So new league starting tomorrow

So new league starting tomorrow.

What is a decent starter after they killed arc? Are there any decent totem builds left? What are you running?

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Arc Miner

>Killed arc
Its still good, its just not "kills things 3 screens away with zero lightning damage nodes" good.

either way im going skeleton mages.

What this be?

Nerfed yes?

Can be fun but expensive to start with?

Arc is still insanely strong. They just nerfed it for Mines and Traps. And nerfed it's ability to kill entire maps from four screens away. Its overall DPS actually went up if you're self-casting thanks to the lowered cast speed.

That said Occultist + INSERT CHAOS SKILL HERE is going to be a fantastic league starter. I'm personally going to be trying out the new Storm Burst as well as Divine Ire Totems.

>What this be?
An ability that has been around since the alpha and is completely ignored despite having the largest AOE of any melee 2h attack skill, and hits like a truck.
You look like a helicopter using it with multistrike.

Always wanted to play witch and blow shit up, but im too scrub, so i prob go arc templar or some noob brainless shit

Storm brand anything
Frostbolt/FP totems
MS anything
ED/contagion/any chaos skill trickster/occultist
Fireball ignite trickster/ele
CA/toxic rain
Blade vortex anything
FB raider/deadeye
HoAg anything

All of these are good

>Can be fun but expensive to start with?

The big thing is getting dead reckoning and 1 from dust jewels and pledge of hands staff, but you can farm divination cards to get a welfare pledge of hands in act 8.

Its not a meta build so dead reckoning/from dust jewels should be cheap, but its really safe for mapping since all your damage is frontloaded onto shotgunning minions.

Having a clunky to clear build is the worst thing you can go to for me at least. Arc (especially mines/traps) will still be great at boss killing but cutting the range in half is disastrous for ease of use.

Speaking of traps, Ice trap got a 55+% increase in damage and ST got a fuckton as well, those will be fun to play with.

I like stacking lifesteal, but I have never looked up a real "build". Am I dumb for playing the game my way? Should I just fold and do what everyone else is doing?

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only played last season for like 50-70 hours and finally felt like i progressed, but what are some recommended cheap starter builds you guys have? not a stranger to arpgs or more complex playstyles, just looking for something cheap to farm with

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It's been ages since I played PoE.
How is best boy doing?

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Still pantless. Heirophant got buffed to hell. New Inquisitor stuff looks sweet. Mana Guardian still OP. Templar is in a pretty good spot atm.

Haven't done a channeling build in a while and I also haven't done a Ranger build in a while either so probably Deadeye Scourge Arrow, Cold preferably but I haven't found a good up to date guide.

You picked a very bad time for that since Leech (lifesteal) was just nerfed to the ground in an unprecedented move my GGG. But Energy Shield Leech (lifesteal for casters) is looking to be busted this league if you want to give that a go.

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They added "holy" spells intended for templars which deal physical with fire/lightning conversion.

Uninstall Wizard

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Hank the Tank has carried me so hard through Betrayal.
How was this Double Strike build affected by patch notes? I'm not good enough in the game to understand how the changes affect my favorite build.

no, if you're having fun you are playing the right way

go hierophant with a totem build and you are good to go.

What playstyle do you want? Also take into account that melee builds are trash and for some reason just got even trashier.

Double strike is still pretty good.

i typically would prefer a speed build for fast clears and mapping vs a tanky build but i'll take any suggestions really, ranged is perfectly fine

Any good bow starters that'll let me channel my inner Champions of Norrath?

>Any good bow starters that'll let me channel my inner Champions of Norrath?
no bow starters fucking suck

Shockwave totems got a 50%-ish buff to damage and effectiveness.

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If you just want to map and drown your self in currency while going super fast (with especially a focus on mapping) then MF Queen Deadeye is your best bet.

Very good for league starter and very easy to get fast currency and eventually either turn the build into a boss killer of use all that easy currency to roll a second character easy.

Are they decent then?

I'm holding off on new leagues until they stop adding so much shit that they don't have time to fix all the old things that need it.

If you really want to use bows, try caustic arrow or toxic rain which are poison/chaos based attacks

>champions of Norrath
are those games any good?

Is flicker Strike Slayer dead or should I just do Assassin Flicker Strike ? Maybe raider.

love you user, thanks

It was always range/radius that cucked Shockwave totems, not damage. It's a slog to map with them, even more so than regular Totems

I remember I tried to build an discharge Inquisitor but that shit took too long to build enough charges to do enough damage.

Don't listen to that cuck, go for Scourge arrow or TS and one-shot some Shapers easy

/vg/ exists for a reason, you know.

I don't see any gay ERP or forced memes.

They were like electronic crack to a teenage me, always preferred them to Baldur's Gate: DA

How hard would they be to get off the ground if I have to work full time?

I'll give them a shot. Somehow missed out on a ton of ARPGs without realizing. Fucking WoW.

Oh I'm sorry. Did this thread interrupt your "hurr durr won't you buy HER GAME Yea Forums?" threads and other trash.

stop posting retard

What do you mean? It doesn't matter how soon or fast you play unless you either want to target early league high profit items that become kinda worthless/much cheaper later or you want to race for content clears (autism).

Just go straight into Return to Arms, it's essentially the first game + an expac
if you get it working on pc tell me how

Redpill me on unleash support.

Essentially I'm limited by time to commit to playing and being shit so I'm worried it'll just be another league where I barely make it to maps before reset....

Oh man, that is good to know. I'll make a thread if I get it up and running.

Slayer is a dead ascendancy period. Ascendant flicker strike might be your best bet because of trickster and slayer nodes and you aren't tied to some shitty two-hander. Has better scaling too if you really want to spend currency on this meme skill.

As long as you enjoy playing. I don't remember the stats exactly but like 5% of all characters starting a league clear Shaper and like 0.something% of characters clear Uber Elder/Atziri.

>planning anything at all
solo self going full retard best playstyle

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I applaud anyone that would choose to play flicker when Delve and now Synthesis content exists. That's some grade A autism and masochism right there.

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Ah, that's good to know. One day I'll get that bearded bastard....

Can never decide build till like 10 seconds before league start

Want to try new chaos stuff sometime, but may just winter orb or brand for first day or 2 to get gear and currency

I just want old school melee back

I'm gonna struggle to make a scorching ray flame surge inquisitor work, using the new conc ground and the no ailments inquisitor node to proc elemental overload.

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Melee rework next league :^)


Is non RF, SR Cast while Channeling build viable? I always like SR but disliked that was always paired with RF.

SR trickster standalone is viable, but it's not as good as RF, since you have a bunch of free sockets

Hi, Chris Wilson of Grinding Gear Games here bringing you some new information on the upcoming 3.7 patch for Path of Exile.

In Patch 3.7 we set out to improve melee gameplay after many complaints from our userbase that it was lagging behind other methods of gameplay and required too much work for too little reward.

To address these concers we've decided to completely remove the bottom half of the Skill Tree as well as the Ranger, Duelist, and Marauder classes. This should prevent players from ever falling into the trap of playing a melee character. This is a buff.

I was going to do this but replace Scorching Ray with the new holy lightning lazer

sooty build>sweep

>another shitty gimmick league
Just do Nemesis again!

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As long as the meta is pack clear and not bossing, melee will always be behind spells, the only viable melee attacks right now are just weaker versions of spells.

Also remove conc effect support gem, no AOE ability should have scaling close to with in single target.

They also need to add in a support gem that is litterally D2 barbarian's find item skill, only if you kill with a melee attack so they can compete with map clearing spell based AOE.

Hank the Tank Duelist build was probably one of the absolute best in Betryal. It's Double Strike based with tons of attackspeed, lifesteal on hit, and causes insane bleed for great DPS.

Oro's JUGG flicker #1

>actual melee
No, and it will never be a thing with the post-2.0 clear-speed focused gameplay.
The only melee you will ever see is a tag on your "one-shot the entire screen and then some" spell.

Nemesis is a Zana mod.

Can I ask grim dawn questions in here

Flicker is as fun as ever, there's just some new content it can't do without killing youself.

See this
It was unkillable, almost 90% damage reduction and Fortification

This is what I do every league. I go in with no planning and just put points wherever I feel like it and use whatever feels fun at the time. I always hit a wall at some point but it also tends to coincide with the game starting to feel boring so I just quit at that point until the next league.

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I was hyped when I heard about the skill but seeing the visuals in action really killed my interest. Those little lightning tentacles look like shit and the laser looks like shit


Bane and Soulrend seem really strong but I've never done a Chaos build and I'm a retard. Time to fuck up my first character royally.

>killed arc
they didn't, it just won't jump between packs that are fucking half a screen apart now

>decent totem builds left
like, all of them, what are you on about totems have been great for the past few patches

>what are you running
winter orb maybe if none of the new skills turn out to be fun


Did they kill GC mines? Friend ran that in betrayal and murdered the atlas pretty quickly

I don't doubt that, you could always make some ludicrously tanky brutes stacking additive damage reduction.

>Am I dumb for playing the game my way?
Nah, if you're having fun there's absolutely no reason to change anything lad. If you ever get stuck, can't progress and stop having fun, then sure look up some stuff but otherwise why would anyone choose to stop the fun they're having?

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All mines/traps are still good, but you're going to see a 10-20% damage drop on the more popular spells to combine them with.

Nerfed but still viable

isn't sunder better anyways?

My main problem with chaos skills so far is that despite dealing damage they have an impact of a wet fart. Enemies die with no oomph, and soulrend looks like that again.

Hell yes, they were fun as fuck.

>but that shit took too long to build enough charges to do enough damage.
If you're trying to self cast discharge you have to use something to build charges, like enduring cry, before discharging every time.

Does less damage post nerf. Sweep when stacked with tons of added aoe range makes it hit almost the entire screen.

I autistically plan everything, get up to level ~70 to see if it works as intended and then get bored because I've done what I set out to, and usually end up dying in the low 80's running maps I don't ever bother to check the affixes of.

What about Dark Pact?

GC mines is still top 5 boss killesr, less than good mapping and mines feeling like trash to play are still factors tho.

All it does is let you stop casting constantly and instead cast once every 2 seconds for 3 casts at once, no? Seems good for some stuff

Haven't used it since way back in beta. Doesn't it have built-in knockback? Do you have to wear the reverse knockback gloves?

Thats kind of the point, a slow death.

>>another shitty gimmick league
I mean, I'd be far less excited to play if the league didn't add some new content rather than "just run fucking maps some more", and didn't add some new crafting. Crafting is honestly most of the fun of the game now

Oh yeah, dark pact was good shit, but selfcast is nerfed now. With skeletons or totems it's a tad too much hassle.

>Also remove conc effect support gem, no AOE ability should have scaling close to with in single target.
This sounds dumb. The whole point is that you're vastly reducing the abilities aoe, in order to make it single target focused and no longer clear screens. It's perfectly fine in that regard

Same. Hopefully someday I will see content beyond tier 8 maps.

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>I always hit a wall at some point but it also tends to coincide with the game starting to feel borin
The game doesn't do that just once. It goes up and down multiple times as you go through desu. It always starts to feel boring when you're stuck on yellow maps or white maps for ages until you get the drops you need to progress and sustain the higher stuff, but then it gets fun again when you do.
But whatever you have fun with is the way to play I suppose user

spam one attack the game

Every attack/casting build in this game is going to give me carpal tunnel syndrom. Is there any build that kills things for me, and that isn't minions/rf?

Aside from Bestiary, Betrayal was probably some of the weakest league content so far. The changes in the league like the integration of past league mechanics and the new crafting bench was 10/10 the the Syndicate was quite trash in every way.

Weak rewards (pure breachstones/sylphite scarabs pre nerf aside), unbalanced and with the shitiest boss in the game so far to top it all off.

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Death's oath

I sat out Syndicate after the mechanic didn't click with me.

What's the new league doing? Is it cool? Can I still make a Poet's Pen Arcpulsa or is that still far too expensive?

where do you guys buy your currency?

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>poets pen

user I....

Is this nigga serious

my sides

I got my Divine Ire totem build ready, just not sure what sort of lategame uniques I should go after.

Hey hey people, Sseth here

you mean sell right user?

He actually meant whore yourself

Divine Ire CwC Shock Nova Scion.

>Can I still make a Poet's Pen Arcpulsa or is that still far too expensive?
Poets pen now only triggers the spell in the weapon you attack with, not both at once.

The new league is like a build your own delve kind of. It reminds me of the arcane sanctuary from d2, and you add your own paths between areas that have modifiers that add to the whole zone for drops and monsters.
Seems like it'll be good desu, looking like the best league mechanic in a while

cringe, isn't there a chinese website for you to post on?

I have a job and family. I don't have time to grind currency. Not tell me where to buy it.

I'm a PoE God getting 36 challenges every new league, HC only.

Ask away


>36 challenges
After 26 I just give up and get bored

Ok, I will not tell you where to buy it.

I've always used playerauctions, bought some WoW gold on there too


Only buy from the most russian of websites

solo self found ed/contagion trickster

Why 36 or why HC?
36 because I often like the mtx rewards you get for it and it's a nice milestone. I rarely go above 36 though unless I don't have anything else I want to play at all.

HC because I find the game no fun and pointless in SC, but to each his own.

ED was buffed a lot, but I've played ED/Blight Trickster two times, so this time most likely I'm going to go with Soulrend/ ED Occultist.

Why do you suck so much cock

I hear they are pretty good. Buying wow gold is risky though, Guardian catches people pretty easy now.


>Poets pen now only triggers the spell in the weapon you attack with, not both at once.

....fuck. RIP forever I guess. It was fun while it lasted.

PP Arc-Freezepulsa was my favorite build ever, and made Delve the best league I've played since launch.

It'll still be a thing, on the plus side they'll bomb in price so everyone who wants to will be able to play a pp build. I don't think the item is destroyed to be unusable, still more usable than shimmerons

I never got CG mines to work.
I even got 100% phys toncold conversion but still nothing

>they killled arc
arc is still overpowered as fuck
totem builds are viable to matter what spell you latch onto them

Decent starters for the league would be the new holy and chaos spells

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Would hally flame totem herio be a good starter?

Nobody will be able to tell you yet. It sounds like it'll be pretty decent for levelling, but until we actually get to play with it, it's half guessing

>still more usable than shimmerons
Man, I miss those.

I played a beefy Dual Nebuloch ConcPath Jugg, I assume those should be pretty good around, since Molten Strike got nerf'd last league, right?

I will come back once they rework/remove the leveling acts. Not seeing enough changes this league to justify going though that awful story mode for the tenth time.

Molten strike was still the most played jugg build by miles and the most played melee one too I'm sure, I have to imagine any nerfs weren't significant enough to matter

It takes almost no time to cream through act 1 - 10. Stop being such a scrub, you can be mapping day 1

stat-wise it looks better than regular flame totem
totems are always strong, especially while playing hierophant. Get yourself a soul mantle and Atziri's reflection with Self-Flagellation and you're good to go.

This is unironically why World of Warcraft became extremely casual-ized.

You mean the story? You'll come back WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE TO PLAY THE GAME?

>Arc is still overpowered

The whole fucking reason people used arc was because it autokilled packs of screen. It still does roughly the same damage, but people didn't use it for damage.

Nearly every skill in the game is "overpowered as fuck". You could destroy Red Maps with Sweep, that doesn't mean it's good nerd.

>you can be mapping day 1
Not him, but you're a fucking liar. Unless by "day 1" you mean literally play the next 24 hours from the minute of launch.
Mapping by day 2 of playing, yes. Mapping day 1, not a fucking remote chance

Summoner build is the most fun for me. It works so well in this game, and i love how your skeletons scale with your items and gems.

>Molten strike was still the most played jugg build by miles and the most played melee one too I'm sure

Even after the nerf? Eh, I guess that makes sense. Arc was still in crazy demand even after Inpulsa went T1.

Wonder if there will be non-Arc Inpulsa builds.

Anyway, I guess I'll look into Conc Path Jugg and see how it goes. Maybe Cyclone again, I always play Cyclone.

>Man, I miss those.
My Lightspire trap/arc sabbo basically fodderised shaper with those during incursion(given I also got a +4 shadowstitch).
Sadaly, never beat Uber Elder

Is chieftain good for flame totem? Or is Hiero better?

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with buying currency. Why spend hours grinding currency when I can spend 5 bucks and have a Chinese bot do it for me?

>Atziri's reflection

yeah bro just get a 50ex shield lol what are you poor?

Actual advice, 2 Kikazaru's make the curses almost non existent and don't cost more currency than anyone can reasonably obtain.

>it was way better than other skills for this purpose whilst being damage competitive at the top end, it totally didn't need nerfs
fuckoff. if a skill is damage equivalent but infinitely better at area, nobody is going to play the one that's far worse for area.
it was too far beyond other skills in that regard, and needed it

>Maybe Cyclone again, I always play Cyclone.
that one on the other hand, is still absolute garbage. unless you're playing cast on crit, then it was the most used skill for that, but as a standalone skill its still ass

why not just buy all your equipment, and an account with everything completed too while you are at it?

in fact, why don't you just pay somebody else to play the game for you, while you watch?

>Why spend hours grinding currency when I can spend 5 bucks and have a Chinese bot do it for me?

>Play a free game
>Pay money to not have to play the game

Man that is some sound logic.

>get Atziri's mirror
>get The Queen's Sacrifice
>kill Atziri
>acquire Atziri's reflection
wasn't that hard, huh?

>Actual advice
Here's some actual actual advice, ignore both these cunts, you literally do not need a soul mantle when playing a heirophant and you're fucking mental if you go for one. You would get a shaper shield with +1 totems, and that would put you at 4 with zero downsides.

WoW has a subscription and a buy-in for base game + xpacs

>32ex prophecy
>Uber Atziri

Because currency is how you acquire your items. You're basically buying all the best items in the game in a game that is designed around loot grinding.

>actual advice
kikazaru doesn't reduce the duration of the curses, just their effect, and you're sacrificing potential 80% all res + hp + attributes and other goodies when equipping two garbage unique rings.

This game only gets fun when you're able to do maps. Leveling thought the acts is terribly boring, it feels like a mandatory 6-hours tutorial.


>trade league problems
I got 3 Queen's Sacrifices and one king's path last league simply by burning silver coins, it's not that difficult

I bet you also shit mirrors and doctors too

If you're able to reach mapping in a fresh league in less than 6 hours, congratulations on your autism.

>WoW has a subscription and a buy-in for base game + xpacs

I wasn't talking about WoW though?

I disagree. Leveling is the most fun aspect for me. Sure, its fun when you're high level and have all your items/gems ready for your build, but the progression from level 1 until you reach your endgame build is fun as well.

never found a mirror in 2500 hours of play time but I did get HH from beastcrafting last league as well :^)

>Want to play fun build
>Hit wall
>Can't play fun build anymore because your res/hp/ES is too low

Either Soulrend trickster or bane occultist.
You can try something with templar and new holy spells.

And remember:
Mellee is dead.

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Make adjustments to your fun build like everyone else does, because what you're doing is clearly not working

Yeah and those adjustments are buying better equips with the 500 chaos I got for 5 bucks and continuing to enjoy the game

What "wall" nigga?

Also you don't just start the game and have a finished build that's literally not the point. "Waahh I want to kill Uber but I suck! I should be able to just buy gear and beat the game!"

And if you're not smart enough to find ways of increasing your survivability without having to buy a ton of currency to pay for people's overpriced auctions, then the problem is that you just suck at the game and will never actually understand it well enough to ever really play it.

You'll still need someone to kill Elder for you when you get there. You'll still never do Uber Atziri or know how to make actual wealth. You'll never craft anything of value or even know why your build uses the items it does.

So why even play the game? You don't want to grind, but you'll never be good enough to boss, so what exactly are you paying for?

Why do you play the game if its not to grind currency / items? Kill monsters endlessly with no progression, because you already bought everything you need to progress or become stronger with real money?

>Yeah and those adjustments are buying better equips with the 500 chaos I got for 5 bucks and continuing to enjoy the game

If you need 500 chaos to upgrade ANYTHING, you don't know how to play the game.

>Play a free game about killing endless monsters for the rare chance at good loot, so you can get better at killing endless monsters, and get more chances at more rare loot.
>But instead, you just pay money to bypass step one.
>So now you paid money to not have to kill endless monsters for your chance at rare loot so you can get better, but instead you just start out sort of capable of killing more monsters since you skipped the initial grind.
>But the game is still about killing endless monsters for your chance at rare loot. So that's what you get to do once you paid money.

It seems like the only thing paying money does is make you need to pay MORE money since you'll just get angry that your better, stronger items from higher-tier content aren't coming fast enough.

What if you want to go CI but your equips don't have enough ES? That's a wall bruh

What if you want to get through maps but maps aren't dropping at low level? That's a wall bruh

You don't use the 500 all at once, you just use them to buy small things that lower the grind and get over walls

It's all about the journey, not the destination.

I understand your point, but its a loot grinder. You have to grind and make changes to your build in order to progress.

Exactly, so why not make the journey suck less by getting equipment you need instead of rubbing your face against the floor for drops

>whine about nerfs
>the passive tree got buffed so hard any spell is more than viable

>What if you want to go CI
Why would you want that? What is the point? What makes you decide out of nowhere to play a CI build? Do you know anything about CI? Do you know how to play it? Do you know why it exists? Do you know the difference between a CI build and a non-CI build? Are you making that choice, or did you just find it on the forums under "UBER ELDER DOWN, 10MILLION DPS 10k ES!" and think that it sounds good so you'll just follow the guide mindlessly?

If your gear doesn't have enough ES, craft or buy better gear. You need currency? FUCKING TRADE. Sell shit, learn how to flip, do something to help yourself. What the fuck do you do when your 500 chaos runs out? Buy more? You sure as fuck haven't made profit since then, and by the time you have your build done, competent players have made hundreds of Ex because they know what they're doing, and can do more with nothing than you can with unlimited currency.

>What if you want to get through maps but maps aren't dropping at low level?
TRADE for them you fucking retard. Or if you're desperate, use the map-sharing channel. Do something to help yourself and actually learn how the game works instead of crying about how it's too hard and you need to buy your way out of problems.

>You don't use the 500 all at once, you just use them to buy small things that lower the grind and get over walls
Yeah, you're trash at this game and will always be.

I'm legitimately not sure why you would even want to play at all. Go find something more your speed.

>You have to grind and make changes to your build in order to progress.
Yes, that is my point. If you pay money to skip step 1, "grind", then it doesn't change the fact that step 2, 3, 4 and onwards are also "grind". So if you're skipping step 1 because you hate grinding, then you're just buying your way to more grinding. Meaning either you have to pay to skip those steps too, or just stop playing.

I play new leagues to play new skills so I'm making an inquis and/or trickster for the new holy and chaos skills.

Because the destination is getting good gear. It's a fucking ARPG you dipshit.

>so why not make the journey suck less by getting equipment you need instead of rubbing your face against the floor for drops

Because the only thing you're accomplishing is fast-forwarding to...more rubbing your face against the floor for drops. That's the game. It never gets less grindy, and in fact only gets more grindy the higher tier you go because upgrades become more and more rare.

You know why endgame is literally picking a map you like, cranking the IIQ and packsize as high as physically possible and chaining that map forever? Because that's the best way to get maximum chance at useful drops, to use or to sell for currency.

If you don't like doing that, there's nothing waiting for you at the end of the game. Just more of that,


>Yeah, you're trash at this game and will always be.

wew lad we got ourselves a real cool dude bragging about how good he is at his single player grinding ARPG. You're so good at memorizing spreadsheets and reading patch notes! Pat yourself on the back, I bet your mom is proud

divine ire cwc woc
I bet it's gonna feel like ass to play

Having GG gear is only one "destination" in a game like this. With so much content to do it's really up to the player to decide where they want to end their character's journey.

Do you want to make a bunch of currency? Kill End Game Bosses? Complete all the League Challenges? All of those require different levels of gear to be generally successful at them. Sure, having insane gear makes them all easier. However, player skill is usually more important. There's been a bunch of videos now of people killing Shaper with a 4-link or with white weapons, or the guy that killed Uber Elder as a level 36 character.

Gear is not the be-all, end-all of the game. It's just the engine of the vehicle that is your character.

No reason to ever use CI over lowlife with shavs wraps, CI is shit since they removed the massive ES bonus

This game is endless grinding for currency, items, levels, gems, cards, trading, etc. Its the whole reason we do maps, to increase our levels and find more loot. We increase our strength to go further and further, for better grinding and better items.

Buying everything for real money takes that away. If you're willing to spend unlimited money for all your 6-slots, currency, etc, you're removing a huge part of the game because the satisfaction and dopamine from getting loot is no longer there.

Heard you fags were talking shit about PoE?


I mean, the alternative is you, bragging about how much you suck as if that's something to be proud of?

>not just league starting with one of the new spells
im starting with a purifying flame inquisitor

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Don't worry, blizzard's got your back with their new mobile diablo game aimed at whales just like you!

Is it better to link Faster Attacks or Faster Projectiles for Blink arrow?

That being said, you will always face ''the wall'' in Path of Exile. Overcoming that wall is something you have to figure out. If you buy items you're only going to face another wall because you'll grind a higher tier.

They both make it faster. Faster Attacks is better if you can only choose one. Ideally, you want both.

> killed arc
> still busted as fuck because mechanics
probably trying winter orb or vortex

>You need currency? FUCKING TRADE. Sell shit, learn how to flip, do something to help yourself.

Man you're stupid. It's obvious that he's using the chaos to get early builds started. It's much easier to make currency once you have a decent build going. Do you expect him to make decent money selling/trading shitty uniques for blessings and alchs? Where do you think he's going to get the starting assets to do all the trading you're talking about?

Money makes money, your argument is self-defeating.

I don't understand why some people spend $60 dollars on cosmetics and then write paragraphs talking shit on the people who spend $5 to get shit like an easy tabula and get them through the shitty grind at the start of the game.


WOW's problem is two fold, the shifted all the actaul gameplay development to cater to the mythic raider poopsockers which had an adverse effect of removing tier progression, while everyone who wasn't playing the game like a second job was left with a watered down collectathon where you're 2 shotting everything outside of raids.

Once POE gets to that point yeah, no one will fucking play it except for metacrafters and SSF faggots, or russians/brs

>Do you expect him to make decent money selling/trading shitty uniques for blessings and alchs?

That is literally how league starting goes, yes. We all do it. Hell, flip Alts and Alchs for Chaos early on, you'll make tons. Have you never played a league start before? You sell garbage items to build your currency base because other people will buy them for their builds.

>Money makes money, your argument is self-defeating.
Playing makes money. Being smart makes more money. Watching the market and figuring out what items are booming and busting makes ungodly amounts of money.

There are tons of people who make multiple mirrors within the first few days of the league, and none of it comes from having money to start with.

>I don't understand why some people spend $60 dollars on cosmetics and then write paragraphs talking shit on the people who spend $5 to get shit like an easy tabula and get them through the shitty grind at the start of the game.
Because cosmetics aren't the same as paying money to skip what is an integral part of the game.

You don't ever need 500 chaos to get a build started. You should already have all the currency you need from having leveled up through the story for a starter build. You're talking about a mid to endgame build. Also, grinding early maps shouldn't be a problem if you can't do higher tier maps. You still get plenty of currency.

>implying 500 chaos can buy you anything worth a fuck

>500 chaos is too much
>500 chaos is too little

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>SR Cast while Channeling

>no reason
>literal immunity to a pain in the arse damage form
>incandescent heart on top giving you huge extra defenses
>not having to pay shitloads of ex for a shavs cause they're gonna be a ripoff this patch
are you high?
you're gonna see shitloads of ci this patch champ

faster attacks has a major impact.
faster projectiles has a very small impact on it.

500 chaos is way more than you'd ever need to start a fresh build or level, all the common uniques people use to hack a viable leveling character together are 1c or less each.

500 chaos is not much when it comes to actually buying the required items that make most every build viable for late or endgame mapping. It's very unlikely that a build doesn't rely on at least one item that is a few Ex or more.

So yes, it's both too much and not enough.

Its both, 500 chaos won't buy you anything of value, but a starter build at most will cost 20 chaos if you're trading

Most your 500 chaos could do is buy overpriced quality skill gems early

but those people who make mirrors would be better off if they had a larger amount of currency starting off, your argument is still worthless

>>literal immunity to a pain in the arse damage form
Chaos is a non-entity in the game right now. No one uses chaos res, because there's no point. You're always, in every case, better off going low-life ES, or life regen/LGOH.

If you are playing LL, you also have a buy a Presence of Chayula

Sire of shards soulrend pathfinder

>500 chaos is too much
No, its actually not much, but you don't ever need to buy 500 chaos for a starter build when you should already be able to do early mapping with the currency you acquired from doing the story.

When you start paying real money for 500+ chaos, you're aiming for decent items (not the best) to do mid tier mapping. Once you buy 500 chaos once, you're going to do it again.

To break it down even more, Faster Attacks makes the animation for the attack faster so the attack ends sooner. Faster Projectiles makes the projectile for the attack land sooner. The attack animation is a larger percentage of the overall animation for the skill so Faster Attacks has more effect than Faster Projectiles but both make the skill do it's thing faster.

>ever paying real money for PoE currency
just play the fucking game

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Just because no one uses chaos res doesn't mean the damage chaos monsters do is irrelevant. It that fled was dangerous for a reason. Opening doors in incursions or maps with snakes and shit is dangerous for a reason. Removing that danger entirely is a big deal. Getting immunity to a damage type and a 25% reduction to all elemental damage types is a huge boost to defenses.
Spells will not go life regen nor lgoh. Low life es just offers you more damage at the cost of a shavs, when you don't necessarily need more damage. CI offers you the ability to use incandescent heart for huge ele reduction, or a delve crafted es chest for 3+x the es of shavs.
This is an es leech patch, everyone will be running es builds with heavy es leech on spells. CI will see huge use

These people don't understand that the only reason that 500 chaos is even being discussed is that it's the lowest amount that you can possibly buy from a currency seller.

"IT'S TOO MUCH" no shit but you get so many for cheap you can start 5 characters easy without having to worry about starting items, uncommon maps, or critical build uniques ever.

And while everyone is buying all of this ES gear for loads e mone I'll buy my Kaom Heart for cheap and run it on my Staff Crit EK Totems Chieftain.

Or you can play for an hour and buy the basics needed for your character

Or better yet, join a fucking clan, you can usually find your shitty required uniques in the guild stash for free

And don't build a starter build that needs unique body armor or weapon, since you can get free 6 links farming div cards, fuck you can get a free 6link as early as act 4 if you're autistic enough

>but you get so many for cheap you can start 5 characters easy without having to worry about starting items,
Why would you ever buy multiple sets of starting gear? Just reuse it.

>or critical build uniques ever.
Wanna know how I know you've never done Uber?

Reminder that everything that your pajeet scum grinded hours for can be bought for pennies

I pay shitskins and slant eyes like you to do the work for me as I breeze through the game

breeze through the game just to hit another wall with your fun build, which requires you to buy even more currency?

>still same braindead spam wave clear cones "gameplay"

i sleep

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>as I breeze through the game
And get stuck at Tier 10 with 8 challenges done for the league.

>League starter is always selfcast BF Trickster or Assassin
>selfcasting buffed
>AoE nodes everywhere

Both should be strong. I don't know which one will be better in the long run but you can't go wrong with either one for a league starter.

do actual bosses instead, retard.

Champion ice spear totems

Are any bow builds good this season?

I've only played summoner so i don't really know what other builds to play.

Either a Divine ire Inquisitor (maybe elementalist?) or a summoner that takes advantage of the new summon phantasm support.
Right now leaning more towards the lazer boy.

Toxic arrow is strong as always, same with ele hit

>play normally, make 5 chaos ever

>buy currency, make 100-500 chaos an hour, never need to buy currency again

>>play normally, make 5 chaos ever
Nigga what

>>buy currency, make 100-500 chaos an hour, never need to buy currency again

Anyone who thinks like this has never seen a single Ex in their life.

>just hold rmb hahaha

>never need to buy currency again
i mean, do you quit right after that? because that's a couple exalts. i had a weapon last league worth 20. my belt was worth multiple. good jewels are multiple exalts. what the fuck game are you playing nigger because it ain't the same one as the rest of us.
i've spent significantly more than 500 chaos on fusings alone

Skipping this league because they for some reason buffed the fuck out of spells when they were already overtuned and melee was too nerfed.
And honestly I'm kind of bored of the game now because they aren't adding new harder endgame for a while. What's the point anymore when you have a 200 ex build that makes Uber Elder look like a retard.

It depends on the player. To a new player 50c is a lot, to a veteran 500c is something you gamble on a whim for a 1% chance to get something worth a mirror.

>tfw my favorite skill in all of PoE just got massively buffed

I have returned, more powerful than ever. Wraeclast shall be mine. ANYTHING SHORT OF PERFECTION IS IRRELEVANT!

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Stop me from playing a bane occultist.

I dunno. Maybe tec slam jugg. Maybe ED trickster, or those new chaos spells. I'll see how I feel tomorrow. I also like the idea of divine lasers.

Make melee have combos of multiple skills, with boss-killing finisher attacks. Now melee builds are worse vs packs but better vs uniques.

I didn't play Syndicate, but in Delve I spent at least 200ex on gear alone. Most all of that was funded by farming and selling fossils with a build that cost me less than 2ex.

And that 200ex wasn't even perfect, there was tons more I could have spent on.

Hell, I can spend more than 500chaos in a single round of trying to roll quant maps.

Why would I? It's going to be super good.

Unless you're a hipster fuck. Then just know that a billion people are going to be playing Bane Occultist. So play something else.

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You really fucking suck at the game if "playing normally" nets you 5c total and you consider 500c a lot.
Why are all cheaters such pathetic bitches?

ek? idk

ice trap

Aw yeah, considering playing it cause of that, mite be fun

Melee isn't nerfed, problem with melee is much of the new content is easier with ranged builds. Last league was the biggest example of this. Melee simply hasn't got any powercreep after they buffed Bleed and that was almost 2 years ago. Heres hoping 3.7.0 doesn't only buff melee but also makes it more exciting to play than ranged builds. Some kind of combo system where you create a combo chain from melee skills would be neat.

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>tfw I made ~400ex profits in the recent Betrayal league and managed to craft a Mirror worthy amulet, but no one fucking wanted to mirror my amulet ever because one other guy in the world had crafted the same exact rare amulet and had a popular mirror service shop for multiple leagues that people trust
What are the fucking odds, exact same mods and rolls.

>STILL no good Melee builds besides Molten Strike this league
I guess I'll play Goku Templar

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It literally got nerfed in Betrayal m8. Have you even played in the past 2 years? They got crazy power creep with stat sticks, and then they KILLED STAT STICKS IN BETRAYAL.

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My tuned Cold SA Deadeye if anyone wants it.

This is focused mostly on high power abyss jewels and Bubonic/Lightpoacher/Tombfist. You can sub Farrul's for Hyrri's for obvious reasons.

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>stat stick.

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EQ JUGG is still the same.

That's why I'm not playing it.

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Is the AI for the agony crawler as bad as it sounds? I kind of want to try HoAg gladiator as my league starter.

I generally suck at crafting, especially high-tier crafting, so I have never really made anything worth that much selling an item. I'm pretty brainlt that way. I tend to be a lot better at farming, finding efficient routes and paths and shaving time off to make more profit off farming. I was basically able to outsell lots of other fossil trades just because my route was fast, efficient, and I could fill huge buy orders regularly.

Then I moved on to UGS farming and just blasted through those and sold extra T16s and Elder/Shaper bases.

Jesus fuck you guys are harsh to new players

How the hell is someone supposed to learn how to play this massively complicated game with such vitriol thrown at people who don't understand it hundreds of complex mechanics?

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The AI isn't stellar by any means. That doesn't stop the build from being ridiculously good.

Oh no, it's retarded... :/
Yes, stat sticks were almost exclusively used by melee builds. They all grant "physical as extra element/chaos damage". They only worked for melee skills with pDPS weapons and Blade Vortex or the couple other physical damage spells.


I made most of my profits from farming too but honestly crafting with fossils is super easy. Just buy a large stock for a couple hours (it's annoying because everyone sells like few fossils at a time) but once you have hundreds of them, you will easily be able to make insanely valuable items.
Crafting is by far the most profitable thing you can do in PoE, but of course you need a large capital to begin with to even do it.

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Im going to do CoC incinerate + body swap again. Then die 10 C short of a shavs and never play again.

I don't see anyone in this thread being harsh towards anyone else than new players that are cheating bitches that buy in-game currency with real money. Fuck them and fuck you for defending cheaters.

No one is being a dick to new players, though that sometimes happens. People are being a dick to someone bragging about paying money to skip having to learn how to play the game.

Eh, sure. I got nothin planned.

Is arc truly dead? Last season I played was incursion and it was arc trappers and arc totems that reigned supreme

If you got any questions go right ahead

can you still use PoE Hud? I can't play without that shit anymore

it's ok

What do you use to 28? Shrapnel? Lightning?

You do realize they butchered Tombfists, right? They don't give any attack speed now.

Does anyone have a build for the new skills?

Not him but split arrow/ice shot into RoA, lightning arrow, and blast rain is pretty good

>want to play co-op with a buddy but be cut off from the marketplace

Is this possible? I heard there are custom leagues now? Can I do SSF just in a duo?
PS: he's a weak willed guy, he WILL cheat if we promise to just play regular season without doing any trading

They didn't touch the damage, just cut the lightning's bounce max range in half.

Sunder and Blade Vortex are hardly "melee skills". I'm talking about proper melee skills. Stat-sticks were broken and mostly used with nonmelee builds, not melee.

Tombfist are still good because 2 abyss jewels + intimidate being a 10% dmg multiplier and maybe free maim

There are custom leagues and you can set up custom rules and such, but they cost irl money.

Are you really this retarded? No one said Blade Vortex is a melee skill. It's a spell you dumb fucking idiot.
I said stat sticks were used for melee AND Blade Vortex.
>Stat-sticks were broken and mostly used with nonmelee builds, not melee.
Completely fucking false, they were almost exclusively only usable IN melee builds, because there were like 3 physical damage spells only.

Yeah, my fossil crafting in Delve was not so profitable, but I scored some ok helmets for my two builds.

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This is the reason why the first 24 hours in a new League are so important, the one who first accumulates enough wealth to craft good stuff becomes superwealthy the fastest. This is the reason some autists forego sleep altogether and spend that 8-10 hours just farming a single valuable unique.

>Can I do SSF just in a duo?
Yes. You can buy custom leagues and set their rules (drop rates, difficulty, etc.) and only invite who you want. They last 30 days by default.

Is there a chaos totem build?

Ironically self casting Arc was hurt the most when their stated goal with 3.6 was to make it more viable. It's still fine (for bosses essentially nothing changed) but you lost a lot of Quality of Life with the 50% radius nerf making mapping more of a hassle especially for miners and self cast like I said.

Lighting/RoA, really whatever you want it doesn't really matter.

The AS nerf doesn't hurt SA that much. As long as it has Intimidate Tombfist will be BiS for many builds.

>Plan a build
>Bored as fuck and poor as fuck so only get to act ~6-7 before dropping
>Play something random without caring
>Tier 4 maps
>Bored and quit
Acts are cancer. Having to re-do ascensions is also shitty. How is this game still in business in 2019?

Chaos res is actually good in Betrayal
Not sure with this new league tho

A'ight thanks.

>8-10 hours
Nah you need to put in way more than that at league start to get a significant lead over everyone else.
I played like 30h non-stop at Betrayal league start, had like 50 ex after that but I regretted doing it, felt so sleep deprived and nauseous. Better to just make that in a week instead and have fun while playing.

Also, no offense but that Hubris circlet is pretty bad. No one who uses ES base helmets is going to want one with under 100 ES. It would need few hundred ES to be considered good.

>Is this possible? I heard there are custom leagues now? Can I do SSF just in a duo?
Highly requested feature in SSF but no you cant. You just have to have house rules with your buddy, no trading with nonparty people.

Oops meant to say the second part about the Hubris circlet to this post

What do you mean, doing the labs once on a new character takes like what, under 20 minutes total to do all four labyrinths. How is that shitty? At least you don't have to do the trials more than once per league.

Cashcows, no competition whatsoever in the genre
Also acts are not so bad once you know how to get through them in 6-8 hours and learning how to efficiently loot and go through them quickly

I need a good SSF build which isn't traps, mines or totems.
Help a lazy fucker out.

Good to hear. I'm really looking forward to giving it a try. Thanks, user.

You cannot set drop rates. If you could nobody would ever play regular leagues.

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Sunder for first farmer character, second character is whatever gear you managed to find.

I'll kill myself if I have to do the 10 acts twice. Isn't there something that'll allow me to somehow get to 24 challenges on a starter build without shitting myself in SSF?

Most streamers have settled for Raizqt's league rules (20% more monster damage, speed and extra projectiles). Racing with those rules is super rippy, to a point most die in Act 1 Mud Flats first time around.


With first cookie-cutter build you can get to red maps no problem so unless the new leagues challenges are autistic as fuck again, you should be able to clear most of them with your very first character. But because he's inevitably going to be a cookie-cutter build, you can't build a broken powerhouse out of him. Well I guess you can by respeccing the entire character by farming Regrets but making a 2nd character would just be faster.

Might as well try it. Thanks.

>Zombies+SRS or skeletons
>Ice Trap
>Double Strike Champion
>EK Nova fork traps

which one, Yea Forums?

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after reading everything at length I have come to the conclusion that spark is better than everything and everyone else is just a meme.

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They buffed the fuck out of EK, it looked like.

>Also, no offense but that Hubris circlet is pretty bad. No one who uses ES base helmets is going to want one with under 100 ES. It would need few hundred ES to be considered good.

It wasn't an ES helmet, I just happened to have the base to roll. My build was an ArcPulsa with permaFreeze, defenses kind of didn't matter much.

Last league in SSF you pretty much had to farm Syndicate encounters in Blood Aqueducts and otherwise mostly skip them in maps, too rippy. Synthesis looks like one of those leagues where challenges involve encounters that are tuned to be way too rare (like Delve bosses).

Does it look like it'll be good for farming tho? Syndicate was kind of ass for farming, and honestly the combo of Delve/Incursion/Syndicate hideouts and master missions sort of felt like too much to focus on.

>love EK+Volley for Dem abimu aesthetics
>It's completely ass damage and gameplay wise
>EK buffed but Volley Support remains shit
Fug what should I do bros

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Volley's really just supposed to be a stopgap before LMP. EK nova maybe?


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I've never actually bothered to listen to the NPCs and soak in the story of this game.. maybe I'll come back this season just to finally do that at least once. I've spent hundreds of hours without knowing what the fuck is even going on

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Why did they fuck up the Shadow starting area so bad?

How do you think a mana guardian would be with all these new ES nodes? Was thinking of going Death's Oath with his armor->ES conversion and just relying on a massive shield with the new shield ES nodes to cover the loss

>I've spent hundreds of hours without knowing what the fuck is even going on
Does anyone even care? Story is some weird shit idk
EXILE DO SOMETHING is the only npc dialogue I care about.

By fuck up you mean make better right? Cause those are some sweet nodes. Also the shadow starting area was already fucked up with it's dumb fucking triangle

why is there no Yea Forums league? I bet there's some autsits around here with enough money to fund their own meme league

Queen's Sacrifice is a 1/120k coin drop with 6 locked prophecies. I know because I burned 600k coins last league and got only 5 of them.

reminds me of that D2 server we had running a few years back

>What are you running?
Dante,V and Nero

the major reason why most Yea Forums things don't pan out
a difference in opinion on whos running it
all the guilds tend to explode after a few days

>>By fuck up you mean make better right? Cause those are some sweet nodes. Also the shadow starting area was already fucked up with it's dumb fucking triangle
The ES nodes can suck my dick for all the good they do me. Now I got to waste an extra point to get from Blood Drinker to Resourcefulness or if I'm starting Shadow, an extra point to get from Coldhearted Calculation to the up nodes.

Let me preface this by saying I dont want the game PCfags have been playing to change to accommodate me. I would prefer that GGG just continues making content with PC users in mind without a single thought to "how can this work in consoles". Let GGG continue doing the good work they have been, and some shit port studio do what I want done.
PS4 when?

This month, supposedly.

This sucks so much. I hope I can power through DMC5 before the new league starts.

Didn't they just open the PS4 store page a couple of days back? It has to be one of these days.

It's probably not very easy to make a functioning console version of this game because nearly all skills require targeting specific areas with your mouse. How would you do that on a console

That's really not the same.

Give me a quick rundown on Bane.

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move with left analog stick, aim with right analog stick. It would be inferior to having a mouse, but it would work with ''aim assist''.

they want this patch on PS4 mid-march, so I'm guessing you'd have the game sometime around then

>China gets AH
>China gets currency magnet pets
>China gets free skill rerolls before lvl 70
Fuck you Chris and your D2 autism

what the fuck does Famine do? don't tell me your character needs to eat and shit or something.

Your flasks don't refill if you portal back to town/HO

fuck off back to korea p2w chink

It requires money and sending invites to players.
You play an ostensibly "good guy" who got exiled to fantasy Australia from evil fascist New Zealand. First you just dick around, surviving, then the nazis lead by Rasputin from Hellboy try to turn into supervillains by sacrificing a ton of captive exiles to supergems.

After that you enter the asscrack of a Cthulhu inside a mountain to put a stop to to all magic everywhere once and for all. You manage to do that, only to realize Cthulhu was just a giant tumor created to sap powers from ancient gods so humanity could enjoy a deity-free world. Then you go on a god killing rampage with Raziel helping you making sure they stay dead so you can become powerful enough to beat a giant papuan cannibal god whose got superpowerful thanks to the amount of worshippers and people to eat he's got back in New Zealand.

Endgame story is you enter a dreamworld to fight a grandpa who used to be a kind old dude but now has tentacles for a beard. Then it turns out he's fighting another eldritch nightmare elder god who eats memories and children. You team up until things go wrong and you have to fight two evil Elder God grandpas at once.

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Please stay away from this game, zoomer.

haha lol its so epic whispering 20 different people to get 1 map and another 50 to get more than six fossils! thank you Chris!

>tp home
>step outside lvl 1 zone
>refile flask

just adds busy work

>Poet's Quiver

Yeah, ok I guess.

But as I just said, you need to actually point at locations with your mouse for most skills, not point at enemies. So you can't have an aim assist system to help with that, only with targeted skills that need to be pointed at enemies.

Because everyone and their dog will be playing spells I'll be playing Charged Dash with the new channeling support. Melee gear should be cheap and abundant with 20000 occultists fighting over chaos DoT sticks and Shields.

The man is right, PoE desperately needs an auction house system on all realms. There is no fun in spending hours to buy supplies you could get in seconds if it had a decent trading system.
There is no excuse for this shit tier design.

Nah, you can use gyro or even have a stick emulate a mouse region. Even without that, virtually any skill that isn't AoE works just fine firing at max distance.

>99% of all drops get instantly trivialized.
>market becomes completely bot-dominated because of market inflation making item grinding too boring for humans.
Yeah good plan, it worked so well in D3.

I think Mana Guardian is OP as shit with the new ES nodes. That said, if I was going to play Death's Oath I'd still probably make it an Occultist. -Chaos Res to nearby enemies, increased curse effect for Despair/TempChains, HUGE ES nodes with the ever-valuable Cannot Be Stunned. Sure it wont have as much ES as Mana Guardian would with the same build but it'll do way more damage.

It has 1s cooldown

The best interactions you can have on is with bots not to mention that the market is already bot dominated 2 weeks after every league.
>it worked so well in D3.
The fuck are you talking about you literal mouthbreather? Nobody said anything about real money Auction Houses.

>The best interactions you can have on is with bots not to mention that the market is already bot dominated 2 weeks after every league.
Bots are generally bad for any kind of game with market because they inflate the prices and because even the most autist player in the world can't compete with them in terms of grinding valuables. You don't want to introduce new systems to the game that make an already bad situation even worse.

You forgot that they also get an auto flask macro that you normally get banned for in the western client.

No wonder the global streamer race event had the chink players drop out so early. They couldn't pay their way out of the challenge this time.

>China gets AH!
I suck so bad at this fucking game that I just play SSF until I quit anyway. I don't care.
>Currency magnet pets!
Warframe spoiled me with that vacuum shit and I can't think about life without it. I think Marvel Heroes had a SUCC button too to draw items in.
>Free skill rerolls before level 70
This would solve my problems because I'd just max out elemental resist and derp my way through until 69. I can't gear for max eleres and just never wrapped my head around it, thus I don't play PoE much anymore. Feels bad.

>i'm gonna play shadow but i'm not gonna play es, hyrbid or es leech
what are you even doing lad

>This would solve my problems because I'd just max out elemental resist and derp my way through until 69. I can't gear for max eleres and just never wrapped my head around it, thus I don't play PoE much anymore. Feels bad.
Sounds like you enter maps too early. Try grinding Blood Aqueducts until you hit level 71-72, this is what all HC players basically do even before beating Kitava. Remember that the level of endgame content is capped at 84, meaning that you can overlevel yourself to make things less rippy for yourself.

>PS4 when?
this league so i hear, so sometime soon

can almost bet it's got some garbo cooldown that makes it no better than the bench craft desu. they don't like fun

its 1 sec cooldown which is not bad for the powers it gives

>Sounds like you enter maps too early. Try grinding Blood Aqueducts until you hit level 71-72
I can level all day, but the elemental resist bullshit starts at act 5 and I just ignore it until I can't and drop the game, every time. Without a sponsorship or massive amounts of RNG - both which I lack, I'm just not succeeding. Fortunately, I'm not stupid enough to slam my head until my skull breaks. I just give up and move on.

If you can three link it, you could put something like rain of arrows, curse on hit and a curse in it. Convenient autocurse with some damage on top.

What the fuck are you retarded? D3 auction house was a real money auction house, people want a normal auction house for PoE where you only use in-game currency to buy in-game stuff.

Then start building more of it, its easier than ever with the new craft bench. Its not even the biggest hurdle, the biggest hurdle is to make sure you got enough effective HP to make sure late game content just doesn't rip you instantly. You have to balance your glass cannon builds with enough defence so you actually survive nuking abilities and have enough time to panic and press those panic flask buttons (or tp/logout).

Your damage won't suffer from any of this, you can still zoom around the maps obliterating mobs even when you have invested a lot of points on Life and resists in the skill tree. Same with gear.

So stop playing on masochist dick waving mode and actually have some fun for once. The game is balanced around trading.

Tbh you're doing something wrong. Even in SSF you should be able to craft all the resists you need on gear nowadays, there is such an overabundance of different crafting methods.
Especially the new crafting bench, you can easily craft large amounts of resists on your leveling gear for almost free.

Does not refute any of my points which you conveniently ignored. Auction House turns into a Bothouse with prices tuned for bots, inflation kills the market rates and overall trading becomes shit for everyone involved.

The games drop rates are balanced around party-play, not trading. Ideally you play the game and grind with a bunch of friends but since realistically its hard to assemble and maintain a group at all times, trading is a substitute for that.

No it does refute your point, because you didn't have any valid ones. PoE trading is already 95% dominated by bots, the only difference between now and an auction house is that now you have to spam 30 different bots with copypasted messages until one of them invites you, then you go through a loading screen to their hideout and wait for them to initiate a trade - and with an auction house it would take 5 seconds to buy what you need.

You're an idiot.

Yours is one of the best descriptions of PoE.

Yeah, he's fucking retarded. Dual wielding with stat sticks was pretty much the only way to play melee the past few leagues, and now they absolutely dumpstered it, as well as dumpstering dual wielding in general.

>Yes the problem exists, so we should make it even worse!

Except auction house would make it better, as people have already explained to you, it would make dealing with traders, whether human or bot, far more convenient.
They will never get rid of bot traders anyway, because it's a f2p game, they can keep making infinite new accounts.
There exists no solution to prevent botting, what they should do is make trading pleasant for the real players.

I bet you're some kind of scrub that barely makes anything from trading anyway. Anyone who trades a lot agrees that it's a trash system and that an auction house would fix it.