way it would create a compelling gameplay mechanic, but with the way it is now, it only pads out the time it takes you to do things

Cool. Another reason not to resub. Fuck Blizzard. Live and Classic are 2 different games. You can't just casualize WoW for 12 years, make it more inconvenient again, and expect everyone to praise you. Fucking dumb sacks of shit. I can't wait for them to go bankrupt and finally close.

realmpop lists all time characters, as in, someone created rogue in tbc and it would still be listed today. its totally not accurate, census has data only from last 30 days

Here have a better metric.

This graph was compiled using machine learning to estimate WoW's subs.

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>Sharding gone
>Phasing gone
>Cross realm zoning gone

Just join RP server.

The real issue with flying is it removes you from the world. When you fly somewhere you don't interact with anyone or anything during travel. You fly to the mob, kill it and fly off.

Before you say flight paths don't allow interaction either, the key difference is that flight paths can't take you everywhere, just to town hubs. It's no coincidence that there was only one flight path in large zones in vanilla, it's intentional design meant to drive players together. Quest and town placements in vanilla are also designed specifically to drive horde and alliance players into conflict over resources.

Retail feels empty because you never bump into other players and never run into obstacles you can't overcome alone. The faction VS faction war feels artificial because you're never in direct competition with the other side for materials/experience.

>official servers wont randomly close down

Wow, what a coincidence, me too!

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want to know how I know you never played vanilla?

You've been in the wrong guilds then. Loot councils are the most efficient and effective means of gear distribution when done right. It's more likely that you don't talk to or help anyone in the guild and expect to be rewarded for simply existing.

Serious question, is expecting unanimous opinions of groups an actual trait of autism?

>Calls it a fake social layer
>et al
Sounds like they very much did.

Translation: You need to suck more cocks to get gear

no, thats just simple narcissism, thinking that everyone else thinks like you

the guild i was in that did loot council determined who got what based on attendance and how significant an upgrade it was. if there were ties, that particular role's leader would make the call

shit like mounts got free rolled. lulz to be had when a trial won the Horridon mount

They're just so perfect.

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This is spot on.

>Giving shit to trials

Actually that's pretty based

Any good private servers with custom content? It's hard to find a reliable list of servers.

Translation: We didn't know how stat compounding works so we arbitrarily gave upgrades to the lowest performers in order to try (key word try) and artificially boost their dps/heals/survivability, except it never worked. In the event of a tie, whoever sucked the role leaders cock got the item.

Project ascension has a whole different class system. Professionally scripted.

well it did cause some grumblings. main argument was that even though that trial hadn't been there for progression the month or so previous, it was his second time raiding with us and managed to place 7th on overall damage done in the encounter, and more importantly, didn't die, which on heroic Horridon was quite important to mana conservation. We chose to take it on a 'fight by fight' basis rather than who's been there the longest, as it made no difference in raid progression who rode what mount.

Translation: I lack the capacity to believe that the people in charge care for the overall mission of the guild (killing raid bosses) more than personal performance

You are presuming your assumption is true, and then creating a situation which fits that conclusion

Just like how BC gave me BE and DR for free with no rep grind, or how Cata gave me Goblins and worgen for free, or Pandaria giving me pandas for free.
Almost like they are hiding new races behind rep grind to keep players sub and artificially lengthen their gameplay experience.

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...I must admit that I am intrigued. I imagine that the whole classless thing is extremely exploitable though.

But they're not just regular races, they're *allied* races, user! It's *different*!

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>reskins as the same equivalent as actual playable races

They are patch fodder

yes. they're statistically better than regular races, so you need to grind for 3 months then pay for a race change

Allied Races aren't new races, they're barely different from existing races

>Translation: I lack the capacity to believe that the people in charge care for the overall mission of the guild (killing raid bosses) more than personal performance

That is completely correct. I don't believe they do. Very VERY few people are truly immune to to the influence of self interest. Not even myself, which is why I refuse to use loot council for my guild.

But the summoned demons don't really do anything. They're just filler from your now deleted spells. You can't do damage without them, they're just to bring you up to the other classes.

this isn't ''summoning an army'' it's an illusion, you should have seen DK's at launch if you wanted that feeling

That doesn't make it any less cool to see your army of demons attacking shit. How were Dk minions any different than Demos?

Zomg i was in that guild. Nice to know you guys are still out there

I don't play wow but you should consider that blizzard tries to milk everywhere they can at this point and yes, even 5 minutes per player matter for them since it will appear less dead in numbers to their investors.
But why am I trying to explain such thing to someone who has barely enough IQ to call other people retards?

>How were Dk minions any different than Demos?
It's not anymore. That's my point. I said at launch. This is why i usually don't speak to retaildrones

That's a good example of why you would want to use personal loot. Just because you feel that way doesn't mean that everyone should be forced to use it though. At least have the option for master loot.

Writing modules for AzerothCore to build an eventual rp server off of.

This shit pisses me off. TBC areas were built around flying but we can't have that anymore.

They've made leveling as boring as fucking possible to make sure you give them more money. They get 4 months sub out of you paying for a boost instead of half of a month if you just leveled it yourself. It certainly isn't hard, not remotely difficult in the slightest, but its really fucking boring and kind of a slog to get through 120 levels where you don't even get anything after level 100 I think.

You forgot about Stonetalon Mountain